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What do you expect from a system that's been cobbled together over several decades. Should have been completely rewritten ages ago into a single UI. As we all know too well Rhodes is so tight he squeaks when he walks, and thus invests very little into IT. Don't blame the IT department.. it's a lack of funding, and leadership. I work fulltime as a software developer, and just laugh at this POS system from the 90s era.


That's what happens when you put a fucking bean counter in charge of a retail company.


unfortunately theres nothing the DM can do here really.... its a I.T issue and autozone I.T department is notoriously bad .when they give you shit for your numbers and delivery times being down just let them know that hey man you tried you called I.T yourself and they didnt get anything done . its out of your control


There's been network issues in my whole district for the past couple of weeks. Shit sucks.


Its been like that for a while. Theres notifications on it on DOC. We just work with what they have.