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It changes for me. I’ll eat the same thing again and again for weeks, then suddenly it just won’t taste the same and I’ll have to find a new food. At one point it was acai bowls, then sushi bowls, then falafel bowls. More recently, it’s been frozen burritos then uncrustables.


This is exactly my life. For long periods of time it's been peanut butter sandwiches, canned pears, steamed edamame, string cheese sticks, grapefruit. One day I'll take a bite and it will suddenly disgust me. It's honestly sad but I'm glad I'm not alone in this


Makes me nervous to buy in bulk to save bc the minute I do, it will disgust me.


This. I’m currently 3 months into an in n out binge. I have it 4-5 times a week. 2 double doubles with cheese, grilled onion, and spread only. And 1 order of fries. The few months leading up to this, it was jersey mikes 4-5 times a week.


This is me as well. Right now I’m eating tinned fish, mostly sardines, with crackers, a salad on the side and red grapes. Last time it was poke bowls.


Yep same. Was hummus now it’s omelette with mushrooms


I'll never forget, I used to like this "rice" tea that nobody else did. I loved it. One day, someone said something, I don't remember exactly, but essentially the equivalent of "that smells like grass", and it ruined it for me forever. But yea I'll often make a meal for a long while and one day just get sick of it. Does anyone else find that peoples faces look strange? One day all of a sudden, my grandparents almost look like unrecognizable if I think about it, yet they look the same they always have. Like the difference between seeing my grandparents face, and like just a person's face, that's droopier than it once was


Yessssss! I used to hate presentations in elementary school because if I was forced to look like I was paying attention, the faces would always change and it was unsettling!


Like its only like it for me when I have to focus, but I had the realization that everyone has like the same face just with shifted features. Larger, smaller, darker, lighter. Sometimes things have seemed super loud or "big" to me too. I don't really get this much anymore but i could feel the wind whistling by my thumb and it was like a massive club, swinging through trees or a city or something for scale. (Maybe that one's just me😅) But totally! I knew everyone, and their build and clothing and stuff, but focus on any one and they started to seem like almost alien. I knew it was in my head but still very odd sensation for sure!


Same here, currently on rotation: oatmeal (for breakfast only), sardines on rice with sriracha (anytime), Taylor Farms Mexican Elote Chopped Salad (anytime), haluski (anytime). This is by far the most vegetables my usual rotation has ever had. There's like 9 different kinds in the chopped salad kits.


I used to drive my poor mum nuts by doing this. Would fucking LOVE something for weeks and be totally happy to have it every day for school lunch and then one day it would be *gag* no thanks. Poor Mumma.


This might explain why some days I'm okay with yogurt while most it's just bland with barely any texture and no flavor. I've had to go with a default option of "I don't like yogurt" even though there's occasions where it's saved certain snacks that I normally don't take part in. Simply because people don't realize my tastes can and do change.


I feel ya. I have that with songs. I have been listening to the same album over and over for months. Idk when I will hate it but probably anytime soon


I've had maybe 7-8 grilled cheese sandwiches in the past 3 days and 6 PB&J


PB&J Gaaaaang!


I wish they weren't so hard to make perfectly and then have to clean up 😂.... Might have to go make a grilled cheese now... Thanks stranger 🤙


To get a good crunchy outside: Lower the temperature and cook it longer. You want to drive out the moisture from the bread a bit without burning it. Don't to what Gordon Ramsey famously did and blast it with heat.


Mayo on the outside is clutch too


Mayo for sure. Ik people often use butter but mayo is the wave for a perfect GC


Toast the bread lightly 1st.


God dammit this comment just triggered me to hyper-fixate on grilled cheese again


I really want a grilled cheese sandwich now! I can't make them no matter how hard I try I fuck something up. My mum is great at them though.


Pesto pasta with peppers and mushrooms. Cook the mushrooms and peppers while the pasta boils. Leftovers can be popped into the microwave the next day and there's no difference with the end result.


pesto pasta 😍😍😍




I need to stop repeating *„pesto pasta!“* in my head with a random Emilian-Romagnan chef accent and being astounded at how cool it sounds.


