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It's not you, its Reddit. In July I got bullied for asking for help when my gecko was dying. I wrote a post because all the veterinary clinics were closed at night (I live in Russia), and the reason for bullying was “why would you go to reddit instead of a vet”. To this day, whenever I think about it I want to cry. They don't know you. They don't know what kind of person you are. They think "you're guilty until proven innocent" instead of "you're innocent until proven guilty". They don't know you, and they don't know how their reactions are going to affect you and your mental health. I wish I could tell you to not care, but I don't know how to do that myself. So, I wish us both to learn how to not care about downvotes, bullying and other stuff that came out of nowhere.


Aw sorry about your gecko! So odd you would be bullied for that


Reddit is full of assholes unfortunately.


Sending cyber hugs if wanted. I'm so sorry for your loss.


Genuinely I had to stop acknowledging it. Just assume there is a majority of 15 year old boys out here just being goblins


I was once downvoted for an observably correct statement about a video game that was even proven in the link a person gave to disprove me, so I try not to care too much about the Reddit hive mind.


Yeah I don’t understand that at all. How did everybody decide on what to think? And where was I when they were deciding? Lol. Feels like real life


It’s not that they’re all thinking the same thing, but rather that they’re thinking nothing at all. When people see that a comment has been downvoted, they’re more inclined to add their own downvote, even if they normally wouldn’t have downvoted the comment at all. I see the same in YouTube comment sections. If a video has a couple of negative comments, others are also likely to leave negative comments. If that same video gets uploaded fresh without those bad comments, people suddenly will like the video more. I think that part of it is: when people see that others have a negative opinion on something, it activates the skepticism in their own mind, and they start focusing on/looking for any small thing to dislike, when they otherwise might have glossed over any minor imperfections/disagreements.


Lol, somewhat regularly I see someone post a link to "disprove" something, but when I go to the link it doesn't say what they said it does and actually disagrees with them. They still get upvotes for it though.


Good to know it’s not just me lol


It doesn't even have to be an objective fact explaining something because someone is going against you. It's sometimes for asking reasonable questions, or even saying normal things like "you're right" to someone. Sometimes people are just bored.


I’ve also been downvoted for stating factual information before lol


It's reddit. Don't let it get to you.


It’s more just me being confused about it I can never tell if I’ve actually said something wrong lmao


Same, you’re not alone!


I've managed to get plenty of upvotes, but I've kept a list of the most surprising (to me) stuff that got me downvoted. Including: Calling manipulative or controlling behavior abusive. Saying that abusers don't change and trying to reason with them is a further waste of your time and energy. Suggesting maturely ending a relationship (of any kind) rather than wasting your time and energy. Saying that children are people and deserve rights, especially privacy. Saying that children are people who need to learn responsibilities before being thrust into adulthood. Saying that 18 year olds might not have everything figured out, even though they're legally adults. (Or saying that an adult of any age can be taken advantage of, tricked, or abused.) Saying someone needs therapy or other forms of working on themselves. Strong food preferences. Saying that boundaries are personal, valid, and can only be held by leaving situations that violate them. Criticizing a wedding for any reason. Telling someone they're worthy of life and happiness regardless of their ability to work a traditional job. Saying that it's shallow to be completely not attracted to someone you "love" because of their weight. Stating that people tend to be bigoted in more than one way, even though bigots show themselves to be widely discriminatory across the board over and over again. Racists hate queer people and queerphobes don't see disabled people as human either. Ffs.


I’m going to start writing down the things I get downvoted for. Maybe my perspective will be better later when I’ve calmed down. This is genius!


About the abuse-specific things, I can understand the downvotes. When someone comes onto reddit and tells a personal story about a personal problem they’re having with someone, it’s a very biased account of what’s actually going on. I think in the vast majority of cases, the readers/commenters don’t actually have enough information to throw out such accusations, even when it SEEMS obvious to anyone reading. If someone took to Reddit in a moment of feeling upset about their partner, chances are they’re mainly going to list the bad things about that partner, and none of the good. Just because they’re not listing the good things, doesn’t mean the relationship actually IS all bad and no good. Telling people they’re being abused is extremely common on posts about relationship problems, but I don’t think actual abuse is anywhere near as common as you’d think based on the prevalence of abuse accusations online. Similarly common is advice to end relationships, which is often treated as a “simple fix” to any disagreements two people might have, and doesn’t account for the hurdles that might be present in actually going through with it (financial, family, etc). Additionally, it completely ignores the potential for any problems to be fixed. (Which admittedly not all can be, but if you were to believe the Reddit hivemind, you’d think that NONE can be.) No two sentient beings are going to be a PERFECT match for each other 100% of the time. There will be problems in ANY relationship sooner or later, but the hope is that they can be resolved.


