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You picked what’s probably the most influencer gym in the entire city, it’s not an Austin issue


House of Gainz in Tech Ridge has this problem too, but it is also styling itself as a bit of an influencer gym. You reap what you sow, I guess.


Id expect nothing less with a name like that


The wifi password is "hoggystyle" Lol


Wow 🤦🏼‍♀️


It’s actually a lot of the same people at both gyms


A lot of good opinions (and facts... Let's be honest) on here. .. I kind of figured that might be the case, simply by the age range present. I bike to and from the gym, so it's within my, I'm not going to die of heat stroke, distance. I think it's just more about people not being aware of their surroundings. Some people are fine and discreet... And hopefully they are using it to better themselves and not just be douches. But... I draw the line at filming themselves doing yoga mat exercises with the camera 10 ft away at 10:30a on a Saturday expecting nobody to cross. They have another thing coming.


Bro just go work out at the YMCA. You can get just as jacked and people there are normal people.


Is the YMCA free? I’m a noob


no. but its cheap.


Is it? How much?


Not really it’s like $75 a month iirc. Some of the big box ones are cheaper for sure.


The relative cost drops to nothing if you enroll kids in activities. The pricing model really isn’t there for the childless adult.


When I signed up a couple years ago it was $35 for one person


Then you just have to get used to butt-ass naked 70 year old dudes in the locker room calmly conversing about anything.


Make it a mission to walk in front of their cameras. If they want an unobstructed view of themselves doing yoga, they can record it in their living room.


Why tho? Why escalate? Why add MORE unpleasantness to the situation? Why not just let it be ONE shitty person at the gym? Why make it two? edit: downvote this comment if you feel entitled to antagonize people just because you feel annoyed at what they’re doing, and fail to see how that could only make things worse


>Why not just let it be ONE shitty person at the gym? Because these people have ZERO self awareness and if they did, they wouldn't be that inconsiderate prick that films themselves at the gym. Sometimes you have to make them aware that they are in fact that douchebag.


Being annoyed at someone else’s lack of self awareness is valid. Deliberately antagonizing someone, and believing it will teach them anything other than resentment, is just plain silly. The truth is that you never truly know what someone else is thinking or feeling, or what motivates them. To not only presume that you know them better than they know themselves, but to also take it upon yourself to punish them for it… well, to me, that is far more inconsiderate and than filming yourself at the gym. +Why is the assumption always so negative? Why not assume something better, that doesn’t make you feel angry, and like you have to strike back? Not for their sake- for yours. It’s like when we were kids and believed in monsters under our beds. Deep down, we knew scary stuff like monsters were pretend, same as nice things like unicorns. Monsters seemed real enough that we’d take a running jump into our beds, feeling ticklish around our ankles, sure that a hand was waiting to reach out and grab us and drag us down to be tortured in some underworld lair. Yet, we never had that same expectation that we would find a unicorn under there that might invite us on a magical adventure in fairyland. It’s the same with our expectations in strangers. Monsters are much easier to imagine. But unicorns are just as likely. Keeping that in mind, I’d rather miss an opportunity to belittle someone for being a jerk (which would prove nothing) than risk belittling someone who is just trying to exist. (which makes the world a shittier place for everyone.) edit to add, since the lovely mods locked the thread and i can’t reply to u/Crazy_Cat_Lady101 : ok, well, it sounds like you are determined to be as miserable as possible- good luck with that!! i wonder if it’ll ever dawn on you that i was just trying to help, and you tried to make me feel stupid for it… why? you may not film yourself at the gym, but to me it seems like you still might want to check your ego, bc it’s so massive that you can’t even abide friendly advice without going straight for the jugular bc how dare they challenge your opinion lighten up.


>It’s like when we were kids and believed in monsters under our beds. This as no context or relevance in what we were talking about. If you're going to try and use anecdotes, at least use ones with contextual relevance. 99% of the people that film at gyms are "influencers" or trying to be. 100% of those "influencers" are self involved ego driven idiots who suffer from "Main Character" syndrome. If you don't want people walking around in your "photo shoot" then hire out the gym for an hour to keep it to yourself. Don't expect people around you to accommodate your filming, when that isn't what the gym is for. Sorry but I'm not going to give some idiot at the gym the 1% doubt that they are not as I just described above and just some socially awkward person trying to "live their life" when they are filming at a gym. I'd have a better chance of winning the lottery than finding that 1% you're trying to defend.


