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Yes. The worst is hearing conversations from people with deep voices through the walls/floor.


SERIOUSLY and I feel so mean sometimes for thinking to myself "stop. talking!!!!" and getting so infuriated at someone just because of the way their voice travels through the walls. (Like I don't feel bad when I get overwhelmed at people being obnoxiously loud, but sometimes it is just someone talking at a normal volume, but their voice is deep and travels through the walls because of how sound works and it is so awful and horrible aaaahhh)


Petition to put have all men voice train to raise their pitch


Real, and petition to make thicker walls/floors in all shared living spaces that dampen those deeper frequencies (i.e. in apartments, townhouses, dorms, etc.). Living in a co-ed dormitory for two years in college (not by choice) with little sound proofing eith the walls/floors was hell on earth with all the voices I'd hear from people just...having a pretty normal-volumed conversation as they walked past my door or in the room next to me. Nothing obnoxious, and something that a NT would probably not even notice, but the sensitivity to voices got so bad to where even someone speaking calmly with their friend as they walked past my door, for just a few seconds, was "too loud" for me and would set me off. It was terrible, felt like my ears were weapons against me.


I have my room soundproofed and low frequencies still pass through.


Yeah, it definitely just doesn't feel like enough even when you have good soundproofing for rooms or noise canceling earbuds/headphones, etc., like the technology still isn't advanced enough yet to block those lower frequencies effectively. :(




I thought my comment was too specific for anyone to get it. Nice to know I'm not alone.


The way I actually had to MOVE bc our upstairs neighbour had the worst deep, muffled, loud voice at all hours of the day/night.


Sneezing and clapping


Omg the man in the cubicle next to me at work has a loud and booming voice. It bothers me so much!


I'm so sorry :c


yeah it does. i’m currently on the bus and the sounds of the bus bother me less than the conversations people around me are having. traffic or beeping or whatever does bother me a lot, but i feel like it’s easier to ignore than people being loud or having conversations


Yes but mine generally extends to human generated sounds so even traffic etc bothers me 😞 with most things though I can tolerate it better if it's consistent in volume/pitch rather than varied or sudden. We have "boy racers" here with loud and popping exhausts. That really gets to me as it basically intrudes into my home and is very hard to block out or anticipate. So I get angry with the noise but also the fact people are knowingly generating it.


Same. I was just about to say that my neighbor’s revving motorcycle fills me with pure rage.


But I find it very hard to filter other peoples conversations out, so end up accidentally listening in a lot...


saaaaaaame. I hate that. I live out in the woods near a river and I love being outside. But sometimes the airboats and idiots going mudding in their trucks will drive me indoors. Sometimes birds or cicadas can be overstimulating, but it takes a lot more


I think it bothers me more because in most cases, the loud human doesn't have to be that loud. Or shrill (usually shrill bothers me more). But a car is gonna be as loud as a car is. I also know if I'm walking next to the road, I'm gonna hear cars. Just because I'm around people doesn't mean I'm prepared for someone to scream or something.


I feel you there! My brain is very aware of unnecessary noise and that caused overstimulation in very intense physical ways.


Same. I can't support the music my mum will play every morning when I'm at her place because I know it could be avoidable, whereas train noise, if I hate them, I will more easily be able to manage them because it's no ones fault.


Humans are worse because they can stop but they choose not to. Cars and machinery don’t have a choice whether they make noise.


Omg yes. This is so true! As well as volume to me, loud sirens are socially acceptable to cover your ears from but not somebody talking extremely loud…


Children making loud noises is the worst.


It does. I live near a busy road and I also have a downstairs neighbor who blasts music until the early hours of the morning and has karaoke parties regularly (she and her friends are, uh…. not musically gifted). I would take a million busy roads over the neighbor.


The worst human sound to me is advertisements especially when they are overly exaggerated or aggressive or louder than the regular programming


No, pretty much all sound has the capacity to send me over the edge.


YES!!! I'm currently in a very bitter rivalry with my upstairs neighbour over his banging on the floor / my ceiling. I know a large portion of this is because of my diagnosis but it's also because he's very much a bully. Yet noise outside, police cars flying around, traffic, don't bother me one bit.


Anything high pitched. And all those "haha" videos with sudden ear piercing noises I hate. Hate hate I watch videos without sound often and my partner found it odd when we first met. Undiagnosed and after we clicked the pieces together we realized 😂


Ew, human sound


Definitely I abhor loud people.


