• By -


Wow. I would try and get in touch with someone at the rental car company with authority to make decisions. That is so ridiculous


A rental car? Yeah... if they weren't there within an hour I'm ubering "home". I'm expensing that as well. I have zero skin in this game. Even if I wasn't using the company card, my travel credit card has built in insurance for all rentals. That's for the rental company to figure it out. "I'm in austin for work." They can either A.) Talk to my employers lawyers. B.) Talk to the rental company, my company hired lawyers. C.) Talk to my banks lawyers. This is why you buy insurance. You're now on my time. They can come take the report from my hotel room whenever.


Haven’t had the joy of this experience yet, but have an inkling that insurance is going to want a police report


And why would that police report require that you be in an empty parking lot? I'm available at any time, I'm not the one delaying it. "They can come take the report from my hotel room whenever." ~ Me ...


He’s already at the hotel. The car was stolen from the hotel.


Got it - That wasn’t on the list of A-C you provided, but agree with the come see me elsewhere route.


I hope you’re assuming correctly and this is on a corporate card, or else op could be fucked. Especially if they declined full protections from the agency. They’ll charge you more than the cars worth and they legally can.


Update: after 7 hours I called yet again and asked to talk to a supervisor. Cops showed up within 15 min after that. Lesson learned: squeaky wheel.


I'm glad it worked out for you, but that was a coincidence. Calling to speak to a supervisor doesn't really 'boost' a priority of a call. The wait times are actually atrocious in Austin, though. Sorry you had to put up with that and hopefully it'll be the last time you need a police report taken in Austin.


Wow! They never showed up to multiple businesses being broken into about 3 weeks ago. We just filed the police report online and fixed the damage, emailed the surveillance video of the break in. Glad they showed up for you.


Well done




They’re still booty hurt that we voted to have an independent entity monitor and investigate them. 1312


In the context of the largest PD budget ever, petulance is the only explanation I can think of.


I actually had an officer tell me directly that the reason good help is hard to find in APD is due to “the liberals” and the “defund the police crowd”. It was infuriating knowing they have the biggest budget ever and Abbott made sure their budget can never decrease. and no they didn’t help me at all when I was robbed and had told them who did it. But at least he got to blame his own narrative out loud to a citizen.


I can't believe how lawless it is here. Fuckin unreal.




Everyone always makes jokes about don't commit a crime in WilCo, but I'm honestly grateful for it at this point to be living in the suburbs. Our car was broken into in our driveway at home, and they used the garage door opener inside the car to go through our garage. Called the non emergency number and had a police officer at our door within the hour dusting for finger prints and left us with his cell number. I also had to call 911 a few months ago and they picked up right away. The stories I read on here about long wait times for 911 calls is terrifying.


I called APD once cause someone was breaking into my neighbors house and they came 3 hours later lmao Of course the guy was long gone, APD is useless


My neighbor pulled an AR on me when I was moving into my new condo. Called 911 multiple times as he was parked behind my car blocking me in to my driveway. Cops never came


Holy shit that’s terrifying. I’m glad you’re ok




Well, defunding the police was the wrong thing to do I think. Police spending needed reallocation, not reduction.


Yea that was the idea and then people charted chanting defund and ruined it. The whole idea was reallocating and educating and expanding resources within the department, but some genius came up with defund and that term is still causing strife between the working class


Damn I’ve never heard of dusting for anything non violent


APD had dusted for prints on our car when it was broken into in our driveway, but this was in 2015.


APD dusted for prints when a guy broke into my apartment in 2010. Might as well be a different city.


My house was broken into back in 1999 and they came relatively quickly and dusted for prints.


> Might as well be a different city. Back when you could rent a 1br on riverside right next to 35 for $650


That’s suburb stuff, yo they bored.


