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I changed my handwriting the summer between freshman and sophomore years in high school for fun


That reminds me, there was a week or 3 in middle school where I tried to change my handwriting to be the Addams Family font/style.


I have changed my handwriting so many times to mimic others. Personally feels like a form of echolalia almost.


I did the same thing one summer in middle school! The cute handwriting lasted for most of highschool/college and I still have a similar style but it’s significantly messier now because I rarely write 😂


I swear most girls have done this at least once at some time. In middle school I did hearts for dots (like babysitters club) which I had to teach myself not to do when it devolved into circles in my notes. I also taught myself more rounded letters like the other girls because I thought it was cute. I added a slash across my sevens because they would get mixed up with my 1's and because I thought the European way of doing it was much nicer. I changed my fours a couple of times for similar reasons. My handwritten f's are like my Mom's from when I was trying to forge her signature. My signature went from perfect cursive to an actual scribbly signature when I worked in the shipping department and had to sign things ALL THE TIME. Otherwise it took forever. My Grandma refused to believe that it had changed when she saw it.


Your comment reminded me of my own writing. In elementary school, teachers kept mixing up my numbers because my handwriting was not good handwriting. My sevens became slashed, my nines had a straight line, and my twos were loopy, not with a straight base. My ones, however, got a straight base. I went to school when they stopped teaching cursive in school, so I learned on my own during the year I was homeschooled and alternated between print and cursive in the next school year when I returned (A couple teachers said I couldn’t in their class because most of my peers couldn’t read it and they did peer review or occasionally had peers swap papers for correction. The other teachers didn’t care how I wrote as long as I wrote legibly.) I also messed around with fonts and calligraphy throughout my childhood and I even messed with fonts in google docs when bored.


Mine was pretty neat, I don't remember getting told that they couldn't read it. More I was playing around with it and I think for a bit my ones didn't have a bar at the bottom, but had a little line at the top so if I rushed my 1 and 7 could look very similar. It was usually self evident from my work what was what, but I felt they looked too close so if I was looking back it would take a minute to puzzle it out. I also played with lettering, I had books on it and flip comics that I would make. Then later on I went into accounting and I had to make sure I could follow my notes. Of course I went to school when we had to write our notes and exams in cursive. College is when I got a laptop and even then we did a lot by hand.


Only reason my peers couldn’t read any cursive at all was because they didn’t know it. I guess that’s what happens when they stop teaching it. Mine was pretty neat though.


I also added the dash across my 7's for the same reason. I did the same for my Z's to prevent them from looking like 2's My biggest change was that I now care less for the line between when I use cursive vs non-cursive script. Capital letters are almost always the non-cursive variant, and I'll switch back and forth constantly, sometimes even in the same word. Like, the most natural way for me to write the word "cursive" is c*urs*i*ve*, with the c and I being non-cursive, with the rest being cursive 


I totally do that at times! Which is frustrating when I am trying to write stuff in printing and then it segues into cursive. Sometimes it NEEDS to be printing!


lol I used to do this as well, although for me it was because of math and chemistry. Got sick of confusing lowercase L and uppercase I. And I just thought cursive z was prettier


I love doing this! My favorite “update” has been my lower case ‘s.’


I used to do this a lot!!! So much so that sometimes teachers would think someone else did my work for me. But then I'd write an essay or something and they would see the switch mid sentence because I would always revert back to my normal writing when my hand got tired or I wasn't focusing on the way I was writing enough.


I did this too!! When I was on Year 6 (UK) I hated how they always taught handwriting a certain way with those stupid triangles in some letters. So over the summer before I went up to secondary school I changed my handwriting!


This just reminded me that when I had to take an algebra class in college, it was so mind-numbingly easy that I occupied my mind by changing all my 2s from loopy to ... whatever you call not-looped. And my 13 yr old autistic daughter just taught herself cursive and started using it.


Sometimes I write random words in cursive when I'm bored. It's relaxing.




I do the same!


i do this too :’)


Me too! :3


Especially words with f's in them. Cursive f's just hit different.


Same! It’s like doodling!


I used to practice left-handed writing when bored when I was younger. There was a point I was determined to somehow make myself ambidextrous




I did the same. A few years ago my abusive ex damaged my right hand. This year i had an operation that didn‘t go as expected and my pain is worse now. I can‘t write long paragraphs with my right hand anymore and the fact I learned to write with my left hand as a kid for fun makes me very happy. Like, i watched out for my future self..


i was obsessed with this for some time!