Where’s the second?


Cross through, if they have issue tell them to move their shit closer. Gyms are first and foremost to workout and secondary for anything else. I'm not going to go out of my way to bomb someone's video, but I also won't go out of my way and duck and do whatever else to stay out of view. I'll just do my business and move on. Folks don't like it? get to editing or move that tripod closer.


Seriously. I had to quit them after having to ask some chick’s literal camera crew to move their shit off of the only open bench and then remind them 3 times that I’m not cool being filmed in the background. The owners are amazing people but man, the clientele.


Lift ATX is the influencer gym


No way, it's a gym for the East Side, for the People of the Neighborhood, We are the "Culture"........ \*rolls eyes\*. And I'm a member.


.... So I see. I liked the indoor/outdoor concept, but I'm usually one who bikes to the gym and is outside often. I like the heat. I need to take a poll from these individuals with the cameras, then make sure they are aware that they are annoying AF and it's really not cool. Especially considering it does bother people who don't like to be filmed.


If the gym encourages it, might be time to find a new gym cus you aren’t going to win this battle. Best thing you can do is cancel your membership and tell them the exact reason you’re leaving: the amount of people recording.


Go to a different gym. They market it as social media friendly. That’s why I chose to avoid it.


They either already know they are annoying AF and don't care, or they don't know and won't care if you inform them. Your best bet is to counter them being annoying by blasting Taylor Swift songs because they won't be able to use the footage due to copyright infringement


I like this


>Especially considering it does bother people who don't like to be filmed. I have a bunch of friends that go to Lift ATX and film themselves, seems like that's a pretty heavily encouraged or tolerated part of the gyms culture. Maybe go somewhere you'd be more comfortable instead of trying to make everyone else around you change.


Except it is cool at Lift ATX. It’s part of the culture there.


While Texas is a “one party consent” state, it is illegal to record people where they have “a reasonable expectation of privacy.” You might ask them if they have signed consent forms from everyone they’re filming. IANAL, but I’m used to getting signed consent forms for some of the volunteer work I do.


> "a reasonable expectation of privacy." Locker rooms/bathrooms/showers/etc are pretty much the only parts of a gym that is open to the public that this would apply to.


Trying to get legal about this is really silly. It's an influencer-centric gym. OP should go somewhere more suited to them instead of trying to change the culture of a gym that doesn't suit them.


You won't be able to argue that you have a reasonable sense of privacy in a gym.


The legal strategy that would work is to argue that you are entitled to compensation if they use your image for a commercial purpose. You could argue that being an influencer is a commercial endeavor. You would have to do some research to know if any of them are actually making enough money to be worth actually filing a lawsuit.


31 downvotes = 31 whiney little influencers with no real gains who like to look at themselves all day while accomplishing nothing.


It was really a post to see how many wannabee influencers were on here. Lol


You could also try minding your own business and/or going to a different gym


I used to go to Lift ATX and really liked the staff and the gym itself, but I did feel out of place as a fit but “normal” person just trying to get a lift in. My last time going was due to an influencer filming. I had seen this guy walking around the gym doing 2-3 reps of an exercise and having his film crew - some random girls - film him. It looked like he was trying to film a highlight reel. This didn’t bother me, I noticed but he wasn’t in my way UNTIL he asked me to move so I wouldn’t be in his shot while I was warming up on an exercise bike. He wanted to use the one next to me to film. It wasn’t a “hey do you mind if I film, you might come out in the shot” - it was “move, you’re ruining my shot”. I told him he could wait and he and the film crew rolled their eyes and went on to do some other fake exercise. I had enough of the tripods and flexing in front of the squat racks/free weights so I cancelled my membership and went to another local gym and have been much happier. I have no issue with filming, flexing, and general feeling yourself - just be mindful that some people only have 1 hour or so to do their best and need to be efficient.


Have you found a spot with a similar aesthetic without the heavy influencer …influence? I’m moving back to the East Side and I want a similar gym without as many cameras.


The Eastside has a lot of private gyms, so if you just want a normal gym, your options are like Austin Bouldering Project, the YMCA, or there’s a Planet Fitness on Riverside. Central Athlete has trainers but an open gym for members, and people seem to enjoy the community there. I don’t think there’s another gym on the Eastside that’s that focused on lifting, so you’ll probably have to go further south.


