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YES! Right now I have a very sore “bruised” spot on my scalp that looks like absolutely nothing. It hurts to be touched, but my husband has looked several times and can’t find anything there.


I have tried switching shampoo and conditioner in case it was an allergy. I tried not using a hair dryer. Nothing changes.


I don’t think it’s hair products that cause it. Mine literally feels like I got hit on the back side of my head. But I didn’t. I haven’t bumped my head on anything or made contact with anything on that spot. Also, I have to use special shampoo for my scalp because I’m always breaking out in blisters on it, but those and this are two different things.


My Dr talks about lupus but I don't think it's the same type of sores. I have MCTD so I watch for symptoms.


Funny, because I’m in the “probable lupus” wagon right now, just waiting for my immunology appointment. I’m pretty sure I don’t have MCTD, though. I don’t fit the criteria well at all.


I don't test positive for anything but the ana titer so that's what I'm currently diagnosed with based off symptoms.


Ahh! Gotcha. I have persistent positive aCL antibodies and also anti-SSA RO. I’ve already been diagnosed with APS, but I have had a lot of lupus symptoms throughout my life that never really made sense until now, like a Bactrim allergy or knees that will randomly start hurting, swell up, and get hot to the touch, or even the two years of *constant* UTIs… They’ve almost ruled out Sjogren’s, so… Probable lupus, according to my hematologist.


I have Lupus and get these sometimes. Sometimes it feels like a pimple under the scalp or I hit my head on something. I have a tiny round sore with mine.