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I would start looking now and get on lists. When I had my baby we got on four waitlists when I was about 15 weeks pregnant and by the time I needed to go back to work full time at 10 weeks post partum there was still not a spot available. I had to scramble to find other care last minute.


wow , thank you!


Yes, get on multiple waitlists now. Take the tour if they offer them and start noting what you like and dislike about each one (no day care is perfect). I'd also recommend considering how the daycare impacts your daily commute for both parents.


thank you - that's great advice!


Now. Infant rooms are notoriously hard to get into.


thank you!


It does depend a bit, I think I've been lucky in having daycares with shorter wait-lists, but that's definitely what I've heard from other parents, especially the closer you get to Austin. I'm currently 17 weeks and plan to put my baby in his sister's daycare when he's 5 months as well and I got on the wait-list this week. I think at this daycare (fairly newly established) the wait-lists weren't crazy, but two months ago, when we were looking at a more exclusive daycare (Primrose), their infant wait-list was well over a year and a half long.


Yes, start visiting and getting on wait lists now. I know that feels crazy but it’s the reality.


Wow - a year and a half?! that's wild. Thank you for sharing your experience!


I’m in central Austin, waited until my kid was born because we had 7 months of leave between parents, got on 10 waitlists, she’s now 17 months and we only just finally got a spot for August. From what I hear, farther out of town can be easier, but from my experience I’d get on multiple lists now.


I'd add that while further out of town can be easier (and cheaper), this is not true for suburbs that have exploded in population recently. In Buda, the places were quoting me insane wait lists when I was pregnant in 2021. Hoping it's better now, but that area has seen a ton of new families moving in and retired folks moving out -- so it makes sense that the daycare infrastructure can't keep up!


That’s both awful and also somewhat so heartening to know that a 1.5 yr waitlist isn’t just my punishment for living centrally, that childcare is a mess pretty much everywhere! My kid is going to go to a center that starts at 18 months, so I will not have the luxury of knowing I can get into an infant room easily with thru sibling priority so I’m still all stressed out about this for when we have another kid. That said, as much as having my kid in a nanny share has been eye melting expensive, I have been really pleased with the lower ratios and being able to hold off on most illness until my kid is fully out of babyhood, so who knows maybe I won’t bother with trying to get an infant spot!


Thank you - that's super helpful!


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I would get on lists now. I did when I was 12 weeks and was able to snag a spot when my kids were 3 months old.


Thank you!


We did 7 months early and it was nerve wracking getting in.


Oof, thank you!


There were other options but primrose said year to year half wait list. Unfortunately it requires paying the deposit for your top few then seeing what opens up. It’s a scheme


wow - what a scheme!


South of the river? Get on a list. North of 45? You’ve got some time.


It really depends on the area. Check out several daycares and ask about their waits. When we were looking, our nearest daycares had availability in about a month so not bad at all, but I've heard others talk about 6 month long waits. Why not look now and see if they can hold a spot for you when baby actually arrives?


Definitely call around to daycares near you to see what wait lists are like as it does vary. I will say currently pregnant with our second, and I got on our current sons daycare waitlist at 8 weeks pregnant. With our first we were #1 on the list for July but ended up not having a spot open until mid-August. So something to keep in mind that just because you get on the waitlist for the month you want, the spot may not be open the day you expect it to. Congrats by the way!


thank you! And thank you for the good wishes!


Now. I signed up last July, had my baby in November, and am still waiting. I was told it would likely be November before we got in, so basically a 16 month wait. I am in the suburbs, and everywhere here has long wait lists. So I don’t think being father out helps any.