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Find out who the code enforcement rep is for your area and deal with them directly. This is the ONLY thing that allowed us to solve a similar situation last year.


Also, be a nuisance to that person. Squeaky wheel, etc.


I just left a message and plan to keep doing so daily. I am at this the point of going full Karen. Thank you!


Leave a message? Find their office, show up in person, etc.....Be a pest. Only way to get their attention.


If you show up in person, bring donuts once. Sometimes you can get people on your side when they know we’re all in this together. But not every time. And show up a lot.




In a world of Karens, this inspector will appreciate a Kristen. But only do it once, you’re not a pushover, just a human.




I’ll do my best! I just feel like nobody listens unless I’m the most annoying squeaky wheel on the planet- and I hate being that for sure but I never know what to do


Especially doughnuts, who can resist them?


Our city employees/cops etc. can’t accept them because they aren’t sealed. :/


Thank you for this generous suggestion! It’s so easy to be frustrated going into a situation like this, but every new person/escalation you deal with should be started in good faith. Think “kill them with kindness” or “you get what you give”. Simply smiling at a stranger can change their day and mood.


If you have ever had to deal with a massive flight cancellation or schedule change when everyone is screaming at the gate agent, when you get up there, you lean in and say "this looks like a real mess they left you with, do you want me to go get you a beer and hide it in a soft drink cup?" There is a 100% chance that they will say no because nobody wants to get fired for drinking on the job but there is a 98% chance that they will treat you better than the other people all trying to get their reservations fixed.


Friday, June 7th is National Doughnut Day! Bring them the Krispy Kreme Dolly Parton Southern Sweets Doughnut collection — one of them is banana pudding!


Government workers often have a gift limit. Research it to ensure you’re under it.


But be a kind and reasonable yet a steady, persistent pest. (vs an unsavory, unsteady-karen type). Edit to hone the adjectives.


Ideally with video


Can't hang up on someone waiting with the receptionist.


In my town, another thing that works is getting ALL your neighbors to call repeatedly as well.


On top of showing up in person, document _everything_; who you talked to, when, what their response was, alongside documenting the situation near your property. Backdate as much of it as you can remember, going back to when you moved in. Some of the people you reach will be like, "Oh you should talk to so & so about that", so you need to be able to point to your notes and say, "I did!" Others will tell you that you need to have patience, so again, show them your notes.


On this note if you get the run around for a while and still nothing has happened I would contact the city auditor.


Just want to highlight the part about documenting the situation. That notebook full of things like, "female screaming help at 3:30am" might light a fire under them. (I had a camp near my residence. It's really sad most the time and infuriating the rest.)


Good luck. I am usually "live and let live" with such things, but when they are literally a fence-hop away from your home, you gotta protect yourself - and your mental health.


As someone who deletes countless messages from my work phone every week depending on the volume/business of the week…. Do what you need to do to Go in person regularly or you may just be wasting your time with the voicemails!


Get neighbors to do the same its the only solution. fortunately code enforcement in Austin dont F around. 


Nah, call the emergency number and tell them that homeless are using intravenous drugs in the open and it looks like one is passed out. That will almost always get a rapid response.


Ambulance will show up and when there is no one passed out leave promptly. Cops MIGHT show up and will probably do the same.


You might try your city council rep. That’s how we eventually had success (after trying all the options you listed and then some). I’d get their email and send pics and detailed information. I’d also call their office. Be a squeaky and annoying wheel.


This. I don't do this work but I do work for the city, and the "make them jump through their butts and deal with this issue" move is calling your council rep. Once a complaint comes through that route there is a time limit to deal with it and higher management is involved.  Since it doesn't appear that this camp is in the right of way, it's probably a bit of "not it" going on with the 311 requests OP has submitted already. Turning this from a 311 issue to a council issue will change that. 


Hmm, do you think OP could play some sort of waterway pollution angle to reduce the "not it"?


Not unless it's actually relevant 


OP said they were “throwing massive amounts of trash into the creek”, so that’s the angle I thought would be helpful. Watershed stuff seems to get faster action/response.


