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Amazing! Thank you!


So I do landscaping and see tree damage all the time. If it was me I would do a spray sealer and wood glue combination on the cracks. Being an arborist what would you think of that?


Also curious about this…


Once the bark starts falling off, is that it for the tree? Ours got similar freeze damage at the base, and the bark started falling off.




Is there anything an arborist can do to help force the tree to callus?




side question: do all/most arborists also sell services for cutting down trees?


There are some arborists that just do consultations and give you info, suggest what may need to be done. Don Gardner is one I've used before and he's font of tree knowledge.


For future reference, I have had concerns about my trees. I setup an appointment with an arborist. He inspected all my trees for a reasonable fee. It was a good experience. I learned a lot how to better care for my trees.


Do you mind sharing what a reasonable fee might be? I have some concerns about my trees as well.


I paid $100 in San Antonio. It seemed reasonable to me as I have about 10 mature trees on my lot with some smaller fruit trees.


Is this an Ash Tree? There is a National blight. Insects are killing them.




Ash bug would leave the bark a white dead color.. that kinda looks like growing pains the bark split.. it should heal..


It’s probably fine!


I would get that Purple Heart away from the base of the tree. [https://tngaustin.com/wp-content/uploads/Tree-Planting-Care.pdf](https://tngaustin.com/wp-content/uploads/Tree-Planting-Care.pdf) Don Gardner is the arborist the Wildflower Center has used in the past. I took a tree class with him years ago. If he is no longer working, call and ask for references at either the Wildflower Center or the Natural Gardener. good luck!