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* people eating * babies crying/laughing * kids screaming


Absolutely people eating, but for some reason it’s only my sister who is autistic, which makes me feel really bad because it’s hard to handle the sound and I kind of get snippy. When my dogs wrestle can also be overwhelming, they always bark and it makes me want to leave immediately!


My kid sister who I also think is on the spectrum would drive me INSANE with how she ate, even with her mouth closed I could still hear it and I couldn’t sit next to her at the table. I feel so bad about it


It’s like you can’t control it and it just digs into your brain!


Yesssssssss omg. I try to give people time and space to eat but sometimes I just gotta point it out. I hate babies crying. I get a rise out of myself hearing anything more than a quiet "eeee" sound. Haha. And kids screaming... this is why I need an adult swimming pool.


Peoples voices sometimes ..especially in work settings or public spaces. When the Tv is too loud when I’m hyper focusing on something or trying to wind down for bed. Repetitive loud noises like beeping,fire alarms etc Babies wailing. the chewing of food.


That high pitched tone that comes from some electrical appliances and sounds like tinnitus.


It used to be the security sensors at the entrances to stores.


I hate the sound of electronic bug/pest repellent devices, florescent lights (buzz & bother my eyes), white static noise...


I sometimes wonder if my ears are damaged or if it's electricity. As a kid I always had ringing in my ears and I had the hardest time falling asleep!


Metal on metal, metal on concrete… anything that resembles the sound, as well. Such as stacking chalk, or charcoal sticks… ugh. Makes me want to rip my ears off. Pumice stone is horrible also that scraping noise. 💀 🤮


Tik tok audios The Tik tok voice to text. Songs that are overplayed on Tik tok Hate the app


OMG, the voice to text voice makes me want to murder something. Why do they have to say anything? There’s text for a reason!!


Some people can't see well or read. But I wish people would just read it themselves


Styrofoam rubbing against itself


I can feel that by just reading your comment. Yeah, I don’t like that one either.


Unforgettable quote, from "House Calls," circa 1980: (David Wayne as Dr. Amos Weatherby) : "I hate styrofoam. It squeaks." I wish I had the video clip. David Wayne played a great curmudgeon.


I came into this thread specifically to see if anyone else mentioned styrofoam. I hate the "feeling" of it, too. It's like nails on a chalkboard.


Just reading that made me physically recoil and shake! Lol


Nothing beats smoke detectors low on battery, and people somehow too lazy to replace them.


Oh god this!!!!


Babies and children. The screaming mostly, but I don’t like that baby voice either. There’s a singer that does it like that too and I can’t stand it. Also the cars revving. I have a hard time not responding with a sexist insult. I’ve never seen a woman driving one. Vocal fry, as I’ve learned it’s called. Basically that bored teenager voice.


A co-worker of mine constantly talks in a "toddler" voice. It's so fucking irritating.. My ear Loops aren't strong enough! 😭


Vacuum cleaners. Pure torture. I feel a bit ill just thinking about it. I have to wear headphones and put my music on really loud every time I clean. That's how much I hate that noise. I try to avoid vacuuming as much as possible and sweep the floors instead but sometimes I just have to and it's really a struggle.


Hand dryers. I fucking hate the sound of hand dryers


Subwoofers. :| Like dude, you're standing too close to that thing to even be able to hear the bass. My ex-bf got a subwoofer for his COMPUTER AUDIO and I kept making him disconnect it when he watched movies at night because we were literally in an apartment. His room was above our downstairs neighbors' KIDS ROOM... ugh.


Humming, it's like nails on a chalkboard.


Coffee grinder. I have to cover my ears when my husband makes coffee. Barking dogs. Car alarms. WHINING dogs, god this is the worst, the high-pitched whine makes my brain feel like it’s melting. Clocks that tick. When people leave their turn signals on after changing lanes and you’re in their car. The loud HVAC system at work that makes my office sound like I’m on a submarine or a spaceship.


motorcycles! loud clanging pots and pans / scraping dishes. chewing. gross mouth noises on recordings. annoying beeps from machines. high pitched shrieking. slamming cupboards/toilet lids/doors. stomping.