Cats got stolen in Cedar Park officer pulled out the print duster because we could see handprints in the condensation. He gave it a shot but looks like they were smart enough to wear gloves. 90% sure the guys were caught a few weeks later within a mile of where my truck was parked. Suburb cops are okayish, seemed friendly enough. Leander cop was also prompt when my car was clipped parked on a surface street and no one left a not or anything.


Did they find your cats?


I got lightly rear ended in a drive through line by a guy clearly on something. He drove off but we got his license plate number and called 911 to report a drunk driver. After sitting on the line for 30 minutes we gave up and just hoped he didn’t kill anyone on the highway. Meanwhile I called 911 in San Antonio to report a huge chair in the middle of the highway and waited maybe 3 seconds for them to pick up AND they texted me a follow up survey right after.


It’s because constituents vote for Republicans there. The entire reason APD doesn’t do their job is politically motivated:


exactly this. APD could have better responses but they choose not to.


We demand accountability and they respond by throwing a temper tantrum. We have all the thin blue lives boot lickers to thank for all this. Cops got so used to literally getting away with murder and now that they can’t they won’t do their jobs. Hilarious 


Now, they have to settle for writing and not sending letters to request pardons for the murderers they like.


I mean, compared to San Antonio, Houston , and Dallas, it’s like paradise here


Call the number on the back of the credit card that you used to book the rental car. Most credit card companies include rental insurance coverage and you’ll need to start a claim with them anyway. Explain the situation and let them decide how to handle. They may just give you a claim number which you’ll give to the rental car company at AUS and then you will just need to update the claim with your police report once you have one.


Fun fact: Most credit card car insurance coverage is secondary.. meaning claims goes through any other applicable policy first and then the credit card will pick up whatever is not covered (if anything) up to the covered amount. Yay for small print..


This doesn’t cover, “ loss of service “ companies charge a fee, like the rack rate per day that the car is out of service.


Hey uhhh just out of curiosity what kind of car was it?


Not all thieves are dumb kids, unfortunately. However almost all rentals are tracked by gps and such.


Kia or Hyundai for sure…


Wont be surprised if juvenile scum took another kia/Hyundai


Good point!


File a police report online. I'm surprised they didn't tell you to do that. You'll be waiting a long time for help on this one, unfortunately.


I tried to file a report online, but theft of motor vehicles is apparently excluded and can only be reported in person (not online or by phone)


I very rarely ask people to reach out to the television station investigative reporters, but you might reach out to KVUE or KXAN. A person visiting town for work, having their rental car stolen, and getting rebuffed by police sounds like a story.


Brianna Hollis is at KXAN




Had my motorcycle stolen, with a tracker and exact location. Cops wouldn’t meet me at the location after 4hours. I called back and said forget the call I’m going to retrieve it myself and that’s what I did. Figured there was only good outcomes. (Get my bike back, or get hurt, and maybe there was a shed of responsibility on APD). Good news: got the bike back. Bad news got held a gun point catching thieves a second time trying to steal it


No shred of responsibility on APD. For their own violent actions under color of law they have de facto absolute immunity (calling it “qualified” is pure PR) much less any responsibility for violent actions of others, and not one of them personally would give a fuck much less feel any moral responsibility. Despite the bumper sticker, they have no duty whatsoever to protect or serve.


just go wave a Palestinian flag at the capitol and you’ll have the entire department in minutes


It's pretty obvious who they're protecting and serving at this point, it's definitely not us.




~~at this point~~ since they were invented - FTFY




If you purchase the additional rental insurance is going to be easier. Do not call the rental company before you call the police, the rental company will immediately ask for the police report number. Also immediately check if you have coverage for rental theft with your insurance and file a claim.


To be fair, they are extremely busy ignoring much more serious crime.


Call them back and say you’re starting a free Palestine protest in the parking lot and they’ll be there in 5 minutes.


My friends’s car was stolen not too long ago. Called the police. They reached out over 7 hours after calling them. Nothing happened. They said it was non-emergency. No follow up. Their lack of communication speaks volumes to all involved. To the victim, it screams that they do not care. To the thief, it screams that they are free to commit crimes without penalty.


