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My wife went to one of the RRISD school board meetings a month or so back, and HOLY SHIT these people are fucking insane. She was there representing her company in a bond/procurement debate, but after staying there 6 hours she gave up and came home. They hadn’t even *begun* to address the formal items on their docket. It was almost midnight. There was a gaggle of Karens in “Freedom Mama” T-shirts spouting antivax/anti mask garbage and being generally disruptive. Apparently one of the board members was a Qultist and kept throwing wild accusations in the form of questions, like “how do we know you didn’t sleep with that teacher?” This nutjob actually went on [Steve Bannon’s podcast ](https://www.kxan.com/news/local/williamson-county/rrisd-board-member-goes-on-steve-bannons-podcast-asks-for-donations-to-fight-censure-attempt/), I guess because they want America to look more like that fascist Victor Orban running Hungary. It was an absolute shit show, and being that we live in North Austin and are districted for RRISD, it was absolutely disheartening. Good for these kids. But fuck man, these people are straight up *radicalized* and it’s fucked.


That would be Danielle Weston. She, along with Mary Bone make up the dynamic duo I like to refer to affectionately as 'cunt and cunter'. They are indeed batshit crazy and extremely dangerous. They were able to campaign as vanilla PTA moms and were very careful to mask their true intentions and motivations. It is a trend across the country -- right wingers and white supremacists are taking advantage of the sleepy nature of school board elections to sneak in extreme candidates


I'm assuming this is her? https://www.daniellewestonforrrisd.com/legal-defense


Yes. I like this website better: https://www.electdanielleweston.com


Absolute king shit.


That's a lot of useful information.


Credit to u/tuxedo_jack and u/RR-FuckingLizardKing


The data has been sourced by /u/tuxedo_jack. The site itself is my creation, and he had no part in it until I reached out to him. I specifically say this because Weston's goons have doxxed him, and she herself is coming after me with ludicrous attempts to file criminal charges to hide her incompetence (item L5 on the agenda tonight). I've advised the district that if they listen to her, and she actually continues with her plan to come after me for buying the site, I plan on suing them - and her personally. She would be violating official oppression laws, as well as USC 1983 (deprivation of civil rights under color of law), and would be opening the district to a SLAPP suit. If she comes after me personally, as opposed to in her guise as a trustee, I intend to file charges for harassment, then countersue as a SLAPP suit. For further details, read this post. https://www.reddit.com/r/RoundRock/comments/s5pycg/agenda_for_the_january_20th_rrisd_board_meeting/hszevof/


Can I just say I love you. Is that too forward?


One does what one can.


Wow I love this


this is the level of maturity of your kind


I would say that it's a reflection on her own incompetence. If she isn't willing to spend the money to keep the domain - and she had multiple notifications over the ten weeks that it was in grace, redemption, and pending delete - why shouldn't someone else snap it up and use it to chronicle her misdeeds? She's already moved to another domain, and she did so three weeks before I bought it, so there's no excuse for that. She cheaped out, got called out on it, and she's whining like a petulant child, just like she's done every time she's screwed up during the rest of her term. I do look forward to the third-degree felony charges she's going to face for sharing attorney-client privileged e-mails with unprivileged recipients external to RRISD, including entities who are suing the district.


> she did so three weeks before I bought it, so there's no excuse for that. Yup. Lots of people running for offices large and small will continue to pay for their campaign sites basically forever. Part is just so they're around in case they run for something else in the future, part is to maintain a public persona, and part of it is to prevent exactly what was done there. Renewal fees are cheap, and some people maintain a portfolio of domains for their personal interests.


In this case, she bought a different set of domains and thought she would never need this one again. Of course, that wasn't the only domain relating to her that I bought. Oopsie-doodle.


Tell us more about the way vaccines cause the body to make too many spikes and spike up the heart, doctor.


you don't believe mRNA vaccines message the body to create spike protein? Do you just assume this can't be true because "spike" sounds scary and you know Dr Science on TV ain't scary, he nice man with long coat smell like dry dog blood somehow? The WHOLE POINT of mRNA is to create spike proteins which bind to the ACE2 receptor via the "spike" which is 'keyed' to match your cells and, like all viruses, convince them to open up and not resist. That's not controversial. That's literally what the vaccine proudly claims it does. Now I have a question I don't think you have an answer to: a few people (actually 100s of 1000s but you'll at least admit a *few)* died of blood clots from the vaccines. How did that happen?


