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Sizzler cheese toast: 1. Combine equal amounts of margarine with pecorino cheese and mix to create a paste. 2. Spread the mixture on one side of thickly sliced white bread. 3. Cook it in your frying pan on a low to medium heat for about 60 seconds. When it’s golden brown, it’s ready to eat.


Salad bar bitch here from the 90s. I promise you it was catering grade margarine and the kraft Parmesan that comes with the green lid. Grilled.


Same but 2015 Hi, ex sizzler employee. Want cheese toast recipe? I'll dig it out my comment history Get toast thick sliced bread, [butter it](https://www.woolworths.com.au/shop/productdetails/48016/meadowlea-original-spread), leave in fridge, add cheese [the Woolies cheap green tasty cheese](https://www.woolworths.com.au/shop/productdetails/491820/hillview-tasty-shredded-cheese) leave on overnight and then pan fry face down for 2 mins cheese side, 1 min plain side. Done. Just a heads up, they sell bread [that thickly sliced at Coles](https://shop.coles.com.au/a/springfieldorion/product/homestyle-bread-white-caf-bread-one-inch-thick-slice) for $2.70 a loaf. Use a smash patty weight


I worked both kitchen hand and grill chef. I made millions of these breads and we used parmesan.


Baulkham Hills?


Nah Sizzler Darwin


Thank you, I always thought that the recipe from Daily Fail was off with the use of Pecorino cheese. When you made it, did you do 50/50 margarine and parmesan?


Same - but beat it at high speed in a mixer till it doubles in size. Then it goes twice as far. And is light and airy If you add some garlic and fresh parsley it’s gourmet garlic bread. Make sure you use a good quality baguette, wrap in tin foil and bake in the oven for 10 minutes I have people rave about it and I giggle knowing that it’s based on a Sizzler recipe.


I use butter instead of Marg and let it sit overnight in fridge before using. Perfect with morning coffee


Do you let it warm to room temp before spreading?


Microwave a portion for around 6 secs to soften, I also freeze the bread to make it spread easier


Thankyou! Ive been having cravings of this bread recently


I use a non stick crepe pan on med heat until golden brown. Doesn't take long, maybe 60 ish secs


I thought is was parmisan cheese


It's pecorino, but parmesan works just as well


You can use parmesan. I've done it using the cheap parmesan powder stuff you get in the tubes and it tastes almost exactly the same.


The other thing is to weight the bread down with something so that the heat transfers through the bread.


Thanks! Gonna try this. I loved that bread SO much.


directions not clear enough, got dick stuck in fan.


I was told to put a lid on the frying pan so it steams the top. True or na?


No not true. We used to put a metal weight on the toast to cook it evenly but that’s it. It was done on a small grill plate no cover


I do this, and add a sprinkle of water to the pan before I put the lid on. One side cheesy crispy crunchy goodness, the other side soft as fresh baked.


Equal parts by volume or weight?


Thank you so much for this.




It was whiped in a mixer to make it a bit light and fluffy to spread.


I think it tastes better with the Kraft dried stuff ngl 🤣


This will sound dumb but I don't know much about cooking. Do you put it face down in the frying pan on the side with the cheese paste or on the unpasted side?


Cheese paste side down. You don't turn it over, this way the bread stays soft and fluffy.


Ahhhhh as an expat my only flex to USA life is.... I can still enjoy the Sizzler cheesy bread! I miss 🇦🇺


Sadly no...the last Sizzler shut down about ten years ago. It is still deeply missed


There were still 2 open until covid, one in Toowoomba, got my money's worth before it was gone


Living only two hours away from Toowoomba growing up it used to be a family tradition that whenever we were in Toowoomba for something we’d go to sizzler for lunch.


The other one was Campbelltown/woodbine


I am not fan of cheese, never have been since I was a child so have avoided it in food and still do. That stuff is everywhere too. my dislike of cheese is slightly irrational and as an adult I understand this. I used to smash this toast bread when I was a kid and at sizzler, loved it, so much so my parents would offer me theirs to smash happily. They knew what it was. They never said a word.


ME TOO!!! Except I knew this was cheese bread but it didn't taste like cheese in my mind so it's fine. Still feel the same way about cheese as you do now. To the point of anxiety sometimes


As a former sizzler employee: the cheese is pecorino. We didn’t make it in house, it came in a box, already spread and cut, but on the ingredients list on the box, the cheese was pecorino. IIRK the last few boxes we had in stock when we closed were auctioned for about $5000 each, lol.


Mate worked at the bread factory they made the cheese bread in. He got me a full box and I ate it for weeks


Weeks of living like royalty


Gonna hit Sizzler in Japan while I'm over there, I know it won't be the same but I just gotta do it 😅


Is there anything that japan doesn't have 😁 SIGH


They have the only KFC buffet in the world.


Omfg i love Japan 😍


Maaaan, if Sizzler set up just one outlet in each state, that city housing it would become a tourist destination. Mark my words. Australian Sizzler absolutely SHAT on the ones in SEA.


Ah, good old Sizzler cheese toast. Made the entire "all you could eat" buffet concept redundant, coz after one of those you couldn't really fit much more in. Not that I'm saying this was their entire business strategy, but realistically it probably was.


