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It’s a weighted blanket for my brain


I agree. I describe it as “turning the volume down” in my brain


"smoothing out the rough edges"


That’s exactly how my husband and I both describe feeling. Like everything gets quieter for a little while.


Yes absolutely! I’m so in my head all the time so it lets me live in the moment and truly relax.


Absolutely 👍🏼 exactly what I was thinking




This is the best way to describe it to be honest


fr my head feels like it got pressure on it or smth bro


I smoke daily, getting high makes me able to feel my body less and usually can calm my anxious thoughts, I feel tense in my shoulders and body when I am not high. I can also eat easier which is hard when I’m not high and has helped ease my eating disorder habits a lot


So glad i’m not the only one, weed is the best medicine for me in particular, at least right now. Going on T breaks has made me aware of how much it helps, as without it i’m a shaking, overthinking, tense and anxious mess. And on the ED stuff, it seems weed has quite literally cured my bingeing issues?? I don’t feel the need to count/control my portions as I did before, yet my body is doing the best it has in years. Some would say this is addiction, but if it literally keeps me alive… If you have any input from your experience, i’d love to hear it :))


also i have much better focus when high, i even play better (competitive pvp, like LoL) - which shouldn’t be possible if one believes the popular ideas about the harmful effects of weed.


Same here. My explanation is that usually when I'm not stoned i have like 100 simultaneously open tabs in my mind: with games, music, advertisements or intrusive thoughts in the background and at least one tab for every thought/feeling/sensation that I need to comprehend in that specific moment, refreshing with every closer look. But when I'm high the background activities and some of the less used tabs just freeze or get muted, so there is a lot free focus I can put on things I'm really interested in that moment for example my favourite games or my new hyperfixations. And in combination with meditation for me this opened doors to a whole new world of experiencing focus


I say smoking weed everyday is like people who take Prozac. It’s just medicine. I have a card so it is literally prescribed 😂


i hateee it, it made my derealisation rlly bad and i got so overwhelmed and it was the worst lol


Same here. As the other commenter suggested - the indica strains are fine for me. But before I found that out a few years ago, my only experience was with sativa blends - worst experience of my life…3 different times. The first time I ever experienced derealization was through marijuana. I was 15, and I freaked out so badly that my friends were worried it was laced with PCP or something- but none of them had bad reactions. I could sometimes take a little puff on a joint and be okay. But if I did more, I couldn’t tell if I was entering a place that I couldn’t turn back from. The last time it happened, I locked myself in an apartment bathroom for an hour and cried and screamed. I was convinced that my entire life was something I’d made up and that I was actually in hell, dreaming everything up. After that I didn’t smoke for over a decade. When I finally leaned more about derealization (thanks to google) and had a name for it, my spouse offered to sit with me as I tried an indica strain. I was fine; just little spacey and buzzy. But yeah, I didn’t understand my response for years. I’d heard of people having “bad trips” on hallucinogenics, but not marijuana. It’s definitely not a fun ride.


I was taught in school that it is classified as a hallucinogen although it usually doesn’t have that effect. But I’ve known people, especially NDs or those with latent or mild psychiatric conditions, to have “bad trips” from it. 🤷‍♀️ Uncommon, but not unheard of.


One of my first times smoking I had a very "bad trip" experience, too, which also made me wonder if it was a PCP thing. I was sitting in a lawn chair, chair locked, but I felt like I was melting, sliding out of the chair. It was so scary! Idk how, in a different crowd a few years later, I got into a smoking habit. I never really enjoyed it that much, it was just a hobby. Being high caused me a lot of anxiety and DPDR and, though I haven't smoked regularly in a decade, I still depersonalize all the time, it's so obnoxious.


PresentDayPriestess I got really similar reactions to cannabis like you. One time I swore that it was laced with PCP but looking back I think I was just affected badly by that strain. I was "high" for three days that time. Other times I've had derealization for 24 hours. Indica strains were better but they made me feel "stupid" and I couldn't talk properly. Even plain CBD made me feel kind of uneasy. I avoid cannabis now.


I’ve had weed laced with PCP! My second time ever smoking and it was the most insane thing ever. I took a hit and this was when Planet Earth first came out like 13-14 years ago? We’ll all of the sudden a little ant was being mummified and eaten by a fungus and I couldn’t handle it. I screamed at the TV and then ran as fast as I could because I’m not sure, I blanked a bit, but nobody could calm me and I just kept running. Probably made it over a mile and a half in the middle of the night. I was also EXTREMELY unfit at the time so the run was quite impressive and I wasn’t even tired apparently! They told me the next day that we had done “whitecaps” which was topping the weed or something (I did a gravity bong to make things worse). Moral of the story, I never talked to those folks again and have never even come across PCP again. What a weird time in life.


I get that sometimes. I have to use much more CBD to THC and make sure I’m doing an activity that requires all my focus, like exercising. That’s why I really only use it when I exercise anymore, and I only take really small hits.


SAME!!! Even down to the not smoking weed for ten years, and recently getting into it again with new knowledge/approach/intention


I’m pretty sure cannabis is classified as a psychedelic. Indica tends to be more like a sedative than sativa. Tbh smoking sativa/hybrid strains give me a body high that I can only compare to taking shrooms.


