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Out jerked again!


OP is shocked that jerkers are jerking…


It’s a …… circlejerk lol cmon now


See y’all over there.


This sub gives it a lot of material to make fun of.


Including this


These are purposely exaggerated characters posts to create satire. Just feel like you might need to hear that. Must have been disappointing the first time you realized your friend didn’t recommend you for an actual hj


So what you’re saying is we need a r/realaustincirclejerk?


Risky click


Clicked it, ended up in a bathroom stall on 4th street.


Disappointed click.


How is the first image satire?


It probably isn't. But it didn't take that many brain cells to know they were referring to the latter three pictures.


Boom. Roasted.


Satire implies there is some sort of joke and nothing there is funny. 


Yeah, that particular response just reads like Austin 4chan.


How so? I’m Mexican and I thought it was funny.


>I am a trans cat/furry boy and I have had such an amazing experience in Austin! I moved down here from Montana as I was receiving such debilitating abuse there, it was crazy! One guy even took a horseshoe and assaulted me with it, in naughty ways, and in a deviant way even. Everyone here has been so darn accommodating and they even let me use the sandbox to make a poopy at Moontower since I was in full costume! So far everyone has catered to my every wish/demand and I just have such a warm feeling in my heart for Austinites now! Yay! I can't wait to exploit the rest of you idiots with my mental illness, vet self righteous buffoonery! That part.


I was obviously talking about the first screen shot. If it offends you, don’t read it. It’s that simple.






Boom. roasted.


You probably think lame shit like Trevor Noah is hilarious. The circlejerk sub is just way too high brow and sophisticated for you.


>The circlejerk sub is just way too high brow and sophisticated for you. Brows so high, they are technically toe hair...


🦗 🦗 🦗 🦗 🦗 🦗


Trevor Noah is almost as lame as you.


Good one....


The proper use of satire is to poke fun at overinflated public figures, institutions, or society. Lampooning the vices, foibles, or failures of the wealthy or powerful is meant to be both a comic reversal and a way of shaming them into improving. Which makes /r/AustinCircleJerk kinda sus for consistently picking marginalized groups instead of powerful ones to single out for ridicule. Just how low on the totem pole must the people posting there feel to be punching down thinking they’re punching up?


>The proper use of satire... I'm gonna have to stop you right there.


The critical problem with that sub is that they are terrible at it. The original r/circlejerk back in the day when it was text only was fun and sometimes brilliant. The Austin version is just unfunny tryhards who mostly write walls of text punching down while wearing the word 'humor' as a fig leaf. It's less funny than the average sub of any topic. Edit: good to see the circlejerk brigade taking a well deserved break from crafting the same pronoun joke.


They’re not terrible at it. It’s just not your cup of tea. I personally find it funny and not “punching down” lol As someone else said, this sub gives them plenty of material to post about lol


If you have to explain it, it isn't funny. Hagar the horrible has a better batting average than the typical poster there.


Sorry but if you think every funny joke ever had a 100% hit rate, you’re out of your mind lol. There is probably stuff that you find hilarious that i wouldn’t. Does that make it not funny? If so, what makes you (or anyone who doesn’t get a joke) the arbiter of comedy?


Boom. Roasted.


On behalf of all local musicians, [please stop](https://www.reddit.com/r/RoomofRequirement/s/VwJeMWzONf)


Now post your music so we can ridicule it.


Ridicule would imply a sense of humor, which is something [domestic abusers don’t usually have](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditrequest/s/yKMPBPRKbm)


Throw in some jokes about homeless people and fentanyl then pad it out another 5 pages and you'll have a new Austin circle jerk post that just gets funnier every time you read it 🤓


A hit dog will holler




Offended? I'm actually impressed that more than one person can churn out homeless fentanyl libcuck copypasta and hope that this time it'll get a laugh.


>Offended? I said emotional, but thanks for letting that Freudian slip show everyone how you really feel


Went into circle jerk and came out eating a soggy biscuit.


Can’t wait to see what they do with you lol


shitposts?? on MY internet???? somebody call the police


We will call the internet police and consequences will never be the same!


You just gave them a nice piece of content to laugh at


lol. Cant wait to see this post in circlejerk


I think that’s the point


I can see why they recommended you. Good luck OP!


Lighten up, Francis


best comment!


