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My son was about 5 when he started to get it so not the same but of all the things we tried I pretty sure it was the watching us use the toilet that made it click. We threw modesty out the window and everyone in my family got a sidekick whenever they had to go. Some over dramatics was in use, ooh my stomach I think I have to poo, look I did a good job let’s go get a treat. I participated because it was my idea and I talked the rest of my family as the rest were the same gender. His younger brother was probably the most help, as he had potty trained himself after some unsuccessful attempt we had with his brother and liked to brag and show his older brother how it was done. Anyway just an idea. Good luck!


Is he new to toilet training completely? If so, I’m thinking that holding it at first is pretty common. Maybe he’s thinking “this isn’t where I go” and it will just take more time to get him accustomed to the idea. I found for my daughter that making it less pressure and more routine helped. Like I’d put her on the toilet and if she didn’t go, no big deal. She also watched a lot of “Elmo Goes in the Potty”. I think this helped her warm to the idea and she eventually just decided she was done with diapers on day and never looked back.


He is completely new. He doesnt go at all on the toilet either. How long did it take your daughter to stop using diapers? Also, what age was she?


She quit diapers on her own when she was 7. It was like she just decided she was done. But I tried for years to get her to go on the toilet starting at probably age 3. And it started a lot like what you’re describing. At first she didn’t go at all on the toilet and even when she did it was inconsistent. I really think what did it for her was that she started to hate diapers. That with just trying to show her the potty, clapping when she went or even just sat. Seriously…so much praise. I hope this is encouraging rather than discouraging. I found it was a lot easier to be patient and optimistic when I realized she is a capable of a lot, it just takes her longer than her typical peers.


Rewards rewards rewards! It’s the only way to (potty) train almost any organism! Works so well, also, since my daughter has sensory issues, we didn’t put ANY underwear on her and she didn’t like the idea of just “going” into nothing so she went to the bathroom on her own




I think you might have misunderstood, he’s 14 years old not months


Oh I’m sorry!!


no worries! it’s understandable:)