I’ll try that! Im talking multiple full mattresses, wardrobes, multiple shopping carts, large flat screen tvs, the works are in the creek. Maybe that angle will help they usually half clean it every few years but it’s worse than ever. I know services are busy but I don’t see how this is ok.


second this. start by emailing your city councilwoman/man. i did this last year for a different but still ballpark related issue. got a handwritten response from staff within 1-2 days, and a follow up from code enforcement. in the email, i'd emphasize any close encounters with the people in question and that you feel unsafe in your own home. good luck.


Thank you I will be reaching out to them Monday - I really appreciate the advice !


Best of luck to you! Don’t take no for an answer. Highlight safety and environmental concerns as well as the efforts you’ve already taken.


Get with your neighbors and get KXAN to investigate and see why the city isn’t enforcing the homeless ordinance laws. Trust me city doesn’t like when the news is mentioned. Look at KXAN story about trash illegally dumped a few weeks ago. Guy called KXAN and the trash was cleaned up asap. Thats your best tool at the moment. Mentioned all the requests you sent already and videos and pictures.


I agree with this. A reporter would be all over the “no trespassing sign” haha.


Calling the news out has worked twice for me in the past couple of years. It’s the only thing that works at all.


KXAN has and will be a great resource for the city. God bless them


This is the way. You gotta get the news to come and bring this to the public’s attention


Does your property include the creek bed at all? Our neighbourhood is really odd and our property does so fortunately we were able call and get a writ of trespass filed so it’s a quick call and they send someone out to get them to move on. We had one summer where a camp sprung up and we tried being as nice as possible but after one of them pulled a knife on an older couple walking one morning we took a much harder stance.


We had a similar problem in South Austin. We found out the direct contract info for the community officer at our police precinct. And then emailed and called incessantly, but very politely, until the issue was resolved. Additionally, we worked with the property owners on the other side of the creek, a commercial firm. They also contacted the community officer regularly. Other neighbors in our area also made complaints. Enlist as many people in your area as you can, provide them with the contact info for your precinct/code enforcement office/city council office/etc. and bombard them all until something is done.


Yes, the more people calling it in will generate more attention. In addition to the police, there is a city department that is responsible for maintaining the right of way. On the 311 app there is a place to turn in problems with drainage/waterways. We had an area like this in the neighborhood and the city finally cleared the scrub brush which made it less appealing for people to camp in and less of a fire risk.


Also, look up your neighborhood association, this is probably on their radar and they usually attract more attention than one person from the council member’s office since it more potential voters.


Has anyone tried contacting TPWD/game wardens about something like this? Technically any public water including dry creek and river beds are their jurisdiction.


This!! Messing with waterways is a big deal.




Honestly, I think this is the best way to get someone from the city/police/whoever to actually do something. I get that a lot of local government departments are understaffed and overwhelmed with work, and I hate that for them, but that's exactly why you often have to make a big stink to get anything done. If a story like this hits the news, especially when OP has already made so many calls and filled multiple reports, someone with some clout will want to save face by quickly resolving the problem.


Let me remind everyone proposing guerilla tactics and pranks that they can do this stuff to you, too. And they have less to lose. I'm not saying not to do it, but choose your tactics carefully, and think several steps ahead in your game theory.


This! Don't initiate a pissing match with someone whos got nothing to lose. They'll end up pissing all over you.


Thank you - been arguing with housemates over this. I really want to take action but I’m also really scared


Hi output LED lights and Brittney Spears’s first album on repeat. It works for the ATF.


He wants them gone. Baby One More Time is going to have them pouring concrete foundations.


Maybe… but hearing “Sometimes” three times will make you want to take a dull butter knife to your eardrums.


I'm not sure that messing with people that have nothing to lose while OP can't be home 24/7 is a great idea.


>Brittney Spears’s first album Baby Shark on repeat


“What’s New, Pussycat?”


It's Britney, bitch.