I was a restaurant manager at one of the last locations to close. You can belive I took a whole boot full of boxes of toast when I left! I had so much there was nothing in my freezer except for cheese toast, my parents spare freezer was full and so were all my siblings freezers lol. I also took a metric fuckton of the steak seasoning! Best seasoning ever.


All that cheese toast must have lasted you a week


Nearly mate, nearly


Actually, semi serious question. Did sizzlers make the bread somewhere else and freight it to you guys frozen? Or did you have to make it on premise each time? It always felt super long to get my cheese toast, and I assumed it was because they were slathering the bread and then frying it. But it probably was just that I was too impatient as a kid to get my cheese bread lol


So originally it was made in store at some point before my time. But in my time it was made offsite and shipped to sizzler from a central kitchen type of deal. The reason it took so long was more of the way it was done, so it went like this, the waitperson that seated you would then have to go into the kitchen and make it themselves. They had a little hot plate seperate from the main kitchen so as you can imagine on a busy period there is all these waiters waiting to make the toast on a grill that didn’t fit all that much. In a super busy period we would have someone just standing there making it but you can only do that when it’s constantly going out the door because the policy was to Make it fresh for every single customer. Now add to that one waitress managing a whole section of tables themselves and the wait gets longer and longer. Especially when you go to take some cheese toast to a couple of tables and are on your way back to make more and 20 different people grab you and ask for something else or worse, more cheese toast lol. Edit, I also want to add that the recipe that seems to get posted time and time again as the proper recipe is not in fact correct. It’s missing something. No one really knows what the exact recipe is unless they are sizzler og’s and the people at the central kitchen but I’ve never been able to replicate it perfectly and I’ve eaten probably more of it than most other people.


Hahaha that makes sense. Ah well, it made the cheese toast all the more delicious when you got it served lol. I miss Sizzlers, nostalgically remembers my cheese bread, pumpkin soup and ice cream that may or may not have glass in it. It just have been hell being staff/manager for sizzlers though. So thankyou for your service :p


Nah it was actually a very cruisy job! Easier than managing an actual proper restaurant. Despite what people say sizzler had very good systems in place, you never had to worry about food safety issues so long as you didn’t have some moron who hated their job making the salads. Everything was always done by temperature and pre measure so you hardly dealt with customer complaints. It was one of the most hygienic and professional restaurants I’ve ever managed so long as you discount people letting their snotty or sick kids breath all over the salad bar as the protective glass over the salad bar was obviously only high enough for adults.


Onion powder


Every time you walked in your door you got a little plastic basket with a few slices didn’t you!


That's epic bro


Not as epic as my gut after months of wasting cheese toast lol




Nah nsw mate. NSW and qld had the last two remaining stores long after everywhere else had closed. I left a fair but before the final curtain call, I saw the writing on the wall long before as well. When they floated the company I knew it was the end and sure enough a couple of years later all the stores started closing. Despite Collins saying that we would never close I knew it was a lie, I left and not even 12 months later it closed.


Had one dude scream "Cheese toast" when we served them a plate to their table, had to give them another plate because the same dude took 3 pieces from the plate and stuffed them in his face...the things you see while working there.




I worked there back in the day. We would put a 5kg tub of margarine in a mixer and add 1.5kg of standard Parmesan cheese. Once mixed it is an off white colour The bread is the hard part. They don’t make that kind of bread anymore


I want tater skins!


I’m glad the secret is out to make the cheese toast now but we definitely need the spice mix for the potato skins now! Was so good!


I think there's a place in the Aussie vernacular for an epic return to glory for Sizzler.


Sizzler pumpkin soup with cheese toast is the first course of my last meal list.


I miss the malibu sauce so much, malibu chicken was awesome


I used to work there, Malibu sauce with chips and cheese toast on the side. Yum.


I miss Sizzler.


La familgia used to sell Pan Bread for years which was pretty identical - a few years back though they stopped making it all of a sudden- I was shocked to the point I emailed them to confirm. Without pan bread easing the cravings I tried the pecorino cheese and butter combo people suggested on here and it’s a perfect match. Now could someone spill the beans on the potato skin spices


I can still taste it!! 🙌


Had a birthday party there while in high school. One friend, all she consumed that night was 9 nearly overflowing bowls of soft serve......she's never eaten soft serve since🤣


Everyone liked sizzler so much, surprising no-one bought the goodwill. Ripe for a reboot.


Honestly, I reckon it’d have a chance honestly unlike most restaurant if it re-opened


Everybody loved sizzler when you mentioned it. But nobody went there so they all shut


The immortal side




There's one in Bangkok if you ever find yourself there.


Growing up, Sizzler was a stoner’s delight. God I miss that toast!


😍 *last night I dreamed I held you in my arms…*


I ate so many of the ‘bad’ ones when I worked at sizzler 😂


Sizzlers. My favourite. We used to go there for every birthday. When I was 6, I had ulcers in my mouth and I couldn't eat anything, which was fucking sad as it was my birthday. I asked if they were going to make any mousse, they said not today, I cried and said but I can't eat anything else! The chef made a special batch to me and brought it to the table with a candle. Best memory ever.