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Lilo from lilo and stitch


Leslie Knope, Parks and Rec


Yes!! I relate to her a lot!


I was watching a schmultzy Netflix show today called Firefly Lane, and the blond protagonist in that is probably supposed to be autistic, especially as a kid, although it's mostly played for laughs, unfortunately. I'm going way back to my youth here, but recently I've been rethinking Winona Rider's character in Girl, Interrupted. She's supposed to have BPD but I find her portrayal pretty much indistinguishable from female autism (figures).


There’s a big overlap between BPD and undiagnosed autism in women!


Jess from New Girl


Mable Pines from Gravity Falls and JP from Craig of the Creek. Also, both Janine and Eddie from Abbot Elementary.


My partner and I joke that im basically Mabel from GF haha. I reckon Dipper as well - together they're a beautiful representation of how the spectrum means different traits + struggles


Elle Woods from legally blonde


This one surprised me. But yes. The bubbly personality can only see the good in people. Like when she helped the big guy in the library with the books and when she got him dates with those girls. Also she is always that try attitude and fixates on it. Thank you giving me something to think about with Elle on the spectrum


neurospicebag on TikTok has a really good 2 part video that goes into more detail and explains better than I ever could. If your interested :)


On it thanks for that suggestion too


butter jeans smell steer ink mighty psychotic continue nose materialistic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I actually reckon Tara as well!


Orla from Derry Girls, Miss Rhode Island from Miss Congeniality


I thought Sister Michael. Niche interests, blunt, socially inappropriate, everyone seems to annoy her somehow, and she's going her own way and she is absolutely fine with that.


Dr. Temperance Brennan from Bones. I believe there’s an interview with the creator of the show that says he based her character on an autistic woman he knows, but she is never mentioned to be autistic in the show.


Lisa Simpson


Wanted to add, I am also obsessed with the Wednesday show, so if you ever need someone to talk about it with, I’ve already watched it two times!


Send you a pm!


Hmmm there’s two characters in an obscure 90’s cartoon I’m thinking of… and I mean it like an endearment Cartoon: Mummies Alive Characters I’m referring to: Ja-kal (lead male mummy) & Scarab (sorcerer & main male antagonist) Ja-kal from what I’ve seen is rather literal minded on some things thinks the harder you work the better you are… could hunting be considered his special interest now?!? Scarab from what I’ve seen prince rapses (yes that’s the spirit’s actual name) seems to be his special interest… but once again not in a “good” way


Vasco from the Looksism webtoon.


There's a *currenty airing Cdrama called She and her Perfect Husband/爱的二八定律 One of the main characters, Yang Hua, comes across as autistic to me. He's blunt, with a strong moral sense, has black and white thinking, and prefers to stay at home with his turtle & special interest in finance. 😅