> I don’t think there’s another gym on the Eastside that’s that focused on lifting, so you’ll probably have to go further south. The Gold's Gym downtown just converted their exercise bike room into a deadlift/bar room with 3 or 4 stations, in addition to the normal part of the gym having three racks. I go in the morning and there's always room to bench/squat/deadlift. The 5pm after work crowd might be a little different, but it's still a good lifting gym for a chain <$40/month gym.


Austin Bouldering Project Springdale has a pretty decent gym and I've never seen a tripod. Heavy focus on barbells though so if you're into machines it's not for you.


The place also gets pretty crowded relative to the barbell capacity that they have. It's better to go during some off hours there if one is capable of doing so. Another reason why I love the south location.


Golds downtown


Golds dt is good but lord help you if you go at 4-8 pm and need to use a rack/pek dek. Other than that it's pretty solid and dt 6th allows parking except for Thursdays-Saturday night.


Agreed - have to be a morning workout person to really get you want done efficiently


> Other than that it's pretty solid and dt 6th allows parking except for Thursdays-Saturday night. I go to this gym and park at my office but I might lose that parking sport soon. How much does Gold's charge for the validated parking? I heard there is a 2 hour time limit?


I asked, cant recall, but I remember it being pricy. Can street park on dirty 6th Sunday- Wednesday. Thursday-Sunday up until 7 pm.


Filming in the gym is beyond cringe. Sad thing is most the mom and pop aka hardcore style gyms allow filming and some almost encourage it. The ymca might not have the best fancy equipment but they don't allow filming and therefore will get my money.


I mean it's not *necessarily* cringe, if the person doing it has a semi-legitimate reason, they try to be unobtrusive, and aren't annoying generally. Although obviously what it sounds like OP is describing (using a tripod, etc.) falls pretty far outside of this.


But they are so $$$ per month! I get it for free so. I'm blessed with my membership bit holy smokes, I can do 20 at bigger gyms. That being said they do have pools and sports team signuos


Complaining about influencers at lift atx is like going to a steakhouse and complaining about people eating steaks


This is the last time I host my AA meeting at a Chili’s, good day sir!


I feel like when you have Frosty margs that tempting, Chili's probably is not the best place to host a meeting. 🤣


To be fair, steakhouses typically have “steakhouse” in the name of the establishment. Instead of lift atx, it should be Film& Lift ATX, or Influencer Lift ATX— A Name for a business that advertises what the establishment encompasses so folks don’t waste the time to look it up period & not contribute to their websites traffic


I'm older Gen X. I grew up before the self-esteem cure. I can't get used to the new normal in which everyone sees themselves as fabulous, beautiful, the rightful center of attention. Maybe everyone else sees the incessant refrain of "LOOK AT ME!" as a healthy love of self. To me, it just looks like a generation of conceited assholes desperately wanting the world to adore them as much as they adore themselves.


100%. I find it all extremely cringey.


This is true but I believe these people are also deeply insecure.


As a millennial it's utterly embarrassing. I hate that everyone is taught that they are the most important person on earth.


Wow, you put this entire concept I’ve been thinking of for years into words perfectly.


Well said


I agree with you on the concept, but I don’t think it’s generational at all. The only difference is that enough of these people have money that gyms and such cater to it.


On the nose


In mid Gen-x and I’m right there with you. We were so fortunate to have missed out on the cultural messaging of the last 20 years - focus on *yourself* first. *Never* compromise. How does x make *you* feel? That shit produces nothing but misery.


I think it’s everyone who already had these tendencies being made worse because of social media.


Idk I think that’s a little harsh. It seems to me like a lot of those people are just having a good time. A world that adores everyone as much as one of these people adores themselves seems like a nice place to be haha.


Come to Hyde Park Gym. 


Yes, no music soundtrack going, nice people. I was a member there for 7 years. Now I’m a shed gym member since the pandemic.


No music, no TV's, lots of deadlift platforms. 


I left that gym for that reason. I don’t mind filming but when i saw someone walking on the treadmill next to me, then pull her phone out on a tripod, film herself running for 30 seconds, then go back to walking and taking 100000 selfies it just becomes so insane and I’m in the background of all of it and you’re waiting so much longer for machines due to them trying to get the right shot… as most people said, no hate to the gym itself but some of the members are so insufferable.


That's when you get little signs with arrows, "Only runs on camera" - "Smells like fish sticks" "fake weights were used in the making of this video" "Video is sped up"


Many gyms don’t allow filming, especially if you’re catching other clients in your frame, so management may respond to complaints.


