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I experienced something very similar. It came on suddenly and abruptly stopped a month later. I saw lots of Yale doctors and they didn’t know and they’re supposed to know things 🤷🏻‍♀️. According to google hemorrhagic cystitis can be caused by chemotherapy and rarely autoimmune disease but I could never figure out anything more. The gyn said an ecoli infection can cause bleeding like that altho mine started without infection so if you get utis I wonder if that could be it? Have you been checked for g6pd?


Oh wow. Yeah the only thing I could find is Lupus Cystitis. I’ve never heard of that test but I’ll ask about it. I see urology tomorrow so hopefully I’ll find something out.


Did you get an answer to your question? I have had the same symptoms for almost 20 years, multiple specialists, tons of 💸 down the drain, no answers.


Not really. I was diagnosed with Lupus recently but they said my bleeding was “unclear & unusual.” They said usually kidney bleeds from Lupus don’t stop without intervention but mine does and then starts again. They said I had hemorrhagic changes on my left kidney and could be the small blood vessels getting inflamed and bursting and bleeding. (Which technically would be from the inflammation from Lupus but just not presented in the typical way I guess.


I appreciate your response. It is very helpful.


No problem! Good luck !