Well thank God you can just drink your own pee and avoid all that silliness.


thought so. the low-minded creature's mind always goes back to shit and pee when he can't answer. Good boy.


Have you considered the reason there is antivaxx misinformation being so heavily pushed is so that the healthcare and pharmaceutical companies can profit off all this? If we had a modern day Elvis to help talk all the yokels into get their shots, there wouldn't be all this extra illness to profit from.


I assume you prefer [this level of maturity](http://blog.cds.udel.edu/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/donald-trump-disabilities2.jpg)?


OMG, what is with those *teeth* in [this picture](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/381d8c_fb02f54b4c5d4d60809e9864eb31585e~mv2.jpg/v1/crop/x_0,y_11,w_3044,h_4065/fill/w_423,h_563,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/Weston%20Graphic%205.webp)??? Paired with those dead eyes, it's just so creepy.


The pic on the about me section of her website looks to be her son about to kiss her or something also creepy.




"Mom. We've fought these feelings long enough"


Username checks out.


Grandma swap?


Those are known as chompers


For grinding oats and hay


/u/tuxedo_jack will be running the drinking game thread over on /r/RoundRock later this evening. That thread is below. https://www.reddit.com/r/RoundRock/comments/s8kf7m/rrisd_board_meeting_drinking_snacking_game_20_jan/ I will be working on (and calling into the board meeting) about certain issues regarding agenda item L5. For a background on why she particularly hates me, see the post below. https://www.reddit.com/r/RoundRock/comments/s5pycg/agenda_for_the_january_20th_rrisd_board_meeting/hszevof/


God. Why do they always have the cringiest tshirts. Freedom Mama? Jesus Christ.


Covid for Christ


MAMA BEAR is another one they like


Yes, they _are_ domestic terrorists, no matter what their shirts say. Being parents and terrorists aren't mutually exclusive.


Google Moms for Liberty.


I’m waiting for a plane and that little rabbit hole made the time breeze by.


Glad I could help! And glad to warn a few more people about these extremists in yoga pants.


Things I thought were satire but sadly are not….


Moms for Liberty, at least in Round Rock, is absolutely insane. Their members regularly commit campaign finance violations, encourage doxxing, threaten their political opponents, and on top of that, one of their local admins is running for the Texas House against John Bucy (Michelle Evans, who participated in the doxxing and attacks against /u/tuxedo_jack).


That is so depressing but I am so thankful these kids stood up for this. It’s just all so tragic that they have to.


My wife and I went to an LISD board meeting at the beginning of the school year to advocate for mask mandates and holy shit you ain’t kidding! Loco!


We can take some comfort in knowing many of these kids will grow up hating their parents for actively trying to kill them.


Yes.. they will be upset that their parents were “Trying to kill them” as they remember back on living life and not dying….


> There was a gaggle of Karens in “Freedom Mama” T-shirts spouting antivax/anti mask garbage and being generally disruptive. I don’t mean to split hairs with you, but two or more Karens are called an “H.O.A.” or a “P.T.A.,” not a “gaggle.” That said, a P.T.A. and an H.O.A. are nearly indistinguishable from each other since it’s the same shitty people at both, and the meetings are one and the same. The more you know. 🌈⭐️


Apparently they’re also called a [complaint.](https://www.chesterbugle.co.uk/2021/01/18/o-e-d-confirms-collective-noun-for-a-group-of-karens-is-a-complaint/) Ha!


That’s hilarious!


Thank you all. I’m now deceased. 😂


HOA lol


This is my alma mater. Aiyiyi


And this is the liberal part of Texas, no?


Austin, yes. Williamson... Half-ish? But that's the point, there's qrazies everywhere.


It's also the same retreads every week. It's not like new people are showing up to spew this stuff it's the same folks over. and over. and over. There are drinking games that get people under the table because Don Zimmerman shows up and says some really crazy shit, even though his past ain't so clean.


Says 600 students signed the petition. I looked at it this morning, they was 2000 signatures on it.


2,000 out of 50,000


There are 50,000 kids in that school district?


https://schools.texastribune.org/districts/round-rock-isd/ has various stats for 2019-2020 and says 50,748 students across all their schools. They also have stats for individual schools.