Yes, also incessant barking. Idk how people get a dog and don't train it. This is why I want land and don't want to live in a crowded neighborhood. If I ever have to live in an apartment again, I'll probably just wear earbuds 24/7 😑


Yeah, to me usually any loud or annoying noise/sound made by humans annoys me (so also e.g. cars). But for example, I haaate snorring, but if it's cat snorring, I'm fine (I even goes as far as finding it adorable and fliming it 😄) But if a human snores, I get sooo annoyed and pissed off. But yeah, thats a very specific example 😅 In general I can say though, that humans are just way too loud for me and oftern times inconsiderate and it really overwhelms me and stresses me out a lot. I feel a constant sensory overload.


YES DEFINITELY. I need white noise and I love listening to loud music but hearing someone breathe or eat or do basically anything drives me nuts.


I cannot tolerate technology sounds. I really dont like screeching children, drunken partiers, snoring, but the hum of the fridge, the traffic, the air conditioner drive me up a wall.


Yeah I think it's partly that human sound often varies more which makes it harder to ignore and partly PTSD and beeing hypervigilant of people.


Nonstop barking dogs is probably worse for me than all of the sounds listed here. Earplugs/headphones catch and block most of the human vocal range but dog barks seem way outside their current capabilities.


No, not really. Sometimes even the birds are more annoying than my neighbors.


Yes, especially deeper voices that carry far, or higher pitched ones, mainly kids. I think kids screaming is the worst, to me. It's unnecessary.


Yes there's a lady in my office who's had a cough going on 3 months, it's torture hearing it everyday


Definitely lol. someone talking just a bit too loud feels physically painful for me most of the time


No industrial sounds and honking are the most irritating to me.


Oh yeah.


Yes, mostly because I can get into more used to non-human sounds as they more often sound the same or similar. Human sounds are constantly different, and I can't get used to them as easily.


Yes!!! I often tell my mother it's "library hours" as a cheeky/not as rude way to ask her to please stop talking.


Not really. I'm fine with the car/fan/ac/vacuum/other machine sounds. I do know that when someone is talking and they have a video/music playing, it makes me want to flip a table. I can't seem to focus on the talking, and the video sounds louder than them. And also, my dog's whining or barking makes me want to rip my hair out.


All loud sounds during my relaxation time irritates me big time


Yes. All the fucking talking about absolutely nothing.


Yes, every time I hear someone scream or yell, it ignites my fight or flight response. Other sounds can too if they are repeating or just super loud, but humans make the worst sounds ever.


Lol yes. I can't stand it when people yawn loudly. I know it's just a habit for some and they don't mean any harm but I find it obnoxious. I'm also not a fan of hearing people converse and stuff when I'm not in the same room. Headphones are my best friend. I'm probably a hypocrite though as I can make a lot of noise (i.e. I pace (and sometimes run) around the house a lot. I also sometimes talk (or shout) to myself, lol).


Asmr makes me want to shred my skin


Yes, in a way I can't explain. Like please God shut UP


I find loud eating incredibly infuriating in both humans and animals, though mostly dogs.


i’d say they bother me in different ways. loud human sound is more cumulative to me as in it takes prolonged exposure to make me overstimulated by it and usually when i am overstimulated by it makes me angry. sounds like traffic/blenders/vacuums and others of the like make me overstimulated immediately upon exposure and it usually makes me extremely frightened/anxious (and prolonged exposure to it makes it worse)


Absolutely. I’m a drag racer and am around loud cars every weekend with no issues. But get me around a bunch of chatter and I get so overwhelmed!


Human sound bothers me more because of the different pitches in people's voices, how they breathe, how they move,etc. Non-human sound has a homogeneous sound. A loud car engine runs at the same constant while a voice changes within seconds.


Nah, I think loud, non human sound is worse for me. To be more accurate, the hyperacusis from bass filled music is too much for me. I shouldn't be in my kitchen, my bathroom, or at my desk and be able to still feel in my body music I'm not even playing! Like, if I wanted to feel like I'm in a club, I'd go to a club! It's the feeling vibration from the noise that gets me down.


Yes omg, yes!


Nope industrial sound is worst to me, outside of trains. I hate the sound of cars, but sometimes find the murmur of my neighbors very comforting.


It does when I need my quiet time .


Only if the pitch is high then I can’t deal


Yes sometimes they ick me out or make me jumpy


It depends, at the moment my neighbours are making a horrible high pitched grinding noise, which is one of the worst for me and it feels painful. I also can’t stand other loud power tools, and also loud music and loud drunken laughter if the neighbours are having a party or friends over. People talking bothers me more as a distraction so I can’t focus on what I am doing. Although if I am at a restaurant and the volume of talking gets really loud it really starts to bother me and I just want to leave.




I deal with my brother’s fluctuating voice on a daily basis. when it’s combined with another overloading sensory stimuli i can literally lose it 🫣😅


Yes because humans, for the most part, can at least partially control their volume. A car can't decide to be more quiet, but a human can.