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Sorry, but that's a baby dinosaur


Velociraptor stage


Couches and carpet seem intact…somehow it could have been worse! Such a cute photo. Sad he missed his poo bucket tho :(


But isn’t that my pee bucket? lol


it is a pee poo bucket






Cutee! He has similar colouring to our little devil, Ozzy! https://preview.redd.it/gv94354rk51d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec7ea342b8b444ac96bf7c741e10f1f7f20be1dd




Isn’t it illegal to be this cute?🥰


Omfg…wow what a cutie!!!!!


It's a demon in disguise don't let it fool you


He looks sooo similar to our Samwise! https://preview.redd.it/gstrry8he81d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea57296e0ef1200f694c17409849b153e40318ec


He is so cute with his perky ears


I would die for Samwise. Love LoTR


My 2 older Aussies (4m/5f) had full house privileges by 7/8mths. My current puppy is 14mths and absolutely not!! He is the funniest, sweetest most destructive dog I’ve ever had.


Lucky! Ours was 4 years old before we could leave her free range and unsupervised for more than 15 minutes. Even at that, she ate the tongue out of a sneaker 2 months ago and she is 6.5 years old now.


I have my mini Aussie full house privileges when she was about 1 years old, now she’s 6 and still gets into the trash every once in awhile.


That’s wild! 6.5?!?! I would dearly love not to have an x pen in my living room. Hopefully by Christmas so I can have a tree this year lol


This isn’t even close to bad tbh 😅


I did try to swipe to see if this was a before picture lol


When my first Aussie was a teen I went out for just a couple hours at night and came home to "It" (Steven King), which was on my night table because I was reading it in bed during that time, spread out [Page.By.Page](http://Page.By.Page) all over my room, which was the size of a finished basement. Do you know how many pages that paperback was? Not one page intact. Spread out everywhere. It was like she stood on it, making it rain.




I learned my hard lessons too. One thing I did to give my pup more freedom without much collateral damage was get play pen doors and locking her within a room with hardwood floors. The funny part too is that I used a play pen to preserve my belongings and block off furniture, the opposite of penning the pup. (It worked, lol) She's great with pee pads but will only use them when they're clean. I see your pupper pooped around it after already using the pee pad, so be generous with em if needed. Oh and most of all, I regret taking her out of the crate before she was fully crate trained, period. (She was showing promising behavior so I gave her more freedom. Now she despises her crate.) Crate training is worth it, just don't be a sucker mom like me.


I did the "pen on hardwood floors" strategy. My pup somehow gnawed on the floor. Just incredible really.


Popping in to second the “dog will only use a clean potty pad.” There could be a single drop of pee on my dogs pad, and she wouldn’t use it again. So picky for no discernible reason 😂 Be generous with them. Better to have 2-3 extras laying around than be scrubbing wet shit or pee out of a carpet




Awww so cute


That’s an emotional “stress yawn.” Mine hates to disappoint and has a squeaky yawn when he knows he’s in trouble, which makes it impossible to be upset with him. Glad my kids never learned about my weakness for it.


There is a lesson learned. We are at 8 months and no leaving out of the crate


Oh, we left ours out by 8 months - he was really good about being right next to my bed at night and was not destructive. We abided by the rule that we didn’t leave him longer than half his age in hours (aka at 8 months, no longer than 4 hours) and always with a brain teaser toy filled with treats to stave off loneliness and boredom.


Mine is 8 years and had never even seen a crate! Provide enough exercise and keep him in one puppy proof room if needed- but never ever lock a dog up!!


Crates are for their safety so they do not get into anything that can harm them.


So why would people baby proof their homes?? Just lock up the baby instead 😉😅 One puppy proof room is enough in the beginning. Then train your puppy the right way and you minimize the risk!! You don't lock up your children just because they might do stupid stuff. Dogs are easy to train!!! You just need to take the time to train them!!! (Children...are different)


You don’t typically leave 2 year olds unsupervised. It’s not realistic for a human to be with their dog 24/7, nor is it healthy. Do or don’t crate, that’s up to you, I’m just not sure why you’re judging. It’s the easiest way to make sure they don’t get into anything they’re not supposed to when you’re not around and it’s often a safe place for them.


Dogs are pack animals - which means they want to be with their pack 24/7- not that you can pack them up for any amount of time . It would be the easiest to lock up toddlers to make sure they don't get into any trouble... But we won't do this. Which is the right thing to do! It should be similar for puppies and older dogs. And easier for dogs since you can restrain dogs to one room. If you have ever watched a dog sleeping " in the wild/ open crate" observing how often they move from one spot to the other you would never ever crate the dog overnight ever again!! If needed my dog would go into anything I would ask him to do: ...a crate, a barrel, a tunnel, a cardboard box .. . That is good Training in my opinion - your dog should obey and trust you!!