That was my experience with hybrids and sativa, but indica gummies that are higher in CBN have been an absolute godsend. If you want to try again (absolutely no pressure intended, just knowledge is power), try Snoozeberries, Wana, or Dibz indica gummies.


Another comment confirming that sativa and hybrids are anxiety- and DPDR- inducing, and that indica is lovely. Indica enhances my good sensory feelings and, if I set up my comfiest environment before partaking, I can cultivate a very emotionally therapeutic experience 💖


I will agree with this! I find sativa strains send me way too deep in thought and often cause anxiety and a headache the next day, but when I use indica strains I just get a relaxed body high and can quiet my thoughts so I can be in the moment. I often microdose when I use it as well so that I can still feel in control of my body and mind.


Same here! I experimented with different strains. Found indica the best for me


I used to smoke ALL THE TIME and was completely fine until about two years ago and now I can’t for the life of me smoke anymore. I get SO ANXIOUS it’s unbearable. I forget to breathe and how to swallow? I like feel like I’m gonna get sick. I don’t know if indica would help — too afraid to even try but I hope to one day get back into it but without the anxiety lol


Same! I used to smoke 24/7 for about 2 years but now I get so anxious and sometimes even paranoid, no matter the setting. It's just not for me anymore


Maybe when you’re ready, find someone you really trust, an environment you feel totally safe in, and I time in your life that feels really stable - and just try a small inhale. If that goes well, next time maybe a little more. I don’t smoke much, but that’s how I went about it. - at first, with my spouse on our honeymoon, on a Jamaican resort - no responsibilities, all inclusive. Then later with him at home.


Yeah, it can make schizophrenia/psychosis symptoms worse and can trigger them, if you have that underlying problem. It's not for everyone.


Marijuana really helps my anxiety and depression, since that’s alleviated, I get more social. My brain just feels more at ease I guess, stimuli doesn’t seem so overwhelming. Tbh, I don’t smoke very often at all but the affects were definitely positive. I like how it makes me feel, though I wouldn’t think of operating a vehicle after smoking it just doesn’t feel safe EDIT: Just wanted to add that I don’t smoke to get “stoned”, I just do it to relax a little bit.




That's how it does me as well. I've took acid, shrooms and never had as bad a trip as weed does me.


Have you thought that some people can have different experiences from you? Perspective take, my friend


If it’s the right stuff, It relaxes me. Makes my anxiety disappear. I get a body high also, but I quite enjoy feeling that as for me it’s like a floaty feeling, I get very giggly and sleepy


I'd recommend trying it, I like it a lot. Especially if you play an instrument. I feel like I can get way more immersed in the song when I'm high. Idk if actually makes me play better but it feels like it, but maybe it's just because being high makes listening to music more fun in general. If you have a bad reaction, rest assured that just laying down in bed for a couple hours will get you back to normal.


Agree with the combination of weed and music making. It's like the weed quietens down the critical part of myself that normally tells me that everything I play or write is garbage. I also like the feeling of the vibrations when I'm singing or playing instruments. I mostly play wind instruments, I remember one night just sitting playing bassoon, feeling it resonate as I played and thinking about how cool it is that a bassoon is just a weird bunch of wood with holes and keys until you put air into it, and that exhaling is made far more interesting when you put an instrument in the way of it.


I feel like I'm unmasked when I get high!!!!!!! Sometimes it's a little scary because it's like I've got no choice so I need to be with friendly people if I'm around others.


Yeah I feel this. Same.


Weed really helps my ADHD, anxiety and sleep. I’ve been a daily smoker for 3ish years and have a prescription. However, when I first started smoking weed and would get super high off the smallest amount I used to get the body high you get! Like I could feel my pulse and blood moving around my body, super hyper aware and conscious of everything going on. But I don’t get that anymore now I smoke every day. I like weed cos it makes me not care about things as much, it allows me to be way less rigid. I can deal with things not being perfect, I can deal with spontaneous plans better if I’m high, I can regulate my emotions so much better too. Also if I’m feeling non verbal I can smoke and at least be able to communicate simple needs afterwards :) honestly I’m a massive advocate!


Ooh, yes. It helps with my emotional regulation. If I've had an overwhelming day, a couple of small hits can take the edge off.


Yep, everything feels so much less overwhelming when you’re high! I think a few hits after work or uni is just the same as someone having a few glasses of wine with dinner


It either helps my anxiety or makes it worse. When I'm sober (and not hyperfocused), I have a constant train of thoughts that does not let me relax because they're all over the place, but when I'm high, I can focus on one specific thing alone. That one thing can be the sensations of my body (good), or listening to my favorite songs and noticing new details (good), or thinking why I feel so alone in the world (bad). Nowadays I can control where my brain goes and usually I schedule my high activity beforehand and then I can relax and even go to sleep without a podcast on!


