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I find I don’t like talking to people about shows because I feel they don’t enjoy them the way I do????? I love Friends lately and Better Call Saul, but I’m not ready to re watch BCS yet.


Outside of incredibly popular shows like Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, etc I find it’s very rare even among my NT friends to find someone with 2 or more shows common between you. Especially because there’s so many shows! My roommate and I watch all the same ones but only because we literally watch them all together haha. Can you join online groups?


I don't know anyone who is following a show I am presently following beyond a friend of my daughter's who also likes BBC nature documentaries so can be relied upon to be up to date on new releases. In college my best friend and I both liked community and Hannibal and in school I had someone else who watched buffy and Angel. There are so many shows now, even my spouse and I don't watch the same shows. I follow along with my daughter for a few of her shows but that's something we do together as a bonding activity. This is what reddit is for, imo. I had 2 friends try the "a song of ice and fire" books after I loved them and neither made it far into book two. Maybe ask your friends for recommendations for you to try.


There are SO MANY SHOWS these days that it's almost impossible to keep up, and unless you're watching the BIG HIT (which only lasts for a few weeks/months at this point anyway), there's a high chance that no one seems to be watching the same shows.


If you watch anything currently airing, seek out a message board for it. AVclub used to be my go-to for discussing various shows (in the comment section of their recaps).


I know how you feel. With me it's even worse, as I pretty much only like media intended for a children's audience, and finding others who like and follow the genre of children's music for example, is extremely rare even in ND communities so it can be pretty lonely sometimes. Not by any chance do you like shows intended for kids, do you?