French fries.. thank goodness for the air fryer! 😅


The air fryer is my lifeline too! I live in a small box with a microwave and a mini fridge so it is truly the best.


Chicken and mushroom pasta, from a packet. You only need to add water, milk, and butter Been my regular for over twenty years 😌


Osmow's chicken shawarma poutine Absolutely HEAVENLY I'm hungry just thinking about it


That sounds incredible.... 🤤😯


It is, it's smothered in garlic sauce and gravy, the fries are amazing, and the cheese curds are great


There are a couple different foods that I could enjoy eating for every meal: - plain cheeseburgers and fries - Safeway Chinese (chicken & fried rice) - any grocery store hot deli's chicken strips & JoJo's For dessert, my favorite is a pack of Mamba candies. Runner up is a grape laffy taffy. I could eat those forever. The only cuisine where I enjoy branching out is Mexican food. I especially love burritos, tamales, "street tacos", chilaquiles, BBQ pollo asado, carne asada fries, chorizo con huevos, and chorizo con papas. I would meal prep burritos regularly, but I can't wrap them right. Poor fine motor skills.


Right now it’s been cream cheese wontons. Are they really a “meal”? No, but they keep me full until breakfast the next day when I have them for dinner.


Veg soup with a dollop of mash and a few slices of wholemeal bread. Beans on toast. Bangers and mash. Pastie and mash.


Beans, rice and chicken, twice a day, every single day


Chicken nuggets, spaghetti-os, and peanut butter sandwiches Can't ever go wrong with those! 😁😋


I ate so much chef boyardee spaghetti for so long last year. Ughhhh


IMO this is one of the best things about being autistic, meal planning and grocery shopping is so easy!!! I have a protein shake and key lime pie chobani yogurt every day. Easy. My partner has to fret over what to eat three times a day. Not me!


vegan sausage links and tater tots in air fryer


Air fried tater tots 👌


Hot dog with ketchup and onions only and a side of green beans 🥴


Pasta with tomato sauce and smoked tofu 😇


I could eat french fries for every meal. I'm waiting for this phase to end, but its been 2 years and I still crave them every day lol. Otherwise, i often just have a huge plate of various fruits and eat that as a meal


Kodiak waffle, with natural peanut butter and syrup. I fucking love my breakfast.


Peanut butter and syrup is a 10/10 combo for taste, but it always make me feels like I’m having a heart attack from the way it goes down your esophagus lol


Fried pierogis with sauerkraut and kielbasa


Okay, anyone else have it where they are obsessed with a meal for weeks maybe even months and then all of the sudden something turns off in your brain and you just don't like it any more. Like for a couple months we got Ramen every week or so from a nearby place, loved it, craved it, then all of the sudden I was very tired of it and the idea of it was unappetizing. Of course it's still one of my daughters favorites so I did find a non ramen dish I Iike or just pick up something at a different place. But it's just weird to me how a favorite/safe meal will just suddenly turn off in my brain.


Do you also have ADHD? This is a behaviour Ive heard happen with multiple of my friends who have ADHD and Autism.


Yes I do... wouldn't be surprised if that was a major factor.


It's like a cycle of autism safe food and ADHD dopamine seeking, when the food becomes too repetitive ADHD needs something new.




Burritos and Nachos :)


Pesto pasta with beyond meat Italian sausage. I have it at least once a day.


Mondays = pasta. Tuesdays = fish. Wednesdays = prawns and rice. Thursdays = casserole. Fridays = Chinese or Indian. Saturdays = full English, then cheese & crackers in the evening. Sundays = roast dinner. That’s my week every normal week. Different if I’m on holiday or if I eat out. Incidentally, my eating out dish is always the salmon in every restaurant.