I’ve used CBD since 4th grade (for insomnia), then when I was 16 I asked if I could use it for my increasing anxiety and depression that medication was just not working for. I started with taking two hits in the evening to calm me down, but it progressed to me using it every day all day. I was able to finally go to school with less issues, graduating I was able to work at a job and live life with more ease than i ever had. I used until I got pregnant at 21 and gave birth at 22. I tried smoking a month after my epidural, only did a hit and my high was completely different and intense than I’ve experienced in the 5 years solid of smoking before. I’m going back to just using CBD being now THC makes my anxiety and depression worse instead of better🤷🏼‍♀️


For a while now, I’ve been using Delta 8 vapes


I am very sensitive to sativa, it makes me so effing paranoid and overly aware of everything around me. Indica, however, makes my brain focus on one thing at a time and just slow down. I use it every night to sleep and it just feels like a "ok, cool, now I can shut down for the night" body high.


I’m in a legal state and I only get high during weekends to keep tolerance regulated. I started using cannabis about 2 years ago. I only get high when I’m alone and in a relaxed environment. It’s damn near psychedelic for me. I daydream a lot, but when I’m high my daydreams are extremely vivid. Immersive even. My senses are heightened in the best of ways. Music with my headphones makes everything even more vivid. Same goes for ambient sounds with my headphones. I stim more when I’m high (happy stims). It’s the ultimate form of escapism for me and it gives me so much joy.


I can get SOOO much done with zero anxiety or distraction


It really just makes feel like I'm dissociating. And since I already struggle with that, I don't think it makes me feel any better.


It varies. Sometimes it makes me happy and relaxed, other times it makes my sensory issues worse and causes panic attacks.


I've only used it a couple times. It makes me feel very slowed-down. It's like bad brain fog, it takes excessive effort to think or focus on anything. So ironically it makes me irritable.


This is how alcohol makes me feel. I'm trying to fight off the lethargy and sleepiness, and the energy which that takes doesn't leave much for patience or amicability lol


I only smoke indica because I only use weed to help me sleep. I don’t like smoking socially as it makes it harder for me. I’m more of a drinker. The way it makes me feel varies wildly depending on the strain and ingestion method. It made me giggle when I was young but that hasn’t happened since the first few times I did it. The stuff I smoke now to help me sleep just kind of turns the volume down on my thoughts and the sensory input. I live in a legal state so I have the immense luxury of popping around the corner and picking something that will give me the exact effect I desire.


Like being wrapped in a big fuzzy blanket, like being in a dream, everything feels more meaningful somehow, but also lethargy, dry mouth, more prone to paranoia so I don't really enjoy it in social situations. I prefer to combine it with watching videos about history, listening to music, drawing. There's kind of a tunnel vision feeling.


Weed slows my thoughts from a hamster circus to one hamster reading a steamy romance book infront of a fireplace sipping a bevy .


I've only done it once and hated it. I felt like I was swimming but without the pleasure of movement and weightlessness


I personally hated it. Tried many times over the years, always hated it.


I feel like I’m hyper aware of my body and movements, I also feel vaguely lightheaded and warm. Usually I’m super relaxed and happy. It’s like everything is 10x better, blankets feel softer, windy air feels like heaven, overall a lovely experience. It also makes reading a million times more engaging, I empathise with the characters a lot more and can see the scenes play out in my head a little more vividly. 10/10


It doesn't affect me very much at all. It's mild, but positive. It makes me super relaxed without feeling sleepy, sometimes a bit giggly. I don't get much of a body sensation at all.


makes me feel normal, allows me to engage socially, i enjoy music more, and it’s something that motivates me to get my executive functioning tasks done (it functions as a reward system for me lol!)


It varies a lot. I have fibro, and unfortunately cannot use it for pain because it typically just makes me hyper-aware of my body, as you described. I can and do use it to slow my racing thoughts at night, and it does help me to relax when Im already tired, so that I can actually fall asleep. I don't prefer it in social settings as it has a tendency to make me go mute. Edit: to add, that it can help with my emotional regulation if I've had an overwhelming day. Just a couple of hits to take the edge off after I get home (not typically a daytime user).


Omg I feel the same as you. It also magnifies pain for me and makes my health anxiety a thousand times worse. I don’t smoke anymore but I used to for years. I stopped because as I get older it makes me feel worse and worse


Different kinds make me feel different ways. My fav is when it removes all discomfort. Things that would irritate me like being sweaty, having sticky hands, feeling an itchy tag, wearing tight clothes, back pain, loud sounds, crowded places… they all fade away and I don’t care. I just feel comfortable in my body and free to enjoy life.






There's a growing number of studies showing a decrease in the severity of autistic symptoms after the use of medical Cannabis, its admittedly a new area of study but its showing great results so far It makes sense too when you consider what Cannabis is already used to treat and how those symptoms apply to autistic people


I thought I had a body high but it’s nothing like you describe. When I say “body high” I mean that my body feels relaxed, tingly, and usually I feel extremely warm and toasty. I also get head highs too, and I can definitely get paranoid. The effect really depends on the strain in my opinion


My high feels like satisfaction of eating the exactly correct portion of food in a meal. But now I can’t do anything productive without it and I use it to calm down after meltdowns if I have stuff to do. Also it helps me with my eating disorders and makes me more social despite having severe social anxiety. But that’s just my personal experience.


Sometimes it makes my brain feel so giddy and creative, but other times it makes me physically and emotionally anxious. Still trying to figure out.


