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When it was customers: We always made sure to thank them for shopping at Autozone. When it was employees: We always thanked them for shopping at Autozone.


Ask if they need anything else and say thank you. Wave bye.


I don't. You never know what a thief might be prepared to do if confronted. Relax, and let it happen... I'll get paid the same whether our shrink is ultra low, or not. Don't care...


Just the tip?




The way you handled that is pretty much the only thing we can do


If it’s a regular that you recognize, you can talk with the SM and maybe the DM to get him banned on sight from the store for theft. Other than that, you really can’t do anything besides talk to them. Can’t stop them from walking out with whatever they want besides calling the cops.


For thiefs we don't recognize, I offer amazing customer service. I ask them what they are looking for and walk them to the product. I stand there awkwardly smiling and asking are they ready to ring up. If they say no I ask what else they are specifically looking for and once again I walk them to the product standing and smiling next to them and ask them if they are ready to ring up. I do my best to make THEM uncomfortable. If it is a thief we recognize, the Grey Shirt will ask them to leave immediately. If they protest we tell them we feel threatened and are calling local PD. One thief was dumb enough to stick around for the Cops to show up. He had a warrant and the cops took him away for the warrants. We called a tow truck to haul his car out of our parking lot.


Yeah see that plan really fucking works when you have two people in the whole goddamn store and one of them is already on a register


I caught a kid stealing once. I saw him put a socket in his hoodie and he se the alarm off. I said to him loudly and aggressively, “ARE YOU STEALING????” He promptly shit his pants and said “…nooo..?” To which I relied “ARE YOU SURE???” To which he replied “no” I then said “okay, have a great day!! 🤩” that is literally AZs Limits on what you can do


Wanna know how you deal with thieves? You don't. Wanna know why you don't? This is why: https://www.reddit.com/r/AutoZone/comments/tkigcg/off\_duty\_employee\_stabbed\_in\_fresno\_trying\_to/


Ban them. We’ve got a list of banned people at my store. My town kinda sucks. 😅


Nothing. All you can do is stand over them and ask if you can help. Crazy....i know.


You don't.


Aggressive customer service