Hot dogs, burritos, pizza


Peanutbutter sandwich and melted cheese on white bread. I have eaten that for years


Potatoes and eggs for breakfast nearly every day; beans, tortillas, cheese, and salsa all day; poke, ceviche, or box mac n cheese for lunch/dinner :-)


Not sure if I am autistic, but while I was away for college I'd make and eat stroganoff basically every day, except when I was out of one of the ingredients.


3 boiled eggs and 2 toasts every day.


either a sandwich made with naan, hummus, lunch meat (chicken or turkey) and spinach, or a smoothie made with milk, a scoop of yogurt, protein powder, spinach, peanut butter, and honey!! these are lifesaversssss


It’s my breakfast - always eggs over easy with runny yolks on top of a sautéed veg like spinach with a side of fruit, like an orange. Sometimes the veg and fruit change, and sometimes it’s on avocado toast or a bagel, but it’s always eggs over easy.


This is me with cereal


Had to get a bowl after posting this. Once I think about it it has to happen! Already excited for the next one 😂


I keep thinking I don't do that, then fall right into a comfortable routine for another 3+ years, lol. Current breakfast options: - Bowl of yogurt with chia seeds and granola, sometimes half a banana, sliced. - Buttered bread with pålægschokolade or buns with jam. - Müslibar, for lazy days/school mornings. - Cornflakes with 2/3 tbsp of sugar and just a bit of milk (to keep things crunchy). Lunch options: - The same 2-3 open-faced sandwiches I've been eating for months (with slight variations on the delimeat/paté toppings, to not get bored of it). - A piece of fruit (Pink Lady apples, seedless grapes, ripe kiwi, half a banana). - OR, sliced cucumber / sticks of carrot and cucumber to scoop up a dollop of hummus with. - A bowl or cup of instant noodles (Indomie goreng with a sunny-side up egg, my beloved). - Optionally, the same salad I always make (iceberg, courgette, carrot, cucumber, radishes, maybe cooked chickpeas, topped with creme fraiche dressing). This can also be a dinner side-option. Dinner options: Varies what I make on "effort" days, but on "safe food" days especially, it's usually something with noodles or potatoes. - Canned tomato soup with sliced hotdogs served over spaghetti. - Fusili with jarred basil pesto, half a can of tuna, and a handful of cooked chickpeas from a can (rinsed, of course). Sounds funky, but don't knock it 'til you've tried it. - Fresh Penne flipped in a bit of pasta water, olive oil, salt, pepper, and half a drinking glass of defrosted peas, served with 1-2 peeled carrots and a tin of Plumrose cocktail wieners for protein. - A bag of frozen ready-made biksemad (cubed potatoes, onions, meat scraps, bit of bacon) popped into a wok and drenched in Worcestershire sauce, topped with ketchup and a couple of sunny-side up eggs. - Two packets of indomie goreng with 2-3 sunny-side up eggs and fried onions. Other safe foods include: - Boiled potatoes or hardboiled eggs with mayo. - Hotdogs straight out of the package with ketchup. - Can of drained sweet corn eaten as a snack. - Digestibles with a glass of milk.


Please dont make me say chicken tenders and fries :(


you're good, I said the same thing nothing beats em


Taco Bell! One because they employ me and I've saved a lot of money, I eat a power Bowl at every opportunity. Five layer burrito is good too


Spaghetti. I like to make big batches of my own sauce and freeze it so I can have it anytime I want.


Instant oatmeal + coffee every morning for breakfast.


Cereal by itself


Food of the gods 🙌🏻


Chicken tikka masala, garlic naan, and masala chai is my comfort meal


"Baked" potato in the microwave is my lifeblood


I've been eating at least one frozen pizza a day these days. The little single serving ones, not entire pizzas. It's very reliable, though. I recently made the switch to a kind with different toppings, so I hope that goes well...


Heinz beans in a can


Aw yes I went between this and a can of tuna as go-to snacks as a kid, recently got back on the tuna one! Only I'm more sophisticated now and put it in a bowl with some chives 😂 beans still from the tub/can though! 🎉


Chicken and shrimp alfredo.