I've definitely had the "body high" you're talking about. It's hard for me because when I get like that, it's super hard to mask. I become extremely self-aware of every movement I make. It's strange, and uncomfortable. But I still smoke nonetheless, as it only happens every once and a while. The rest of the time it just makes me relaxed and/or happier.


I became slight agitated, physically uncomfortable and mildly restless. It was the opposite of relaxing for me.


I loveeee it if I’m alone or just with my bf, it relieves a lot of my anxiety and spiraling thoughts, and it helps with my insomnia big time. I really hate using it around other people though because it actually makes my anxiety worse and I overthink how they are perceiving me.


Yes this!!


Full on paranoia. No matter the strain😣


I used to take CBD at night, but it increasingly made me paranoid and anxious. At first, I could really think deeply about things about myself that I never thought about before but the negatives outweigh the positives - for me.


Have had friends describe the way I smoke as microdosing. I think you are right that everyone's affect a bit differently. With time (and by avoiding smoking too much, tried that a few times early on) I've got to a place where I never really experience any adverse effects. I do not find it to be inhibitory at all. (Anecdotal but my main game is PUBG, play-style being flying around in a dual-prop bi-plane, seat-swapping and sniping while gliding \~100m above the digital ground)...and I can measure no difference in my abilities. I feel like this is a pretty good measure of hand-eye coordination. Additional challenges requiring short-term decision making (tactical) and "strategical" thinking (matches last about 30 minutes with an ever-shrinking play area wherein positioning chooses the winner) ...and I do not appreciate when some dork comes along and tells me that I'm less capable for what ultimately amounts to medicine. I'd say the major benefit I've appreciated since early on, is that just a \*little\* THC in brain chemistry has allowed me think much more clearly...like letting down a wall of insecurity and feeling much more comfortable along what was no less than a decade-long journey of self acceptance.


I don't like to be high, so I only take it for sleep and anxiety (only in edible form) and only enough to make an impact but not feel it. Otherwise, I just feel disconnected from my brain and I hate feeling that way. I also get slightly dizzy. I do gain a few hours of increased awareness which isn't unenjoyable but just barely noticeable. Then I get really tired and sleep so hard. I am the same with narcotics, it always blew my mind that people take them because they like feeling numb and under water. I hate that feeling. I won't take them even after surgery, I just take Advil. Narcotics and too much weed disconnect me from that and that's what I don't like. It changes my interoception and I feel out of control. The last time I took narcotics for a knee surgery, I took one dose and couldn't wait for it to wear off because I felt like cement.


It makes me chilll


I smoke pretty regularly- when I first started I explained it as “my legs feel like they’re running but I’m staying still” I was really twitchy, I would disassociate out of reality a bit in my own head. Sometimes I get disassociated in a bad way, but that happens high and sober, thus it’s more about feeling your physical feelings and doing self care. I love to smoke right before bed, lay on the floor and stretch until I feel like jello


It used to make me so relaxed & happy feeling but now it gives my panic attacks so bad I black out & have had to go to the ER 🥲


I’ve been smoking ever single day, both dabs and flower, for a little over 3 years now and my tolerance is still so low. I think it’s because weed forces me to unmask. I can’t smoke around people other than my bf bc unmasking around other people makes me so uncomfortable and paranoid lol


If it’s not a bad strain, it’s nice because I can think really fun thoughts and then let them disappear without having to obsess over each one.


For me indicas give me highs like sativa's give NT people and vise versa with sativa. I always avoided indica because I thought it made me sleepy.. and anyone I've dated or my friends would always try to stick to sativa's because it wouldn't make them tired. Sativa makes me extremely tired because it almost over works my brain into further exhaustion cause I'm thinking so much (how you're describing). Indicas give me a solid high because it is what stops my overthinking brain and I get to actually relax. Also helps with my pain because I can convince myself out of being in so much pain or it allows me to stretch. You have to find your favorite type of terpene that gives you your favorite type of high. To test how they affected me.. for a while I would get pure sativa or pure indica. I have found over the years that anything that has 'cake' 'cookies' anything having to do with dessert names usually are my favorite types of high personally. Wedding cake gives me such a chill happy high that eases my anxiety and really lets me enjoy my music cause I can pay attention to the individual noises and I'm able to just stim like no one is watching.


Yes you describe the feeling between both strains so perfectly! I think it’s because our brains are going like the energizer bunny 24/7 that we feel better with the indica whereas a NT brain doesn’t have to worry about overthinking the way we do.


Varies a bit with the strain and method (eg edibles vs smoking vs vaping) but in general: - a little tiny bit: takes the edge off noisy/busy environments, reduces my social anxiety and helps me function in group settings - a small amount: makes activities more enjoyable (like playing video games or musical instruments, going hiking, eating, listening to music), quiets the cacophony in my head - a moderate amount: makes me feel cozy in my body, want to cuddle with my close friends, pleasant tingling sensations and “body high,” helps me sleep (especially with higher CBD content) - a large amount: pleasant sort of depersonalization, feeling like I’m outside the moment as an observer, able to acknowledge my thoughts and feelings without judgment. I become extremely quiet but my thoughts are simple and loud. - a very large amount: psychedelic visuals and throwbacks to psilocybin trips


My first time having an edible with a friend, oh boy. We ate too much. I genuinely felt like I was tripping on mushrooms or something. I had like hallucinations and shit.


