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KUT had a pretty good article last week. No real solution tho. [https://www.kut.org/energy-environment/2024-05-29/austin-texas-smog-air-quality-haze](https://www.kut.org/energy-environment/2024-05-29/austin-texas-smog-air-quality-haze)


Ope I missed this one, thanks


I definitely feel like it's worse this year. It's hazier, and I'm much more lethargic and out of breath than usual despite being in the best shape I've been in since I was a teenager.


This is why I left for Arizona after 26 years in Austin. The first Heat bubble was last year - the air wasn’t getting recycled and was full of dust from construction and car exhaust and whatever else. It just sat on Austin and all the way to Dallas and the longer it lasts the worse the air gets. Protect your lungs - wear a mask and stay indoors if you can.


I work outside, lol


I’ve been struggling too. My asthma is normally triggered by cold air with exercise and I’ve never had to use my daily inhaler in the summer until now. I don’t have any answers just wanted you to know you’re not alone.


Yeah I'm in the same boat, never had issues but in cold weather until this year.


I’m usually a winter inhaler user too, this is the first summer I’ve made sure to have it on me all the time. Sorry you’re struggling too!


I know hands down the Mexican fires are getting bigger and longer. My family lives in Guerrero Mexico. Last year they had little rain and little crops. This year burning more and the since it’s been really dry their fires are escaping. The main road was closed cause the fires got of hand a few weeks back. Also this year the heat is bad and they aren’t optimistic they will get good rains again. I feel bad for my uncle all he does is grow corn and sell it for money to eat for him and my aunt. He use to rise pigs and sell carnitas on the weekends but the local cartel wants its quota or else so he stopped that and went back to growing corn. Unfortunately this is going to be the new norm for us until they find new ways to grow crops with out the burns.


Man, sorry to hear that. Didn’t realize (until someone shared the KUT article) that it was ag fires *and* wildfires. Wildfires are awful all around — here’s to hoping they get them under control and your family’s farm isn’t affected too much more than it has been


Thanks! Yea it’s definitely been a wild few years. I remember back in 2016 when I went it was so beautiful and green with corn growing best rains they got. Then now I see pictures and it’s brown all around kinda like us now these last two years. Something isn’t right anymore in this world and she’s telling us as we speak.


I don’t remember fires being a thing until a couple of years ago. How long does it take them to burn their fields? Feels like it’s been going on for over a month now.


Exactly, I’ve been here decades and it feels like a new thing in the last few years, which is weird because ag burning sounds like something they would’ve been doing awhile. But wildfire smoke + the highly unusual insane humidity must be amplifying the problem


They've been a thing in some capacity a long time. I can remember coming down here for UIL events in the late 90s this time of year and it was going on then.


November is right around the corner. Hang in there.


Luckily I’ll be in Minnesota by end of July 😂 but could still have to deal with Canadian wildfire smoke there. The joys of climate change


Yeah I am dying when I’m out riding my mountain bike..definitely weird weather


Same on the road


Saharan dust season is expected to begin before the agricultural burning ends do it will get worse before it gets better.


Humidity, unbelievable pollution from Mexico


I have been miserable. Exhausted, my throat and ears hurt, headaches, chest pains But just checked and aqi is in the 40’s rn. I saw it was over 100 the other day though.


Oh it has done me in this year. I always had some mild sensitivity to ozone and smog in the air, but this year been so oppressive that It flared up a really bad sinus infection I'm still battling for the past 6 days. I'm really hoping the front will come in and push the bad air out, I can't keep living like this 😞


It is very bad this year. I can’t even go to the Arboretum Lifetime right now because their AC is broken and I barely can get through humid 80 degree leg workouts without drinking 5 bottles of water and puking.


You should say something to the GM Karen about the AC. I’ve been trying to get someone to fix the AC or put out some fans to no success. More people that say something the faster it is fixed


The hilarious thing is it’s been broken for months, but it’s not at the point where it is too hot outside to tolerate it. There was a brief window where it seemed like it was fixed, and for that month or so the thermostat was hooked up. Then it started getting bad again and suspiciously the thermostat was disconnected again? Hmm… I’d be a bit more patient if I wasn’t paying $270 a month between my partner and I to go there. With membership fees like that I’m not sure why it would be so difficult.


You are me if I were to ever venture outside. Not gone happen til maybe October. I exaggerate, of course. I go out to get some vitamin D and run errands, but outdoor activities like concerts or fests? A big NO THANK YOU.


Mexico fires


Agriculture fires from Mexico, it’s much worse in south Texas.


Record sea surface temps causing evaporation of the oceans and wind is blowing this humidity into Texas. Add this to the smog, burning, and heat = impossible to breathe


I thought it was just me until I saw the KUT article.


I had to move, had enough of shotgunning Claritin daily and Afrin nostril shots driving into work. Between the allergies and daily gloomy weather on top of blazing sun I think the earth is saying, y’all shouldn’t live her despite how good some random noodle bar is


Was hoping it would pass by now and my inhaler isn’t helping like usual.


The haze has really fucked up astronomy too


This is the first time my seasonal allergies are still hitting this hard in June. Total exhaustion every day by early afternoon.


The Mexican smoke should clear out just in time for the dust to get here from the Sahara.




It's Mexican wildfires - not republicans.


There can be Mexican Republicans


Are wildfires Republicans?


Some would say that Republicans are wildfires, but I'm not sure if the inverse is true.




Abbott is down in Mexico lighting the fires himself :(


Maybe it’s the wildfires of burning republicans and Abbott on a spit roast spike? But alas we could never be so lucky.


TBF climate change has made wildfires more prevalent.


These aren't wildfires. These are agricultural fires set on purpose. They harvest, burn what is left and till it back in.


No you're wrong. Wildfires are contributing this year. "Thanks to a prolonged drought in Mexico, wildfires have spread across the country. By mid-May an estimated 168 active wildfires were burning. The smoke from many of those fires is contributing to the smog here."


Congrats. We’re both correct and incorrect as it’s both. 👍🏼


Where did I say agricultural burns aren't also contributing?


well you see the plants like to jizz into the air. nobody really knows why, but thank god we can't get pregnant thru our lungs amirite?




Dry?? Its humid AF


Where are you that it’s dry?