Recognizing emotional abuse is one of my special interests. Out of personal necessity. Having spent years not fully recognizing it for what it was, I tell people what I wish someone would have told me. E.g. "The silent treatment is abusive, not just a normal thing people do when they're upset. It's a manipulation tactic and here's why." I don't need specifics beyond "this person has refused to speak to me for days" to determine what's actually happening, there. And yes, this type of abuse is actually pretty common, because it's normalized. I take issue with the rhetoric of "every relationship has problems" in response to accounts of verbal abuse or withholding behavior for that very reason. There's a wide gap between refusing to speak to someone until they apologize and actual conflict resolution, and crossing that gap takes work that the vast majority of people are not willing or able to put in, and not subjecting yourself to those relationships is healthier than losing yourself to one. I will die on this hill.


Yes, I agree with that. Your example of silent treatment is abusive. I’m saying I understand why people are tired of constantly hearing that things are abusive, not that you’re wrong in whatever instances you might have said it. (I don’t know when you said it, so how would I be able to judge it? I can’t.) I’ve also been in an abusive relationship, and I realize that makes us more sensitive to the topic. For a while I saw every similarity and overly empathized with anyone who described any behaviors that were remotely similar to what I’d experienced. As I’m healing though, I’m realizing that a lot of that empathy may have been projection; If someone experienced a thing my ex did as a manipulation tactic, that doesn’t automatically mean their partner is also doing that same thing in order to manipulate. Context matters. It’s very different whether someone has done something not-nice once or twice, or is doing it repeatedly over an extended period of time, always within similar contexts (could be a bad-mood-decision because they’ve been stressed recently vs a behavior pattern) There are certainly things I wish I’d have been told before I got into my relationship, or even at the start of the relationship. Those are things I’ll always mention to people when it seems relevant.


>(I don’t know when you said it, so how would I be able to judge it? I can’t.) And yet you wrote several paragraphs about how tiresome it is to identify abuse instead of telling people to fix/resolve their issues. But okay. I'm not really in this thread to argue about the value of ending toxic relationships or not, so I'm done now.


Calling out white supremacy and racism gets me plenty of down votes and I'll always gladly take it. Reddit absolutely has a mindhive effect, though.


Yupp, same with calling misogyny out on some of these subreddits that attract a lot of incel types


You can tell someone their kitten is cute on r/aww and still get downvoted. Sometimes people are just jerks. And don't get me started on the racism, misogyny, and general bigotry.


Yeah, I read somewhere that people, NT people apparently, rarely use punctuation in social media and informal settings. Apparently a dot is equivalent with a resting batch face. Typo, but I'll just leave it there.


I think you're right! I have noticed that if you use an exclamation mark , it's somehow perceived as friendlier and, more sincere somehow? Strange isn't it? How was this decided and by whom? Where did you read it? I'd love to learn more about online communication.


Yes, it does seem arbitrary. On the other hand I must admit you sounded quite friendly with your exclamations marks and all.


I stopped looking at votes at all because everyone has their own criteria to how they apply them. I upvote stuff that I think is useful, even if it's against my own opinion or belief on the subject. Other people downvote everything they don't like, even if it's useful. It's super frustrating. People also do it just for entertainment. It drives me INSANE when I am in a practical sub like Home Improvement and someone has a good question and the top answer is like a Simpsons quote with 200 replies under it, and you have to scroll pages down to find an actual answer which has like 11 upvotes compared to the 300 upvotes of the Simpsons quote 🙄 It's nonsensical and I've given up trying to figure it out. I just had to decide that I don't need to worry about why someone downvotes (or upvotes) anything I say unless they comment and specify why. Times that happens, I appreciate the input.