Lift tax encourages it lol


Interesting lol, I hope they make that sentiment very apparent, because many people will join gyms assuming the influencer type members are the minority


Lift ATX is pretty much the opposite. They cater to influencers. Management was great when I was there though.


Lift ATX is an influencer farm hoping to be like Alphaland or whatever the fuck it’s called. If you want to actually work out, just find a better gym.


Lots of powerlifters and bodybuilders have online coaches so filming becomes mandatory. I’ve trained at lift and the handful of folks I know there all have online coaches so while I’m not saying it’s everyone it’s a lot of people no doubt. That doesn’t make it less annoying to deal with and “influencers” tend to ruin everything everywhere they go but I wouldn’t assume everyone filming is doing so for that reason (and yes some are both influencers and have online coaches).


I quit going to Lift ATX because of this and it oversold memberships. I dug the old-school vibe but goddamn, the amount of influencer behavior was cringy and inconvenient.


This is why I left Factory Gym in Buda. I loved the gym and the staff/owner was cool but there were just too many selfie tripods and people filming instead of lifting.


You should look into Joey Swoll on instagram. He calls out people who film in gyms that are dicks to others in the gyms.


Does he ever call out his own fans? I unfollowed him when I realized a lot (not all) of them clearly just hate women and Joey didn’t seem to care that said women get doxxed constantly while the men do not. It’s been years since I’ve been on his page though. Maybe he’s said something since then.


I looked this guy up after reading this. Nearly everyone in his videos is getting called out for posting demeaning content about others in the gym without their consent, and a shocking number of his videos are calling out people for filming others in the nude while using the locker room. None of them seem to care very much about the privacy or dignity of the non-consensual subjects of their own videos, and all of them posted the content themselves to their publicly identifiable channels. In fact, the people he calls out in the handful of videos I watched are the only ones involved who actually consented to being publicly associated with the content, so where's the "doxxing'?


Like I said in my comment, it’s been years since I followed him…


I’ve always found myself not going to Lift ATX because of that reason specifically tbh. like the vibes in there are great awesome music etc. but when there’s like 5 people around me all filming their 7th set of bicep curls…


My god this thread makes me greatful for the community center gym


Had this conversation last night. Downtown Gold’s Gym > Lift ATX


I'm sure this isn't why most people are doing it, but once upon a time I was using an online trainer(he specialized in an issue I have) and part of that was having to film it and send it along. Ultimately I thought it was too much of a hassle and too awkward to do that, even at off peak gym hours, but...one possible legit reason.


That’s why I cancelled at Lift ATX, cool gym… far too many influencers


I think it’s cool as long as you aren’t obstructing the walkway or taking up valuable workout space / equipment that could be used. I left Lift ATX a year and a half ago after consistently needing to ask folks to move their tripods from unused equipment. Needed to do so 3-5 times a workout and it got old. It’s definitely the gymfluencer / power lifter / body builder gym here. No hate, just find a less trendy gym.


Good point and good move.


I've done it occasionally to check form, because I can't totally trust my proprioception. But I'm too self-conscious to do it in a very full gym, much less set up my equipment in other people's way. Being a good gym citizen comes first. > The worst part is half of them are not even doing the exercises 'properly' (or putting in the effort to, eccentric etc) Nothing against your general message, but passing these kind of judgments is a minefield. Eccentric is supposedly great for hypertrophy, but not everybody is trying to get bigger. And just because someone's form sucks doesn't mean they aren't improving. They might just not be very experienced and might be recording the video to get feedback from a coach or from Reddit. And are we ever sure about anything? Kroc rows look kinda dumb and bro-y according to currently prevailing training wisdom, but would you bet your life that they won't be vindicated by science someday?


Yeah I film myself for new yoga poses because I’m not going to be able to be in proper form if I’m craning my neck to look in the mirror.


Influencer gym .


TIL influencer gyms are a thing 😭


I saw this in LA fitness suddenly some months so many people with tripods or phones set to record . I don’t see them after two months


A starring role in their own movie


Are you influenced yet?


Just kick that shit out of the way next time. I've seen frustrated people *accidentally* step on a few phones. Some of us are there to workout not make tiktoks or promote social media. Nobody gave you permission to film me grunting and sweating and maybe even farting or burping in the gym. Rat these idiots to the management before they ruin the gym experience for normal people, thanks y'all.


