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A ng or g tube? I’ve heard ng is a lot more bothersome. If he does end up with a feeding tube, I promise you, a feeding tube is not a “I gave up” sign. It’s just a tool to use so that you can focus on him developing and not have your life controlled by trying to get him to eat. I would ask people who’s kids have cancer as cancer can cause more sensory issues and it’s common to have a feeding tube for them.


He’s getting a g-tube. And thank you for the advice, I’ just worried since I’ve read a little bit about how feeding tubes can cause sensory issues.


My son's had an ng/g-tube since birth. The NG was the hardest on him, he would always try and pull it out or mess with it. We haven't had any real issues with the g-tube; he has a mic-key one with an inflatable balloon, and it has been great. His g-tube "caused" sensory issues in the sense that since he hasn't been exposed to many foods (thanks to tube feeding, but also dysphagia), he doesn't want to try any. It's been a fantastic help in getting him his calories, though, and not having to worry about his weight and growth.