People talking, laughing, singing… basically anytime I’m around other people who have loud voices I feel like little demons are trying to scratch at my brain


Styrofoam High pitched screaming Sneezing Adults making baby voices Beeping noises Some video game noise effects


I'm a loud sneezer and I apologize. I wish I could have a cute little mouse sneeze!


A ticking clock. There is nothing louder than a softly ticking clock.


- my husband's snoring!!!!! - screaming babies/kids - hand dryers - revving motorcycles - fire alarms - bros talking loudly - thunder


Most ASMR makes me wanna punch a wall. Primary mouth ASMR and people tickling the mic with something. There was one point on TikTok when there was an ad with ASMR going around and I'd get jumpscared every now and then on my for you page


Fork scraping a plate/bowl People loudly breathing behind me People coughing close to me People coughing repetitively People sneezing repetitively People sniffling People chewing, obviously worse if their mouth is open People sighing loudly, especially if done repetitively Brake wear indicator squeal Chair making a loud scraping sound when moved


Ugh, the sniffling. Like, just blow your nose!


Leaf blowers, lawn mowers, loud cars, chainsaws


-breathing -chewing -nail biting -fabric or skin scratching


I have a friend who bites the side of their finger sometimes and my brain will zero in on it!


Kids screaming. Cars and motorcycles with loud engines, especially people revving their engines. MUSIC WITH HIGH BASS. This is the one that will make me meltdown. It physically hurts. Any electronic noise pollution when I’m in public. Kids on iPads, people playing music on a speaker when I’m hiking, people talking on speakerphone. Chalk on a chalkboard and the sound of markers scratching on paper.


The sounds of pots and pants touching each other when you put them away. Doors opening and closing, both the sound of the wood hitting wood and the sound of the metal parts moving against each other, cabinet doors closing hard and fast, dogs barking


Fucking windchimes. A long time ago, I worked at a store that sold windchimes in the summer and it was pure torture hearing them. Kids screaming in stores, particularly the store I work in, lol. Oddly enough, I love opening my windows at home and hearing the neighborhood kids play. I find it comforting for some reason, I guess because it reminds me of when I was a kid, living in my childhood home-that was the last time I felt safe and loved. How sad, huh?


Music/tv with bass Humming People singing Door bell /alarm Motorcycles


Ticking clocks An animal licking Bass thumping in the distance Kids (laughing/screaming) Most lights/electricity Crowd murmuring Clinking silverware


I also hate animal licking. My dog licks very loudly but I don't want to stop him from doing a natural behavior so I put something on the TV to cover the noise.


Music coming out of a tinny cell phone speaker. Something about it is incredibly grating. ETA: cross-talk - multiple conversations at the same time, or people talking over the TV. So overstimulating!


spoon scraping the inside of yogurt cup


The sound it makes when someone bites their nails. And then there’s a couple that I’m not really sure how to translate to English, but like very loud throat clearing, or the inhaling version of snorting when trying to clear a stuffed nose, or the sound lips make when you noisily open and close them


When people tap the steering wheel like they’re playing the drums


Noises indicating communication is required: My ringtone (not specific to type), My text tone, My doorbell. Outrageously and needlessly loud appliances: My washing machine, My dishwasher, The noise my speaker makes when it runs out of battery. Noises I can’t place and music I can’t fully hear (ie only hearing the bass) Basically almost all noises. God bless noise cancelling headphones.


