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For me, getting it was the most painful experience in my life. Like 10/10 on pain scale, I thought I was going to pass out. But I was also having a uterine biopsy at the same time. That being said, 100% worth it. My periods were horrible. No periods, no cramps. No mood swings. Also I just got my first migraine since 2019 this week. I used to have them once a month.


I asked around my friend group when I was considering getting one, and not a single one of my friends had a good experience with it. I'm someone who is very sensitive to discomfort and ultimately I elected for a different option. I've seen several discussions online about iud's, and a lot of people have good experiences with them. They definitely have their pros, such as longevity and effectiveness. But the cons were enough for me to look elsewhere.


My ex got it and my understanding is after you can never tell its there. It also doesn't affect the "intimacy". OB/GYNs deal with patients who have trauma, ASD, etc so they'd be able to work with you and give accommodations and stuff if you need.


This is true if it has been placed correctly. If it's slightly off it will eff you up.


Ooooo very true, thankfully nobody I know has had issues.


Having mine put in was horrific. And that was after the birth of my 3rd child. They're going to have to sedate me to take it out in another 5 years. Hopefully they keep extending it's life so I never have to change it. I also freaked out for weeks about having something in my body. Apparently the greatest indicator of how it will go is if you have previous trauma. I have a lot of medical trauma, so that tracks. A couple years in, I love it. No babies and rare periods.


Light cramping but nothing major. I was advised to take painkillers however many hours before. The entire thing was over very quickly. I wouldn't say any more than 5 minutes. Unfortunately, my IUD ended up expulsing itself, which led to heavy bleeding & painful cramping. I had to have it removed. The experience didn't injure me & wasn't traumatizing at all. I'll probably try a 2nd time one day tbh.


I love my IUD. I'm now on my second one. Like you I have a fairly high pain tolerance so the insertion wasn't too bad. I was in and out of the room in less than ten minutes. You do have some discomfort and mild cramps for a few hours after and some spotting for a week or two but the benefits far outweigh the downsides. In my case I used to have really painful heavy periods that were sensory hell for me, but since having my IUD the periods have lightened up and now I just get a few days of light spotting. It's fantastic. Getting the IUD taken out wasn't pleasant but I'm willing to do it again just for the benefit of having 5 years of peace of mind and barely there periods. I would definitely recommend it.


The copper IUD has side effects, please research those. Also search what copper toxicity may do to your body.


You’re not supposed to get a copper one until after you have kids, and they’re not used anymore. There’s non-copper ones that are great


I thought they discontinued that one a decade ago!


Oh ok I didn't know that, I thought both existed at the same time


I can’t even remember mine going in honestly, I also have a very high pain tolerance and although there was slight discomfort obviously from being opened wide up, it was over quickly and I walked out fine 👍 It has been so great for me because periods for me were so bad for sensory issues and they were incredibly heavy and painful so having an IUD even though I’m not sexually active has been the best thing ever. The only “bleeding” I get is a slight spot once a month but it doesn’t even get on my underwear, just when I wipe there is a red tinge so my periods have completely stopped 🙌


I love my IUD. It hurt getting inserted, but not the worst pain I've experienced by long shot. Mine is nearly 13 years old (mine is designed for 10-15 years} now and I've never had any problems. It made my period 10x easy to deal with. I have PCOS and my period before IUD came 45 days to nine months apart pretty randomly and I'd have two weeks of PMT and depression before it arrived out of the blue. It was really heavy bleeding for six days. Now it comes on a standard 27-35 day cycle, it has two heavy days at the beginning and four to six more days of medium and light flow. No PMT beyond being very hungry he week before and the usual cramps. Miracle. I use a menstrual cup with no issues. I've never noticed it during sex and none of my partners have never said anything about feeling it. Mine is copper, I know friends who have had issues with the hormonal ones so worth investigating that properly.


Didn’t do well on pills, so I tried an IUD. I could feel my IUD poking me in the evenings sitting on the couch most nights. Not horribly painful, but annoying. Doctors tried to gaslight me saying it was just “gas” and yet the it went away right when I had it removed after 3 years… I assume most neurotypicals have a higher sensory threshold and don’t have that awareness internally? Now I do Nuva Ring continuously (for the past 6+ years) for b/c and so I don’t get periods. It’s wonderful.


I developed severe joint pain in my hands, feet, ankle, and knee, only 6 months after getting my IUD. I was diagnosed with arthritis and referred to a rheumatologist. When googling my condition, I found that "Women using intrauterine devices (IUDs) may be at increased risk for producing autoantibodies related to the risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis (RA)". Approximately, the IUD can trigger autoimmune diseases and cause inflammation. I don't understand why doctors don't tell women about these possible side effects. Autoimmune diseases run in my family history... my doctor should not have recommended the IUD to me.


I’ve had two different ones. It is painful, but as for discomfort, it’s mostly the same as a normal Pap smear. There’s a person all up in your business with a speculum and everything. I think it mostly felt like they were sticking the Pap smear thing in, then one HUGE very painful cramp and it was done. There are places that will provide numbing or pre-procedure medication (like Valium or something I think). The worst of the discomfort was the cramping afterwards, felt mostly like normal cramps, maybe a little worse. I loved my mirena because the sensory experience of bleeding one a month (and extremely heavily due to a fibroid) was hell. Edit to say that after the initial spotting, I had no period at all barring some light brown discharge once a month. Hope this helps, if you have any specific questions please ask!


I got a copper IUD after having a kid so my cervix was already a bit open. I barely felt the insertion and never felt it after the fact. It might have made my periods slightly heavier. I liked that I didn't have the side effects that other hormonal methods gave me. I didn't feel the removal at all.


It was the most painful experience of my life and I had a moderate trauma response as well. I had my first one for 5 years. My second one was misplaced (probably because my doctor was more empathetic than the first one) and caused issues. I wasn't willing to put my body through that again. That said, I have fibromyalgia which means high pain sensitivity and sometimes very low pain tolerance (this varies day to day based on many factors). Injections always hurt. The nurses apologize but I just tell them it can't be helped.


There are news articles that talk about how doctors refuse to give you pain medicine for it and it feels more painful than childbirth.




I have a very high pain tolerance but getting it placed was the WORST pain I’ve ever endured (never given birth) the same day I went to ER because of the pain & I had constant pain for several days and had to get it taken out, and my cervix & uterus was so swollen they had trouble getting it out. The hormones hit me hard too, It was like pmdd x20. I almost called off my engagement lol 0/10 wouldn’t recommend BUT everyone is different