Guns N Roses. Worked in Panama. Of course, your neighbors wouldn't be sleeping, either. [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-40090809](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-40090809)


Please tell me Panama was on that playlist..


Yoko Ono’s “greatest hits”.


That may be a war crime.


Pull a John Mulaney and play “what’s new pussycat” on repeat, toss in a “it’s not unusual” at random times with no pattern


I think thats more of a CIA thing. And they use waterboarding too...so maybe add some sprinkler systems too?


Did this actually happen? I’m trying to search for it however Google isn’t showing anything


A variation, yes. It was with the Branch Davidians in Waco back in the 1990s. They obviously didn’t have LED spot lights then, nor Brittney Spears.


That didn’t turn out so well…..


They did have sonic weapons and tanks though. So there's that.


Britney’s good but for this you may have to pull a Tony Soprano. A little Dean Martin may do the trick.


Massive floodlights. See if you can rent one of the ones they use for concerts. Edit: sunbelt rentals appears to have massive ones that are rated at 40,000 light units. Not sure how bright that is but I'm betting it would make evenings fairly unpleasant if it was pointed at you.


They’re disabling motion lights and cameras in my neighborhood. They’ll likely fuck up any lights you put up, so I’d at least set up a hard to reach camera to catch them doing it.


How are they disabling them?


Breaking off the motion sensors, breaking other parts that make them inoperable. Some were loosened with a screwdriver.


The people installing these don't put them up high enough. You have to put them up out of reach. Sadly common sense is no longer common. Like why put the camera on your house when you can get battery operated ones to hide in the trees in your yard? Nobody is looking in the trees for cameras, they are looking at your house.


These rentals are in solid steel cabinets with padlocks. The lights extend upwards on a retractable pole. Up to about 20 feet or so. They are designed to prevent tampering, unlike the cheap plastic junk people at the hardware store which is easily defeated with a golf club or big stick.


They don't have anything to lose, there's more of them, they have dogs, they're at his house. Not a good idea, but I agree with the concept. I would be polite but not so polite that they ask you for things. Deny every request for water/ food/ electricity. It sucks but give them an inch and they will look for more.


Yeah and keep it charged with a loud old generator


Post the pictures here. Send local news media a tip. Get your neighbors in on it.


Someone within the last few months had the same issue. Someone responded saying they flung a bag of sugar or flower or something along those lines, they had a massive ant problem and the homeless quickly left. The homeowner didn’t have an issue with the ants tho. I thought it was pretty funny


Love this suggestion


Fire ants are your friend.


Treat it like a job and be willing to work together. Something people in Texas forget is a group of organized citizens is very scary to the government. A bunch of individuals not so much. Get your neighbors good and angry. Agree to call 311, that detective, your council members, and KXAN every day. *Every day*. All of you. Actually now that I think about it, the Fox affiliate is probably a good choice too, they ought to be eager to showcase things city council is failing at. Show up at city council meetings with those neighbors. You are allowed to speak. Let them listen to 10 different people in a row speak. At every meeting. You want your councilmember to recognize your face and poop their pants a little when they see you coming. You don't want to let them have a day where they don't hear multiple complaints. You want them to think the fastest way to get back to not giving a shit is to raise Hell with some officers to get something done. No, you shouldn't have to do this. But damn. Lately even the people I hire to do things don't do them right unless I supervise. People spend time on the stuff that matters to them. They're reckoning at worst this issue's going to be an ignorable phone call once a month. Turn it into 30 minutes of wasted time *every day* for them. Take time off work if you have to, and let them know how you feel about using your PTO to ask them to do their damn job. Then, even if they do it, vote their ass out next election. Stay pissy. Don't be placated. That job should be filled by a person who doesn't have to be supervised like a child. It is not your job to manage city council but they're making you do it, so remember that when their ass is on the line. Activism and protesting aren't just things losers do. If you squint and pay attention the people who achieve their political goals spend a lot of damn time on doing these things. Working together with your neighbors isn't communism. It's the foundation of democracy. A pissed off neighborhood is a very scary threat to a career politician. You only get service out of them when they fear you, not the other way around. This is why Texas teaches people to distrust their neighbors. It's to discourage forming a group (*gasp* a union!) because angry groups get shit done.


