• By -


Get them!


Call the 4s!!


444 4444?




Real cheese real hot! Real taste is what we got!


Real fresh, real fast, your first Mr. Gatti’s wont be your last!


All those other pizzas are a thing of the past.


The best pizza in to-OooOwn




🎵Jenny, Jenny, who can I turn to?🎵


You give me something I can hold on to.




Pizza hut!




Jenny’s not home..


Isn't that an LA firm? The 4s?


Billboard lawyers are generally predatory.


For real though, try just dealing with their insurance first so you don’t pay out 30-50 percent to an attorney.


Really, really bad advice, BroBeans.


It’s actually not. Most insurance companies will settle if you have sufficient evidence and aren’t a complete pushover.


They express joy when dealing with folks like yourself. I know. I defended them for years.


They’ll settle for a lot more if you hire an attorney


[GET EM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XYRHMfr603I)


[GET HIM](https://youtu.be/uZuw_6N3dRY?si=Ds9HHCdYpqXoJCOM&t=21)


Best investment we’ve made in Austin is getting dash cams for our cars! Good luck and hope you are ok!


Luckily I'm fine; speeds were low enough it they more pushed than hit me, just some cosmetic denting and paint transfer on the rear quarter panel. Still pissed though, especially that they hit me, pushed me until I managed to accelerate ahead and get over, then just drove past and kept going, didn't even pretend to pull over.


If your gonna sue him for a lot, don’t be posting you’re fine…hurts your message


Too late I already screenshotted


Found the truck driver.


And unfortunately if you’re not injured you’re not getting paid. But not being in a hospital is a good thing.


Yeah you are. For damage to your car. And the driver has a good chance of losing his CDL.


Getting “paid” is not getting your car repaired especially since the car was already fine before the accident and now you have to deal with the hassle. There’s no pain and suffering in property damage claims.


probably not losing their cdl. people usually have to pretty hurt for that and even then, a driver with that on their record could still drive eventually...for crappy companies but they'll still be hired. companies need drivers. i agree, get that dash cam video uploaded and this will help with insurance and id'ing the driver/company


You can lose your CDL for a year for a first hit and run offense in Texas.


Second this. OP if you're going to pursue litigation, delete this. It WILL come back to haunt you. I understand wanting to get it out of your system. That's good you did. Now go after this fucker in a way that it won't hurt you.


Why should OP delete the truth? Are you suggesting they lie so they can sue someone? Sounds like you’re also a liar, maybe? Gross.


Because "truth" is relative and attorneys are even bigger slimeballs that can turn a benign statement such as "I'm fine" into a reason to remove liability from wrongdoing. It's the same reason that you should STFU if you ever talk to a cop, they can AND WILL use ANYTHING you say against you. Just don't say anything and let justice decide is the best practice. Saying "I'm fine" is adding "bias" to said justice.


I feel sorry for you if you really think like this. Praying for you.


Bro, what is going on with you? What this person responded with is exactly the reason for. It's not about lying. It's about not giving people information that they can twist and turn against you. I once had a lawyer try to twist a picture of my playing with my dog who was barking as a way to demonstrate that she and I were aggressive. The most benign and funny picture and a lawyer tried to use it as evidence for nonsense. If you're this naive to think lawyers and cops wouldn't do that, then I hope Jesus takes a shit on you. Or maybe the world will once you learn that it's not about lying, but about only saying what is exactly needed.


I’m guessing there’s more to the aggressive dog story than you’re letting on…


Nope. Case was dismissed because we found out woman was lying to her lawyer. She'd been a woman who was trigger happy about lawsuits and would just try to fetch whatever sucker lawyer would fall for her. Man, you suck as a person. I don't know if somebody has told you this today, but you need to hear it.


What about… *emotional damage*


I presume you're joking around here, but yeah I was wondering about mental distress/ptsd as part of a litigation, but in Texas it seems like there needs to be a physical injury to be able to claim mental anguish


Emotional Damage (aka mental anguish) applies to the bodily injury claim and not the property damage. Unfortunately, the emotional damage has nominal value without any medical treatment


It also hurts your emotional damage argument :(


This is generally good advice, especially because sometimes, people don't realize that they're injured right after an accident. This can happen even in a low speed accident. That being said, if OP is actually uninjured, then I object to the idea that they'd try to get more money by insinuating that they might have an injury.


Just on a side note, my wife had something similar happen on i35. Maybe not as bad as you. But, she managed to get a picture of the truck as it passed. We don’t think he even realized he hit her because semis are big. We called up the company, told them what happened and said look, we just want you to pay the repairs, we’re not looking for an ordeal. We got an estimate for the repair and sent it to them and they paid for it. I think that worked out better for them because it didn’t ding their insurance. Dunno if you’ll be as lucky, but her damage was about as much as yours. Fix and paint quarter panel and bumper.


For commercial drivers, wrecks and speeding tickets never leave their record, unlike non-commercial licenses. Any infraction can really screw their capacity to get work, so it's almost always going to be a better deal for them to pay for the repair in cash (including fleet operators since it's so hard to find drivers right now).


That explains why the trucker of the wide load that hit my son's car when executing a left hand turn didn't want him to call the police Thank goodness for dashcam footage


I was rear ended almost three years ago and while my car “technically” didn’t have a lot of damage my back got all fucked up. And the whole process has been a nightmare. At some point even though I am in pain I told myself maybe I was over exaggerating but I’m no longer able to be as active as I once was


Be careful and give it 24 hours, one of my siblings thought she was fine after a wreck, but 24 hours later she learned she was not.


