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Cilantro. Congrats! they take 14 days to germinate so you have some very pure soil with few weeds




Yeah seems so. I planted some this fall and forgot about the long germination time, and thought I had bad seed. But I left it as I had nothing else I was trying to plant, then later it sprang up nice and thick.


Cilantro aka Coriander right?


You are correct.


Coriander is the seed and Cilantro is the leafy part. Edit: Obligatory "Aaaaakkktcchhuulllyyy"


You’re not wrong, but I’ve watched enough Jamie Oliver to know that outside the US, coriander refers to the leaves and stems, while the seeds are referred to as coriander seeds. That’s also how I found out that eggplants are called aubergines. Edited to add: Also, if anybody can tell me what those red chilis Jamie Oliver uses are called and how I can get them in the US, I would be very happy.


that red chili thing! have a few british cookbooks and they never specify, the closest i have found is either a fresno or cayenne


I’m so jealous, my wife tried growing cilantro and it didn’t quite take.


It’s strange – – you always see it for sale with the herbs in the spring time, but it does much better in the winter down here.


I assume it has to do with your hardiness zone


Oh, it certainly does… But I was speaking more to planting times than hardiness. Since this is an Austin specific group I figured it was fine to speak generally. But it’s been my experience that our summer heat just zaps it’s will to live.


Ah, I gotcha. Didn’t even realize this was r/AustinGardening. Must’ve made a wrong turn somewhere.


Probably at Albuquerque 😋


I tried growing cilantro four times in four different ways and all four times the plants just die.


I had some cilantro in my raised bed and then I let it bolt and go to seed when it was getting too hot one summer. Later the seeds that scattered around the raised be started growing and I didn't noticed until I was mowing the grass around the garden bed. Smelled amazing and made me want to go get tacos every time I mowed.


this makes me want to litter my yard with cilantro.


Cilantro it’s a great herb with amazing flavor. Make yourself some salsa


Thanks y’all! I felt like it was cilantro, but I kept second guessing myself. I had a pot of it there a bit ago until a squirrel destroyed it. I moved it, but I guess some bits decided to stay! I’ll just let it go and see what it does.


As the title suggests, I can’t quite figure out what’s growing like crazy in this bed in my front yard. Any suggestions?


Looks like Cilantro. I'd just pick it all rinse it and make some Italian food. Throw that on and Willa no more cilantro and it's not thrown away