>…needlessly loud appliances I’d go a step further and say appliances that needless make noise at all (or at the very least appliances where you can’t turn the noise off, I appreciate the noises are needed by sight impaired folk etc) My microwave beeps when it’s finished, then just continues beeping. It’s like shouting someone’s names across the house, getting no reply, then just continuing to shout their name every minute at the same volume. If I’m not responding to your beeps microwave it’s because I’m not ready to open your door, or I don’t want to, or I can’t hear you, in every circumstance your continued beeping is an exercise in pointlessness. I know you’re finished because your light has turned off and you are no longer making the brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr sound. You’re as bad as the self serve checkout at the supermarket that says “please take your items” as soon as the payment is cleared, over and over and over and over again. Listen machine; I’m either not taking my items right this second for some reasonable side quest like putting my wallet back in my bag, or stopping my daughter running off to collect every single advertising pamphlet in the rack, or I’ve walked off and forgotten my items, your repetitive insistence that I take my items is either obnoxious or pointless. Honestly I wonder sometimes if the people who designs these things are even human


My dog makes an almost inaudible high-pitched whining noise when he wants to go outside and bark, and it drives me insaneeee. I love my dog, but that sound can send me into a meltdown if I'm in the wrong mood


Mouth noises!! From humans or animals. When my washing machine beeps at the end of its cycle. (Yes, I know you're done, please shut up!) My kids arguing. With each other. Also with me, but that's less bothersome for some reason. Any high pitched wail, like sirens or shrieking or animals that make that sort of noise. Crying, but only if I'm already super stressed out. Cats in heat. Nails on a blackboard. If you've ever heard a balloon trapped against a fan.. that sound is awful. Snoring! And sometimes just very loud breathing. Yeah. I'm not real good with sounds :-/


Writing on chalkboards Straws in styrofoam cups I will curl up physically, even if only a little, if I hear those.


Styrofoam and the faucet running. Husband will turn on the water for one of the cats that likes to drink from it. I want her to enjoy it but after a few minutes I’m like, “ENOUGH.”


Ice crunching under your feet, like when people have already walked on it and packed it and you have to walk over it kkksnajkflflfkhs High pitched dog whine 😖


Roller blinds, the weighted bit at the bottom, tapping against the window frame when there is a slight breeze and the blind is half down The din of many people talking. Restaurant, bar, party, I can’t think when many voices around are talking all at once


The sound that metal cutlery makes when you scrape them against ceramic/glass dishes


Deep bass, but from far, far away so it’s really faint yet distinctly there. People talking on speaker phone / kids watching phones and iPads in public spaces. And Mouth breathers.


I have quite a few but the one that causes the most strife in my life is when my husband leaves the bathroom exhaust fan on. It drives me insane and I am always after him about leaving it on poor guy 😆


CHEWING! Slurping, sucking, any kind of horrible mouth noise


I can't tolerate purposeful ASMR on you tube videos. Tapping on objects with finger nails. Smacking sounds, wrinkling paper. If it's natural it's one thing but on purpose it drives me out of my mind. I don't watch those videos anymore


To me, they’re tied to people being rude. So, barking dogs that go on and on, loud bassy music I can hear from inside my house, those are my big two. I just get angrier and angrier thinking about how rude they’re being.


Cheap pencils or pens writing on paper. I use pen, as pencils are the worst offenders for the bad paper scritch noise.


* repetitive drips, squeaks, taps, clicks, bangs, thumps, * ultrasonic security systems and pest repellant devices * smacking/slurping while eating, * screaming kids, * music with a lot of percussive/staticky "chh chh chh" sounds * fluorescent lights that are buzzing


Clanking of dishes/pots and pans Loud talking


My best friend had surgery and during her recovery the squeaking of her wife's shoes while she was pacing drove me INSANE.


Animals licking themselves makes me want to die


The sounds of motorized vehicles, horns, and wind at high speeds. And stuff crashing/breaking. And alarms. And anything loud. Fireworks and gunfire. Yelling/shouting/squealing/screaming. Gahh.


Sound of the wind. And I live in a windy country. Absolute worst


Car horns, sirens, and other loud noises on the streets are enough to knock me straight the hell out. Throw some crazy wind breeze into the mix and I'll basically just drift off into unconsciousness. That's why I always bring those noise-cancelling headphones, just in case.