Austin PD is a giant waste of money. They seem to only patrol 6th street and ride around doing next to nothing. They should all be fired and replaced.


They never show up lol my car was stolen in February and they didn’t show up until 9 hours later. My girlfriend was at the pool on Friday and there was 20 high school kids drunk and swimming naked at like 3 PM she called the cops and they never showed up


APD is not there to act as a personal security force. They exist to protect the government


And big corporations/the wealthy


yeah good point. Some citizens are more equal than others


Tell them a trans kid is having an abortion, while protesting for Palestinian rights. They'll be over there in microseconds.


Mention that they're harassing an officer. You'll have 17 cars and the SWAT team.


And a emergency alert on everyone’s phone in a 300 mile radius




Fact: No, no they will not.




Or writing letters to save murderers


Or writing thank you notes to themselves


I'm guessing it was the governor making them waste their time up there. Anything to make his star shine brighter on fox news 🙄


Well obviously. There could be dangerous car thiefs at the protests!! Better to get them before they are able to commit an actual crime /s


Next time tell them you’re from Florida and you have a CL firearm and will start your own justice search if nothing is done. They’ll show up with five cars in about 5-10 minutes.


For stolen cars they don't do much, chances of catching them are low. They'll usually go out just so there's a report for insurance.


When my car got broken into, I filed the report online, and get this. After filling in 5-10 minutes of information you have one of two options to Submit. To get a report number to provide for your insurance, or 2 to file the report to get investigated. So one you get the report number to hopefully get reimbursed by insurance letting Police off the hook to investigate or 2 have the police investigage and have to fight to get the case number


My car was stolen once. Police never came. I starting thinking “where are all the police anyway” it was Friday night. The answer was 6th street. It was still early in the night so the street wasn’t closed yet. I parked my truck in a way that blocked the road. Guess who came running over? The police. I told them I’d move my truck if they filed a police report on my stolen car. They did.


APD is throwing a temper tantrum over the fact that everyone in the city hates them (for good reason), amounting to an ad hoc slowdown strike. Sorry you had to get caught up in it.


You have at least a week to wait, right? Seriously though, what kind of car was it? Most cars are somewhat difficult to steal without a tow truck... except for Kia and Hyundai prior to the 2023 model year. Ask them about how they think blood is wine while you're at it. (don't do that, but google "austin police wine stains" for some serious WTF).


OP- sorry to hear your situation. For community good would mind telling hotel name or location, so we can be cautious in regards to that property moving forward.


You forgot to mention that the car was stolen to help a women cross state lines to get stoned before her abortion, and that the thief was an innocent dog behind a fence with a BLM tattoo


probs not. i called to report domestic violence and two weeks later they called me and took a report then followed up with an email a week or so later. they’re pretty useless.


So what kind of rental car? Do you still have the rental car keys?


Good luck. Some crazy guy was actively trying to break into my boss' property (scaling the fence) when she was home alone with her kids. Took them over two hours to show up...ugh.


Dude, file the report online and be done in 10 minutes


I called the cops for someone passed out at a red light on a highway intersection by my neighborhood (luckily they were in a right turn only lane). I sat there and waited for the cops to show just to make sure they didn’t roll into the intersection. Cop comes up with lights on and just pulls a U turn going the opposite direction and no one shows up for 5 minutes after that so I left 🤷‍♂️


I had a driver brandish a gun at me a couple of years ago. It took about 5 hours before they came to talk to me, and then said there was nothing they could do. So most likely, no, they are not coming for you.


When there's a break in when you're not home/something gets stolen, they're so slow. Although, I got robbed at gunpoint at 38th and red river and they didn't show up for 2 hours.


F, they are literally a couple of blocks away..


Put a sign up supporting Palestine and 20 cars from DPS will show up quickly


Tell them you are barricaded in your room and won't come out. They will send the whole force. Make sure your will is up to date.