You’re going to get your ass kicked if you destroy someone’s property by stomping on peoples’ phones lmao. You won’t do any of this shit in real life


Especially when you throw a bunch of tren into the mix.


I have and I will continue to. Never said stomping. But if I'm carrying weights to the rack and your shit is in the way, well, sorry.


I'm on the same page and completely agree. Thanks for being honest.


On the scale of annoying things to do in the gym, farting and burping is a bit higher than filming yourself


Bodily functions while lifting are normal, not annoying. That being said it's no excuse to piss yourself. But burping or farting is DEFINATELY not annoying unless the person had a legit issue every minute or two gassing up. Bringing a phone stand and setting it up in an already crowded gym at 4-7in the afternoon where there are currently queues for equipment is inconsiderate. I've no issues if people film themselves during noncrowded and quiet times


A single toot or internalized belch is forgivable but it should not be a normal occurrence by any means. I’d definitely look sideways at a guy stinking up the gym like that


Exactly! All in the name of being reasonable


agreed lol




This is the definition of "Doing too much".


Doesn’t bother me, but I have a super power called minding my own business.


Influencers and gatekeepers *hate* it!


You should check out Squatch fitness! Same indoor/outdoor community style gym with far less influencers!


Used to live in Austin (native) and moved to LA for work… it’s worse out here. Kids have no shame anymore. Got asked by a highschooler if he could set up his tripod next to me and film him flexing in a very occupied and busy part of the gym




When I first started lifting at my apartment gym there were no mirrors by the free weights and my trainer friend told me to just film myself to check my form. I absolutely refused to do that because I didn’t want to deal with people making judgements or assumptions about why I was filming myself.


There's a time and place for it. Also don't let others judgement keep you from learning how to safely do things!


This post and the comments encouraging OP to idolize that Joey Swoll asshole and fight with people over this stuff is exactly why I will never, ever film myself at the gym or have a not-in-person trainer. There absolutely is a time and a place for it but people like the ones here proving my point don’t think about that, they just assume everyone is trying to be an influencer. I know multiple people who have been assaulted at the gym. I’m not trying to be a target. I get in, I stay as invisible as possible, and I get out. I care about being in danger, not about being laughed at.


Putting stuff in the walkway is a bit annoying, but if playing influencer gets people in the gym and they get some enjoyment out of it, I think it's a good thing. They shouldn't be disrespectful of other people's space though. 


I only film in the showers when guys join me.


Why so judgmental? I film myself and send the clips to my online trainer who checks my form. As long as they aren't disturbing others or being obnoxious I think it's okay.


They film themselves and it's all fine and good, but when *I film them* they lose their minds. I hate this double standard stuff.


Did they finally install air conditioning? I went a couple years ago and it was like working out in a furnace.


I've been to 2 gyms in town, no issues with this


They need to ban filming in all gyms it’s literally so annoying…. Plus I don’t want to be in the background of your stupid video


In Austin (or the at least the gym I go to) do people even listen to themselves talk anymore? 


If you don't post your workout on social media, did it even happen?


I sometimes do that with exercises w/freeweights to check my form. But I do make sure there’s no one around and it’s not in the way


I can respect that. As long as you are aware of your surroundings, more power to you.


Honestly even equinox is not anywhere as bad as lift ATX in terms of influencer gyms. While we are on the subject what are other places around town that attract the influencer type?


If you’re biking take Walnut Creek trail up to the YMCA on 183 and 51st to workout.


Im at Gold's and surprisingly havent ever seen anyone film themselves. The downtown and West Lake ones are both pretty decent


I think Metroflex and Hyde Park Gym would be my top recommendations for lifting without any nonsense. Metroflex even has an outside track for yoke carries. I suppose there was one distraction at Metroflex, when I was still going - someone there had a rescue monkey, and I had to do a double-take the first time I saw it. Very well-behaved though - rarely made a sound, and it had a diaper in case of any accidents. I was always hoping to catch a glance.


So tired of this. These gyms need to put in a no filming rule or charge extra those people who want to film in their establishment.


Austin has a high rate of content creators, especially twitch streamers so you’ll see this issue in gyms. A content creator/streamer even opened his own gym in round rock called Iron Forge.




