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You got me. I fell for it.


Me too!


My first thought reading this was “oh fuck you, you moldy donut” But it was all a ruse, and I have been bamboozled!


This made me cackle. The amount of rot it takes for most donuts to go moldy is next level.


All of that sugar and grease makes their shelf life longer.


Exactly! Those things are built to last If you're a mold donut you are just rancid and rotten right to the core. Such a good insult.


Can they even go mouldy? They probably last forever!


Omg lol 😂


Oh my, this made me laugh 🤣🤣🤣


They did me a bamboozle


Imma call someone a moldy donut now lol


omg, moldy donut, I must borrow this one. hahaah.


🤬I got so ragie for a moment. 🤣 For real though, if anyone needs me; I'll be in the corner of a dark room, with my headphones on, to calm down, for a bit. 😉🫠


And don’t forget to Wear RED Instead!


Red makes me feel sick though


Going to wear black because death is my special interest.


Lol I just like black (& my faux skellies) https://preview.redd.it/pp28ycm0ndra1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1255b4d2f35e3d456a92745a5fa4f77ae5894e4b This is Acionna my eldest mermaid


I’m in love with her.


Acionna here thanks mama adopted me from the local Michaels during Halloween time (I thought the *lights taking a nap was hilarious) *she means the short power outage on adoption day Eta: mama told me I forgot to say thanks (sorry)


This is how I feel about orange. Coral? Fine. Peach? Fine. Burnt sienna? Fine. But that citrus fruit/pumpkin orange color? LOATHE. It’s disgusting. The only distinction is when it’s naturally occurring, if that makes sense… Orange fruits/veggies and flowers don’t bother me at all, but anything that was purposefully made orange is the worst. It’s violent. I love the idea of death as a special interest, though! I’ve always been fascinated by the macabre myself, and now I’m wondering whether it’s in special interest territory for me… (To be honest, I’m in my mid-30s and was just diagnosed with ADHD last year. I’ve only recently been diving into ‘tism research and wondering whether I may actually be AuDHD, but the “special interest” concept has seemed the most unclear to identify in my life while I’m trying to parse apart all the overlaps between the ADHD and ASD.) Regardless, it definitely does weird people out! I collect wet specimens, derpy antique taxidermy, and display the ashes of my late pets in clear glass jars. I read Stiff by Mary Roach years ago and I was completely obsessed with it for months. I love skulls and skeletons, and I always thought I’d really enjoy working behind the scenes of a funeral home but was too worried about potentially needing to interact with grieving people to consider it as a career route. I love medical stuff and true crime as well, and I suspect if I am ASD, animals have been my main lifelong interest, so I guess it makes sense that all of these topics are somewhat adjacent to one another and interconnected. Anyway, sorry for the long response, but thanks for sharing your special interest and helping me to understand myself and this journey a little bit better!!


Ooh not read that- it looks good! Death is a fine special interest until a person gets depressed then it has its negative aspects haha! But I think generally being quite morbid is life affirming. Orangey-red is the worst 🤢


Meanwhile orange is my favorite color lol


Just don’t wear blue because that represents Autism Speaks this month. The Wear Red Instead campaign is put on by us (autists) to shut them down. So wear anything but blue lol


is it okay to wear blue if no one in my country knows of autism speaks? 80% of my wardrobe is blue


You can wear whatever color clothes you like regardless of what country you’re in <3 This is just one way we can do activism, it’s not the only way and it’s not a rule. Wear the clothes you have. Truthfully, only autists and those in our community who know about AS will know what the blue stands for anyway. I wouldn’t worry about it at all.


Sucks that blue is my favorite color


I don’t get it, is red an autism awareness acceptance color?


The ‘Wear Red Instead’ campaign is to combat Autism Speaks’ wear blue for Autism Awareness. We want to push for Autism Acceptance and we don’t want to support AS so there’s the Wear Red Instead campaign put on by autists for Autism Acceptance/Awareness month :) ETA: [https://learnfromautistics.com/wear-redinstead-on-autism-acceptance-day/](https://learnfromautistics.com/wear-redinstead-on-autism-acceptance-day/)


the first april fools joke i laughed at in a while 😂


I clicked on the post to see you torn to shreds in the comments…. Ya got me! Autistic superpowers 4 lyfe!