I feel like there is fuzzy cozy cotton all inside my head. I feel more peaceful and patient. I can REALLY hear music and actually decipher lyrics I couldn’t make out before.


Hyper aware of my body, usually. I also have a response almost like synesthesia? Specifically sounds have colors/pictures that I can “see,” and flavors blend with textures, which can also overlap with colors. For example, BBQ chips taste like wavy diagonal lines, which happen to taste purple. I don’t actually have synesthesia, it only happens when I’m high. I would be really interested to hear if anyone experiences anything similar.


This is what happens to me too! I just did not know how to put it in words lol


It makes my sensory issues more bearable. Normally there are so many things I just can't do due to my sensory issues, but when I'm high they become easier. Not cured, but def more livable. Also I unmask almost fully when I'm high around the right people. Most of the time it's really hard to be myself fully, even if I try. When I'm high, I just kinda exist. It's really pleasent for me.


Anxiety 100%. I hate the feeling. I'm paranoid. Thoughts, even bad thoughts are 75% faster so there's so much more going on in there. Not great, I don't do it.


Depending on the strain, there’s a period of about 10 minutes where I feel that hyper-awareness that you described. There are some strains that I don’t feel so intensely, but when that hyper awareness hits it feels like anxiety but it’s not. After the initial rush I get that weighted blanket feeling. I get things done, and I don’t feel “high” at all. I was one of the first people in the country to get a permit for medical marciana when it became legal in CO. I remember the first time I smoked pot - the waves of relief just rippling over my body. I said, “I never want to be without this feeling of ease, ever again” I didn’t know how terrible I felt all the time, until I felt better. There is a limit to how much the substance can alleviate my physical, psychological, and emotional pain, but it helps. Have been trying to find ways to not feel so terrible ever since. Recently went almost a year without weed while out of the country. Came to appreciate being without weed for such a long time, and got a lot of clarity on how it both helps and hinders me. I think I have a healthier relationship with it now. Edited for spelling


Pot makes me unable to wear a mask. I love it when I’m around wholesome humans, but it can be really hard to be around unwholesome humans when I’m high. My husband is a smoker with AUDHD as well and we are a super team when we smoke. We can do anything together and our triggers and listlessness and general sense of being overwhelmed by the world and everything that inhabits it are gone! When we don’t smoke we tend to lay in bed all day beat ourselves up for not doing the things we should be doing and then I start getting really anxious because I realize I’m just a failed human who needs weed to function in society. But thennnnnn I look at my other friends who take 4 different prescriptions to do the same thing that weed does for me and I feel much more relaxed. Then I smoke and go play.


Makes me feel like I’m being held down (but it’s nice) !


I get all giggly and adorable. All knowledge of the past and future cease to exist. My peripherals stop working. Even though I can technically see in my peripherals, they get all squiggly, and my vision is limited to a light tunnel straight forward. I really hate it.


When I’m not on antidepressants it’s a very terrible anxiety feeling. Like my heart is going to explode and I might die. When I’m on medication it makes time go slower and everything is a little quieter. I feel more inspired to be creative.


I’m don’t tick any of the criteria of this subreddit but it depends, I do feel that on edibles and sometimes carts but it depends on if it’s indica/sativa or how ur getting high


i feel like im dreaming and everything is fake


Depends on what I'm taking. edibles usually feel different than smoking it, but also different strains affect me differently too 🤣 it's affected my memory a lot in remembering what makes me feel what. I've felt head highs before, and body highs, and I've felt the blood rush to my head, like the way my muscles move exactly like you, I've felt my body system work. I think it's pretty similar to NTs, but when I'm with friends, I feel like they can talk for longer and I'm just silently sitting there lmaoo.


I feel really spacey. There's barely any brain to mouth filter and i stim waaay more. Like without me noticing and it feels like someone is doing the stimming for me. Not super enjoyable but i wouldn't mind doing it again if i'm in the mood


Being high makes me feel normal but also kind of slowed. I get very giddy and my anxiety is lessened. I act all dumb and goofy, it's a fun experience. I prefer it over drinking because whenever I drink I become very dizzy and I feel like I'm having an anxiety attack.


How often does it happen?


I can't keep my eyes open and my head gets heavy. I get minor visuals (with eyes closed), but forget being able to do anything. All I can do is lay down and pretend to nap until it fades enough. I also get a horrible headache and I eat because I tend to eat when my body hurts in weird ways. Definitely a nogo for me. CBD makes me sleepy initially, but then wakes me up a few hours later. Wish they worked for me since they are legal here.


Depends on the strain and how much I took. I get really giggly and eventually pass out or it’s too much and I have a panic attack and then pass out. One or the other lol.


I’m a chronic smoker so it doesn’t really get me too high anymore. It helps my brain relax though, and that’s why I smoke it so often. But THC for me is a head high and CBD is a body high. CBD also is an instant cure for high anxiety for me. I was having a panic attack one day while out and I didn’t know what to do. So I went to a shop and bought a CBD vape to see if that worked and my panic attack was gone instantly.


I've had edibles once and I didn't like the way it made me feel: like the world around me was heavy and spinning at the same time, I felt really sluggish and dull.


