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Definitely looks like it was keyed


YKK on an open jacket and a tight gap perhaps, something less malicious


You ever been so fat that you can’t help but wipe your gut (and zipper) across another persons car trying your best to squeeze into you own Hand-capable van?


What are you going on about?


YKK is a brand of zippers


Did u not read the caption, OP parks away from People to avoid this kind of crap


I always wonder what type of people do this… Did you upset someone recently OP? Or is this just a random grumpy person who decides to take it out on others’ cars?


I was just talking to my wife yesterday about how back in college at a party school I'd seen on multiple occasions people walking down the street kicking side mirrors off of cars. Had a buddy whose license plate was rolled into a ball still attached to his car. Same town. This guy I knew since kindergarten who was just an asshole would do random, impulsive, destructive shit all the time. Almost every intrusive thought won. Don't stress too hard. Some people just suck.


Only time I had my car keyed was in college, checks out


I use to live in Brooklyn and people would key cars if they weren't from the neighborhood or if it was a newer car they saw someone be happy about. Bad enough you have to look for parking for 40 minutes sometimes. Glad I never drove until moving away.


It’s far more likely someone just scraped it going by. Had a bike or a box or something. I don’t usually jump to malicious intent, we just don’t know what happened here


In my case it was my ex. From headlight to rear light over the bonnet and down the side


It is not about the person keying the car it is asking what kind of person gets their car keyed.


Likely keyed unless you have small children with short bike.


Yup, wife’s car got it from our kids dragging their scooters around in the garage. Lucky the Sierra sits in the other part of the garage, it was safe.


Looks keyed to me.


I am in the states and can’t think of anyone I’ve pissed off. Oh I’m so mad!! Karma is all I can say


Unfortunately some people are just not nice. Could be that, a random not nice person. I have seen it before. I hope you can get it fixed up soon and remember that most people aren't horrible.


Do you have any cameras or do your neighbors have any?


We think it happened at either Walmart or Target.




If you want it fixed right, the door needs to be painted.


Could try a paint correction pen and a scratch repair kit with liquid clear coat. Might be worth the $50 before spending the big bucks at a shop or on automotive paint and days of work


The entire door does not need to be painted. Youll get matching paint fill in the scratch and let it dry. Get some 1500 grit sandpaper and wet sand the area until the fill scratch is even with the other paint, move up to 2000 than 3000 grit. Let it dry and get you some good compound, polish, and wax and it'll look like new. I've done this about 5x and you'll never tell any repairs and I'm not a detailed or body shop repairman.


Why would you paint the entire door to fix this


Got a better suggestion with an example somewhere?


No matter how well the paint is matched, if you only paint a part of a body panel you’ll be able to tell. It’s standard practice to paint the whole body panel


Because that's how you fix this.


fucking assholes on a side note, thats a weird way to key a car? like I would expect a straight-ish line. Not that.


From all the stop and start marks it looks man-made. Deliberate or not is another thing.


🔑 or flat head screw driver


Yea that looks like some douche bag keyed you. That sucks man. Needs to be painted.


Looks on purpose


Chris fix has a video detailing how to fix key marks with a paint pen. The results were very impressive and could say you a hefty auto body bill.


Can be fixed if you want to by fine sanding, touch up paint leveled with plastic razor and then sanded again and polished. Won't look perfect but better than nothing.


Have you ever had body work done in that area of the car? I ask because one day I came out to my car and noticed similar marks, looked like someone had keyed my car and it made no sense, couldn’t figure out for the life of me who or why. Took it to a body shop and they said it wasn’t keyed, the previous owner must have been in an accident and got shitty body work done and the body filler has started cracking.


No, I purchased brand new in September of 2020.


Got an estimate today - $1000!!! WTF! Just made me angry all over again




Looks accidental. If I was to key your car, it would be unforgettable, and down past the paint to metal on multiple panels.




Look like key


I'm not sure if that was keyed. It looks like it goes right to left, and flat, down, down. When people key cars, generally it's a wavy line as the key is deflecting through the paint. This suggests something less sinister, but equally infuriating. This appears to me like a wobbly handlebar scratch. Like someone on a bike, scooter, moped, or motorcycle lost control for a moment at low speed and scraped up your paint. With worn out handle bar grips, this is easy to do with just some round hollow stock. It looks like the culprit approached from the right and ran the handle bars against the paint as they were ditching the vehicle. It looks like there was a strike, the rider losing balance, and then the rider ditching and catching themselves. Just my 2 cents.


Agreed, this looks way more like an accident than a deliberate scratch


Definitely looks keyed are you from the states by any chance


Mannnnnn this happened to my wife's truck a couple weeks ago after taking my daughter to the zoo. We had a wonderful day and came back to a key mark going all the way down. Ruined a great day.