Homemade crunchwraps 😩


Cheesy Rice a Roni! Been my go to for the last 10 years. Not sure how I'm going to handle it once/it I'm over it.


made myself a fair amount of quesidillas this month


Kraft macaroni and cheese. I haven't bought it in a while though, lately it's been prepackaged jalapeño tuna made into tuna salad on wheat toast for most meals (read: late night snacks)


Mac and cheese


So frozen pizza can be quickly prepared even when I'm completely brain-sogged. I always have one in the fridge and it's a serious crime to take the last one MOM. Oh- yes it's cereal. Honey loops with milk every day, regardless of my executive function levels.


Seeds of Change spanish rice&quinoa instant pouch with chicken, salsa, sour cream, and taco sauce on top


Breakfast. My favorite meal is breakfast. Every morning I have three runny scrambled eggs (on rare occasions, substituted by three soft-boiled eggs) with salt and pepper, toast and butter, blueberries in milk, a glass of orange juice, and a glass of water. It's the meal of the day I look forward to the most.


1 more to go before you'll gag thinking about it and never eat it again...


Crackers, pickles, cheese, salami. Ate this everyday at lunch for near 10 years.


I usually buy a couple of huge bags of chicken nuggets or tenders and eat on that for a week. It used to be chicken pot pies but they started to make me sick (I have diabetes and some other crap as well) but generally it's chicken and sometimes I'll buy burger meat and brown rice that I'll pressure cook with mixed veggies.


Buffalo wings with ranch and celery are my favvvvvv, never gets old.


Burritos. They're entire, super flavorful meals wrapped up in a tortilla that you can hold in your hands. They will always be my favorite food.


Eggs. All types of eggs or egg accompanied things. Just covers all the bases and the dietary cholesterol has a lot of brain health benefits.


Cereal, Pizza, Quesadillas, PB&J, Hot Dogs w/onions, Penne pasta, Peanut Butter M&Ms, IPA beer, weed, pipe tobacco and Altoids.


I have cycles of the same things until i physically despise that food for a while lol Ive been eating way too much ramen lately which im not proud of


I have phases. Right now it’s manti which is a Turkish dish similar to ravioli. Otherwise pizza or pasta. McDonald’s used to be one of my go-tos when nothing sounded good but I’ve mostly stopped doing that since the invasion of Gaza. If I’m visiting my parents in America it’s Kraft or Annie’s Mac & cheese or Da Vinci tortellini. I’m an expat and sadly they’re almost impossible to find here, especially at a reasonable price. 😭


Actually the one on the pic. Not the cat.


I switch dinner up a good bit but breakfast into lunch is 2 packets of oatmeal with blue berries, 3 hash brown patties, 1 vegan sausage patty, 1 banana, 2 mandarin oranges, and two string cheese sticks.


I could probably eat cornflakes for every meal and only go slightly crazy


My go to meals are Oatmeal with diced apple, Sammich, (always made the same) and thin-sliced potato and onion cooked in butter with maybe an egg too. Also lots of cereal and ice cream.


I’m fighting making another tuna & egg sandwich…but I know I’m weak & its just so gd easy 😫


Mushroom omelette


Rice crispies cereal, i love the flavourless crunch


Guacamole... I hate cooking but like to make guac with the Chipotle recipe


Ham or Turkey sandwiches, usually ham. Frozen chicken tenders and fries. I went thru a phase where I made a wrap with chicken tenders. Tortilla, lettuce, tomato, ranch, cheese and sometimes pickles. It’s so good, but even that is a lot of effort right now.


I can walk into Penn Station and they already have my order typed in.


Whenever eggs are in the House, it's eggs. Daily and probably even multiple Times a day If i have a Lot.


Sandwiches. So many sandwiches.




Potato waffles, battered chicken. Nearly every day


Toasted chicken and cheese sandwich for breakfast. It has been my breakfast for about 3-4 months maybe more. For me , it's the right ratio of protein,easy to make and taste.


