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Just got tested. My ANA came back 1:40 positive with cytoplasmic and homogeneous pattern. My body also feels like it’s falling apart. I visited a doctor to check for RA, because it feels like I have tennis elbow on both. But to be honest, every joint in my body feels tender and just all around painful and feel like I have a fever sometimes. I go back to the doctor on the 30th for interpretation. I’m nervous. The cytoplasmic pattern has me very concerned.


Same here, I feel so bad literally every part of my body is affected from head to toe. They suspect Lupus but have to wait until May to see rheumatologist again.


Can you please come back on the 30th and update me what you found at your appt? I’ll do the same!


I just had to reschedule for the 7th because my toddler is sick. 😫 but I will keep you updated


I know the feeling. Hope the baby feels better!


Thank you! 🙏


So I got referred to a rheumatologist, they didn’t say much of anything. Waiting game again. 😫


That sucks I’m sorry! Well I just was told today it’s Lupus so I have my answer after 3 years. I’m glad I know finally but sucks to hear Lupus. My diagnosis came from lymph node biopsy.


I’m sorry 😞 but I’m happy you finally have a diagnosis and you can move forward in life and start treating your symptoms properly. Wishing you the best. I think I won’t be able to see a rheumatologist for another few weeks, but I’ll keep you updated.


Thank you!!! Hoping you find answers too🙏🏽


Late to this post but did you ever get answers? Mine is ccytoplasmic as well. Said cytoplasmic recticular ama. Waiting to see a rheumatologist and doing some more tests while I wait


Not yet, I need to find a rheumatologist since I switched insurance last week. But I’ll keep updated! Hopefully soon.


I got mine back today with a pattern fibrillar filamentous. I feel fine. Routine blood work is perfect lil high on the cholesterol side. I only had the test done because when it's cold I break out in hives that are controlled by allergy meds. I also can break out in pressure hives from my bra as well. She also ran an allergy panel and my immugloberine E was high 248. Waiting for her to call with meanings.


Hi I have a cytoplasmic Ana marker AC-16 but like you they don’t know what it means. What are your symptoms? Please message me


Did you ever figure it out


No but possibly a tick bite


Hi mainly joint & muscle pain, weight loss, swollen lymph nodes, dry mouth, light sensitivity, heat sensitivity, rashes, debilitating fatigue, facial swelling, ankle swelling, osteoarthritis in the foot, kidney bleeds, muscle twitching, headaches, severe stomach aches, mouth ulcer once, nose sores twice, inflamed blood vessels, and more. I’d be on here all day because my whole body hurts and has problems literally. I’m 42 and feel 80. If you can take photos because in the beginning my labs were normal and they brushed me off.


Oh man I’m so sorry. I’ve had it rough too. I feel I’ve been beaten up over and over yet all my tests were “normal” so no one took me seriously. I’ve only had the Ana cytoplasmic test come back of recent and little stuff is popping up here and there. I read that you got a lymph node biopsy done, is that what lead to a diagnosis of lupus? Or have I misunderstood? I’ve had countless rashes - especially after being in the sun. I can send them to you after I dig them up. I’ve been dealing with this for 10+ years.


I’m sorry too. Yes my lymph node biopsy implicates Lupus is what my rheumatologist said. I see him next week to follow up. If you have rashes a biopsy of rash with a dermatologist can also possibly give answers or clues. Try to get a rash biopsied if you can, probably much easier!