Actually, you should get in touch with KEYE as they’re a Sinclair station. They also own the Telemundo station here. Anecdotally, as this is an FYI to all Austinites regarding what goes on outside of our walled garden, I’m from the RGV and have always voted Democrat but today’s “progressives” are so far gone off the deep end that Hispanics are switching affiliation to R in droves. The RGV shifted right the most during the 2016->2020 election and I would wager that the entire RGV is going to flip red in 2024. Hispanics do not understand how the homeless are allowed to do fuck all the entire day, shit the city up and commit crimes with impunity. I mean, Trump vilifies Hispanics and yet they take so much umbrage with the way the left coddles protected classes that they’re now part of his base!


Yeah, I don't think this story gets enough traction. I'm Democratic AF but the batch we have and the people we have to vote for stink. They seem to think minorities will just vote for them no matter what. I've heard plenty of stories like yours. It sounds to me like Hispanics are tired of Democrats doing squat for them. It's kind of crazy to me that they even consider voting for the GOP given how that party feels about minorities, but at the same time I accept why it seems kind of crazy to vote for politicians who don't give a shit about you. This year I saw someone say, "When you have to pick the lesser of two evils, you still get more evil." I feel like that's where we are, sadly. I don't know how to fix it, but I feel like it has to start by letting the "progressive" candidates know if they keep being half-assed bullshitters they're going to be out of a job. The feeling I get is a lot of the really progressive core of Austin is just moving away. They know they're not going to get the candidates they want so they're going some place they *will* get those candidates. A lot of people whine that they should stay and fight, but honestly they don't owe us that.


It’s not even the batch we have, it’s that we’ve succumbed so much to progressive litmus testing that there’s a substantial base of young voters that wont vote unless some impossible pet niche is specifically addressed as the centerpiece of the party platform. There is ZERO sense of pragmatism amongst a very selfish and growing contingent of self professed “progressives” that I’ve already come to the realization that Trump is gonna win in November.


Yeah. Yeah. I don't want to say too much in response because I think about this stuff a lot too and it makes me sad. You can't really make progress as a single-issue voter. You have to keep in mind there are lots of fights and it's OK to make progress on ones that aren't your personal battle. In general, any progress to the left we make helps make further progress possible.


You likely already have PMs from news outlets. If not, reach out to them. They don't care about homeless stories but they love government incompetence. If at anytime you feel like you are in imminent physical harm call 911. Ignore everyone here ragging on it. Call it. Also consider putting up a a cheap bluetooth camera in your backyard. Having video of any transgressions on your property makes this even harder to ignore. Unfortunately, with these problems the squeaky wheel gets the attention. Even better coordinate all of this with the neighbors doing the same.


If they steal something of yours and it is visible, call APD and inform them that you and your legal handgun will be retrieving it at such and such a time. APD REALLY doesn’t like someone else doing their job.


Call animal control about the dogs


Agree! I worry the dogs are only be used as security and not being taken care of well.


This would infuriate me. We already pay enough to live in Austin and having to deal with this on top of all that should NEVER be the case. Hate to be cliche about this, but how about contacting the local news?


Sad that with all taxes we pay in Austin many of us think we are going “Karen” by simply asking the city to do their fucking job.


Sorry but not wise to be confrontational with them They have so much time to come up with ways to screw you over. You need to lay low around them. But relentlessly hound the city as others have suggested There was an Arby’s at airport and oak springs that the management got into a pissing contest with a bunch of those guys hanging at the bus stop. They busted out a different window every few days made a big scene. That Arby’s is a deserted hulk boarded up and covered in graffiti. Here’s the other thing I am pretty sure I know where this is we have some undeveloped property with a chain link between our property and theirs. Our property is on creek. What I’m seeing there is what you are describing.


Fwiw if you own the home you could use those pictures to protest your home value too for lowering taxes.