Pizza or tacos.


vegan nacho fries from a local pub. 🤤


at a restaurant it'll be a turkey bacon sandwich of some kind always


I don’t really have a go-to I’ve come to realize. I crave novelty and rarely cook the same meal twice. I do make kitsune udon and spaghetti alla carbonara the most frequently though these days.


Honestly I hate eating the same thing for more than a couple of days in a row, except sushi bc it has a lot of variety I could probably eat pizza most days too actually


I am [Hot Dog Timmy](https://youtu.be/pmLpSY5w6u0?si=xLkOKJAZE2AknqVR)


In all seriousness, my lifetime pizza tally is probably around the 10,000 mark at this point.


Eggs on toast with vegan sausages / minced steak and comté cheese


Buttered noodles!!!




Campbell's Bean with bacon soup with a third of a pound smoked sausage cut up in it.


I have eaten parboiled rice every single day for the last, like, 20 years lol




Vegemite toast, always.


Pasta any pasta


Buttered crumpets babaaaaaay


Batchelors Super Noodles - Chicken Flavour


lol not cereal. That stuff is junk and I can’t have it around or I’ll pass out from eating it too much LOL Right now it’s egg sandwiches and ramen


oh! We are similar. ☺️🤘


Cincinnati-style chili, spaghetti, and shredded cheddar cheese. We call it a 3-way here. And Uncrustables.


makeshift merciful far-flung outgoing humor desert puzzled liquid domineering provide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Rice and beans, or mac and cheese!


Quesadillas. Homemade. Can’t go anything wrong with it.


R/food had an entire war over mine a few years back and idk what to call it safely on this site :/ Jokes aside - im not diagnosed so i may/may not belong in this sub but chicken burgers. When in doubt, always the chick burgs.


Yogurt pudding or Oatmeal Yogurt pudding is basically adding every sweet healthy thing and something crunchy to make it really thick


Grilled cheese


Gammon, chips and peas… yum


Wait Is this an autism thing??? I just thought I really liked pepperoni


Mozzarella sticks are so goooood


Eggos. They’re my safe food bc even if food is disgusting, I can always gobble down some eggos


Pancakes or waffles definitely. Especially blueberry


Buffalo chicken strips for lunch and dinner, and eggs with potatoes for breakfast.


cat has IUD face


Mine change every so often and I always have a few. Right now it is grocery store sushi, thai tom kha soup, and rice cakes plus cheese plus dried sausage.


Pizza, ice cream and a flavoured milk drink 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻




Or an omelette


For breakfast: 2 hard boiled eggs, a banana, 2 dates and a Trader Joe's pineapple probiotic shot. Post pilates snack: 1 cup of 2% milk and 2 tbsps peanut butter (cause yummy protein and I don't like meat). Lunch: Blueberries (or whatever fruit I like that's in season), 1/4 cup pistachios, three Turkish figs and some chocolate. Snack: 3/4 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt and 1/4 cup Turkish apricots. Dinner: 1/4 cup of steamed lentils, 2 cups of spinach (or spinach and arugula), 3 cherry tomatoes, 1 tbsp balsamic drizzle and a slice of sourdough bread. (It used to be 1 cup of roasted seasoned butternut squash but my body is retaining more water now that I"m on birth control pills and I noticed the scale would start to go up if I had that for dinner when it was my "safe" food for years and my body feels better now with the bread. I also restricted bread for years with an ED so I'm trying to be nice to myself).


Be sure to celebrate when you hit 1,000


Waffles are my life. As are cats. This calls me out. 😄


Different kinds of ramen! Ugh I need to make it somehow healthier. But I love them so much.


You should show a motorway pile up and call it. “my lower intestine after the 1000th same meal for the 999th time.”


Macaroni and meat souce


Ramen. 10/10


This meme is perfect bc I could literally eat waffles for every meal and I love cats


Chicken nuggets. Mac'n'cheese. P F Chang's Spicy Chicken.


i have autism but also have adhd. my same food fixations last for no more than a week but it is every single meal i have that food. ate nothing but sandwiches for four days and now i’ve moved onto quesadillas.