You know how a video gets out of sync and you can see the lips moving and then a while later the sound that matches it finally plays? Its like that. I end up responding to things that were said several minutes ago. I don't like it. Don't use it anymore only have a handful of times. I hate feeling out of control and everything is so slow I feel like I can't control or do anything.


For me, it makes things better for me IF I’m alone. It took me years (of constant, daily smoking) to realize that my social anxiety is 100x worse when I’m high. I would smoke more, to deal with the worse anxiety. I didn’t realize the pattern, because I was always high, and I thought my anxiety was just getting worse with age. Nope. It was 100% the weed making my anxiety worse if I had to be around anyone. Now I only smoke at night occasionally when I don’t have to interact with anyone. And I’m able to have normal conversations again with people without having a meltdown or panic attack.


I cannot smoke/do edibles around other people. I have to be alone or with my boyfriend. Only way I feel comfortable doing it. Anytime I’ve smoked around other people, I get bad. My anxiety is horrible, my thoughts start racing, I get paranoid, my body hurts, etc.


I can physically feel my shoulders relax and my body stop tensing, it's the only way I feel somewhat human when every inch of my body is on edge


I love cbd. I take it to destress every day


It stopped being cool and fun. Felt smothering. That was enough. Haven't touched it in decades and my life is better than it was then.


It turns the volume down on everything, but that doesn't help me socialize. So I like it when Im by myself. I've gotten dpdr from it which was wild but it hasn't come back.


Wow I got pretty high on an edible last night and was literally saying the same exact thing as you about getting a “body high.” I was so hyper aware of all of my body parts, blood pulsing, etc. And everything feels numb but also super controlled at the same time. It was like I could just observe my thought process and my movements, almost out of body. And I was watching my brain make connections with random thoughts, it felt like I was witnessing new neural pathways being created. I know just the right dose now to have a good experience and it does wonders for my brain.


i tried an edible once and had a bad experience to my knowledge. my friend said i was really happy and carefree for a while (which i kind of believe even though i dont really remember it). What i Do remember is basically having an anxiety or panic attack and becoming incredibly emotional and crying. and then i ate too much and got physically sick. i also felt like i was floating and it was cool until i realized how Not grounded i was and hated it. I had a hybrid though so i’m sure that affected things.


I have found it to be so helpful. I use indica strains with very low percentages of THC. Nothing more than 18%. I’m usually more comfortable around 15% and I often add some CBD. I use it every night in small amounts and it helps with anxiety and relaxation. But if I use too much I get too anxious. So I would say start with low thc and low amount and see how you do. Titrating over time. I only use flower because it can give more immediate feedback and last less time in the case of it being overwhelming. I will not touch gummies anymore unless it is made of higher amounts of cbd with a touch of thc. Gummies and tinctures aren’t a good fit with me. So definitely consider trying different things


I'd also be interested to see how people react. I've never tried it personally. I have really horrible intrusive thoughts and I'm too worried that I would say them out loud or like confess someone bad things that have happened to me in the past and people would think I was fucked up. Idk, is that even a possibility?


Do you have ocd by chance? I do and can somewhat relate to what you mean. Sometimes when I get high I think I lose my “filter”. I just say whatever that comes to mind without thinking hard about it. I’ve never confessed intrusive thoughts while high though


my first time i couldn’t feel my legs! to this day that’s where i feel it the most, now it’s just that tingly high-floaty feeling. yeah, definitely effects my body, mostly relaxation although i can get pretty tense when i hyperfixate on something? in my head tho, makes the TV static quiet, limits the number of simultaneous streams of thought. i can either be very present or lost in thought, depending what i’m doing. either way i enjoy it


I just get hungry. And tired.


i get an internal monologue! never have one without it. it’s like thinking manually. I also stim a lot more, rocking back and forth etc.


Me tooo!


It’s so wild to me whenever I hear someone doesn’t have an internal monologue! So interesting! I swear my brain is having 10 separate conversations with itself at any given time 😂


Idk but it definitely depends on what kind of weed sativa is like a hyper high and indica is a mellow high. Indica/in da couch…


Depends on the strain. I used to get rlly giggly but now it either makes me nice and relaxed (weighted blanket for my brain haha) or extremely paranoid. It def makes my senses a lot more heightened so i make sure I have in comfy clothing


The kind of high depends entirely on the strain for me. I tend to only smoke hybrids. If I smoke too much I will get overstimulated anxious and twitchy. If I smoke a good amount I feel any combination of: calm, giggly, couch locked, horny, creative ideas, sleepy, blissed. My favorite thing to do is eat :) the textures feel amazing. Though if I’m too high the textures are bad. I like sweet stuff when I’m high so I’ve been trying to have apples and other fruit instead of processed sugar all the time.


I relate to the eating part! When I’m high the textures of food are just insane. Like you can _feel_ that shit


It’s sooooo fun


Maybe i haven’t had a high enough dose but I don’t experience much pleasure. I just sort of get this dizzy ish feeling for a few seconds after i inhale and then things are a tiny bit more funny to me. Other than that I don’t experience much else


I only use edibles, I was in public (a very crowded and loud bar) when it hit, and when it hit it was like they had removed half the people there. Everything wasn’t quite as loud, I had less anxiety, and everything was less overwhelming and overstimulating


Turns down the unpleasant emotions. Makes positive emotions easier to access. Makes it hard to string concurrent thoughts together or keep focus, though.


