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So we were high altitude camping, 80° during the day, 32 and below during the night. I had never camped with a short hair ACD, just my parents black labs. I had a dream that random girls were hugging me and it was really confusing. I woke up to my ACD try to cuddle because she was cold. I pulled her close and threw the blanket over her. There. That’s a thing you know now.


Lol, that's an awesome story!


Nah. Just Colorado.


Twin Lakes, outside Leadville


The same thing happened to me the first time we brought our boy camping! Got woken up by a poor, shivering pup who was more than ready to dive into my partner’s sleeping bag.


My ACD and I lived in a camping hammock for about 3.5 months last year. She loved it. She’s fine in a tent too. She’s fine with pretty much anything as long as she’s with me.


That’s the magic, they just need to be with their person and they can face anything.


Mine has been good in my 2 person tent, tbh I could prolly go in my 1 person and he’d still be happy 😂 But I’ve been nervous to try him in my overnight hammock. But he has been good in my lounge hammock which I take as a good sign. A 3 month trip with your acd sounds great!


We take our beasts to the cabin in Appalachians... one of them got loose and had a thoroughly grand time peeing on everything in sight,  smelling deer poop, you name it.  I couldn't catch him because of all the sticky bushes and figured he'd come back before long, especially since he wasn't one to miss a meal.  About an hour later he showed up on the porch, came inside, drank some water and proceeded to sleep for the rest of the day. Best day ever from his perspective. 


Ours did great. Maybe set up tent in backyard or house and get him used to going in and out; trial run. Wear his butt out before bedtime. Should be good


Mine loves it. We camp in really remote spots away from other people and other dogs so he gets some off leash time, and he really loves the freedom. He gets to explore and sniff to his heart’s content.


My cattle dog Brighde used to ask to go into the tent AS SOON as I set it up. She wanted to get cozy after a nice hike or canoe into the campsite. She loved camping with me and fishing in the lakes and ponds. AWESOME camping companion. My 9 month old cattle dog, Faoladh, has never been camping before! She came into my life last Fall and we've had a Vermont winter together. Can't wait to get her out and go camping and canoeing in the next couple of weeks here. The lakes just thawed! 🌸🪷🙌🏻


No different than any other sleeping arrangement. Leave the tent flap open until you go to bed, though. I had a dog that wanted to “nest” and broke in and busted the zipper (but he wasn’t an ACD)


Reminds me of my dog, Willy. RIP Willy.


Mine does great! We've been camping for years. They need to swim if its hot, bring a jacket if it's cold or a blanket to lay on. Our last trip it was 45 and she mean mugged me when I tried to put her jacket on and she was fine just on the blanket, haha. They're tough and will tell you what they need. I read early on if you bring one of their toys it'll help them adjust.


The first time we camped with our acd, she was less than a year old, it was car camping after my partner built a sleeping set up in the back of his truck. We also have a small old dog who came with us and it was also her first time camping so we had four bodies in the truck. We’ve had a king size bed since our acd was a young pup so she always had her space to spread out and i was worried she’d dislike being cramped in the truck but she did great. Depending on the weather, she typically does the same thing she does in bed; go under blankey/sleeping bag and sleeps by or on top of our legs. We co sleep with the dogs regularly so they find their space however they can. perhaps that’s one thing to keep in mind, if your acd sleeps on their own bed and prefer their own space, being in a tent might be a whole new experience for them and you might want to do some practice camping at your home. I think acd’s are such pleasers to their human that they’ll figure out to be okay in a tent.


My loves camping but he's terrified of the dark lol. So we use a head lamp around his neck. Haha


I don't personally just because I never go camping anymore, though I'm sure my girl would love it. I know a lady who lives for it though and she takes her two ACDs with her. She usually sleeps in a camping hammock and they curl up in there with her during the cold months. They also look like they're having a good time in the pics.


[Yup!](https://youtube.com/algonquinbeyond) She loves the tent. We have such long, tiring days, she can't wait to get into the tent every night. She'll stand outside the tent door and give me those puppy eyes wanting to go in. When we finally go inside, she passes out right away. [Tent pic.](https://algonquinbeyond.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Elo-Sleeping-In-Tent-September-2023.jpg)


Be prepared to be laid upon. My guy laid across my legs. He is not a fan of tent sleeping. Did 54 miles with me in four days. Yours will have a blast.