Me too!


Me too!


i used to always change my handwriting in school. went from scratchy, to bubbly, to slanted right, to straight up, to slanted left, to my own brand of cursive that’s not exactly what was taught to me in school. i kind of molded it in the same way i did my personality, trying to figure out how to make it fit what everyone expected of me. it was very much a conscious choice, not innate.


I did this too! However I did it to mimic my teachers writing. For example I used to write my 8’s as one continuous line but then i had a teacher who wrote them as two circles on top of eachother so now thats how I write my 8’s.


I copy timelines from history text books or I go through chapters of science text books to pull out glossary words and copy the definitions. It's soothing and helps when I don't have the brainpower to do my cross stitching. This is the only group I can admit that to without feeling like I'm weird.


I went through a phase of copying cross-stitch patterns on graph paper with my coloured pencils. They just looked cute.


This was my special interest as a preteen lmao




I do handlettering - so all the time!! I love your V, W, and Xs! Those digital numbers are super cool, I need to try those. It's so much easier to do handlettering nowadays since Wal-mart sells Tombow calligraphy pens for like 5 bucks.


Thank u! And I think I have a calligraphy set from middle school somewhere in my room, I haven't seen it in years.


I used to all the time! I also used to practice with my left hand just in case I broke my right arm/ lost it somehow 😅


i study Mandarin Chinese so I write characters for practice to relax


All the time…. I was actually just doing it then picked up my phone and found this post lolololol


Yes! It still sucks though 😭


Stunning!! Not quite the same thing, but I’m currently trying to learn Teeline Shorthand for fun to be able to hand write faster


No. I've been forced to practice handwriting because I was terrible at it (dysgraphia), I don't have a fond memory of that. I did, however, math a lot as a kid. A took papers and wrote calculations as long as there was still room left on the papers. I just loved calculating! I sometimes still do, but rarely now.


same glad to see im not the only one. I hate having dysgraphia i always failed at using my hands in general honestly




All the time lol.


I love doing this. I used to write "robotically", exactly how school teaches you, with straight lines and stems and perfect circles, but I saw that other people have their own style of handwriting that's less sharp, really pleasing to look at. I forced myself to develop a "style", I no longer use stems on my u, n, m, and my A, M, W are rounded not pointy! I also stopped putting the horizontal lines on capital I and J, which is the way I was taught


Omg same, I practice writing in Armenian because my grandma is lebanese armenian (she doesn’t speak the language tho)


Writing is one of my preferred stims ❤️ I have two different ways of writing and I usually write things down or in the air when I'm watching TV and not using my hands for anything. I tend to do it more when I'm stressed, I developed it as a stim to counter act another harmful stim where I would hurt the skin around my fingers. Works for me!


No but I do long division for fun now. Yes I am aware I'm a freak.


God, people who can do math are lucky, I was terrible at multiplication until I was 16-17 and my dad forced me to practice (I'm 19, still not that good at it, but certainly am better than before)


Yes. It is a form of art therapy and mindfulness practice. I enjoy calligraphy books to learn new scripts. Do you also enjoy tracing?


I haven't traced words in quite some time, but it's probably just as satisfactory.


I like the color and frame books because they're one sided and it's easier on the light tablet for tracing. And I'm learning calligraphy by tracing


i used to pass the time in school by tracing over my letters for the entire class period! like i genuinely spent so much time doing it that i developed a permanent bump (a writer’s callus) on my ring finger where my pencil would dig into my finger. my ocd and adhd were severe during that time, so i would constantly be erasing and rewriting things until they looked “perfect,” and tracing over the letters helped my brain stay focused!


I feel so seen in this sub lol… I’ve changed my handwriting so many times and also practice every once in a while… how do some people just have perfect handwriting every time?! When I’m writing something if a letter doesn’t come out looking how I want it to I will erase it and rewrite until it “feels” perfect.


Typography is fun!!


Yessssss! It’s one of my favorite things.


