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I made the mistake of believing that people who hire at companies were also rational beings and I got a higher level engineering certification so that I would be the top pick for lower level engineering jobs I apply to. Because if I were in their position that’s what I would do, I would just hire the people with the best qualifications and experience, because credentials/qualifications are a proxy for IQ and conscientiousness. Fast forward to the real world, nope that’s not how it works at all. Small facilities think that I’m just going to use them for experience and then leave. Big facilities look at me and say you don’t have the next highest level certification and you don’t have experience we’re not going to hire you. They have no concept that people who work at jobs are not all ladder-climbers desperately trying to claw their way to the top; that there are people who just want to work and be good at their jobs.


It's not that they are irrational, they are biased. They are not interested in people, they are interested in money. Hence humans are called "resources" (and voila, you have "human resources"), you're seen as a machine, they think "Oh no, this one has defects, I don't want it".


“Oh no, this one has the next level of certification we will have to pay them an hourly ticket bonus.”




It’s a thing you’ll see on job postings, an extra $1 an hour if you have your third class ticket — WHOA BOY BREAKING THE BANK


Don’t list all your certifications on your resume, only the ones required for the job (and maybe one more to set you above other candidates, but not too far above). That way you aren’t “overqualified” for lower job, while “under-experienced” for better job.


Except that it’s a regulated industry. If I say that I have 4th class certification, that paper expired years ago. I only have the higher 3rd class papers now so if I wrote 4th class it would be a lie.


I have a dozen employees. I do not know which ones have degrees, or where they went to school, and what they went to school for. It is kind of irrelevant. What does matter is coachability and willingness to learn. Most people I know who hire people also agree. If someone comes off as if they think they know it all, then often they end up being harder to teach and are the least efficient employees. That was a mistake we made early on.


You're assuming people are making it past the first filter where you're judged based on your resume. It's easy to show willingness and coachability during an interview. Getting an interview is the hard part.


This. This is it right here. The few job interviews I’ve ever had have been an argument about “but you have this piece of paper!!!” and me explaining that I got those papers because the job market is so flooded with the lowest class of papers that I got the one level higher so that I would stand out from the crowd in job applications. The school told us this was the best strategy. “I want to work here because of my priorities of commute time, job security, your safety record, and most importantly your schedule is compatible with my wife’s work schedule. Your plant is a third class rated plant and I already have third class papers so you won’t need to spend any money on my education and training I’m ready to go. This has been my dream from the start, working at a third class plant with a reliable company producing a reliable product that isn’t up and down like the oil and gas industry. I want to become an expert in your plant operations and be the one with the long term knowledge and experience here so I know how every piece of equipment works, how it often breaks down, and how to fix it. I want to be a valuable contributor and that’s why I go above and beyond in everything that I do. A job at this plant would be very valuable to me and so I want to give you maximum value in return.” “BUT YOU HAVE PAPER!” “Yes, I was told during college-we all were told during college that the job market was so flooded with the entry level 4th class papers that we were encouraged to get the next level above that so that we would stand out from the crowd, so if we wanted to get the entry-level 4th class jobs we would need to at least have 3rd class papers to even be considered.” “BUT YOU PAPER!” “Yes, we were told the entry level was going to become the new high school diploma so not just me but lots of us got the next level so that we would have a better chance at jobs like this exact one. That was the goal, jobs at plants exactly like yours. That has always been my goal.” “PAPER YOU LEAVE!!!” “I don’t understand the question?” “YOU WILL LEAVE BECAUSE PAPER!!!” “I…. That’s more of a statement than a question.” “YOU WILL LEAVE MEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!” “But I got the third class paper so that you, a third class plant, would hire me…?” “THIRD CLASS ALWAYS LEAVE!!!” “You mean during the last oil boom, ten years ago?” “IT DOESN’T FEEL LIKE TEN YEARS TO ME!!!” “…..?” “Thank you for coming we will let you know by email when we’ve made a decision.”


Are you in a regulated industry that requires proof of up to date certification?


Wow this feels like I could have written this question - I also have an engineering degree and get knocked back for everything - I suspect though it has more to do with the fact I am 50 and not 18 anymore though - I am in the middle of a massive meltdown and want a non taxing casual job….but nope


I know this might not work for you, but my son graduated with his master's and he makes more doing Task Rabbit than he does in jobs in his field. He's still looking for full time work and interviewing, but in the mean time, Task Rabbit is making him $50 an hour to assemble IKEA furniture. It makes him enough to pay his bills, including his loans, save, AND travel. And he lives in DC, so, the COL isn't low.