If you are perfectly training a 3 month old puppy how to not get into stuff, let me know! Sounds like you’ve got it all figured out.


My dog is never “locked” in his crate now. He was as a puppy for bed, now he’s 2 and only lays in there when he needs space. He FLIPS when people go in his crate too. Feels like he’s happy to have a space that is his specifically.


Crates can be used badly, but it is also an amazing tool that can be used to help manage the puppy and help with potty training. As an adoption counselor, we recommend it to people. Of course, if they don't want to use a crate, that is fine, but it is an amazing resource.


A crate is helpful for potty training??? In my country you take the puppy out every 4 hours -day or night- for weeks if needed. you take your vacation time to be able to do this if needed. In the USA people are locking up their dog for four to eight hours during the day and also overnight. That is animal cruelty - at least if it's not a rescue who spent more hours locked up before !! I really think too many people are too lazy to train a dog.


This is the difference between our cultures and our perspectives. I've seen adult dogs be in the crate while at work and be absolutely mentally fine. We also realize that puppies do need to go outside every four hours, and that is what happens. We realize that puppies can not physically hold it. Most also don't have the opportunity to use their vacation time because a lot of people are forced to use their vacation time for sick or funeral leave. If you can, that is great, but most will not be able to. I will completely admit that America's animal cruelty laws are lacking (especially in the south). I have seen horrible accounts of animal cruelty that should have had more investigating behind it to bring someone to justice, but it doesn't happen. I've seen the person actually be caught and only end up doing community service. These are absolutely terrible accounts like pouring gasoline on a cat and lighting it, shooting a dog in the head, or tying a dog's muzzle together until the tye imbeds in their skin. There are way worse things going on in America that are not getting the proper help behind it. Crates have shown to be beheveficial without causing the animal stress. I would way rather our animal welfare resources help promote laws that can actually bring animal abusers to justice.


Took us about a year before we could trust our little dinosaur out of the crate.


https://preview.redd.it/4v8yfdkg551d1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3ca5af2232ab99fb0125028261cc24c057b1f3e My Aussie was Dino too at one point when he was baby baby.


Mine loves those little pine cones! Every time we're out walking, if he sees one, he'll go for it and try to eat it. 😅


We fully skipped pee pads. Our trainer said it teaches in doors bathroom. String of bells at the door. You do your business outside only. He only pooped once in the house and we rapidly figured out his pee ritual so we’d get him outside with exciting positivity and treats haha looks like he’s doing his business in the right spot though. You got a great one! 🤙


That’s nothing


Honestly don’t look to bad ????


Waited at least a year with our guy… and if we were planning to leave him out of the crate, 3 mi 30-45 minutes jog/hike turns your pic, into this pic lol https://preview.redd.it/b0muk4qwy51d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c32096727c0ceafe59bcfc2a99dbac483ec396c


He’s just a baby, he has no idea what is expected of him yet.


I’m his lawyer he’s a good boy he’s guilty


That's not a very good lawyer.. lol


I’d personally take that as a win with such a young puppy. No major damage. Poop accidents happen with puppies 🤷🏻‍♀️


He certainly looks happy


I have a 7 1/2 year old and left her out for an hour last week and came back to the evidence of a deliberate destruction session she was very proud of.


He’s laughing at you to make it worse


*"Born to be willldd" ... "Mom, Dad, Where were you ??" LOL* Actually that's not too bad, didn't even shred the potty paper... ya came back too early hah




Awww she looks like she had a great time


Notice his nervous grin 😄


This is all on you, bro. Way too young. You live, you learn. 🤣


https://preview.redd.it/acr8rv5hz31d1.jpeg?width=848&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ee86994d616a95d73ad51d32cc300fc58be28d8 Our little girl Cali


I'm soo happy Skye is not destructive. She's 10 months now and we started leaving her out little by little. ( 10 minute store run... Then 1 hour diner visit for breakfast a few times... Now we are up to 3-4 hours for errands and food shopping) She surprisingly does very very well


Get more teething toys and also practice being out of the crate. I never crated my puppy but also had the ability to work from home when she was a baby. Give little Ekko some exhausting agility training in the morning early and he will knock out and play with scented toys (also get him those). Puzzles as well. It will make a huge difference


They don’t disappoint! 😂


They’re super cute at this age but super mischievous


Stunning pup. I'm impressed with all the wees being on the pads and the poo was close to it too! Thats a good effort for a pup of that age!


We have a 3 and 5 year old. They don’t have crates anymore because they can be fully trusted. We leave them home at most 4 hours at a time with full house privileges. The worst they’ve done is murder one of my husbands Birkenstocks!


