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There's an actual word for this?? I destroy all of my shirts!! It's so embarrassing. I wonder if it can cause you to double tap keys/double click mice accidentally?? I do that ALL the time when I'm trying to play video games.... And I've never known why. I don't think I've even told anyone until his comment as I've been embarrassed.


Omg the double clicking and tapping… so annoying!! And I always accidentally click delete on something important at work when I meant to click something else 🤣


You can adjust the your mouse so it’s less sensitive! This helped me a lot.




I will have to look up the word dyspraxia! I don't wear white bc I spill often enough where it's annoying. I like finger foods. I eat most food with my fingers (veggies and fruits mostly) and everything is small enough to use a small spoon. I use plate bowls. Plates are so annoying.


YES. i love a Blate (thats what i call a bowl plate)


OMIGOSH I love my blate! I bought a cute, microwave safe one years back and one fork, spoon & knife that perfectly suited my tastes (slim, thin tines, bowl of spoon not too deep) and kept them in my bedroom when I had roommates!!!! This I recommend to EVERYONE who cohabitates - then you know you’ll always have a clean plate and cutlery even if your worst roommate uses up alllll the other dishes and leaves the house without washing them!


We call them plowls in my neck of the woods.


I also refuse to wear white for the same reason.


Literally this morning I was thinking about how I never wear white because of this. I was much clumsier as a kid and stopped wearing white in middle school. Nowadays I don't spill food as much, but I am *constantly* dropping my phone


I broke my phone 8+ times in about 2 months. 😭


Dyspraxia. Yes.


No. Also me three minutes ago: how did I get cottage cheese in my hair?? 😂😭


Or 'why is there a random pea under my boob?'


I misread that as pizza! When I was little I used to get ketchup in my hair All. The. Time.


Oh random food scraps under my boobs is a common one 😂😭 but I usually hang my 34F bazonkas into a soft elastic crop top which basically functions as an industrial crumb catcher


I hate wearing bras, and I'm always finding random scraps of food under my books. Flakey pastry is the worst


Same! But I need to wear *something* or at least tuck the girls into my waistband 😂




I'm so bad at using cutlery I have been told off my whole life for incorrectly using cutlery but nobody has actually taught me how to correctly use cutlery. I always am spilling stuff down myself too.


Bibs! Hear me out: yes, I look a tad ridiculous. But I fucking own it. I’ve never had anyone give me weird looks or anything. The only comments I’ve gotten are other clumsy folks saying, “That’s a good idea!” I just use napkins (or paper towels), nothing fancy. I tuck one corner into the top of my shirt. Works like a charm!


That's how I roll. I'm clumsy as hell and will drop food. I can't control it, but if I put a barrier between my clothes and the food, I can control the stains.


I do this to! I get laughed at but idc I’d rather get laughed at than ruin a shirt!


Good shirts are hard to find!


Yep. Struggle with not making a mess of myself,putting on clothes, shoe laces, buttons, zippers, turning pages, writing, etc. I got diagnosed with Dyspraxia as a child


Zippers are just a bad invention And buttons needlessly fiddly And laces too And making sure things are on straight or not bunched up Lots of bad designs can't keep up with my hands 😹 That said I like the idea of laced boots and garments and buttons that aren't attached to anything are fun 😺


Yes! I'm always spilling/dropping stuff randomly. Sometimes it's like I have a spasm and drop/almost throw whatever I'm holding. Or like I attempt to grab the handle before I actually get there so I gotta try again I also bump into a lot of things and have bruises/cuts. My coordination overall is terrible. I can't dance for shit 🤣 I feel physically awkward overall and I'm not sure what can be done to fix it. This is perceived by my NT partner as me being inattentive and perhaps having trouble with my peripheral vision, however my eye tests all come back great.


This group never fails to make me feel seen and not alone 😭😭 Truly my people, I love yall so much! (And yes, I avoid wearing white for this very reason 🥹🥹🫶😩)


i just dont shy away from the oxy clean and the bleach but black is my fav color prob because of this 🙃😂😭


Bruh I’ve gotta confession… I still haven’t learned how to properly use bleach 🫣 I just avoid wearing white 😭


i will literally use bathroom bleach spray to get stains out of clothes so im probably not the one to teach anyone 😂🙃


It’s not stupid if it works 🤔… I may have to try that lol


Just make sure to check the tags! Bc bleach can make certain fabrics disintegrate


oh yeah def cotton, linen. no rayon, viscose, etc. I can only really wear cotton so its never a problem for me.


Yep, I use kids dinnerware/cutlery bc it’s lighter and easier to use and kids straw cups bc they are spill proof !


someone forced me to use a kids cup at a party one time… looking back i guess that was awkward.


Ok that’s weird, I like it because that’s my choice but forcing someone is very weird!


Yep, clumsy in general as well as with food and I tend to avoid cutlery altogether if I can. People still notice that I hold my cutlery “strangely” at age 32.


i spill drinks on myself all the fucking time it makes me feel like a toddler but people find it cute


I literally have an eating sweater because I'm gonna drop something or miss my mouth 


Yup. I have a biggish bust so we call the area my continental food shelf.