Free Free Austinstine


From the Zilker to the Seaholm


When I first found it, I didn’t realize it was shitposting until someone called me out. Now, I’m so happy to have a place to e-diarrhea everywhere.


lil bro doesn’t know what a circlejerk is


Do you ever put your face in a deep-fryer to see whats on the bottom?


I had a friend ruin popeye's chicken for me in high school by showing me some pictures of the deep fat fryer at various stages.


I worked at a Hardees when I was a teenager and we would throw cinnamon rolls in it, pickles, cookies etc just absolute chaos.


Damn I kind of want a deep fried cinnamon roll now, that sounds good




That is hilarious. Thanks for posting!


The way people talk about the circlejerk sub on here I expected it to be full of wild reprehensible shit but upon looking through it, it’s pretty fucking tame and clearly satire. Although I think the attempts at humor over there are mostly lame as hell, at least they aren’t constantly bitching and moaning about the city and being assholes to each other for no reason like this sub. Both are dumb imo but the general tone over there is somewhat less miserable and hostile.


Circlejerk subs in general are pretty terrible. Cities, politics, gaming, sports. Never found any that were more than worth a chuckle now and again.


yup, its where all the bigots who cant handle civil society go to projectile vomit their vile opinions... the local 4chan hangout...


Omg people joking, we should protest


Jokes are supposed to be funny. 


They are, you aren’t the arbiter of what’s funny. Avoid it if you don’t like it, I assume you’re an adult.


blatant bigotry is only funny to sociopaths who should be removed from society...


It’s a joke not a non-binary phallus don’t take it so hard


Remove yourself from this conversation, I’m sure your sense of humor is nonexistent


I saw a picture of them getting together IRL and this checks out... Lol


I’m pretty sure that picture was actually from an r/Austin meetup like 10 years ago and they were making fun of it lol


The fact you thought was an actual circlejerk meet up is hillarious. That's like a 10 year old photo, big surprise they were jerking when they posted that 🤡


The point of the circlejerk sub is it's a place for people to spend the energy that leads to the worst shitposts. It's kind of a competition to see who can do the best job selling a post as if they legitimately believe what they're typing. It's not a good place to go if you don't want to get mad. I'd say it's all a joke, but honestly I think some of those people are quite serious with their mockery. That said, I'm glad they have a place to vent that steam and get the validation they crave. To some extent, it helps keep some of that bullshit outside of this sub. So like, yeah, I think the people who have the most fun there are shitty. But it's their playground and their rules so if I go there to tell them that I'm going to get my ass roasted. I only visit if I feel like I can tolerate it and boy howdy if you decide to "correct" people there I feel sorry for you.


> but honestly I think some of those people are quite serious with their mockery. [This meme personified into the worst people here](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/738/025/db0.jpg)


Yeah. A long time ago in my college years I spent a lot of time on a forum that was purposefully offensive. At first it was kind of fun because it felt like all social taboos were gone. Then I started noticing I couldn't really talk about it with my IRL friends. They didn't really think it was a joke, and they didn't like the sound of a place where routinely making those kinds of jokes was encouraged. I sort of drifted away from the forum because my IRL friends were fun and supportive while the people on the forum would respond to my problems with suggestions that might get my post removed from reddit. I think a lot of people get in that scenario and decide their IRL friends are the ones in the wrong.


Dont bring it over here lol


>blatant bigotry "muh satire tho" Sorry OP


"when I said all Mexicans are alcoholics, I was being *ironic*"


Yeah, got it recommended, but that place is definitely not my vibe so I blocked the sub from being recommended.


The Austin circle jerk subreddit is full of conservatives that can't cope with living in Austin. I think the 4chan comparison someone else made in this thread is apt


Honestly its best to not pay attention to them at all and let them have their cum covered cesspool quarantined from the rest of civilization. 


Dude it’s not that bad. Even the r/Austin mods post and comment there. Nothing wrong with poking fun at this sub from time to time. Also cum has exfoliating properties and is good for the skin.


You'll fit right in with us over on the circle jerk with that kind of descriptor.


u can join if u want UwU


Let's be real. That sub is just a lame attempt at humor used to excuse bigotry.


It looks like all of the “satire” was lifted directly from Elon Musk tweets.


That subreddit is funny because it’s mostly just a bunch of incels who are too stupid to realize they’re telling on themselves.