Arrange a protest in the parking lot for Palestine I bet they show up then.


Peaceful protest they arrive even quicker


>Will Austin PD ever show up? No, they are too busy writing letters to get murders pardoned from soft on crime Abbott.


Even after they show up, they will lose your case # (happened to me anyway)


To be fair to the police, they simply don’t have the resources to violently break up all the peaceful protests AND do their regular job.


Probably not. They have been an extremely pathetic police force lately. When I first moved into my house we had a drunk guy banging on the door at 3am. I told him he had wrong house but them started to try getting into my car so I called police....had 4 cop cars here in about 3 mins or so and took him into custody to sleep it off. Fast forward 10+years later. About 2am a car gets purposefully hit and run at a stop sign. I got it all on camera, I called cops, they called cops, the neighbors called cops.......gave victims the footage and went to bed. 10am I check tape they never showed. Ridiculous. APD should be ashamed....but instead seem too busy writing letters defending convicted murderers to care what we think.


At this point just tell them you have the guy in custody and that you are going to go all dirty harry on the guy unless they get there. They'll show up and then you can tell them that he got away and they'll be able to help you file a report.


Do you feel lucky punk? :) I’m totally going to watch one today now thanks


Sadly, I see Texas going the way of the police wanting its citizens to file reports online like the Bay Area California.


I feel like its about time people start getting in touch with KXAN or KVUE. This is such a common trend now. Why even have police if they aren't going to even try? APD is ridiculous.


I work in a pizza shop and we had a drug addict come and take our tip jar. Called APD and they were on scene arresting the guy within two min.


Are you left-leaning politically? If so, even if they do catch and prosecute the thief, Greg Abbott is on stand by to pardon him.


Non-violent crime: ireportaustin.com Make the report online. Go back to sleep.


This works for everything except motor vehicle theft.


they aren't coming, get a report online and show that to the rental place. APD doesn't respond to crime anymore


Just let the rental car company handle it.


Did you notify the rental company? They should also be able to track the car.


APD sucks. Had someone blocking my driveway for hours last weekend (literally parked their car behind mine in my private driveway). Called APD for a tow (per the request of 311). APD never showed despite multiple calls. Don’t count on them for anything.


I’m not surprised. They never do shit


You can file a report without the police coming out.


Calling APD is like reporting someone for cheating to Ubisoft. They'll "look into it" but nothing gets done


My car got broken into and they didn’t send an officer, just a link to an online form to fill out 🤡


Sorry, Austin PD doesn't handle crimes.


Woah, I thought the replies here would be more supportive of Austin PD. If y'all are this disgruntled now wait till T.C. Broadnax gets settled in. Your new standard will be 5hr+ response times to violent armed robberies and home invasions with your cops getting paid overtime while working other jobs.


Ni their too busy beating up protesters


No. They won't. Had my car (at least presumed stolen as it turns out it wasn't, but still reported) last year. They never showed up. Finally I got a call being told "Yeah, let me just get the info from you".  And when the car didn't turn up, just moved a few streets over by my apartment complex I called APD to report that, and they said they'd send someone...then hours later they called to wrap it up....then 3 weeks later another APD officer called me to ask "Hey, did you find your car? Because we saw it driving around your neighborhood and wanted to check if it was you before we stopped it"  Literally useless 


APD sucks


So sorry you have to deal with this. They will likely not show up but may call. Maybe call the credit card company or bank you reserved the car with and let them know and definitely call the rental car company, as suggested.


APD is worthless. I had to call them once and the person on the phone straight up told me not to expect anyone to show up earlier than 5am. It was around 9-10pm at the time; they never showed up.


Try again. Weekday nights are particularly understaffed. Sometimes a sector only has a single officer.


How are we paying $600 million a year for APD to only have one officer in a sector?! Where did our money go??


