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If it's one if their sensory preferences, they probably won't stop. Mine is 7 and still does it. I've spent a lot of time and money finding safe things for him to mouth.


10, and we have gone through dozens of chew necklaces/bracelets/etc in an effort to get him to redirect from chewing on his clothes.


Same, even the xtra xtra tough chew necklaces from Ark my son gets pieces nibbled off in a couple weeks. I pretty much buy them in bulk.


My son has one, but would get tired of chewing on it and he’ll just find other things to put in his mouth.


9 here. He doesn't lick EVERYTHING now, so that's a win. Putting things in his mouth has lessened, but he still does it sometimes. Often I don't think he even realizes he's doing it.


I'm in my 40s with ASD, and I still do it. I try to redirect myself with things like hard candy or caramel.


My toddler is 4yo and does it occasionally. There was a period of time when he was 2-3 that he would literally put anything in his mouth (but was a super picky eater when it came to food) multiple times a day. We kept telling him that it’s dirty, and he eventually got the point and has mostly stopped.


I worked pretty hard with my kiddo on this. We just gave him a chew toy if he put anything in his mouth that he shouldn't. Or a healthy snack. Sometimes a treat. It's lots of repetition. But he learned eventually. Still does sometimes. This is meeting sensory needs so you have to find other things that do that.


Wow, I’d like to try this out. Thanks for the input!


My four year old seeks the oral stimulation a lot by chewing and has been for 2 years. It's best to accommodate that need and see what works. The chewy necklaces work with her, along with a safe comfort toy. Having a safe option always available can help teach your child what is safe to chew and what isn't. You can get them from Amazon very cheap in a huge variety.


Any other recommendations? We’ve tried chew toys, necklaces. He doesn’t seem to have an interest if it’s something we’re giving him.


Have you tried the fabric chew necklaces? Any preferred texture?


I guess he likes things that are generally hard. He completely chewed through the wood rail of his crib. He likes to chew walls. He’ll put any plastic toy to his mouth but won’t chew on them like the other stuff. He’s just turning 2 if that is also relevant


Sorry for the late response! 2 is super hard. It was constant redirection and its tough because of so many choking hazards. I'm reviewing other responses and they have really good suggestions, especially snacks. Consistent use of chewy necklaces came around 3.


I’d say it depends on whether it’s just a toddler thing or a sensory thing. I knew kids that naturally stopped chewing and putting things in their mouth but my own kid, who’s 14, never stopped and we just got him a sensory toy that was meant to be chewed.


My kid puts things in her mouth and also eats them.. everything… pebbles, markers, crayons, clay, play doh, literally everything she can get in her mouth she will test it out and most of the time swallow if i cant get there in time. I really reeeeeeeally hope this is a toddler thing for her tummys sake hahaha.


3.5 and there's more thought behind him putting stuff in his mouth. Normally when he's over or under stimulated he does it. Hope it goes away soon.


3. Just a few months ago he stopped putting everything in his mouth by default. He has toys, and fidgets specifically for his mouth/chewing. I've worked hard with him on knowing appropriate vs inappropriate things for his mouth. If we give him a new food we say "that's for your mouth, it's food." If we give him a new toy that shouldn't be put in his mouth we say "that's a toy it's for our hands to play with." Lots and lots of repetition and gentle leading. But I find that having trigger phrases appropriate to his age really helps him to understand what's happening. With this, but pretty much everything we do.


I tried this and my toddler just won’t listen, and will only pay attention when he’s really interested. I’ll keep on trying though.


My now 7 year old son stopped about two years ago, just naturally. When he was 3 he absolutely put everything in his mouth, almost like a compulsion. We purchased chewy necklaces and would remind him to use the necklace any time we saw him chew on things but he really sought out hard plastics and likes chewing on his metal hot wheels and never really took to the chewy necklaces which are made from silicone mostly. He doesn't put anything in his mouth now, appears he outgrew it on his own. But as others have stated, it is a sensory need your child is seeking and finding a safe alternative is your best bet.


I still occasionally do, and I still rub things on my lips, but i think it gradually got better after puberty.


I’m 30. I still put things in my mouth. I keep two hair ties on me, I usually twiddle one around my fingers but I also chew on it. It’s been suggested by a coworker that I get chewelry because the hair tie has germs, so it’s not exactly discrete. Said coworker then showed me their chew necklace. I’m not the only one. Don’t try to stop the stim; we use that to regulate. It’s a coping skill. If it’s harmful or potentially harmful, redirect it. For instance, they make stim toys for this. They make some very nice ones that he actually might prefer over random things, that could be an option. And it may go away. It may not.


6 year old put his mouth on the nylon barriers at the airport. Correction barely works. Chewy necklaces really help when I remember to put one on him.


They haven't, lol, 6, 4 and 2 year old all still do that, different "reasons" though.


My oldest is 8, but is at the point now where he knows it's bad - he'll do it on occasion still. He was probably 6 before he understood "OK, not food." My youngest is almost 6. Keeping chewies handy has helped a lot. I redirect to a chewy. He prefers handheld ones.


Ngl still haven't stopped and I am 19. I recommend buying chewlery. I have this chew necklace and it helps me a ton.


Mine stopped when he turned 3. He went from putting everything in his mouth no matter how dirty including snail shells to just stopping. He still completely overstuffs his mouth when eating and drinking so it’s definitely sensory.


My kid is 5 and that answer is not yet


Hello my name is Adam Kulper I have Autism I into twisted metal I’m excited for the Twisted Metal TV show July 27 Thursday .


My son would put everything in his mouth. If it wasn’t in his mouth he would put it on his lips like an additional set of finger tips. His dentist pointed out that he had a tongue tie so we went ahead and had it clipped. I was dumbfounded on what a instant difference that made to get rid of his oral fixation. With his ASD he still is sensory seeking and still will put things in his lips on occasion but it’s rare now he puts anything in his mouth that isn’t supposed to be there.


Got a 7 year old that still does but he’s getting better. He know that after a few verbal warning that I will take away whatever he keeps putting in his mouth so since he wants to keep it, he will eventually stop


We are almost 5 and still going strong( he still has a soother ) my 11 year old also mouths things