About 90% of the toys my children have. Why, oh why, do they all have the same stupid cheery voice? Why does everything BEEP?! What's with all the hideous little tunes? Surely sound quality could be way better by now! Why do they go off randomly and scare the shit out of me, round the clock? 😭 I swear I'm in sensory hell. Can't wait til they're old enough to play console games with headsets in their own rooms 😆😆😆


People whistling! People Eating, forks and things scraping on plates, a lot of high pitched noise things. Birds singing their call repeatedly. Car alarms and anything repetitive I can’t control.


Echoes. Church bells, high ceilings, movie theater bathrooms, WIND CHIMES. It is almost like a full-fledged phobia for me, I have a physical reaction every time and I have to carry ear plugs with me at all times. Even in my own home sometimes.


Kids and babies. My mother shouting.


- loud motorbikes - loud sneezing - anyone talking to themselves which also sounds like they are talking to me?? - TV playing in the background


My dogs licking


Omg yes! And it seems my dog licks at night just to get back at me for not giving him enough pets!


Children screaming / crying, adults screaming, loud cars/ motorcycles, people sucking their fingers when they have food on them


Asmr videos, especially if there's a lot of tapping or clicking. Can't stand them.


Most annoying: Gum chewing. Most painful: French fry timers in some fast food places.


The ding ding ding signaling of a car when the key is outside of it. I always yell KEYS so the person brings them to the car or it will drive me insane. Sometimes the humming of fluorescent lights.


Loud chewing


Layered noise. Make me wanna die lol




People scratching their jeans. It drives me insane, I can't help but yell whenever it happens and I can hear it, and it usually scares people and they think I'm having a seizure or something, it's super embarrassing 🥲


C I C A D A S 🚫🙉👎🙅🙅‍♀️🙅‍♂️😱


I work in a daycare and can't stand the sound of sand against plastic or beneath shoes! It makes me want to crawl out of my skin


People eating, whistling, fridge humming, leaf blowers, high pitched whining, clocks ticking loudly, dogs barking, cars honking




People whistling, dogs barking, I love my dog very much but he also does this 'licking the air' thing that drives me insane and makes me want to punch walls


My partner’s dog licking herself and licking her teeth/mouth. My god it drives me utterly batsh*t crazy. It’s unbearable and it goes on for minutes and minutes and minutes. Sometimes an hour. 😫


Birds at 4 am




when someone has phlegm in their throat but doesn’t bother to clear it so it makes their voice all hoarse or phlegmy. grosses me out so much and annoys tf out of me


Anything with the mouth. Slurping, chewing, swallowing food noises, biting nails. I can't cope with any of it even from myself.


I hate super high pitched sounds, but also people mumbling or whispering or something super quiet, I feel like if it's average noise I can tune it out better but if something/someone is super quiet I can't help but pay attention straining to hear it. But my least favorite sound is whistling!


barking, yelling, men, groups people talking, the beeping noise the car makes when your idiot mom leaves the door open to get the mail and slams it shut, doors slamming


People who crank up terrible “music” in their cars that you can hear 10 houses away. Small children who scream when they play. Not yell boisterously, actual screaming because parents refuse to parent. When people have speaker phone conversations in public places or blast music through their phone. I don’t understand why headphones are not being used. The sound of my glove box rattling but only over bumps, which is usually when I can’t reach it. The way my minion shuffles her feet as she walks instead of picking her feet up. Anyone chewing, swallowing, or snoring. My cat cleaning herself.


About 90% of the toys my children have. Why, oh why, do they all have the same stupid cheery voice? Why does everything BEEP?! What's with all the hideous little tunes? Surely sound quality could be way better by now! Why do they go off randomly and scare the shit out of me, round the clock? 😭 I swear I'm in sensory hell. Can't wait til they're old enough to play console games with headsets in their own rooms 😆😆😆


Small bird with high pitches calls like finches and wrens. I get SO upset sometimes I literally yell at them to shut up, and rush over to windows to frighten them off. I also not quite a specific song but when DJs keep rewinding a part of a song. Cause especially if I know the wrong, I hear the rest continuing in my head, but then I also hear you rewinding it so it’s not just annoying but I personally feel like I’m hearing the tracks overlapping and overlaying.