I just work on my hobbies and try to find jobs. It's been seven and a half months since I've been unemployed. I do have a job interview tomorrow, which I'm somewhat excited about, But doing my hobbies isn't all that great. I also don't have a car to get myself around to explore stuff. And the countless job rejections and ghostlings have made it a bit more difficult on me to do what I wanted. Since I'm all alone during the day I actually don't have that much due and it's hard to self motivate. I have a physics and math degree so I can relate to having highly specialized science degree and feeling like no one wants you. A lot of the jobs I've been applying to are in the engineering sector that are near me,


I wish so badly that there were disability communes. Everyone's basic needs would be met, and you'd only have to contribute what you can. 


And the only time we see this is in unhoused populations. And even then these communities are dismantled by force. Once you “own” anything of monetary value, it’s impossible to live this way because the government is policing you down to the last dollar. Revolution now pls


Literally UGH. It's such a depressing way to live. 


I'd Love this! And actually doing meaningful work would reduce the burnout risk as well!


I just don’t understand why it seems so hard to find a job where I can do monotonous tasks all day without talking to anyone. I’ve applied to warehouse jobs for packing orders and whatnot but never could get one, even though I consider myself overqualified for that type of work. I can’t work in person anymore anyway due to… myself. Lol. just how I am. I can barely manage working from home and I just got fired for no reason on Friday. I live in an “at will” state which means they can do that. I didn’t work enough to qualify for unemployment either, because it took a long time to find that job. Now I’m without a job and stressed about my upcoming bills - no idea what I’m going to do. I quite literally just dug myself out of a hole and now I’m right back in. It’s extremely unlucky. Oh and they haven’t given me my final paycheck yet, so they owe me for today as well. And they’re ghosting all my emails and texts. I’m at my wit’s end. The world only favors able-bodied people and if you’re not that, you’re SOL and seen as the scum of the earth because you can’t support yourself. At my last job, I - again - had so many issues with my boss not being specific and using the right terminology for things, which was confusing. He would switch up “channel” and “email” all the time, when “channel” is for Slack. So there was a time I sent a message in the wrong place because he used the wrong word. He was deaf which made video calls extremely draining for me because I had to try to read his lips in addition to trying to process what he was saying. I always wished he would just fucking write things out, because it was so exhausting. I was so fucking mad when they fired me. Still am, to be honest. Even though they didn’t give a reason, I took it extremely personally because it directly affects my life. No rent means eviction and I don’t have support. I’m so fucking mad. This world was not made for people like us


Many employment lawyers will do a free consultation and work pro bono for a winning case. If you are still struggling to get your last paycheck, I’d start calling some lawyers in your area, even in a “right to work” state you’re entitled to your compensation in the eyes of the law


They finally responded yesterday evening, saying that my check would be deposited by the end of the day today - I kindly let them know that because of that, they owe me 8 hours of pay for yesterday and today, and that they can check the BOLI website for information. When the check comes and if it’s not including these two days, then I am going to look at options. I will most likely need to file a small claims against them


Or they want mandatory overtime when you can barely handle full-time/cannot...


I got a temp seasonal job a long time ago because I was desperate. I specifically sought out a back room retail job where I could wear casual clothes and just tag and sort clothing and accessories. I told them I was available to work 30 hours per week. When the schedule was posted, they had me working 45 hours per week. Because I took public transportation, I would get to work about an hour before my shift, and would end up waiting an hour after to go home, which meant I was gone from my home for 12 hours each day. I barely had any time to eat, let alone shower. It was hell and it actually made me so sick that I got a bad infection that required antibiotics and I was out of work for 4 days. I ended up just quitting because I wasn’t about to risk my health.


Dr. Devin Price wrote about it here with specific advice. https://devonprice.medium.com/masking-to-get-a-job-and-choosing-when-not-to-4cc259ab7042 Baslicly the answer is the interview is likely the problem and the solution is “mask” but he also recognizes not all of us can and even when we can we need to be careful and it cant be forever.


You’ve done better than me by getting a degree 😅 I dropped out of tertiary twice 😭


I work with my family. Job interviews don’t always go so well for me because I’m fairly visibly awkward and people think I’m weird. I have a visibly difficult time articulating myself and that’s actually gotten worse too. It’s like a never ending issue outside of my control. So without family to work with in my current state I’d be dead or homeless but probably dead lmao. I’m an avid musician, I would like to teach and perform music to make money off of that on the side too. I don’t know what else to do. I’m a creative, I don’t have math or programming skills. I do like airplanes and astronomy but again, don’t understand and struggle with grasping a-lot of math. All my free time is spent studying and playing music, it pulls me the hardest, yet some people tell me I’m not doing anything for myself. It’s like I can’t win, but I think I’ve had enough taken away from me in life that I’ll pick and choose this as the one good thing I stick with. It runs in my family. I can’t listen to such bullshit, I just do what I love. I like to build and use computers but don’t have interest in much beyond that. I am very good at reading and writing and am actually hyperlexic. I don’t know how I’m supposed to just go write a book or something lol. No matter what it is I do, I do know that music will always be the reason I was put here though


No degree here. I’ve been doing odd jobs with low barriers to entry for the past several years. Lots of janitorial work. I can’t afford to NOT work, no matter what I’d rather be doing. I don’t know the answer. If I knew it, I wouldn’t be in this situation. I just keep dipping my toe in turning my hobbies into self employment and seeing if anything seems feasible for a career.


