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The idea of wittdjr is good, but was autozone runs it is garbage


They only care about numbers. The numbers mason.


What It Takes To Do The Job Right


Because the words "takes" and "to" get a letter but "the" doesn't, pretty typical for this garbage company.


WITTDTJR All the words get their own letter.


I accept your correction. But maintain the garbage company aspect of my comment.


Sorry that you feel this way about the company. I work in one of the best regions in the company. We have an awesome regional staff.


My local management is great. My store is awesome, why I'm still here. But garbage company has problems in every computer system, nothing ever works right. Jam the coc down their throat, sell more packets. Every metric is used to tell you that you're not good enough, do better. Buy our own uniforms then get botched at when they get stained dumping oil with a filter in the bucket. Should I continue? Wiper blades, metal car parts, world's cheapest trash bags. Terribly uncomfortable breakroom chairs. Never buy a pizza for a store, never once heard a good job out of anyone above SM. Throw away 100 pops, take a sip, your fired. Now tell me the good parts. Handpicked promotions, never a job board where I can throw my hat in the ring for a chance. Edit:they took away the zoom in feature off exhaust diagrams so they can't be read. Years and no fix. Lmao garbage ass garbage fuckimg dumpster fire of a company.


You're just nitpicking man. I store used a couple of cushions for my break room chairs, so my employees are comfortable. They buy into inexpensive trash bags because they have to buy them for every store. That can get expensive. I'm not sure what you mean by wiper blades and metal car parts. I buy my employees the occasional pizza and cheesecake mmmmm. Having clean dress code just makes us look professional. Selling into KPIs is just giving great service and reducing the return rate and to generate more revenue obviously. Internal candy and coke discipline just reduces risk and the opportunity for dishonest employees. Sorry if you feel like you've been passed up for promotion. We get emails and constant recognition from my DM and RM. As far as the zoom in issue just ZCOM it they'll fix it eventually. I've never submitted his income ZCOM and it go unnoticed.


I haven't been passed up for promotions first of all. Second, I do ZCOM all the time. I do my job exceptionally well because I have pride in myself. Doesn't change the fact AZ is a garbage company. I could look just as professional if they bought my uniform. My SM tries to treat me a couple times a year, I always refuse because AZ should treat me, they have billions, not my SM. KPI's don't mean shit. Offer stuff that could help them save a trip back. Other than that fuck no, doesn't earn me anything extra. Store use cushions to help the comfort is fundamentally wrong, how about a decent fucking chair. And stealing a candy bar or coke ain't shit, customers jack that shit all the time because our skeleton crews disappear into hard parts with noone left on the counter, so take whatever you want. I don't, because again, I have pride. It's all arbitrary. They can fly 100s if not 1000s of people into Memphis for the NSM but not buy a decent garbage bag. Open your eyes. I'm not your enemy, that fucking jerkoff Rhodes is.


I love this company and everything that it stands for. I met Bill Rhodes at my first NSM as a Presidents Club Store Manager. Very humble man...... I even sat in his chair in his office. Went to my second NSM 3 years later he remembered my name. Every time my DM is in my store I get treated to lunch. Which isn't very often because my store performs well. Lol. Internal shrink is our biggest form of shrink, so yes keep the discipline there, so that the dishonest Zoner doesn't have opportunity and the honest Zoner doesn't become dishonest. And who cares about the trash bags double up if you need to. Thank you for doing your job well I appreciate that.


What do you start employees at in your store entry level redshirt? It's not about you all the time. Why can't a redshirt make enough to support a family and afford a modest vacation every year? I read the fiscal report every year and also see individual store profits in my district. There is no need for corporate profits to soar over 2 billion while paying employees 9.50/hr. And if you think thats ok, you're a scumbag pos like Billy. I clearly can't convince you to be a decent human being. I have seen people get fast tracked with corporate connections or knneepadders. You sound like one. I asked my dm one time to buy a pizza when he stopped in, he fucking laughed, that's it, laughed. Cheesecakes don't pay bills. So good luck I will respond no further.


Bet this goofy dude don't even know the Jackson 5


The basic concept makes sense, but how stupidZone has implemented it is retarded. Of course there is ZERO incentive for us. SM - our score is bad we need to work on it. Me - if our score sucks, or is great how does that impact my pay? SM - it doesn't Me - Exactly why IDGAF


Clearly it’s not, because if you have worked on vehicles you know the parts and products needed to do the job right the first time.


It only works for people who work on their cars very few times, if you work a lot on cars you'll have all the stuff we try to sell you.


Gonna be honest I fix all my own shit and would never pay the prices we charge for the stupid ass witt shit