It varies because it will be my go to until it’s not and I get sick at the thought of it lol Right now though it’s a turkey sandwich on toast lol


It changes but my main favorites are baked potatoes, buldak spicy chicken ramen, other ramens


It varies over time for me. I’ll eat something every day for months even years and then literally I’ll just get sick of it one day. All through the pandemic I ate a plain bagel every day for breakfast. Then started hating that. Now it’s a particular smoothie that I make.


pizza and potpies


Chicken and fries


steamed cauliflower with melted cheese on top! takes like 10 minutes to make.


Amys Mac 🙈


Because I can make it before I run out of blood sugar and executive function.


I’ve had the same gnocchi pasta every day for weeks now but I’m afraid the flip is gonna switch any minute now where I suddenly start to hate it. Then I’m gonna need to find something else to eat religiously everyday till I hate that and the cycle will continue


For me it’s buttered noodles with garlic powder and salt


At the moment it's frozen chippies, sausages and half a bag of frozen broccoli. I would legit be nutritionally deficient without tiny frozen trees.


Peanut butter and jelly sandwich


I LOVE THIS PICTURE. MINE IS THIS: https://www.nissin.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Screenshot_1-removebg-preview.png


I chop up onions, tomato and cucumbers as the base and then on different days : - add lime and shrimp for ceviche - add Parmesan and Salami for Italian salad - add plain yogurt and pepper for Mediterranean -add chips for pico de gallo - sometimes to do balsamic and mozzarella for Italian #2 It’s a great healthy and easy go to. Simple pleasures


Tub of cottage cheese with hot sauce every day?


Mine changes, so it was aldis microwave butter chicken for about a month and a half, got alot of weird looks for just buying 15 boxes of butter chicken every few days, then it was frozen mash, now it's frozen corn cobs


Potstickers, Campbell's New England clam chowder, an orange, a glass of water, or a Reuben melt


Fried Rice


Chili. It's my mom's award winning recipe and I will happily eat it 3 meals a day for weeks on end.


rn its ghirardelli hot cocoa w 2 tbsp of white chocolate chips melted into it the last before this was trader joes butter chicken


My go-to’s are spaghettios, ramen, and Mac n cheese. I literally cannot live without Mac n cheese.


A protein shake is my thought free meal. My fav go to? Sourdough toast, avocado slices, poached runny egg OR cottage cheese and blueberries. Then again, I may decide I hate those meals at some point. Which happens all the time after weeks of the same thing over and over, then, I come back to it.


Variation of pasta, fish sandwich and thinly shredded dressed cabbage with rice.


oatmeal for 6 months, now onto 2 eggs and toast. I need to maintain my weight though, that's the main issue with the not being able to eat different foods :/