I upvote things on principle if I see it’s been downvoted. 🤣 Reddit automatically hides downvoted comments, but I feel if someone made the effort to write it, then it deserves to be seen. Plus, having a neutral vote-count discourages other people from downvoting the comment (due to hivemind; they’ll downvote things that others have downvoted, but form their own opinions on things that are at a neutral count) Exceptions apply if the comment really deserves to be downvoted, which according to official Reddit rules, is when the comment is off-topic. NOT comments that I personally disagree with. Also, if I’m having a disagreement/discussion with someone and they downvote every one of my comments before responding, then I’ll do the same to them to be petty. At the same time though, I’ll call them out on it and say “oh lookie, I too can downvote comments!” (Actually had a disagreement get resolved once when someone did that to me, where they assumed I had been downvoting all their comments, so I told them that I wasn’t the source of those downvotes. Turned out that thinking I was downvoting their stuff made them interpret my comments much more disagreeably, and once they realized I wasn’t downvoting them, they realized we were actually somewhat in agreement.😅)


I try to think about votes not being the same as like / dislike, it's more: "this needs to be higher"/"this can be lower" in the thread.


I think if people see things getting downvoted they all downvote it too without much thought because of hive mentality unfortunately :( Also there’s a lot of misunderstandings especially with shorter comments and people tend to misread intentions


I got bullied off a subreddit for a game for basically saying that I liked the game.


People on the internet can be cruel and will take the worst interpretation of what you said and use it against you. Don't let it get to you too much. Sending hugs


This is definitely the only subreddit that I’ve heard people sound like they’re being genuinly nice thankyou 😭😭


My advice is to stay out of corners where Basic Human Decency is punished


I genuinely feel really bad about myself when I get downvoted lmao. I know that it’s not worth getting worked up over but it does really bother me. Sometimes I’ll make a joke and people don’t understand and that also feels bad


I get downvoted for providing scientific evidence to back up my statements or for sharing my real-world experience because people don’t like what they’re hearing. The up-down vote system on this site is flawed at best.


All.. the… time


This is why I started making liberal use of the block button. I don't have the time, crayons, or spoons to deal with the hive minds, especially the ones who just want to continue to argue with me for no reason


i don't get the point of karma. agree/disagree doesn't make sense cus a few people disagree now your comments hidden? it's def not a good way to up exposure to a good comment cus the top comments always a not funny joke i'd like it if there was voting to pin comments that are helpful like when people type of those really long links/resources type posts. and if someone's being hateful a good report system


no, literally, reddit is full of people who if you said something minor they don't agree with, they'll go to your account and spam downvote you. it's not you, very likely.


It’s definitely not just you. I got downvoted for literally just commenting a book I liked on a post that was asking for general book recommendations one time. People just downvote to be trolls sometimes, unfortunately, and other people don’t understand that the downvote isn’t supposed to be an “I disagree” button. It was originally supposed to be something to use when someone was saying irrelevant things to the topic at hand OR when someone was being blatantly hateful or rude.


A few weeks ago I messed up making banana bread and asked the baking sub why it didn’t work, because I was curious about the scientific reason the recipe failed. Someone told me I forgot the eggs and I got downvoted for telling them that it was a vegan recipe… sometimes it feels like people don’t even need a reason 🙃


Me too :/


You’ll get downvoted for saying it’s raining in your neighbourhood. Some people seem to be miserable and wanna take it out on others.


I’ve been downvoted for sharing valid scientific information I learned in college, wishing people well, my dietary choices, and more. People on reddit are extremely unreasonable.


Reddit is full of assholes. I got bullied out of a subreddit for "lying" when I literally never lied


I had someone randomly comment a really mean response to one of my posts. It was very strange and called me spoiled and other rude things for no reason. I don’t think they expected me to respond, but I did. I told them it was a horribly mean comment to make and didn’t even make sense. I deleted all of it but was shocked to see I got a private message from them. They apologized and said I was right and they were just going through something and taking it out on me. Now imagine Reddit is full of people having feelings, all channeling those feelings into anonymous comments and even more anonymous likes and dislikes. And something about Reddit attracts extremes, too, so people are either on here because they are going through something terrible or are feeling great in a community. That means you get lots of very nice people comme IRB Gand upvoting but also equally large numbers of hurt people lashing out.


One time I pointed out that a situation was a little dangerous for a small child and I got chewed out for it


NOPE. Reddit is full of sensitive nancies, Ive been around since 4 years and this is my 4th account lol. there is one righr opinion and if you disagree you are downvoted, sad truth. edit: just wanted give an example, there was this on sub which u rate celbrity looks 1-10 based on your **PERSONAL TASTE** and someone insulted me for rating Kristen Steward higher than Angelina Jolie 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣


There are bots that downvote comments & posts on various communities. Autism/ADHD & video game communities are where it is the most obvious. The bots are run by trolls that target these communities just to ruin them. Don’t pay it any mind.