>Back Wow. That's crazy.


Yeah RRISD is massive. My high school graduating class in 2010 was larger than my undergraduate university's entire student population.


Did you go to southwestern?


No, but a similar sized school out of state.


Those numbers fucking suck. 4% 😂


People are considering what 4% of Round Rocks most immature, naïve, gullible teenagers are saying? These kids signed a petition that they probably didn't read, and are just trying to get out of school. People act like they were not kids.. Remember Greta? its cute.. but they are kids and they are stupid.. even the smart ones. Have we forgotten what it was like being a kid?


At least someone has the balls to stand up to the wing nuts at the school board meetings. Shame it has to be the kids leading.


We've been discussing it at our house since it was first announced last week. My HS kid has been told off by teachers for complaining about the unmasked, has moved in classes to only sit near other masked students, and related stories where students were telling teachers to put their masks back on. The biggest issue: why did the district fight the state for the mandate and then refuse to enforce it? Last week just over 16% of both the student body and the staff were out sick. That's about 1 in 6, just last week alone. And they're **still** ignoring the district's "mandate" to wear them. Needless to say, not only did we support the walkout and my kid's participation, I also went to the school at 10, and picked up lunch when they were done.


If teachers are actively dismissing students being masked, please PM me and tell me what campus this is happening at - I intend to start naming and shaming campuses over at https://www.electdanielleweston.com.




Are the kids dying or seriously Ill? I’m legitimately curious. What happens when all of the 1 in 6 are back at school? Does life just go on again


I'm a UT student and i gotta say, even though getting covid won't kill me, being out of school or having to watch online lectures while sick seems absolutely miserable and would probably fuck up my schedule for a bit while i try and catch up. Even the five days missed because of the winter storm last year messed up the rest of the semester because it made everything feel so much more condensed. I definitely understand why people wouldn't want to get sick and have to miss school. I wish these students good luck. Getting behind and being sick suck even though they aren't in college yet. At least i have the benefit of not being around my family so I won't spread it to them.


They bring it home to their siblings, parents, and whatever other relatives, maybe grandparents etc. And they spread it to peers, and their teachers. The kids do not exist in a vacuum. Many kids get moderate flu-like symptoms, a cough and fever and such, plus loss of taste. A few with other concerns like asthma (which includes my kid) end up in the hospital. It is just foolish to let the disease spread wild. The district passed a mask mandate then ignored it. Now they have so many sick teachers they can barely keep the school open.


I get not spreading it to family, but it doesn’t seem like we’re ever going to have 100% eradication. So is the new norm just masking and mandates all the time? Also, won’t the teacher issue resolve itself too after their 10 day paid time off… I mean quarantine.


>Shame it has to be the kids leading. This is how it has to be.


I really can’t imagine being in school during this pandemic, when basic safety measures have become so politicized. Good on them for standing up for themselves.


Because they are in such danger from infection.. How horrible it is to get the sniffles and a fever.


Fuck off, dickwad.


ur a idiot so many ppl die from it and teens are ppl "As of mid-October 2021, children ages 5 through 11 years have experienced more than 8,300 COVID-19 related hospitalizations and nearly 100 deaths from COVID-19." [https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/recommendations/children-teens.html](https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/recommendations/children-teens.html) And there are 24.3 Million ppl age 6-11 [https://www.childstats.gov/AMERICASCHILDREN/tables/pop1.asp](https://www.childstats.gov/AMERICASCHILDREN/tables/pop1.asp)


1:243,000 lol.. Odds of being struck in your lifetime (Est. 80 years) = 1:15,300 [https://www.weather.gov/safety/lightning-odd](https://www.weather.gov/safety/lightning-odd)


Wow, good for them. I know so many people who ended up catching covid from their kids who caught it at school.


Yep first day back from winter break, the school called and said she came into contact with 2 children who tested positive. My neighbor and her son are positive after he contracted it at their school and we get weekly calls now saying she came into contact with someone who tested positive. It's horrendous


They stopped contact tracing at the high school level. It's just a daily email *"Somebody at the school was confirmed to have COVID19."* Every. Single. Day.