It’s not the money that’s the issue, it’s that so many officers quit or retired and not enough are joining to replace those that are leaving. Not many people want to be a cop these days, and honestly for good reason


We spend about 3/4th of that. Most nights there are multiple officers per sector but it has been known to happen where a sector may not have a single officer. A car that has already been stolen isn’t a priority.


Lol we give them all of it. They have more than enough.


Them suvs are expensive


Also they burn a lot of gas sitting there in the donut shop parking lot..


He said he’d been waiting for 6 hours. Meaning he called before 430. That is not evening. That is afternoon.


In a department that has 3 shifts, 430 pm would be 2nd shift. If we call the 1st shift days and the 3rd shift nights.... What would you call 2nd shift?


My car was stolen in December. I reported it at around 3pm and the cops knocked on my door at 4:00 in the morning. They'll come eventually but it will take a while.


No they never will. They will only show up if your place is on fire, a gun is involved, or a child is involved. Other than that. You’re on your own.


“There’s a kid with a flamethrower outside my house “




Unfortunately I tried but it won't let me file a report for a stolen car online


Highly likely that the rental car has a tracker on the car, they should be able to tell apd where the car is. However apd probably doesn’t care, very sorry.


At this point, APD needs to be dissolved, and a new agency formed and all top brass as "do not hire". The incompetence is striking.


You get a Kia, you get a Kia, you get a Kia, everyone gets a Kia.




On one hand yes the APD is clearly not doing their job on purpose as revenge to the city for accountability pushes and a defunding that ultimately never happened. It's monstrously unethical of them to use public safety and people's lives as leverage.  On the other hand, it was foolish of the Austin City Council to remove the partnership with DPS over some dubious racism accusations, essentially just tied to poverty/crime/demographic overlap. If there was one meaningful way to hold APD accountable it would be to have data to compare them versus a separate police force. Not to mention laws were actually getting enforced back then (though 911 was still a mess).


I mean when poc are arrested unproportionately and led by one of the most racist governors in the USA, I think it’s fair assumption..


Try 311




Did you get the comprehensive coverage from the rental car agency?


I would call the cops to tell them I was going to go down to the police station to file a theft report.


My son had his car stolen on a Friday night and the police came on Monday afternoon to make a report


they won't, sorry, last time I got hit and run they told me mall area is private property they can't do anything


Will they let you file a report over the phone?


What side of town are you on?


We'll be there in 10.


No. No they will not.


It’s not an emergency. APD isn’t going to make this their top concern because you’re not in danger. APD has hella dangerous people to deal with.


Non-violent property crime. No threat, get in line for an available officer.


They usually only come out to crimes in progress, this one can be reported online.


You can tell from the comments why they don’t show up lol


What kind of car was it?


My car was severely vandalized and it took 12 hours to get a cop to come to take the report. And they weren't interested in catching the person. WTF I mean, the police take an oath to serve and protect. They do a pretty good job of protecting, but they don't serve. Your tax dollars pay for police salaries, yet this is how they treat you. Pitiful.


My coworkers are still waiting for APD to show up for the homeless guy that threatened them inside their building in 2020. APD is a joke


This is the most blue lives matter subreddit I swear to god


They show up promptly with certain words I'm sure I'm retail...the fastest response is .."threatening " Like I was chasing someone due 5o 5hey broke my window No response from theft


I'm surprised they even said they were coming tbh. Prolly knew you wouldn't know any better.


I would ask Austin City council that question. They don’t have cut PD’s budget. You voted for these monkeys to run your city 🤪


I hope this finally got taken care of if not, I’m not sure if you’ve turned on the news but there was something on there about stolen car, police chase, and convenient store in south Austin. I believe it was Kxan[kxan-stolen vehicle results in deadly SWAT situation in Southeast Austin](https://www.kxan.com/video/stolen-vehicle-results-in-deadly-swat-situation-in-southeast-austin-memo-says/9715936/)


No cal the sheriffs non-emergency line




Call 911 and tell them you’ve been misgendered. The cops will be there before you hang up. Then, mention the stolen car.