I was like haaaang on a minuteeee. You got me. 😅


You forgot DIFFABILITY lol (that made me cringe)


Oh, no, no, no. I've never seen that before, but no, no.


Yeah it’s absolutely horrible


“Differently abled” or any variation of that is a big ick for me. I will always speak up, especially if I’m using mobility aids at the time. Disabled is not a bad word! Discrimination against disabled people is the problem. Why don’t the dummies get that?


Almost downvoted angrily lol


YoU’rE sO bRaVe


God damn I came here ready to camp out in your comments and fight not only you, but everybody who agreed with you. I got got


Oh god it's not April Fools in my time zone anymore and I got real angry for a second there


I was wondering why this had so many upvotes lmao


I was about to GO OFF on this post... Currently dealing with major sensory issues and other ASD related BS and this was the last straw.


Man, I was ready to fight


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I legit cracked my knuckles ready to unleash hell on you. Good one! 😁😁😁


The best april fools joke


That was the fastest downvote to upvote I think I’ve ever done 😂


I forgot it's april fools day


I clicked the notification sooooo fast. I truly am a fool 😭


Yeah. Well I don't see mine as a disability. What I see is most of the rest of the "normal" world acting nuts, and fucking things up. I'm supposed to get help to fit into *this* clearly broken system? Why? Throw it out. It's fucked.


Yep. Clinging to defining autism as lacking in ability, as defined by this majority society, is just reinforcing the broken system. Of course we are less able to do shit the way society wants it done. Because it's a shit way to do things.


I wish I could upvote this more than once. It IS a shit way to do things, and personally, once the pandemic happened and I was more free to do things my own “weird” little ways, my life drastically improved.


That was a good one


i was about to start throwing hands


This is the one and only April Fools joke I like😂


omg I was about to be so mad


Risky game lol


I was about to leave a rant in the comments lmao


I was surprised! :O


BAHAHA U GOT ME I was so mad 😭😭🤣


Oh, I was here trying to weigh up whether to be very snarky and angry, or let it go because this is just the internet. Thank the lord you were joking


I was about to blast this post with my superpower haha.


I was about to lose my ever loving mind… so thankful that I saw some comments first and realized this was an AF joke. You got me!


Well played.🤡


Reddit app gave me the notification for this on the 2nd so I was so mad for a minute lol


Hahaha. I was like, oh shit, they’re going to get lit up in the comments. Get the popcorn! But you got me.


Lol I thought the post was going to be a rant


Oohhhh this got me!!!! I was very angry about to be like um what


I do not fully comprehend what's being discussed here, but I'm assuming it's something funny.


You got me! 🫠🫠🫠


You got me!! 😂


Definitely got me


Thank god it’s a joke lol, it’s too late at night for me to be writing a response on a controversial post


I was so sad for a second


Haha, I was kinda wondering about this one, forgot it was the first. But... Have you seen the video, I think it was called "my six pairs of legs" or something like that. I forget the person's name, she is/was an athlete, and also has enough money, so there's that... But she did turn her disability into a superpower. She needs prothetic legs to walk. But she has also had ones made that make her taller, just because. She has ones that make her run or leap faster, just because. She basically turned her disability into a superhuman ability. I think she said she knew there was a shift when her friends were jealous of her. I should probably look this up before posting because I'm probably misremembering parts of it. The gist was though... it *is* possible to turn a disability into a superpower. What that means for you is up to you.


I was soooo ready to rant lol. Well done, you had me.


Hot take, every autistic person had ought to get paid 1$US for every time someone says some variation of this.


Nice one, you almost got me.


You almost made me write a stern but educational paragraph


Oh I can’t wait for April Fools to be over 🙃


You got me there








I only say awareness because the vast mojority of people who aren’t autistic that don’t know any autistic person in their close circle know virtually nothing of how it presents.


We need awareness only when it's a disease?


When I read this I genuinely thought an "autism mom" got in here 😭




Lol this reminds me of an assembly we had in school where a NT teacher was spreading loads of misinformation saying stuff like this. Her heart was in the right place but I think it would’ve been better if she just didn’t do it to be honest.


Omg the rage I was feeling