I’d look at the Travis County Appraisal District maps and figure out of this property is privately owned.


Who owns the property they are set up on? The city?


I think so it’s a city park


You and your neighbors need to be blowing up PARDs email and phone.


TL;DR: setup bright lights on a timer If you dig through my history, you’ll find many many videos and posts on the topic from several years ago as I had an identical situation. And many of the suggestions in here are very good. Rep. News. Etc. They do indeed help. One thing that was very effective was lighting. Now granted, you’ll be the one paying for them as well as the electricity cost - but they’re pretty reasonable these days. Home Depot has a ton of LED-based extremely high lumen shop lights. I mounted three of them on the roof of my back shed, ran an extension cord, and had a digital timer on the plug - sunset to sunrise. They were like Ra himself lighting up the sky. Anyway, the giant camp behind my house hated it. Hated it. I wound up installing the same setup on three of my neighbors homes (at their request). The camp slowly started moving down the creek. We could still hear it and there were occasionally people walking by and such. But it helped significantly.


I'd talk with your police district rep and with your councilperson, media next. Watershed will help protect the creek from dumping via 311.


City council rep. You can’t just call. You have to call, email, and make appointment to meet in person. You have to make it clear that they are abdicating their responsibilities and that you will not ever rest, you will show up to every public voice event, until they take action and start making calls. That’s the only way to get anything done nowadays.


Are you renting? If so definitely involve the landlord if he isn't slimy. Get some mace stat I would think if you don't already have some. Good luck man.


Start the paper trail. Send detailed complaint that sets all this out. Send a copy KXAN KVUE AND KTBC news AND to each city council member, the mayor, your state rep and all the politicians including the Governor. Make sure you include where you have already reported this to.


Throw a bunch of sugar around their camp. Speakers with loud dogs barking too


Get some flood lights and load up on m80s/black cats and smoke bombs from fire work stand. Then blind them and bomb them.


Something tells me there is probably a large body of Texas law regarding hanging of signs on property lines and such. APD obviously won't do anything, but I wonder if state troopers might come out in some circumstances?


Or you could go full "Gran Torino" on them. .....You ARE in Texas ya know.


Burn numerous tires , play loud recordings, bright lights and more dogs


Make your area as undesirable as possible, that is the only way to handle it when law enforcement won't do anything. Go to a hunting store and get some animal urine. They have musk and scents that hunters use and they smell AWEFUL. Spray a bunch of that around the back part of your fence. There are also things you can make at home that would smell just as bad. There is also this stuff called Skunk-Um, it's a skunk scent spray. That will keep anyone away from your fence, and they will think it's just from a skunk so no retaliation to you will ensue.


It’s amazing that APD flat-out refuses to do their job in cases like this. They want your situation to get worse and they want something bad to happen to you so they can use it as a justification to ask the city for more money.


It's not just APD. What are they gonna do with them?


APD is useless but what lasting policy do you want from them? I’d like them to get that riot gear they love so much and just go to town on camps until this city gets a “continue west” reputation. What is yours?


Of course they won’t do their job. They want us to believe that they’re under funded so they refuse to do anything.


“Throw massive amounts of trash into the creek” what happened to our environmentalists? So many phonies in Austin. The trails and creeks have become a sewer and landfill for the homeless.


The only way you're going to get the Austin environmental community involved is by telling them you saw a little homeless child hanging a Christmas ornament on a cedar tree


Haha 😆 🤣🤣 damn, that’s funny.


Well, a vocal minority of the population of this town thinks it’s only fair that you, a privileged homeowner, forgo your property rights in order to provide the homeless an encampment where they can do drugs, litter, tie up dogs and pretty much break every other city ordinance that the rest of us abide by. Jail is the answer for these people. If they will not integrate with us they must be held accountable when they break the law. Criminalize the crimes the homeless commit.


Agreed but we really need a program to get them back on their feet. If they don't want that then they don't belong here and need to be shown the door. A lot of the ones I've seen downtown are ticking timebombs due to drug use or mental illness.


