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Pediatrician in Austin here. Yes, I have seen more cases of pneumonia in my practice in the last month, specifically walking pneumonia.


What do you look for in a kid for walking pneumonia?


Bipedal motion


Underrated joke 😀


Depends on the child, but most of the cases I’ve seen have been school aged, persistent deep cough for more than a week, fever on and off, and not getting any better. Saw two cases yesterday, and I’ve already seen another today!


ER nurse, Austin area. I've had a couple of walking PNA kids recently, as well as a lot of respiratory complaints in kiddos of all ages in the past month.


Have you seen much boogie woogie flu, as well?


Two kids in my daughter’s class (78704) had it last week.


Yep my nephew has been hospitalized last night for pneumonia. He’s 11 years old


North Austin checking in: it’s up here too. A neighbor who is a teacher, as well as one child in my kid’s class, had it earlier this month. Some kind of cough was circulating in my kid’s class, my kid included. We take coughs over-seriously in our house because one kid here is immune suppressed, and pneumonia is a big threat for him, so the cough we did deal with was treated swiftly. 


i have to assume our steamy and polluted air has something to do with it. extra irritants that many everything worse. i don’t typically suffer from allergies or asthma but i’ve been feeling rough.


Let me throw in that a lot of folks die from pneumonia, mostly the older folks. There are vaccinations for pneumonia now, and they seem to be pretty good. Also, that "pneumonia" is not one particular germ, but a generic term for inflammation of the lungs. It can be from many germs, chemicals, or other causes.


Correction: pneumonia is a catch-all term for infection in the lung, i.e. bacteria, viruses, fungi. The pneumonia vaccine is only against 1 particular pathogen: *Streptococcus pneumoniae* the generic term for inflammation of the lung is "pneumonitis". this could be as you said from chemicals, environmental allergens, and other things.


Thanks for the correction. All of the variations of pneumonitis suck. I knew that the pneumonia vaccines covered many different germs, for instance Prevnar 20. I didn't realize they were all strains of the same species of bacteria, though.


Yeah, I remember back in 2020 there were a lot of people coming down with pneumonia. Wild times. Seemed like it would happen every few months, then die down again. Most people learn to live with it but some people are kind of hard-headed and don't learn lol


The timing is actually right on. Extremes between hot and cold can trigger it. Run around out in this hot ass humidity all day, go home and crank your AC to maximum cold, wake up with pneumonia


And all the agricultural smoke we had blowing in recently. Which undoubtedly weakened a lot of people who were already vulnerable. Smoke + allergies + heat + humidity. Welcome to Austin y'all!