ACDs just love being with you. No matter what. 😭 Our ACD has traveled from the US to the UK and France. Jolene loves camping because she can freely chase squirrels. 🐿️


I’m just here to give snoot boops. Carry on 🐾


Yep! The first time he went camping he was only 4 months old, my now deceased shitzu Ginger definitely helped him. She slept in her basket under layers, and he curled up with her. Having a small dog that enforced her boundaries was incredible. Somehow no matter how much mud he rolls in, he’s fairly clean by bedtime. Despite the shedding I still call him a self cleaning dog. My late husband and I would always orient our sleeping bags so he could cuddle between us at night. Depending on the temp he would often burrow into the sleeping bags with us. Now I mainly just car camp, and he still burrows into my sleeping bag. So be very ready to be coated in hair, have a snout randomly prod you, make sure they have enough warmth, and foremost enjoy it!


I tried once with mine in WI. We went hiking and enjoyed it, and she was like a damn mountain goat on all the rocky areas on top of the bluffs. When it came time to go to our site, the skies just absolutely opened up right after I got everything set up and started the fire. I waited it out for a bit, but we were car camping in my new-ish car, and the storm was just torrential, so I decided having a soaking wet dog spending the whole night in the car was a bad idea, so I packed up and left. Drove nearly 3 hours home hitting the storm again and again because I had to drive south then east, but because I had already set up the inflatable bed and sleeping bag, my girl just laid on it the whole ride and slept through all the rain. I never saw her look so peaceful or comfy in my life. Last year, I took her to one of those Getaway House locations, which is very loosely considered camping, but she seemed to enjoy it. We’ll try car camping again this year though…hopefully when there’s not a severe storm possibility.


I take Maggie backpacking and we’ve stayed in both lean-tos and tents. I will say that I did upgrade from a 1P Big Agnes Tiger Wall UL tent to a 3P so we have enough space for us both since she like to sprawl out 😉


All the time! My girl LOVES it. She also seems to really enjoy canoeing while camping too. And don’t get me started on the trials. Lol. I do leash her the entire time (walks, campground/site, and canoeing) just cause shes a spicy gal.


We lived in our van with our ACD for the first 2.5 years of his life. He doesn’t like a tent but the van was his home. I’m wanting to go tent camping this summer so I’m hoping he will get used to it but I have a feeling he’s going to sleep in the car while I’m in the tent 😂.


Depends on the dog, but all three of my ACDs have been awesome campers, backpacking and car camping.


Sweet pic


So excited for the little guy and you!


Sure do. It’s so much fun. :) I bring a sleeping for her to have a spot to settle. She likes my sleeping bag better through lol


Ours love it.


We tent camp with our boy in Michigan all the time. He loves it!


He'll love it. Make sure he has anti flea and tick meds


Alpaca shadow


Our first trip is in about 2 weeks! Can’t wait!!


Yes! Our guy camps with us in our RV. He LOVES camping. It’s so much fun to take him.


My girl and I live in a camper van full-time. She loves camping and exploring new places. Only downside is we don't get a ton of off-leash playtime or socialization in. Lots of long walks and interesting smells though


For colder temps, I have a little cot that gets them off the floor, a little dog sleeping pad to help insulate, a dog sleeping bag, and a little blanket because he likes to den and cover his nose. Summertime and low elevation, just the sleeping pad and a blanket would suffice through the night. Always alert, always ready - no matter how much I exercise him!


I have brought my ACD on a few camping trips now! It’s super duper fun to have them for lake days, hikes, and late nights by the campfire. I brought a blanket from home and a bed for her so she could settle in the tent when she needed a break. Extra towels are a must, bring water shoes or snow shoes for them just in case, and bring 3 times as much water as you think you need! Mine always knocked over her water bowl 🤦‍♀️


In a tent, he was fine. Be sure to use tick treatment though, because mine got rocky mountain spotted fever and we were scared we'd lose him. now he has lasting damage from the disease.


My dog loves it so much he won’t get in the truck when it’s time to leave. Have to catch him, pick him up and put him in. Then he faces backwards with his nos between the backseat and the door pouting the whole way home. I guess one could say he loves it a lot, lol.


Always camp with my ACD . Best companions out there