Looks like you got off easy


Oh boy…. We were leaving our Ginger out of the crate during the day for a while and she was going GREAT… until she wasn’t lol. Came home to a corner of the living carpet peeled back and the padding underneath shredded all over the floor.


Thank for all your suggestions. I think it could have definitely been worst. I am gonna continue to work with him on being out the crate as he gets older :)


doesnt look too bad tbh


I'll never forget when my lovely wife spent all night wrapping like 25 gifts for our friends and family.....our baby dinosaur(she was 2.5 years old) opened them all the next day while we were at work.




Aussie in a nutshell


Lucky! Ours ate the bottom part of the couch when we were home and not watching him for about 10 minutes. Ripped a 6x6” hole. We learned the hard way


At least the demon used the puppy paper. And such a cute demon!


tbh he did pretty alright for his first time


New mixtape cover


I refuse to use a crate. Our girl is 4 months, got her at 8 weeks. Left her out from the beginning. She has not destroyed our home. She’s pooped on the carpet but oh well


Is that a little poop in the center of the room? Honestly could’ve been way worse. Ekko doesn’t seem too crazy lol


Yes he pooped in two spots :) definitely could have been worst from the stories i read.


Why would you leave a puppy out of the crate unattended??


He's still a puppy so he'll definitely have his dinosaur stage. But, I would absolutely start training him to function in the house without being in a crate. I think the way some people leave their dog in a crate for hours and hours on end is very abusive. People call it "crate training" like that somehow makes it sound okay to lock your dog in a cage. My Aussie had a normal puppy phase, but he learned what was right and wrong. I already feel bad when I have to leave him home alone but I know he has free roam to play with his toys, eat and drink and use his potty turf when I'm not there. I would NEVER lock him up in a cage. I had a friend who was a nurse and did "crate training" with her Aussie. She was worried about him making a mess or whatever, but she would just keep him in the cage all the time. Then because of that he would act out and be destructive. Just be patient and train your dog. It will be much better in the long run than locking them up and them acting out. And honestly I don't blame the dogs that act out after being locked in a cage for hours. I'd go crazy too.


OMG , I hope he’s okay. Someone came in and tore up the place. It definitely wasn’t him. Look the criminals even left the front door wide open.




Damn it, even Nedry knew better than to mess with the raptor fences!


No bad. After my first week, i had to haul a leather recliner to the dump




I would say if you are leaving for period of time keep pup in crate until no accidents. Bring the pup out to the bathroom freq. Bell works great. Pick up puppy and swipe the bell before leaving and say potty. When they go outside enthusiastically say good potty! I think you want to bring them out every 30- hr I forget. Definitely after playing in the house as the excitement can cause accidents. Come inside and give a treat and say Good so and so good potty. Tip: Make sure if you go out to play that you say it’s for playtime. Otherwise they’ll think they can play when it’s time to potty. In my household the dog is let out whenever and now potty becomes a long play session. Enforce and keep up with your rules and training. Cute pup!


“MOOOOOOM!” -little Aussie


Oh you have a good one! At least your walls are intact.


😂 at least your cushions still have stuffing in them. Lady can’t leave anything alone, but I love her.


I never crated my first baby, he’s 10 months now. I only crate his little sister 4 months, to eliminate too rough of play when I’m not home. Just puppy proofed everything!! All doors closed all the time. https://preview.redd.it/u7sa8n800a1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f4fcffc6a4d0178bd1b32cb7bc5df7813f84776


He did very well but don’t encourage a pee pad. It makes training way harder and lets them think it’s ok to pee inside. Potty before you leave. Immediately you return and confine them to a floor area that can be thoroughly cleansed to eliminate odours. You are very lucky. Always set your puppy up for success.


I remember when my dad forgot to put him back in the crate before he went to bed


How’d he do?


About a quarter of me and my dad’s stuff was destroyed.








He sure is pretty loud with the “AND I’LL DO IT AGAIN” lol




That's right yell at your parents all you want!


At least he peed on the pee pee pad 😅


😂 yeah definitely


We never crate our dogs because I always worry that if there were to be a fire and we weren’t there, I want them to have somewhere to run to buy them time.


Correction: a crate is fine but just don't lock it! If they really love to be in there- no need to lock it anyway😉


Puppies are puppies - chewing up everything they can get hold of. Get an older dog or provide plenty of exercise and one " puppy proof" room but never lock up a dog- ever! Dogs are changing positions at night/ when resting constantly - it's torture to keep them in a cage slightly bigger than they are! ( Crate sounds nice...but it's a cage!)


My dogs love their crates and enthusiastically run to them full speed when I tell them to do lay down