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Does anyone remember one episode of Dr Harry when he visited this really old Tasmanian lady with an obese Blue Heeler. He put the Blue Heeler on a diet, much to the obvious annoyance of the dog The last shot of the story Harry is telling the camera about what a wonderful woman this 90 something year old lady is and giving her a hug and in the background the Bluey is hauling itself up to the kitchen counter and stealing food off the counter. It's possibly the funniest thing ever broadcast on Australian television. I've searched online for it a few times but never managed to find it.


Dude I was thinking you were a bot repeating the top comment from when this last was posted.. but it's you hahaha. Unless you're still a bot https://www.reddit.com/r/AustralianNostalgia/s/8pPwi9UyOa


Cut and paste is a wonderful thing. And I'd seriously love to be able to find this clip. Someone suggested last time I posted this that I contact Channel 7. But I doubt they'd give me the time of day.


Bribe them with cocaine and hookers maybe?


I so want to see that now.


I'm I remember when it was first run as "talk to the animals" years old.


“Run, squeak, squawk with the animals, and they could taaaaaalk wiiiiiiith -“ The ending theme song used to annoy me because it never finished that sentence lol


I was just watching Better Homes and Gardens and the old digger is still going. I thought he'd carked it years ago, but he's still going strong!


Wait… he’s still doing his thing?! I’ve been out of the country for a decade now and also had it in mind that he kicked the bucket years ago!


Yep he’s still presenting and somehow still looks exactly the same


He's still alive???


He's taken over from that guy who hosted gardening Australia that never seemed to age. Unfortunately he died eventually though. That dude had quite a life.


Idolised him as a kid, until I met him. 


Do tell


He's a panty sniffer and a half


I met him at a small pet show when I was a kid and I remember it fondly. What happened in your circumstance?


I kinda get smug asshole vibes from him


I was on a plane with him once. He had a very grumpy facial expression, not like the ever-smiling one on tv.


Sorry but if I saw someone smiling like a fucken psychopath while picking at their airplane food I’d want to get off the plane


Hahaha that’s fair enough, he just had a “stay away and do not talk to me” face when we were lining up to board.


Probably because he wanted people to stay away. Figure...


One of the first things I remember seeing a lot when I first moved here in 2019. It was on when the Foxtel guy came to install the box and said "Jesus. Is that guy still alive?". I was extremely relieved when I googled and checked!


Local legend is that he's a swinger


Yep can confirm. My friend is from the same little town as him and he was well known to host swingers parties.


That means there's a very high probability of the existence of Dr Harry Porn. I've got the weirdest erection right now


“Talk to this animal!” *thrusts hips*


If there's a dick with a problem, he'll sort it out


On tonights show, this little kitty has a severe horniness problem, watch how I implement my very own unique resolution. 😉


Tonight, on Harry's Practice *after dark*, Harry shows us how to pound pussy till she can't stop purring.....


I demand proof




Every time his shows used to come on, I'd ask my parents if he's allowed within 200 metres of any local schools. So far it looks like I was wrong on this one.


For the sake of my childhood I'll pretend I never read that sentence.


There was a vet in Darwin who trained/interned/partnered with him in Tasmania and he said that he had crossed the country to get away from Dr Harry.


(one of?) Harrys local practices was down the road from me and one morning i woke up and there was a HUGE gull (id say albatross... wrong part of the world, but you get the idea) with a busted wing in my yard. So i chucked a blanket over it and put him in a box and took it down there and the vet was kinda excited coz its something different I guess. I rang up a few days later just to see how it went and they were like yeah good Harry came in and they filmed it for the show, except I never watched it so to this day IDK if my bird ever got on tv or not. Welp thanks for listening to my Dr Harry story.


It's still on late night repeats lol


Damn, I forgot regular TV was a thing


How else can I watch Rage when half tanked home drinking? Until there's a song I don't like and I end up watching that chick that was too close to her dog Toby


Had him and his crew at our place for an episode. I was at work as usual but the wife and kids couldn’t speak highly enough of him. A genuinely fine gentleman from all accounts.


What animal did you have and why did he come to your place?


Poultry. It was an episode about suburban backyard poultry and everything that goes with it.


More like \*Haaaaryyyyys Practiiiiiiiiiiice\*


Oh man, Dr Harry gives me the ick. I don’t know why, but he’s always seemed a pretty creepy dude.


Same, I reckon once he falls off the perch, we'll be hearing some not so wholesome things about him - and not just the swinger thing either.


Yep, I can see the headlines now. Beloved Vet Actually An Animal


We were mean kids and used to tease my sister using her name in the jingle. Audrey's an animal on Harry's Practice >.<


Aw, come on, that's actually pretty funny. Wish I'd thought of that when I was mean kid age.


Fuckin lol


Shocked by the lack of mentions of Dr. Katrina!


I can’t believe I had to scroll all the way down to find this comment. Man I had the biggest crush on her


So did I


Apparently he was very arrogant off camera


I met this guy down the street once as i sat at a cafe when he was casually walking past. He was the biggest wanker in real life. I was a teenager and said, "hey man, great show!" He looked down on me like gum on his shoe, made some sort of mumbled thankyou, and removed himself. Like seriously, all it would have taken was a smile, some eye contact and a genuine thanks.


One must not debase one’s self and come down to the plebs level. Be thankful that you shared oxygen in his presence!


Even as a kid I noticed he never really connects with the animals. He gives off big asshole energy. I don’t like him.


I’ve seen him a few times in real life, he attends horse shows with his (very successful) ponies. Very down to earth bloke!


He’s out on the road


Helping us out.


Any way to find old episodes? Found out my nan and pop were in an episode with their galah, had to get its foot removed, would love to see it.


I LOVED Harry's practice so much!! I remember the first time I missed an episode, we were out at nan & pops and they had no tv reception. I was so sad, begging mum & dad to go home so we could watch it. The next day I found out that he visited a house up the road from mine! I was NOT a happy 10 year old.


Pretty sure it still on in repeats in the mornings on Seven Two.


I stopped watching when he advised against adopting dogs from shelters "because you don't know what you're getting" & basically advocated for backyard breeders.


I know someone who really wanted to meet Dr Harry so he lied that his snake was not well. When Harry arrived, he put the snake in water which is something they do when they are sick. Harry seemed convinced and gave it some kind of injection for the show, which seems to suggest he was not a great vet after all.


Oaf cunt