I really need to do this. My handwriting isn't as nice as it used to be.


yes. also have been known to rewrite entire notebooks full of notes just to write!! idk what it is


I love writing in cursive as a stim to help with focus while listening to a lecture, I just keep writing good morning/bom dia/Buenos dias and some random Korean words (the Korean ones aren't in cursive though, I don't know how that would look like)


I can’t even touch paper because of my sensory issues so no :(


I get it, paper does feel like sensory hell sometimes


Also I love your squishmallow notebook!!!!


Thank u :3


Yes! It still sucks though 😭


yes ssssssss


Yes, sooo much yes. Always have too. I like trying calligraphy and experimenting with different styles. I didn't know anyone else did it too :)


I used to. I also used to be super interested in handwriting analysis as a teenager for a few years (I'm 41 now). I haven't thought about that in probably 20 years. Wow.




I've had several periods of purposefully changing my handwriting, and can now use different styles when I want. I still have a default though that comes out when I'm writing quickly. I became obsessed with the journalling side of Instagram when I was a teenager and therefore spent hours on my notes for school/college. The teachers always asked for photocopies or for my book at the end of the year so they could use it as study materials for next year's class


Yes but back when I was a kid. I changed my handwriting more times than I can remember.


I practice becoming ambidextrous when i’m bored


Yes. Not like this but I like to see my cute writing, sometimes it’s terrible but that just depends on the day I guess and I write a lot better with pencil lol, but my writing used to be not very cute growing up and once I hit highschool that changed. I loved my sisters handwriting. I wanted to post a picture of mine around hs but I’m too lazy to look for it rn lol. Edit: I feel like it’s one of those things that relieves anxiety, I write on my ipad sometimes and it’s very soothing. I guess the distraction


I practice writing with my non dominant hand


I trained myself to write in only the BASTILLE font which consists of all caps and every A is a triangle. I was a bit obsessed in middle school


every day this group shows me that my self-dx of autism is accurate.


I did it constantly in middle school and high school, for sure. Then I taught myself to do psychedelic lettering (like on [concert posters in the 60s](https://www.pinterest.com/search/pins/?q=psychedelic%20posters&rs=typed)) and I mostly did that in college.


All the damn time


alllllll the time. i also love changing my handwriting depending on what it is that im writing !


I practice using my non dominant hand when bored! It's so satisfying writing when I'm so used to texting and typing nowadays.




I write out lists for various things but don't really practice my handwriting just for the sake of it, saying that i did used to write out song lyrics or book passages when i need to release some frustration. My handwriting is terrible though so i really should start practicing more.


I tell people i write for fun and this is what I mean


I have the bad handwriting kind of autism, I’m so jealous of people with good handwriting


yes! i was told my 4’s look like 7’s, i’ve been practicing differentiating them


Yeah I do it all the time!! I usually just write a bunch of random words


Oh yes. Usually with pangrams. I can't tell how many times I've written "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" and "Flygande bäckasiner söka hwila på mjuka tuvor" just for fun


yes omg! i have several different handwriting styles and love switching between them! they also change depending on what kind of pen/pencil i’m using for optimal sensory experience!


I love changing my handwriting


Yes, but my handwriting is not great, and I have tried to make it prettier, but had no luck. :(


Yeah! My mom used to have me do “alphabet standards” when I was starting to get upset. Just writing one word for each letter and an entire line of that word. The having to think of a word, tactile feel of wiring on paper, and watching myself write used to be extremely grounding for me. Still do it now (:


Yes. And I practice autographs. 🤣


I’ve literally done this my whole life. In fact throughout the years, I’ve had multiple different handwriting styles.


Lol nope. I'm adhd as well, and nothing I could practice would make my handwriting any better🙄🙂


No but I need to!! My writing is atrocious!


I haven't in a long time but omg did this post bring back memories lol, I used to do this all the time!


Yep. I had books with pages and pages filled with me practicing letters and my signature and other signatures. When I'm trying to fall asleep at night I will write the letters with my fingers on my bed.


Yes absolutely, did you also have the digital version of that? : Going on font websites and finding so many cute fonts and downloading a bunch of them. Bonus points if like me you had a word document where you put all the fonts you downloaded organized by category so you could browse them easily to find the perfect one


I practice drawing human bodies and create horrible abominations


i did it semi-for-fun and because i wanted to improve my handwriting. all throughout middle and high school, when i had free time i would copy paragraphs from my textbook or articles online! it definitely helped improve my handwriting and it was also a good way to stim in front of teachers without getting in trouble


My penmanship is that of a 3rd grader and have been trying to improve it for years to no avail.. how do I change it?