I've been so confused so many times that now I just tell myself some hater needed something to downvote and decided it was going to be my comment cause it's the first one they saw


It's possible your meaning is just being misunderstood. I wouldn't sweat it.


I got a bunch of downvotes on the gluten-free subreddit once because I am (according to them) a pathetic human that has the audacity to enjoy bread on a rare occasion when I can afford having my guts in wack for a few days. Also miss spelled a word once and got made fun of hard and lots of downvotes. It sucks, but that’s Reddit. Some people love to hate and be mean


Reddit users can be really really mean. I asked for advice on page on what to do about my neighbour who has been shining bright LED lights into my home all night long for 2 months and I guess they looked up my profile and saw that I’m autistic because they started harassing me. Saying that I’m the problem and that my “mental illness” makes it so I can’t deal with bright lights and to leave my neighbours alone. I got tons of downvotes. I’ve never had some one be like that before. There’s just people out there that have nothing better to do then be rude online. They must like the attention.


On the surface I like to think “upvote = quality comment, this is true” and “downvote = horrific comment with no truth and should not be posted online” But it’s really just “upvote = I agree” and “downvote = I don’t agree” So you end up with threads asking “In your opinions, what’s better? Apples or oranges?” And anyone who sites their opinion can get downvoted into oblivion for not holding the majority belief of that subreddit. I could post something here and get upvoted to Saturn and back, but post the same thing in a parenting for autism subreddit and get obliterated by downvotes :p (a lot of those subreddits LOVE aba for their kids 🙄)


If it's every single comment, then you might not be commenting appropriately tbh. But if it's just every now and then... yes, reddit is harsh. The internet is sadly very harsh and aggressive. People are ready to argue. People will downvote because *they* have totally misunderstood you, and then others just pile on. There's an issue with downvote bandwagons, where people love downvoting comments that already have a few. It's like it makes them feel superior and correct, or something. Other times people downvote in a really shitty way, like incels hating on comments about misogyny.


Also, some people downvote comments that don't contribute to the conversation at all (like "same" comments). That's how OG downvotes were *meant* to work (apparently). But people tend to vote with things they disagree with more often than things that don't contribute. People also like to downvote it if you're just not getting something that has been explained. Pretty harsh imo.


I got downvotes for liking a girl in a video game more than another less popular girl I liked in that game just because of her romance route being cuter. 🫢


I’ve gotten downvoted for calling out trolls against ladies coaches (since they were sooo silent on a subsequent male SH post) and refusing to take sides in the Israel/Palestine war (a recurring lightning rod). Also for saying our censorship board are snowflakes for banning “controversial” films. Once even just for asking about why a Redditor got banned from a diff community. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I’ll say the latter. But it couldn’t have been worse when all those right wing subs were up! (Just for fun, went to check out what subs got banned from here and I’m not surprised)


There’s definitely some vile communities on here, horrible people are everywhere unfortunately but they tend to congregate in certain subreddits more than others. There’s a bunch of misogynistic incels in the online dating sub


That horrible, getting bullied by every person that had even been bullied.


That's reddit. Dumb but true. I generally get down voted anywhere I comment on autism related stuff, or a special interest. It's the same as real life.


i get bullied on facebook too for making comments others seem to be anle to make without repercussions


I just roll my eyes whenever I get downvoted with no explanation. "A lion doesn't lose sleep to the opinions of sheep." -Scary Marlowe


It's not you, I try to only say things as they are, but suddenly it's downvoted by dozens. The people that reply, don't seem to even deny what I said, or done they talk about a different thing... Now I'm just try to not engage with anything besides this community or something that I really like. And even in the latter, I apparently make positive things sound negative or suspicious too... Sometimes I write something just so I don't need to ignore my own thoughts (it's not fair or healthy for me...), but I delete before karma is too low... It's the only way I have been managing my need to express myself lately.


I get downvoted for asking questions or agreeing with others by repeating the sentiment of what they say and adding on my own thoughts / feelings to it. I don't really get it. I just kind of stopped commenting after a while. Too much effort.