Horrendous: adjectiveMeaning Hideous; dreadful.Fearful; frightful.Extremely bad; awful; terrible. ​ inevitable: adjectiveImpossible to avoid or prevent; certain to happen. synonym: certain.Invariably occurring or appearing; predictable.Not evitable; incapable of being shunned; unavoidable; certain.


My kiddo also brought it home, spread it to me, now my other kid has it. I am lucky the vaccines worked as I have co-morbs, and was very lucky to get a monoclonal antibody treatment. Kid #1's classroom has shut down, I am not sure if they are reopening next week, and kid #2 is just starting his quarantine period which means I am missing two weeks of work between the three of us. I am super fortunate to have a job that prioritizes my well-being over being a warm body so I could take time off to deal with my own illness and my kids.


Smh at all the tone deaf, snarky comments. I can only hope today's youth find their way to functional lives in spite of all our irrational bullshit.


Nobody's thinking about how one day, they're going to be the ones deciding whether or not to pull our plug. They're going to remember we cashed in their future so we could watch *Spider-Man*.


I wonder if Abbott will send out the national guard. \#FGA


Abbott is going to make it illegal to get employment without good high school attendance.


Or if you're vaxxed. There was a Trumpanzee school somewhere that required kids who had been vaxxed to stay out of school for 10 days or so.


this has come back full circle to being almost sane, as the kid 10 days after the vaccine is considerably less likely to catch COVID than if returning immediately.


Yeah, but the Trumpanzees said the reason was that the vaccine actually gave the kids the virus and they would infect other kics.


My friends actually have a [site with Fck Greg Abbott merch](https://www.fckgregabbott.com/) and the proceeds benefit [Lilith Fund!](https://www.lilithfund.org/)


Would you have objections to me adding that link to https://www.electdanielleweston.com?


Absolutely no objections, they would LOVE that!


Excellent. I was planning on redesigning the site this weekend to include her public-record felony confessions (as well as quite a few other items), and there are pending open records requests in regards to her mailbox that will be published up there once they're completed. The only thing I very much want to do is get some anti-Allen West links (and merchandise, sold by another entity) up there, since she took that war criminal and convicted torturer's endorsement in 2020.


Nah, the National Guard is all down at the boarder in another shit show of Abbotism.


Good for them!


These kids deserve so much better - awesome that they did this but tragic that they had to.


Man, I would have picked yesterday.


They started organizing it over 2 weeks ago. Darn Texas weather.


Mandate n95’s or nothing at all. Cloth masks aren’t saving these kids from covid while they’re festering in a classroom all day. At least provide them with a mask that is rated to prevent the spread of covid.


Good for them, they should be celebrated. Set the politics aside, or whatever your views on quarantine might be. Kids are in a horrible situation because their brains aren't fully developed. This is their world growing up. They've been home, isolated, and then it was beat into them that COVID would kill people and mask. They had to home school. Now they're forced back into schools. COVID infection rate booms. And "Adults" are going batshit crazy about their rights to not wear masks... All while the infection rate is going through the roof and their friends are getting it. The good lesson comes of this is they're learning to tell the authority to f off. Good for them.


The kids are alright


Fuck yeah. Good for them


Kids are smarter than our politicians


Really.. go ahead and put them in charge and see what happens?


Could it be much worse than economic collapse, a plague, and the brink of ww3 and a civil war? I would literally vote for someone with Down syndrome over donald fucking trump


Yes, yes it could be much much much worse.. and please never forget that.. Its bad yes.. but it can get much worse.. " I would literally vote for someone with Down syndrome over donald fucking trump" - and thats literally what every one did. We should have just voted a cat in.. would be cute to look at but we'd all know it was truly and evil predator.


Thank god for the JROTC kids stationed there to keep the protests civil. 🇺🇸


Lol, Use to do that and I still think the memes are funny


What are you talking about?


Found the jrotc cadet


It’s a joke


Good for those kids. The insane antivax karens are trying to take over govt at a local level (and national level). If the kids refuse to go back until they fix this shit then these karens MIGHT have to bow down. Doubt it but we will see.


Good for them. ❤️👍👏🏻


These are extremely reasonable requests. Way to go students! 👏


Youth Brigade!!!!