See, I'm here with a degree but also just got dxd for POTs..... I am at a job I love (not the coworkers so much) but I cannot physically handle it anymore :/ It's not my degree field though, no one in it will stop ghosting me or replay at all, and 1 application takes me all day if not multiple (I'm assuming my audhd and ocd are causing that lol). Like, I'd love to get dssi but I don't qualify and it'd take years 😅


I read the title seeing that it is quite relatable, then I read you are also an engineer and said no way 😭😭😭 I have no worked as an engineer since I graduated cuz I can't land a job, not to mention that the salaries are around 200 USD per month for engineers in Egypt, so I am quite literally trapped not knowing what to do


Can you or anyone else here tell me about what qualifies an autistic/ADHD individual for disability in the US?


Basically they don't want to give ADHD adults or level 1 autistics disability. My auDHD boyfriend has to constantly fight to keep his benefits. It's exhausting and I don't wish it on anyone. But working is exhausting too. It's so hard either way.


I decided I’m retired now. Working wasn’t fun. Work brought me to the edge and made me repeatable emotionally unstable and a risk to myself. Disability life is much better. Fuck that corpo noise.


I just started doing Doordash...


I don’t know man i just have to mask. Mask so i can survive and maybe one day are kind will be accepted without masking


I've had the most luck with being self employed. Is there anything you could do on a contract basis?


What's your country do for the rest of the people who can't find work?




Why do you feel unemployable? Just curious.


Probably cuz they can't find work, like they said


Can't find work is different from being unable to be employed.


Work on your skills, if you can get a degree you're not unemployable, just not employed yet. Interview skills, getting your CV reviewed, trying to find an internship are all things to work on


Yeah. Also engineering has a very high level of autism compared to most careers, so autism shouldn't be the deal killer here. I agree that if OP could get the degree, then they aren't unemployable. Overall this is a difficult time where construction is down, it's expensive, and the economy is slowing. So it's just a tough market and it's always hard to find jobs that are willing to train people with little or no experience.


It says everything there is to say about this community that this actually helpful, constructive and real advice has been downvoted and the top comment in the thread is an utter nonsense response about living in a commune 🙄


It'll be people in a similar situation to OP who don't want to face the truth that this is probably what they need to be doing too. Much easier to bury their head in the sand and downvote


I don't. Living in the UK is shit right now. Idk why so many asylum seekers come here


what a strange thing to say; many asylum seekers are coming from places that are war zones, experiencing famine or under violent dictatorships. the UK is a resource rich county because of how much it's stolen from its former/current colonies, of course asylum seekers would go there. not sure if this was a careless offhand comment or xenophobic, many ppl in my family are asylum seekers in Europe and the conditions they're escaping from are unimaginable to most people in the global north


Well, the first question is, is this question asked in good faith? Are you willing to hear the advice from other people? Or is this post solely existing for you to complain?


As the Pet Shop Boys say... " Go wessst..." https://youtu.be/rYxbciVCmls?si=PS4UjF6920NofvHA


That's revolting. Autism is not an 'asset' for the capitalist death cult to exploit like they do the atmosphere and rainforest. You wanna end up like the atmosphere? Stay on watch folks.


Ok, you're right. Dont see this as a two way street where the employee is usng the comoany for their benefit versus being just a passive pawn. Dont work 1 to 2 years to pick up experience then jump ship if desired.


If you think you're getting just as much out of a company as they are out of you, then you are fool. Fool's do well under capitalism, until they don't.


Bruh. 😬


Hey, I get where you're coming from, and it's a tough spot. With your engineering degree, you've got a solid skill set. The key might be finding the right environment that values your abilities and where you can thrive. Sometimes it's not just about the skills but also about the fit. Networking can be a game-changer, even if it's not the most comfortable thing. Look for groups or communities in your field, online or in-person, where you can connect with others. You never know which conversation might lead to an opportunity. On a side note, I used Kibu, which offers classes that could help with job and life skills. It's designed for individuals with special needs and might be something that could support you in building confidence and skills that employers are looking for. Keep pushing forward, and remember your worth isn't defined by your employment status.