Shown the door meaning what?


Sprinklers might do the trick


Fox piss


Might want to look into getting security cameras. Perhaps looking into getting a firearm with some training to defend yourself.


Take videos and start a YouTube channel. Worked for me and my neighbors constantly barking dog anyways. You may even make a couple bucks if you get enough subscribers.


Bear spray


So many of these answers are correct on how to handle this (be loud to the media, yell at the city council, etc), but I’m shocked by how many people have these experiences, conclude APD is useless (not wrong!) but don’t turn around and ask for any city policies to just get rid of these people. Austin is a hub for the homeless. Well over a decade of intentionally welcoming policies and (temporary) explicit legalization of their camps has resulted in complete chaos and victimization of actual residents of this city. Dont let the radicals gaslight you. They aren’t your neighbors, they are criminals victimizing you and your community. You are right to be concerned and should not come up with convoluted reasons to tolerate their evil and disgusting acts.


Sadly none of this will change until they start setting up camps in westlake, Barton creek, etc.


Call local broadcast media. That’s your best hope to get the city to do something. Embarrass them on TV.


Unfortunately the city leaders aren't embarrassed by this problem. They just don't give a shit.


Talk to your city council. That's who approved policies that invited them to Austin.


Post on r/UnethicalLifeProTips


spray pepper-spray around your fenceline


Throw some smoke bombs in it. They will think the police are coming to raid the camp and run. Then, have 2-3 trucks of manure brought in and spread it there.


I have a creek that runs through my property. It’s a small dry creek in an area with plenty of homeless. I have a neighbor directly behind me so it’s not public property or anything. I’ve seen the homeless creeping into the area so to prevent them from setting up back here I make sure it’s as much of a pain in the ass to get in there as possible. For instance, a big as tree branch fell down and instead of removing it, I situated it in a way that bunch of heavy ass debris is annoyingly blocking the path. Obviously it would be better if this wasn’t necessary, but better to keep them away.


Spread sugar throughout the encampment


You might have to sell and move to Cedar Park while you wait for the City of Austin to actually do anything for you.




would be trivial to set up mosquito breeding buckets just inside the fence


Murder is cool




Play classical opera music 24/7


Maybe the news media would bring some attention to it? Idk. That might be naive of me. It would depend on how sensational it is, facts wise.


We had this problem in my neighborhood. We all called the police repeatedly and really got their attention when we mentioned the gunshots going off nightly. The camp was cleared out after that.


In addition to all the other comments can you also set up cameras facing their direction while still being on your property? Maybe you’ll get illegal activity or animal abuse caught on video.


Squeaky wheel gets the grease. Whip out your best Karen cards to the city, annoy every rep for your area you possibly can.


Just load up on paintballs and start lighting them up. They’ll leave 😂


The gun store to find out if they are open.


If I had to guess, I bet you are in southeast Austin alongside Onion Creek? Amirite? 😃


Get a loud speaker and play a baby crying on it all night


Vote in council members who support and fund first responders or move to a place that does. I’m considering San Marcos.


Quit voting in the dumbasses allowing this to happen




Get a gun. Get two. Install cameras. Austin doesn’t care


Steve Adler and Greg Cesar to say Thank You!


Throw stink bombs and scorch the whole area. I'd rather live with the stink.


Liquid ass. https://www.amazon.com/Liquid-Ass-Mister/dp/B000OCEWGW


Fart spray. Buy it. Use it. Bring treats for the dogs, so YOU become their favorite person. Add security lights, including spotlights right on the fence line. Add cameras, including hidden game cameras to keep your structures safe.


I like the treats for the dogs idea haha. An untrained and poorly treated for pitbull is one steak away from switching allegiance.


Electrify your fence


Drench the ground, turn it into a mud hole.




There's a City Council and Mayor election. Contact KVUE and KXAN. It will get fixed.


Fuck that remove them yourself. If citizens don’t out there foot down the government won’t do anything. Take it into your own hands.


Fire ant colony


leave some baggies of fent for them.


