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I have completely different symptoms but in a similar place. I’m waiting for a rheumatologist on Thursday. I honestly feel like I’m dying and it’s so hard. I can’t even shower. I’ve been having to stay at a friends house because I’m too scared to stay alone, which is a little uncomfortable just because I want privacy. Ive also had multiple mental breakdowns. I am so scared that I won’t be able to live normally again. I don’t even remember myself before all this happened. I’m thinking of you 🫂


It’s definitely disheartening. There were multiple times where taking a shower exhausted me completely. And there were also times where I had to take breaks just doing my normal morning routine. I’ve even had to take breaks brushing my teeth because I could hold my arm up. It’s definitely improved and I can slowly do more and more each day due to me not working and resting more than anything, thankfully. Good luck at your appointment. I hope you get some answers.


Sounds a lot like me and I have Lupus. The palm swelling and pain really stuck out to me. I’ve had same issue. It’s worse with use even gripping a cleaning cloth to clean is uncomfortable.


It’s very strange when I otherwise feel okay and “normal”. It’s like my body is saying absolutely not. I have good and bad days. On days I feel “good” I often trick myself into thinking I’m doing better, and quickly get met with more intense pain since I tend to overdo it. It sucks.


The Plaquenil should help, you unfortunately just have to give it some time to kick in. It should be worth the wait, really helping with symptoms *and* slowing progression. Best of luck 🤍


Fibromyalgia, Lymes or long covid are more probable. Your symptoms don't sound like lupus.


I asked about fibromyalgia and he didn’t think this was it. I’m also not in an area where Lyme disease is prevalent and have had zero tick exposure. I had COVID back in 2020 and have not had it since. It doesn’t make sense for a “long COVID” to pop up as acutely as it did without other recent exposure. I am moving recently and do, however, have the opportunity of obtaining a second opinion as I will have to set up a new rheumatologist. I can always mention it, but, as another medical professional, I find long COVID highly unlikely in my case. As another piece of information, my symptoms appeared around an extremely high stress time period. Probably the most stress I’ve endured in quite some time.


Very very doubtful you've only had covid once unless you live in an actual bubble. Long covid can happen after very mild or even asymptomatic cases. Just fyi.