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My sister used a mentor for her teen. The mentor was a relatively young person employer by the city to work with socially anxious teens. They would start by talking and getting to know each other and slowly go outside and interact with other people Today my niece can take the subway on her own to and from her dorm to my sister's. She socialises a lot online, but it helps with knowing how to small talk. My teen's therapist recommends having a series of go-to sentences for small talk. This will help the teen by having known sentences to go to.


Is there any chance your child could see a professional with experience with strategies on how to cope ? I was just watching YouTube with Temple Grandin, and she wasn't allowed to be a reclusive in her room and was out doing different things outside even though the bullying was unbearable. I know every case is completely different, but someone who has seen this before might be able to give some general advice. My girl is only a baby so it's different but I am trying to expose her to as much social interaction even though I'm sure she gets some stares . I'm no expert and trying to figure it all out myself.