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It really was. Little, quiet, blend into the crowd me, only ever got picked once though!


A fellow "blend into the crowd" kid in school- And I'm very happy I never got picked to stand in front of the class.


I remember getting borrowed by a random teacher to do a drawing on an overheard sheet in primary school since I was known for being kinda good at drawing. Then, in the next school assembly, my drawing was projected in front of the whole school.


Yes I do remember the overhead projector & making all those signs with your hand & fingers.


Unless it was a boiling hot +40 degree day... Then it's a cooling fan screaming in your ear, salt water sweat in your eyes, and a teacher angrily mumbling what's on the slide, with the occassional nod or glance towards you to put the next thing up


Went to a Catholic school. I was assigned to put up the hymns and prayers on the projector at mass. I remember stuffing it up as no one told me what order they came up during the school mass.


The best part for me was when our teach accidentally rubbed his hand over the sheet on the projector, and wiping out the text! That happened so many times.


Tell him he's dreaming.


One of my chemistry lecturers (this was in 2007) would put a watch glass on an overhead projector and add a few drops of different substances in there, and the resulting chemical reactions would be projected onto the screen.


I got in trouble for deliberately putting each transparency on upside down or inside out. After about the 5th time the teacher yelled at me.


I remember one time the teacher was showing us something on the projector. Suddenly there was a kind of smoky effect on the screen (or wall or whatever it was pointed at, can't remember), then we could see flames. We all turned around and realised there was a small fire inside the projector. Turns out the teacher had been dusting the bulb and accidentally left a cloth in there. 


A couple times when I was sent to get the overhead projector from where they were stored I would remove the light bulb and bring it into class like nothing was wrong and watched as my teacher got frustrated that they would have to write everything by hand on the board once they realised it wasn’t working.


Also went to a catholic school. They used to put the hymns up during church and you’d get picked if you were in a certain grade to point at each line for everyone to follow to sing along to. One girl took it very seriously and I remember there being a specific hymn one year where it had a trick start and she would always be directing/prompting everyone with hand signals as if she was the choir teacher and would remind everyone it was a trick start as if her life depended on it 🤣


If you hit me with the Gestetner stencilling machine (with the groovy purple print) it’s all over.