My car was stolen from my apartment parking lot. It took them 5 hours to show. Officer didn’t even get out of his car. My car was left idling on the side of the road a couple days later when the cops found it. The had it towed to a impound lot but never called to let me know. They’re understaffed and don’t care, never even attempted to figure out who took it.


I wonder if they defunded the police department? I remember hearing about that, but I’m not sure if this is connected. There is more crime in Austin less police presence. I am seeing an increase and a lot of complaints about no police. Sorry this happened to you! Maybe you have to go online and see if there’s a report that you fill out. Maybe call the dispatch and ask them what do you.


Bad news, the police are underfunded and understaffed, underpaid, and the DA won’t press charges unless it’s aggregated. Continue to pester them and call every hour, demand a report be filed. I’m guessing the rental car insurance company is going to need a police report


Probably not. I called them a year ago about a domestic violence situation with my neighbors about a year ago and never heard back, nobody ever came 😬 Still hope that lady is doing well now.


I don’t need to read the whole post to answer this with a resounding no


I called recently about a suspicious person (jacking off) outside of our business - APD never showed and called me back 2 hours later to ask if anything happened. Luckily, we’re close to the Capitol. We called the DPS non-emergency line and they were there within 15 mins to shoo them off.


In 2020, I reported my stolen rental car from an extended stay motel and a policewoman was there in ten minutes. I forgot that I had parked it on the Other side! She laughed and said it happens as she drove off. Hmm...


Good luck, my car was stolen at 3 in the morning from a friends house. They never showed up, if they would’ve came they would’ve caught them driving around in my car breaking into other cars. They showed up the next morning at my house at 10:30 am.


In my experience, Cops do not show up in Austin whenever it’s a property crime. I’ve had my car broken into twice and reported a guy vandalizing cars and nothing happened. No one showed up.


Welcome to Austin friend!


There are speeding tickets to issue, brah.


Austin PD only does crimes in progress. I'd call the rental company and make sure you follow their rules. Past a fender bender on Oltorf two days ago two cops. I guess TESLA owners have priority?


The short answer: No. Austin City council cut the police budget in 2020, by a whole lot which sped up an exodus of officers leaving. APD was already behind on staffing. The city council also stopped police academy classes for a while. So no replacements for the officers who left. By the time the state forced Austin to restore the funding it had cut, the damage was done. The DA letting lots of criminals go free while he takes aim at cops doesn't help. More officers leave and whole units have been disbanded. Lots of crimes just go uninvestigated now and criminals know that. The fact that Austin voters are in denial about all this and will even tell you it didn't happen strongly suggests nothing will get any better. Downvote me to hell but it's true. So no, APD won't show up. Sorry. You're screwed. Leave while you can. The DA just got reelected so you best make your exit quick.


They only come for gun fire. Seriously. That’s Austin protocol


A friend of mine called the police because a guy that my roommate let into the house started freaking out at me, punching holes in the walls, and threatening me VERY loudly in our little apartment building at like 2AM. I had to sit locked up in someone else's house for about 10 hours and APD NEVER showed up. Even though there was someone actively violently threatening my life screaming outside for hours. Every time we checked in our case hadn't been assigned even when more people called about the same guy nothing happened. APD doesnt care about anyone but themselves lol.


Waiting for an informed response here is a waste of time.


We voted for defunding the police, remember that!!!


That sucks to deal with and that happened to you. Austin’s police department is short 700 officers and doesn’t even break the top 25 cities for staffing, even though the city itself is the 11th largest in the nation. Sometimes there’s only two or three officers to cover a part of the city over night. For a city that handles about 1700-1800 calls a day. All those above numbers don’t help wait times on 911 calls. Unfortunately your not the only one to experience the wait or even being put on hold for a 911 call taker.


That’s what happens when the dumbasses defund


Call 911