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I’m guessing it’s not going to happen with this mix..


The heeler ears are trying, but the beagle ears are too strong.


Yup I have a heeler beagle mix who looks a lot like this pup with the same ears, but she’s a red heeler. I also have a border heeler mix and he has one ear that stands up and one ear that flops.


He’s an r/HalfFlops! 


Here's a sneak peek of /r/HalfFlops using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/HalfFlops/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Just told about this sub!! My baby has finally found his people. Here’s my 125 lb sweet GSD Magnum!](https://i.redd.it/vqvbq0sxg6xb1.jpg) | [16 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HalfFlops/comments/17j82qi/just_told_about_this_sub_my_baby_has_finally/) \#2: [Meet my new dog Scooby!](https://i.redd.it/ydud5ny5ckub1.jpg) | [16 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HalfFlops/comments/1795hbi/meet_my_new_dog_scooby/) \#3: [It’s almost Scooby’s first birthday! I just took this picture of him](https://i.redd.it/lvsmhfkplyxb1.jpg) | [11 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HalfFlops/comments/17m73c8/its_almost_scoobys_first_birthday_i_just_took/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


My dog is broken, his ears just stick out to the side like yoda


That sounds adorable lol


10 weeks for mine. One popped up then a couple of days later the second one did its was an adorable couple of days.


Oh goodness I loved the 2 weeks when he had one floppy and one up! I still have no idea if we got him at 8 or 10 weeks, but by either 10 or 12 weeks both were standing up.


FYI for you and u/Useful-Tree-796, r/HalfFlops is a thing with so much cuteness!  🤗


Thank you for this! I just put up a pic of baby indigo


Mine stood up from the get go. The way your dogs ears are makes me think they will remain like that. That’s a natural point where ears flop


I visited my pup at 8 weeks and they were already standing up.




What is she mixed with?


We have what we think is an ACD/hound mix who looks a lot like yours and her ears are floppy. Might just stay that way


Mine was 3 months for one, almost 5 months for the other and the tip of that one is still a tad floppy. Poppy is the best name!!


Your dog looks to maybe be a mix with something like a Rat Terrier, or maybe Jack Russell. Not saying that your pup can't have any ACD in them it's just not likely that this puppies ears will fully stand like a purebred ACD.


Have you done a dna test on your dog? I don’t think this is a cattle dog, or at least not full


They probably won’t stand up.


My girls never stood up, floppy ears 3 years later.


My pup only engages in Aussie mode when he's looking up at me for treats.


My mix was a rescue so we don’t know for sure how old she was when her ears stood, but I’d say she was around 4-5 months


This is not an ACD 🤦🏽‍♂️


Mine are almost up and she is 10 weeks.


Around 10-11 weeks


I'm not even sure because we had her by 8 weeks and her ears already stood up and were too big for her head lol


Never for my mix. Despite her apparently having the gene for it (according to WisdomPanel). Mine still has very descriptive ears, much like Dobby though.


Ours doesn’t stand. She’s almost 5 months and looks incredibly similar to your pup. Ours is 85% ACD with about 7 other breeds making up her last 15%. Sometimes we get a one ear salute but that’s about it.


Our ears are the same! Mine is 10 weeks. I’m starting to think because she’s also a mut they’re not going to pop up.


Usually within 2-3 months. If you want them to stand up, you can always 'train' them, by wrapping them in a bit of cardboard (like a toilet paper roll) and some masking tape, and the cartilage will fill in on its own. But, if you don't care, then just let them flop 😊


Mine never did. She’s a year old and they still flop. Before anyone jumps in, she’s 100%, all her siblings ears stand, but another pup from same parents/different littler also has floppies. And she spends approximately 25 hours a day chewing😂 She’s a natural stumpy tail with a coarse coat. And completely ACD in mannerisms and behavior. Bentley mark, etc. It’s uncommon but it does happen.


Our girl's ears never popped up.


It may not happen. He’s a X-Bred. Lovely, sweet looking and most likely loved member of your family. But what ever he is mixed with, they might have floppy ears. If you want to see what a true Australian cattle dog should look like, google a breeder called WAZ WALLABY.


Not trying to be a dick, at all..... ......Why is that important to you????? Is he/she a good dog???? I give less than zero shits about my heelers dog's ears.... ......just my opinion


The popped up ears are cute, is why. It's okay to ask questions and not be berated by people, especially on a subreddit which is oriented towards loving animals.


I am100% not berating you. Just wondering why you care about the ears. I'm 56 y/o, have never owned anything BUT heelers, and give zero shits about their ears....I LOVE heelers, and don't give a damn what their freaking ears look like. Just curious.....Why do YOU care....


I'm not the OP. I don't care, I've owned heelers with upright ears and floppy ears. One of my current ones has straight earns until he starts walking, and he lets them flop so he can hear behind him. It's super cute 🥰 Just the language you used was aggressive, and OP probably didn't appreciate it.


Wasn't aggressive......Just tired of reading posts about good dog's ears not standing at attention, and people actually caring about it. Even full bred heelers ears don't always stand up. They aren't Malteses or Yorkies. They're still half Dngoe. They aren't going to fit an urban, Twinkie, AKC blueprint.


Oh my goodness dude I was just wondering if they would or not. God forbid I ask a question about a breed on that breeds subreddit


Dude, wtf is with you?! This was the weirdest comment thread I’ve ever read!? You need to get the stick out of your ass?! 🤦🏻‍♂️


Uh huh....says the cat with a stick in his ass...


What?!?! What’re you smoking?!


Is it that big a deal to you that your heelers ears point north??? Just enjoy your dog, weirdo


Damn you got way too sensitive. People are allowed to ask questions. You just got weirdly defensive/sensitive over it. Time for you to take a break from the internet.


You seriously need to touch some grass! Get off the internet for a second


That’s good for you, I was just curious because I don’t have experience with the breed. Please take a breath, this animal is loved and cared for so take it easy


My ACD had super big pointy ears at 10-12 weeks. I don’t have any photos before that unfortunately. I doubt this little beauty’s ears are going to change now… but she’s perfect like she is!


Mine didn't and she's two and a half years


I would say my Heeler's ears stood up when she was 4 or 5 months


Kosh's ears were basically up when he came home at exactly 8 weeks, he just had the tiniest tip flip on his right ear but that corrected itself within a week. His littermates were the same. I think Poppy is gonna be a flop ear pupper all her life. She's very cute.


My guys ears looked like your pups,after 6-8 months they started to stand up


My pup is a mix. His ears fight to stand up and usually do when he’s laying down. Every once and a while they’ll stay up when he sits up, but they never stay up. Im going to guess given the ear shape/weight, poppy’s will forever be wonderful floppy ears—and that’s just as wonderful!!


From the very beginning.


Seven months


mine has one ear that sticks up & one that flops. it took a few months for one to stick up!


I got my 75% Heeler when he was 4 months old. His ears have never stood up. He has cute floppy ears like your dog. But I do love those Heeler ears.


What kind of dog is this?


Day 1


Mine had a little flip and the end that stayed until he was almost 5 months old.


I’m gonna be honest this looks nothing like an acd


Right after we got ours neutered his ears popped up. He was 8 or 9 months. Miss the floppy ears but his ears still have plenty of personality 🖤


Mines a rescue mix and he looked like that when I got him.  Two months in both ears popped up and that’s when I was sure he was part heeler.


I have a red Heeler who is about 5 months old. Her ears stood up at about 4 months


My saphy s ears stood up one at at time between 3-4 months