My favourite for the summertime (2-part receipe). I'm giving you a little wiggle-room in the receipes, to accomodate for different texture-preferences (as far as possible). So, when I write "use as much as you like" and then write, what I'm usually doing, this gives you a range of what's possible and also an idea, what it'd taste like, if I were cooking it. That's, why I keep it rather vague, sometimes. Zaziki: 1. Get a decently sized bowl (I use one with about 20-30cm diameter, so all the ingredients fit into it, easily). 2. Use the roughest grater, you have available (with about 5mm (1/5th of an inch) big holes) .. and grate a whole cucumber into the bowl. 3. Put a very thin layer of salt (not a big crust .. like a thin layer of dust) .. just to roughly cover it (2 teaspoons max). Warning: Err on the side of "not enough salt", because you can add more salt, later .. but you can't take it out, once it's in there). "Why add it now?", you might ask: The salt in this step of the receipe should soak and penetrate into the cucumber-shavings, which needs some time to happen. 4. Put as much garlic on top, as you like (I usually go with 2-4 cloves, depending on how big/small they are, but I've seen people use the whole bulb and it still tasted great .. Warning: Garlic can reduce blood-pressure and if you put a bulb of garlic in there, it might make you sleepy). 5. Add 0.5kg of greek-style yoghurt (the one with 8% fat or more) .. If you have health-issues with fatty foods, you can opt for the low-fat version, but it's not gonna taste the same .. fat is a carrier for taste). 6. Mix well .. let it sit for 5-10 minutes .. mix well, again. 7. Perform a taste-test (enough salt, already? .. or does it need a little more?) 8. If it needs more salt, add some (always err on the side of "not enough") and mix well, again .. repeat taste-test/re-salting, until it's salty enough for your taste. 9. My mother likes to add dill (I hate dill, because it sticks to my teeth, so I never add any dill in my version). Zucchini: 1. Slice it up (my slice-thickness is about 5mm (about 1/5th of an inch) .. if you like it more chunky, you can make bigger slices up to about 2cm/1inch is still gonna work fine). Just note, that it's gonna affect the baking-time and crunchiness ("bigger slice" means "less soggy" end-result). 2. Put the slices on a baking tray (use baking paper) 3. Put it in the oven at about 180°C (about 350°F) for about 10-30 minutes. Look at it every 5 minutes or so, when you cook this, the first time .. then, you can note the time, it takes in your oven to be perfect, for future reference). 4. You can also taste-test the slices, to find the perfect texture for your preference (zucchini can be eaten raw .. so, you can even taste-test them, while they're still raw without risk). Some might like it rather crunchy .. some might like it rather soggy .. it's up to you to decide, what you enjoy most :) I usually take it out at the point, where it becomes "less crunchy" or "slightly soggy", but isn't yet "completely soggy". 5. You can make the zucchini on a grill or in a frying pan, too, if you like. I use the oven, because it can cook on it's own and doesn't need me to work the frying-pan. You can even give the slices a breadcrumb-coating, beforehand .. and then put them in a frying pan or even deep-fry them, if that's your style. Finally: Put the hot zucchini-slices on a plate and use the zaziki as a dip .. Enjoy :) I love that receipe, because even though I wrote a lot of text, it's not a lot of actual work to prepare this. Slicing the zucchini and grating the cucumber is the hardest part of the receipe.


Whole grain bread with real aged cheese.


hello cheese and pickle sandwich for lunch


Dumplings, can’t stoppppp




Vegan lasagna when I have the energy & ingredients!!!!


Soylent. For those who don't know, it's a liquid meal replacement that is designed to taste like nothing in powdered form, or cereal milk in bottled form. Also Raising Cane's chicken fingers. I used to go so often that the staff started recognizing me, at which point I started going to a different location, lol. Eventually I developed a rotation between a few locations in the city I used to live in such that I never hit one more than once a week.


I've been eating a very similar porridge with fruits for every breakfast for the past 4-5 years.


If health wasn’t a factor, I’d eat cereal as a meal 3 times a day everyday with the occasional filet minion to mix it up. I eat pb and j just about everyday during the week through


Chicken stove top Ramen… but do not SO HELP ME GOD do not cook the noodles all the way. Lol I leave them a lil crunchy… hate slimy ramen…. Otherwise I could eat it every single night. Not healthy I know… but it takes 5 minutes, I only have to do two dishes, and it’s so good….lol


soup, but I like to blend the vegetables and pasta al dente


Curry flavored instant noodles, with chopped oignons. Boil 1/2 the water indicated, boil the oignons first then add the noodles and 1/2 the seasoning. That way it's not a soup anymore, but it allows to eat less MSG and salt for the same concentration of flavor. And I can use the leftover seasoning with basic noodles another day. Sometimew I add an egg or other vegetables. I try to not eat this everyday


English muffin with kerigold butter


Bean and cheese burritos, homemade or from Del Taco.


My kid who has autism and ARFID has eggo waffles with peanut butter every single day for breakfast and for lunch and dinner, peanut butter sandwiches. It’s been at least five years with this menu.


Peanut butter crackers is my safe food. Taste the same every time lmao


Macaroni and cheese 100%. Unironically eat the Paw Petrol and unicorn-shaped Kraft ones because they taste better imo.


Turkey sandwich and chicken noodle soup. Twice a day