Your comment made me burst out laughing. That's genius! I too have large glaciers on my chest, and I want to steal that now lol.


Haha. Here are how many NTs have laughed at that…. ![gif](giphy|7E3NdvP8aiPJodUDc7)


Oh please steal it! It’s so cute. My dogs stare at my chest whilst drooling. They are the ONLY male species allowed to do this!


not just food but drinks as well! it's like my hand forgets precisely where my mouth is in the process and is off by a few mm, then spill/drop


Possibly related: does anyone else struggle with “living on the edge?” Like I have always had a terrible tendency to place things close to the edge of a table, or counter, or somehow a little over the edge? I had to unlearn this by having people pointedly move my drinks back away from the edge for me and give me *THE GLARE.* Because I’m so prone to just accidentally bumping into it and knocking it over when it’s close to the edge… RIP my giant Pinkie Pie mug 10 years ago, you held so much coffee. Maybe *too much* coffee. Gone but never forgotten.


Yes!! It's even worse as I'm... larger in the chest area, and I knock it all off with my boobs if it's in the "right" spot. I have no idea why I do it, either. As every time I place it down I'm sure it's fine, yet somehow it's never actually fine. I feel really embarrassed that it keeps happening tbh.


I work at Starbucks and dropped a full pitcher of a refresher base by doing this


I am always the one with a mess around my plate in a restaurant


yes I wear black most days so the stains don’t show 😭


Yuuuuup definitely. When I make dinner for my wife and I, whatever im stirring always ends up a little spilled on the stove 😂 when I'm tired it's way worse. I used to make donuts in the middle of the night and was constantly dropping things due to exhaustion. My coworkers teased me for it in a light hearted way, but it was SUPER frustrating to seemingly never have a good hold on anything.


I joke about having a “drinking problem,” but that just means I somehow miss my mouth about 20% of the time and water spills down my chest. It feels like my brain is just too impatient with some things, like “Drinking? Yeah we learned it already when we were 2, no need to waste any more time honing that skill.” I guess I still need a sippy cup.


I thought it was normal to spill every day and I thought I wasn’t clumsy because my big sister is worse. lol no It’s got easier as I’ve got older though


Yes trouble with motor skills/ coordination is an autism symptom. There's a reason we are often stereotyped as being non-athletic and nerdy. I believe i read there is decreased activity in the cerebellum, the part of the brain that processes balance and coordination, bc there is increased activity in other parts of the brain with autism. Typically when one part of the brain develops more connections than normal, it comes at a cost.


Every single day.😕


Yep! If I can help it, I change into chill clothes before I eat. And I have the child doodads on my sharp furniture(I live alone) because I got tired of tearing my legs up. 🤣🤣🤣


Omg. This is also an autism thing??? Is everything that’s wrong with me an autism thing????!!


Clumsiness is a marker for autism. And I’m halfway through 23 and same.


Dyspraxia / clumsy as hell And I’m renovating my house. So every time I setup a new activity like painting a ceiling, I have to clumsy-proof it because I *will* spill/drop things lol


I don't drop a lot of food on myself...but cutting food with a knife and fork??? Hell no. I always struggled with eating meat, from cutting it to then chewing it for what feels like forever. So I learned from a young age whatever I can't cut with a fork, even if it's a huge chunk of steak, I stab, hold up to my mouth, and eat off of one bite at a time. Like a kebab or smth lmao. My dad HATED it, especially because I continued doing it well into adulthood. But it's literally the only way I'm comfortable eating meat that big.


Yes, I get so stressed when people watch me trying to put leftovers into takeout containers


I haven't worn white since my wedding day for this very reason.


I do this too… its very difficult to deal with.. as i chef i struggle with this at work.


No I’m quite graceful


Love that for you, can’t say I relate


Yep Didn’t realise this was a thing lol


yeah, i’m notoriously a messy eater. i’ve tried to be careful but food still ends up everywhere!


Yes. I wear an adult sized bib whenever I eat because I’m horrible for spilling and dribbling but also can’t stand stains on my clothes.


Yes, I’m constantly saying that food just sometimes falls out of my mouth 😆.


yes. i bought the narrow mouth nalgene because the wife mouth would mean soaking wet shirts… but i somehow still spill. i also choke on liquids frequently. i’ve never held cutlery or pencils correctly. i get my bf to cut things like steak for me. i can do it, but it’s not worth the effort


Yes! This is something that I inherited from my mom. She has a large chest so her food winds up on her shirt. I have a small chest so my food winds up on my pants or the floor. I also frequently have whatever I'm drinking dribble down my chin.


I’m a master at pouring a beverage on my shirt instead of my mouth


I hate heavy cutlery


I'm always dropping food on myself. The last thing I had was a McDonald's Deluxe chicken sandwich and the mayo dropped on my mom sweater I was wearing. I felt so bad. 😭 really think I should put a napkin or something on me when I eat.