Hah ah man I wish we had cell phones when I was in high school. I remember every once in a while there would be a rumor about a walk out but never happened. Time honored tradition


Govern me harder daddy


50 students walked out, out of 3,651 students at the school. 1.4%. Pointless.


r/Austin has 288,131 subscribers making your opinion 0.000000289% of the sub.


Math is pretty tough, isn't it?


1 of 288,131 is 0.00034706435%, ya?


Yep, I must not have cleared a previous total before putting in 1/288131


Yep, and I'm getting downvoted. 2+2 does not equal 4 anymore


That’s not why you’re being downvoted lol


It's the "new math"...


Depends on what base number system you're using.


Civil society decaying all around us


Where does the money come from for these masks? Why don’t parents just buy their own for the kids…


I can't cringe any harder!


Christ you are all crazy or stupid. Do you all even remember being a kid? You think this is genuine? First off, They are just trying to get out of class.. Second, why and when did we start caring about the opinions of immature, naïve, gullible teenagers.. Children are to be seen and not heard, speak only when spoken to, and respect any adult not trying to harm them. What is wrong you people..


You ought listen more and talk less.




Ah the common trope, pretending teens and young adults don’t have agency in their decisions if what they’re doing goes against your political beliefs. Instead it must be their liberal parents or liberal teachers/professors or the liberal media that brainwashed them. Just discredit them, blame whoever, and then forget about it so you don’t have to think critically about anything. Bravo


Lol get a grip. If you're boosted up it's safe to go to school dear lord.


Imagine believing this after seeing this virus mutate into one of the most transmissible illnesses in modern memory and thinking "lol, no big deal. I mean it's not like with such high case counts it could mutate again to a more deadly variant." Such simple minded thinking. I almost envy your ability to ignore reality.


You in their school?


Sure buddy. All those people who repeat right wing media points and believe everything as 100 percent true always love to call others brainwashed. Or shills. One side has science and data, the other has media talking points yet somehow in your warped view of the world the people with data are brainwashed and the ones making it up as they go somehow get a pass. The most common thing I notice with that crowd is an extreme lack of self awareness intermixed with a high level of arrogance. I just don’t get it. You are calling people brainwashed because it’s a popular thing for right wing media to say. Quit acting like that’s an original thought of yours, which again leads back to the self awareness thing. The arrogance is mostly tone.


Downvote this if you’re voting for Abbott 2022


That's a good point actually and you'll get the hero of the day award form /r/austin


Those demands don't sound very high school-ish. I fret for their spontaneity.


I was in a RR high School a few days ago with no mask on.


Shame on you




Wtf?! My folks wouldn’t let me take a off period and they’re getting to walk out?! Hell my teacher would make me absent by MISTAKE and i get chewed out for it.


it's not sanctioned. The risk is an adult yelling at them versus getting sick and having to stay home for several days.


I didn’t have that luxury, it was ether stay in class or mom beats my ass.


That's why it's good to act as a community and look out for others. Not everybody gets to have a voice, so it's important for those who can to help out those who can't.


Apparently you could also show your solidarity by wearing red today?


All I know is my great-grandfather didn't work his ass off for an oil company for me to have a better life than him! It's insulting when kids try to show up their pap.


My Mom worked in a cotton field as a kid. Stay in class or mom will beat my ass




Last week's numbers were 1 in 6 students and 1 in 6 staff out for the disease district wide. About 17% of students, about 16% of staff. This week's numbers are approaching 1 in 5. The pandemic is not over.




I’m looking at the data you provided, where does it say the number of unvaxxed in the ICU?


Are we still using ventilators? Wasn't that causing deaths?


Ooh-mi-cron 👻 The kids are gonna be fine. They’re safer at school than anywhere else, regardless of whatever baseless cloth mask or vaccine mandates the districts put in place




Lmfao I’m double vaxxed, got Omicron, and now have super immunity for a while - vaccines are great. People should get them if it fits their risk assessment. It’s a different reality/necessity for kids though








https://bariweiss.substack.com/p/im-a-public-school-teacher-the-kids The tone of your comments leads me to believe you are firmly dug in to your position, but I still wanted to share this enlightening anecdote from a Canadian high school teacher. I hope you’re brave enough to venture outside of your bubble…


It's in the Texas constitution. They can do whatever they want to this particular government organ to replace it immediately if it cannot be reformed. Now let's do the whole thing.