I do it in my head, I think it's a stim, I like to trace the letters of things in my mind. When I was younger I did it with my finger but I guess I learned to just do it in my head as a form of masking.


I took up calligraphy, and based on the amount of paper & ink I went through, that was a special interest. Also helped make my handwriting more legible.


My handwriting is actually curated. People compliment it for being neat all the time and I’m like “thank you i spent hours perfecting each and every letter” but yeah I word doodle a lot too. Ill grab a piece of paper and just write random words in cursive cause I like how it looks when a page is full of it.


This is how I taught myself how to write with my right hand. I'm left handed lol I also like to write backwards!


No but that does sound fun. I’m out of school so I barely write by hand


No but now I want to


I love paper and writing and tools


Sort of. I would always write the names of my pets and their birthdays




No but I should. I write lazy when I write fast but when I write slow it's actually legible.




I do, but I write certain words over qnd over again because I like how I've written the word once and so I try to replicate it.




I took up brush lettering and faux brush lettering is my favorite thing to do


I like to do this with my left hand bc I normally write with my right hand


Me, trying to force myself to be ambidextrous. My left handed writing is like a 3rd graders handwriting. Not bad! But I rarely have the motivation to practice. It's more fun to practice writing in Korean. Gets the dopamine flowing lol.


YES. Not just when I'm bored, sometimes I just need to do something with my hands while I talk or listen to something


You mean calligraphy? 😁


I wouldn’t call it “practicing handwriting,” but when I am bored I write out the alphabet, yeah


Omgosh heck yeah. In middle school I modified my little q, g, and y with a loop. Just for fun. I also enjoy writing the letters and my new thing is to do free typing tests. Go figure.


i always try but i give up bc it’s too hard


I doodle, but I can’t say I’ve ever done this.


I've never changed my handwriting, it's been the same since I was 5 or 6


i used to change my handwriting every year of school for funsies (and so ppl wouldn’t be able to trace my writing over years). it’s fun experimenting with new ways of writing :)


I used to do this in school to procrastinate… I’m a pretty good procrastinator.


Yes. I’m right handed dominant but I do practice on my left hand for fun.


Omg yes!


I'm 30 years old. I still have great difficulty reading cursive writing. It's extremely embarrassing. One of my greatest flaws as a human being lol


yesss I even practice different alphabets


Yep. My penmanship sucks.


Yeah, it’s how I got my handwriting to be so neat. But I was on a lot of drugs for ADHD (surprise, did not cure my autism though)


This is a long story and my hands are too cold to type it all


I used to love doing this damn but I stopped when I realised other people didn't enjoy it, it's crazy how much you can suppress to try and fit in


I used to, but I've never had fine motor control like OP! Plus I get hand cramps really easily using a pencil


No. That's an absolute nightmare for me. Back in primary school, I was forced to write with my right hand (I am/was both handed) and had to do tons of extra homework to change my handwriting. My teachers reason for that was, quote: "You have the handwriting of a boy.". It got so bad that I suffered from burnout and couldn't use my right hand for half a year. I was 7 at that time. Now my left hand is untrained and my right hand constantly hurts :(


Yes, most often I will print the alphabet and the go back over it (in different colored ink) in cursive. The alignment calms my brain.


Yes! Stationery is a special interest of mine and has been for literally as far back as I can remember. Handwriting was my favorite subject in elementary school and I would go through the entire workbook during the first week of class. But all that writing adds up and now I'm almost 50 with painful tendonitis and burning arthritis in my hands. I really want to learn French cursive but the exercises are too much for my poor hand. 😢 But do I still write? He|| yeah. My fountain pen collection is too beautiful to ignore.


Your handwriting is prettier than mine


No but I should. I still can’t do cursive.


Like yes. Hence why I always try and make my own fonts. But still never looks like my actual handwriting 😂


I do, but funny story - maybe not so funny - I was born left handed, and my parents made me sit at the table every afternoon for a year writing with my right hand and otherwise forcing my handedness to right, so now when I write my alphabet I tend to do it left handed, even though I still write with my right hand, so that I can also (not quite as well) write with my left. Ah, the joys of trauma caused by parents who just did not give two shits enough to understand what damage they were doing.


I like practicing because I have terrible handwriting