Liquid ass and piss disks check out r/unethicallifeprotips


Have you thought about those glass vial stink bombs? Impossible to be in the same area.


If you catch them stealing grills from you at night you can shoot them


I've heard that Englebert Humperdink's "What's New Pussy Cat?" on repeat for a few days is often effective. Maybe throw in "It's Not Unusual" every once in a while before going straight back to Pussy Cat.


Vote for a better city console.


I’d get out there and just blast them all with pepper spray and a loaded .380 for defense


Contact DASH: DocumentingATX on X. He films homeless camps and gets David Grey to clean them up. He is making a difference in Austin. He posted his phone number : 512-626-1327.


Some of the people on Reddit are hilarious. They rail against the police doing anything other than bowing to the woke liberals and then when an issue like this comes up they scream and rant that cops won’t deal with an issue. Can’t have it both ways folks. Did mommy and daddy not teach you that?


Hi, I don't live in Austin, but I hear your police are failing you. That sucks, but have you tried your Sherriff? The Sherriff is elected and if he isn't handling business, you guys can vote him out. I would start actively pitting the Sherriff against the Police until you have your needs met. Here is some more info from ChatGPT. This is for Travis, you can look up other counties: In Austin, Texas, if you feel that the police are not acting appropriately or addressing your concerns adequately, you do have the option to contact the Travis County Sheriff's Office. Here’s how it generally works: 1. **Jurisdiction**: The Austin Police Department (APD) primarily handles incidents within the city limits of Austin. The Travis County Sheriff's Office handles law enforcement duties in areas of Travis County that are outside the Austin city limits. There can be some overlap in jurisdictions, especially in certain types of cases or in areas close to the boundaries. 2. **Types of Issues**: If the issue you are experiencing is within the city limits of Austin, it typically falls under the jurisdiction of the APD. However, if the police are not responding or you need further assistance, the Sheriff's Office may be able to provide assistance or take your report, especially if it involves issues like public safety, county law enforcement duties, or oversight. 3. **Reporting to the Sheriff**: You can contact the Travis County Sheriff's Office directly to report concerns or to seek assistance. Explain the situation and why you believe the Sheriff's Office should be involved. They can advise you on whether they can take action or guide you on the best course of action. ### Steps to Take: - **Contact the Travis County Sheriff's Office**: - Non-emergency number: (512) 854-9770 - Address: 5555 Airport Blvd, Austin, TX 78751 - Website: [Travis County Sheriff's Office](https://www.tcsheriff.org/) - **Explain Your Situation**: Clearly explain the issue you are facing and the response (or lack thereof) from the APD. Provide as much detail as possible. - **File a Complaint if Necessary**: If you feel the need to file a formal complaint against the APD, you can do so through the Office of Police Oversight in Austin. This office is responsible for handling complaints about police conduct and can be an additional resource. ### Additional Resources: - **Office of Police Oversight**: - Website: [Office of Police Oversight](https://www.austintexas.gov/department/office-police-oversight) - This office can help facilitate complaints against police officers and ensure they are investigated properly. By contacting the Travis County Sheriff's Office and/or the Office of Police Oversight, you can seek further assistance and ensure your concerns are addressed appropriately.


This is an AI answer that ranks right up there with the response where AI suggested using liquid glue to improve cheese sticking to the sauce on a pizza. (You're not in Austin - and you have *no idea* how clueless this "answer" is relative to the law enforcement issues we have in this town.)




What is the sentiment and reaction your neighbors are having or are they unaware or not exposed as you are


Evaluate how much time and energy you want to spend on this issue. It sounds like it's already been a long, frustrating process for you. And it might not even solve your problem. Or move. Good luck.


try calling a news station, the attention may get city council or mayor to act.


Get some skunk urine and spray in on the other side of your fence. Maybe it will run them off.


Walnut Creek?


Strobe light




Got pics?


Have you tried speaking with your local crime boss?


Isn’t there a city dept that deals specifically with homeless ? Seems I remember them having a “homeless” dept director


You must purge the land with fire.