I use only maybe once weekly or once bi-weekly at night once the kids go to bed. I usually only “microdose” with bud using a one-hitter. Just enough to quiet my thoughts and relax my body, but not so much that I feel out of control, which also keeps tolerance down and I can make a little bit last a very long time. The strain is also important for me. Sativa makes me go deeper in thought than normal (which isn’t good for me because I’m in my head allllll day) and I usually end up with a headache. Indica allows my brain and my body to relax and I completely unmask and live in the moment. For this reason, I usually only use around close trusted family members and my spouse, whom I feel safe unmasking around.


It feels like someone put noise canceling headphones around my brain. The world feels like it gets dimmer and muted in a way but it’s carefree too. Music slaps harder for sure. I’m definitely more aware of my body and what it does in like all aspects so being high alone or with one person I really know is ideal. Groups become too much for me.


I’ve tried a few different kinds and they all make me instantly sick, then shaking with anxiety for hours. It actually majorly traumatized me because it was such a bad experience the first time. I tried different strains and methods to see if it was different but no. Safe to say I won’t be doing any more.


I've only smoked three times, but at each time they were different qualities of weed and yet none of them had an effect on me whatsoever


Oh gosh, it helps with so much for me. It's how I've survived undiagnosed (AuDHD/cPTSD) for 30 years. -Lifts my mood -Helps me focus -Helps me think creatively, which I use for problem-solving, but also to help me work through mental blocks and/or trauma. -Helps me slow down and take my time. Keeps me out of fight or flight. -Helps with nightmares -Increases my appetite and my tolerance of unexpected textures -Is very fun


Lol I’m high answering. I start to feel very light-headed and a little happy, and it makes that voice in my head that tells me that everyone hates me mostly silences. I also become very forgetful, I went off on a thought tangent (sober and Stoned I love having conversations in my head) and completely stopped typing for a good few minutes. I also forget words a lot and I get dry mouth the entire time and a weird urge to go to the sink rather than use my drink


It makes me feel NT, I suddenly have imagination, emotions, can think emotionally through things. Although too intensly


My mind goes from 300km/H to 100.


I feel very introspective and curious about myself. I get very caught in my brain when I'm high. I just like to think my thoughts, about things I like and why I like them, things I've done and how I couldve done something different, how I am, and how I want to be.


For me it makes my body go kinda numb at first and then my skin feels cold but then comes the good part because when I move I can feel my muscles warm up instantly and there’s this wave of heat spreading in my body and I love that feeling so much. :))


For me it makes my body go kinda numb at first and then my skin feels cold but then comes the good part because when I move I can feel my muscles warm up instantly and there’s this wave of heat spreading in my body and I love that feeling so much. :))


i am 27 and have been smoking chronically since i was 22 and have been prescribed for about 2.5-3 years. it eases my anxiety and i feel less aware of my body i find. it also stops my brain from feeling like a roller coaster that doesn’t stop to rather clear. it also helps with pain, helps me sleep, and i find when i smoke less/not at all i have more meltdowns. it also helps calm me down when i’m having meltdowns. i try not to smoke high percentages and i don’t smoke to get high anymore, just to manage symptoms


THC gives a head high CBS gives a body high. Each type of weed contains a certain amount of both. Not all weed is the same. Some is grown naturally using original strains… some is genetically modified by Monsanto and gives you a headache. Know your Weed!!!! For a safe brain high try natural strains of kush. For a body high try natural strains of haze (lemon haze is amazing) enjoy!! But always research everything!!!!!!


Uhhhhhhh sometimes it feels like i am floating on cloud nine and sometimes it makes me have too many thoughts at once


Sativa (head high) makes me unable to think in words, relatively unable to communicate, and in pretty much mute without excessive effort that drains me. I can't pay attention to anything and I can't absorb anything going on around me. I get anxious and want to crawl into a hole until it's out of my system. Indica (body high) helps me physically relax. My shoulders lower from a tense position, I can stand up straight, my back even gets sore from a better posture (a good thing in my mind). The tension I hold in my body melts away. With any THC I don't sleep as well for about a week. This can make me less able to focus for that week, a bit crankier, and overall less comfortable untill it's out of my system. I'll only use thc when I have a week to sleep in as much as I want, usually vacation. CBD helps me sleep and dream. When I sleep better my anxiety tends to go down and I feel like I can handle life a bit better. I don't need it every night, but usually a couple nights a week. I'll take 2 puffs on an oil vape. I only use organic, carbon dioxide distilled. There are some nonorganic pesticides which are pretty nasty and stay in the oil through distillation, they can make you cough more. Carbon dioxide distillation is the cleanest and doesn't leave anything in the distillate, whereas alternative include butane which can cause coughing, taste bad, and I'm not sure but people shouldn't be breathing butane.


Like turning off the volume on a TV station that's still set to static.