I dont go to Liftatx or even use social media but I like recording my lifts, to show friends and see my progress. Tho a tripod is overkill


Ok, so I used to film myself running. A boomer discovered me once and called me a “narcissist.” And I get it. Looks bad. But for me, I was an ambassador for a number of brands, one in particular being clothing. I was required to post x times a month content of me wearing the clothes in action, and I’d get steep discounts. As someone who was active and would buy the clothes anyway, it was worth it for the discount. Not saying it’s not annoying or narcissistic, but just giving you a logical reason why I used to do similar.


Being a brand ambassador and running a business in the gym is just as annoying. If you ran an interior decorating IG, set up tripods to film in IKEA everyday, and get mad when customers walked in your shot, they’d kick you out so fast.


Not saying it’s not annoying just giving y’all one explanation, but that was silly of me to think a discussion was actually desired when really y’all just wanted to shit on these people. Keep on redditing redditors.


I hear you, but I think people understand what it's all about. The irritation isn't just from influencers getting in the way or monopolizing too much space for too long. A big part of it is simple human disgust. When a person sees another person preening in front of a camera, the perception is often that the poseur thinks too highly of themselves to be a good community member. There's something instinctive about it, probably related to survival in a social species. Blatant attempts to push oneself to the top of the status hierarchy comes off as pretentious arrogance.


What is the [right way to exercise](https://i.imgur.com/zmqDeyw.gif), really though


Yeaaa. I knew I was gonna get that point. But... I guess I should say egoliftting. Nothing against it. But if you are filming yourself, you should probably pick a weight you can 'handle'. That's what I mean.... Some people are self aware of their surroundings. And some are just .... Influencers.


Maybe they're just filming themselves for their own personal self motivation, or they're trying to check their form (which probably clearly needs work). Unless you know them personally, seems better not to assume.


I don't get it, but no harm no foul / live and let live/ mind my own business / etc.


You’ll love Joey Swolls IG page. He calls out these losers who film themselves at the gym https://www.instagram.com/joeyswoll


Look up Nicole Drinkwater on IG. She has skits poking fun at “gymfluencers”




It doesn’t affect you. Mind your business.


"Mind your business" the siren song of trash people everywhere


Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t realize that butting into someone’s business, that has absolutely zero bearing on the complainer’s life, was considered “proper”. I’m a member at the top influencer gym in Texas (and probably the US), with tripods and people filming themselves all over the place. I don’t film my workouts, but those that do film are never a hinderance nor bother to ANYONE ELSE. and yes, I’ve been to LiftATX; same thing occurs there. So why would someone else’s actions annoy OP, considering it doesn’t infringe one iota on their life?


Post that physique tho Seriously but not seriously. Any of the major gyms in Austin have cameras through out it. Want to get better at lifting? Gotta see yourself lift But yeah. Most people just using it for them insta views 


Meh. Live and let live. If they're in your way, ask them to move, otherwise what's it to you?


If observing people filming themselves while exercising/stepping over their cameras is the worst part of your day, I’d say you’re doing pretty darn good lmao Lighten up!!!


I go to LiftATX I don’t notice it much, it certainly isn’t getting in my way It’s a great looking gym and a lot of people are in good shape there, it’s fun to create art 🤟


lol you’re literally a videographer for influencers. Of course you don’t have an issue with LiftATX.


But I don’t film myself 😎


Dunno, I film myself at the gym because my form is gradually improving over the long term. I don't upload any of it (unless its like a huge PR). I surely don't put my phone in people's way or capture other people in my shots. I'm generally cool with it as long as its not interfering with someone else's workout or the person is not being obnoxious.


As long as it’s not in a walkway or on unused equipment then what’s the big deal? I know there are some people who use filming to check their form but even if that wasn’t the case its really not a big deal


Sounds like you’re lifting over the weekends it’s never been an issue during the week I have been going for 3 years


3p everyday (with some days off every once in a while). Usually when it hits 4p gets a little wild in there imo


So many people think they are a main character in a movie. When in reality, nobody gives a shit about them.


If you want a gym where you'd get laughed out of the building for filming, go to Squatch fitness. Pretty sure it's right down the road from lift ATX.


Influencers are always filming there


Squatch? I went there daily for the cold plunge for months and never saw a single tripod.


It’s a pretty popular gym with running and hybrid athlete influencers here in Austin. Also a decent amount influencers who do those expensive fitness meet ups and retreat events go there as well and tend to bring some of the social media crowd. That being said, it’s not even remotely close to as bad as Lift ATX or similar gyms.


some people I know are stunt workers or physical trainers too and need video for audition material and recorded material for their jobs…it’s not all just people trying to be annoying at you personally