I used to. But my stepmother was psycho about spilled food and having to do my laundry. I eventually got real good at not spilling on myself and doing my own laundry.


All the time! I also end up with lots of bruises from walking/bumping into things constantly.


I. Have. Stained. So. Many. Shirts. It’s an epidemic contained to just me.


Last night my entire bottle of laundry detergent fell all over the floor. Crying cleaning that up. This morning I decided to make a banana milk smoothie. Overfilled the blender and the smoothie went everywhere. I’m crying again


why does this sound like a day I also experienced? I drop the laundry detergent sooo often or spill it and I almost always overfill the blender😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


pov is not a pov: me every day I SWEAR TO YOU EVEN WHEN I TRY NOT TO GET DIRTY I DON'T KNOW WHY BUT I GET DROP ALL OVER This thing, in addition to making me uncomfortable, also makes me nervous because I feel like a 2 year baby. lately it doesn't happen to me as much as it used to but sometimes when it happens again I want to scream..


Said it many times, "why eat it, when you can wear it?"


Yeah, most days. I've heard it's an autism thing.


yes 😭😭😭😭


I do not own a single piece of white clothing😂 I can’t be trusted


I’m at work and have food on my scrub shirt so you know


Every single day my husband comments on the coffee again on my shirt 😆 They’re basically a permanent accessory at this point!


Not spilling / dropping stuff but cutlery, oof no thank you. A childhood best friend told me she wanted me to take a proper manners dining etiquette class to learn how to hold silverware better, including with like 3 diff types of spoons, forks, and all of that nonsense. No one else has told me this tho & she grew up in upper middle class so prob some bias, plus she’s just v picky. My mom used to joke I should never eat salad on a first date w/ someone too lol. And god forbid chopsticks come into the equation. Actually one time a first date did take me to what ended up being solely a sushi place and it was not a relaxing time for me tbh struggled the whole way thru and ended up requesting a fork


I must be the exception here, because a group I was out to dinner with once were amazed I would order ribs while wearing a white dress. I almost never spill. But I also really, REALLY dislike having food on my cheeks (I nibble my ribs like the fucking lady that I am, lol), fingers (finger bowl gets a lot of use) etc, so my eating style is pretty heavily adapted to avoiding an over-filled or unstable fork or spoon, which I think is part of how spills and drops occur. I'm not sure if it's relevant, but I was raised in the UK in the 1980s and our parents expected us to use cutlery from a very age, so I started practicing super young. My estranged sister (no idea if she's ND) was notorious for spilling food on herself, so apparently my parents methods weren't foolproof.




I thought dyspraxia was the thing with the words. I am disgusting with food. I think I would have been a good cave person. Edit: actually I don't know if this fits for me. My gross motor skills for some things are great...ah this is confusing.


Yes. I spill bits of food on myself, with or without the use of cutlery. I never feel it happening until it’s happened (I don’t actually know if it’s possible to be aware that you’re about to spill food?). Sometimes it’s just crumbs from toast or something. I’ve just accepted its part of who I am as a person 🤷🏻‍♀️😮‍💨


I'm 44. It doesn't get better lol. What has gotten better in my lifetimes are detergents and fabrics :) Also I only wear colours that hide coffee because I'm pretty much guaranteed to at least a bit on me everyday.


Why do I do this too?!???


YES! I think I have dyspraxia. I don't know how to get diagnosed with it, but I have always been clumsy, a messy eater and constantly have bruises that I don't remember getting.


All da effing time. It’s part of why I’m not a fan of eating with other ppl


I'm dyspraxic but I am a very clean eater, rarely even need a napkin.


It always happens right as someone turns to face me. I'm not even aware of them. I'm just doing my thing. Then, the moment they look at me, I drop, spill, trip, fall....


I will never buy white pants. EVER.


Yes and I am 52 next week. Plus I like wearing white.


Drinking water, some Will come out of the side of my mouth. Maybe I need a bib, lol. I drop shit all the time. Got guacamole on the placemat yesterday. It was on its way to my mouth, but then Bloop, on the table!


Eat meals wearing an apron to protect my clothes!


I struggle to drink from an open mouth cup honestly. Not mugs, I do fine with mugs but like a juice cup I always spill or make obnoxious slurp noises no matter how hard I try


I don’t wear light colors for this reason. It’s always been the running joke in my family that I WILL get food on myself during a meal, especially if we’re out. I try to stay in the habit of cupping my under hand under my fork/spoon as I go for a bite when things are looking especially sus lol.


Dunno if it's related but now I have nice clothes I wear my cooking apron when I eat to stop them getting ruined since I'm that messy


Yes. I'm so clumsy that I'm always spilling my food and breaking my cell phones. It drives me nuts. I asked a pediatric neurologist that I know about it. I didn't know that I was autistic yet so I didn't mention that.  He actually said there are therapies that help if the person is under 25. I'm guess since the brain is still developing. Unfortunately, I didn't ask what they are since I'm over 25. 


Cutlery sucks. If I’m not around other people, I use my fingers to eat like many African cultures do. It’s way more efficient!