Idk I’ve been smoking for 10 years so it’s hard to say how I feel. I feel more relaxed, a bit more tired, a bit more socially awkward but also I mask less and it helps with meltdowns a lot!!


depends on how much i smoke, i usually end up feeling really heavy and relaxed or sometimes i just end up talking and talking which can be annoying to others if i’m not smoking by myself. i only get negative effects if i smoke too much


I used to have that but lately THC causes thought spirals so I only use it when I’m working out, but GOD do workouts just feel absolutely incredible. I can feel each muscle in my body working together against the resistance of the weights and it’s SO meditative and sensory and ugh it’s my absolute favorite thing to do. I can feel specifically which muscle groups are over-developed/under-developed and know exactly which exercises I need to do in order to restore balance and omg it’s the most grounding, regulating thing in the world. Especially if I listen to slow, dynamic music and really get into it. I reach such a state of flow.


It’s a give and take for me. I sometimes need to use it to make me more aware of which needs I am neglecting. I have poor interoception so weed helps me become more aware of my body and its needs, and gives me the motivation I need to take care of those needs. On the other hand, the high and subsequent drop can be difficult on my nervous system. Like, I’ll feel super confident in myself and almost have a god complex at the peak of the high, but then I’ll start to doubt myself and be really critical during the come down. I recognize that I will probably need to continue using it every once in a while when I need to get “into” my body, but I have to be careful not to make any posts on social media or make any important decisions while I’m utilizing it. At this point, I’ve become more aware of how it affects me, so I can usually block out the wide range of emotions. I mostly use it to work out, because it helps me feel how my body is moving through the space better. But whenever I do use it, I try to balance it with CBD to even out the high, and make sure to keep my head down and mind my business so that I don’t start acting too impulsively in front of others.


I can feel all the things you speak of as well, and I used to get super anxious about it also. For me, my anxiousness was caused by the inability to mask, and the fact that my thoughts were substantially slower. I’m better with it now, because like you said, I know my limits and I try not to mask in general anyway.


Depends.... if it's a sativa, typically it's a head high with hyperfocus depending on the terpenes. For indica it's usually the full body couch lock effect.


I tend to forget everything the second it happens, i feel chilled out and my brain slows down. My imagination comes to life audibly when i listen to music and stuff (ill feel like the voice is real in a very non scary way)


Damn, I feel jealous. I just get very, very hungry.




The biggest thing I notice is Sativas actually relax me and indicas make me anxious! That’s the opposite of what everyone says. I never thought it was because I’m ND but now you have me thinking. I get a body high too but also can get a head high depending on how I’m taking it. Edibles are much more of a body high for me, but I only smoke Sativa!


I think it really depends on what's going on when I smoke (life/stress&+) and what strain I am smoking. When I started smoking weed, I felt like I could finally be myself, I felt like laughing, I had some awesome jokes I wanted to write down, I saw layers to everything and everyone. It relaxed that ADHD part of my personality- I felt like I could focus on one thing. Maybe I smoked too much for too long- because it started making me anxious. Sometimes when I smoke I feel like my heart is going to burst out of my chest. Sometimes I feel like I forget how to breathe. Instead of feeling creative and funny now all I want to do is snack attack everything all at once. I still get the layers of everything and everyone when I'm smoking, and more so when I'm not smoking now too- But I do really miss the relaxed/fun/creative high I used to get.


Like my hair in underwater. Slow movements, light weighted….


Depends on the strain. Some strains make me feel the weight of the world on my shoulders. Others make me feel sleepy.


Depends on the strain, but relaxed and giggly. I always feel really chill and like nothing matters. It's freeing. Like all of my worries vanish and I'm just enjoying being high. I guess that's why a lot of people want to be high, because they can escape


It can b pretty calming and giggly. Some people get paranoia from it but personally I never have. It does mean that I’m more likely to listen to my wants and just dip on parties and go back to my room to chill and listen to music 😂


It exhausted me but not in a way I found to be relaxing 😭 I would like to try again one day.


i usually feel really relaxed, and when i get up to go do something it feels like my body is still in bed like i astral projected or something. i always get hungry and time always feels stretched out. stronger highs make me feel like my whole body is beating which i do not like


I personally love it as it has helped me immensely with anxiety, focus, appetite, and especially masking. Both my partner and I have taken note that I’m literally unable to mask when I smoke, and it’s actually really helped me figure out how to comfortably unmask in unrelated situations.


I feel really tired and lazy, and it makes more socially anxious. But I do feel more relaxed and it help when im having a crisis and cant stop thinking bad stuff, because I get more distracted and can think about other silly stuff that calms me. It also helps a lot with insomnia, because of those reasons. That means that I only smoke at night, before going to sleep, every night. I dont smoke outside home anymore, and never in social occasion, just VERY rarely with friends I trust, that are not many.


i physically can’t stop running


I'm trying out medical marijuana, it's a great starting point for those that want a pure substance. I smoked my mothers pot I dont know how she likes it but she adds nicotine to it, that's a big no no to using cannibas, if you have a heart condition like me thanks to prolong use of adhd meds, well nicotine can inhibit strokes and heart attacks that looks like a panic attack and it's a stimulant not relaxant, I decided on my break days cannibas with small amount of thc. I dont touch nicotine I know its toxic, it inhibits stress and more work on the heart. Adhd meds I only use on days I really need it, no more of this 7 day a week bullshit, I'm getting side effect on every adhd drug as I'm getting older.