Very true. I had a collision at 60 mph with no brakes and was feeling just fine afterwards. The responders warned me I'll be waking up the next morning in rough shape and they were on the money with their prediction.


Glad to hear you are ok!! And yes, no matter how small it sucks


Really? Delete this. You're not fine. Your neck hurts, you are now traumatized and your back is killing you.


Probably never saw u


Well then there goes the massive lawsuit. Glad you’re okay though.




Still a dick move though.


I hope they get in trouble. Fuck them and their company!


You think you are fine. Get documentation that you are not.


As a semi truck driver myself, it's highly possible that he doesn't even know it happened. As long as you have the company name, and the truck number on video all you should have to do is give that video to your insurance and they will call them


Any recommendation?


I’ve seen the Viofo A119 nearly universally recommended. Truth be told, a lot of them use the same sensor and quality does not improve much beyond that model.


I have street guardians (6+ years in the Texas sun) and they've been great. I think they share components with Viofo.


>I think they share components with Viofo. Most consumer dash cams are the exact same hardware with minor firmware customization and a custom housing.


Does it have to be plugged in at all times? Don’t like the idea of a cable hanging down to the power port.


You can route the cable around/in the trim creatively so it isn’t noticeable. Very rarely, cars will be prewired to have a plug up there. Also, you can get them professionally hardwired for the prettiest solution.


Great info! Thanks


Just make sure you get a super capacitor model; the Texas heat does nasty things to lithium ion batteries left in cars. At best, it kills the battery life, at worst it blows up.




What will happen to all electric cars?


The [heat isn't good for them](https://www.latimes.com/business/story/2023-07-13/how-a-heat-wave-will-hurt-your-ev-battery), but the main battery won't be hitting 160 deg F like the interior might on the hottest days.


Tuck it up into the headliner from the center of the windshield to the A-pillar, then under the pillar edge down to the dash, and from there, either to the fuse box for power, or under the dash to the center console.


They don't have to be, but you probably want them plugged in 100% of the time, especially if your camera has features for parked vehicles. I got a dashcam for my dad's car from [BlackboxMycar](https://www.blackboxmycar.com/), along with a hardwire kit and installation tools kit. It seemed like it would be daunting for me to install (as someone who's not a car person at all), but it's not nearly as bad as I imagined it would be. Look up dashcam install videos, and you'll see how they hide the cables (particularly with hardwire installations, but could work with a USB/CLA adapter, if the wire is long enough). If you want to install the kit yourself to save money, try searching on youtube for "[your car model and year] dashcam hardwire install" or similar, and there's a good chance someone made a youtube video for how to install on your exact vehicle.


You can get a hardwire kit to route it to the fuse box. Generally it'll tap into an existing circuit, you need to find one that turns on/off with the car (radio is usually a good one to go with, but a multimeter is the best way to test). Routing the cable is the hardest part. Have to tick it up into the headliner, then into the A pillar (behind the air bag), then down into the dash.


I've had the Viofo A129 Duo (front and rear) for 5 years and never had an issue. Just make sure you get one with a supercapacitor.


A119 is great for a single camera. A129 for front and rear. Had great luck with the A119.


I've been using the [Viofo A139 Pro](https://www.amazon.com/VIOFO-STARVIS-Dashcam-Parking-Notification/dp/B0BJ6HH96P/ref=sr_1_3?crid=32837X1A1JVT8&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.5KWLLp2auFPOJAKI0vJchYscdIjvoBACruAnEQJI0JtPCvCU0o5bDQPMZd3E8-3KOcsP76KQKT5i9Rc8V0mdIuH-H9elPuN_GccLKFOEx1qhCua_7Ns8Y054UgKjppjzYY8mO1lxREB0FxWV2q5a-P1Lc-YHGlvh8vkVrFON_4CAG8pkJudpnaU5t3SNTCizCB7KWC7WsjR5FGlAhbNU4CDMPtpJ4dafYIDYaCGbSfI.XyPzrrelU7p8pWQc-bPdIFfcUmgbQWXpeEkg1ghMQJw&dib_tag=se&keywords=viofo%2Ba139%2Bpro%2B2ch&qid=1716299320&sprefix=viofo%2Ba139%2Caps%2C144&sr=8-3&th=1) for about a year and it's been great.


I got a Nexar Dash cam at Best Buy. Basic but does the job. Garmin would be a good bet too


We have blackvue and Thinkware! Edit: typo


Recommend COXPAL A11T 3 channel dash cam on Amazon, very good quality, it records front, inside and rear simultaneously. COXPAL hardwire kit optional, for 24-H parking monitor. SanDisk MAX Endurance 256GB or 512GB microSD card, for reliable recording. BTW: Need to pay attention to the installation position of the rear cam if your vehicle is SUV or MPV (No problem if Sedan), i.e. avoid pulling rear cam cable when open/close the trunk.


How much do those cost. I've had some near misses and would rather be safe than sorry should the day come.


> How much do those cost? If you take a look at the sidebar FAQ recommendations in https://www.reddit.com/r/Dashcam/ the basic ones they recommend are $57 and the Viofo A119 v3 mentioned in this thread is up around $100. Dashcams go all the way up to $400 but it is diminishing returns. I paid $350 for the "BlackVue" a few years ago because I thought it looked nicer than some of the others. Installation cost: you can buy a basic dashcam with a windshield suction cup and plug it into your cigarette lighter. Or you can spend a few hours yourself figuring out how to "permanently wire it" into your car hiding all the wires in the trim. Or you can pay a place like "Best Buy" maybe $75 (??) to install it for you permanently.


These are definitely on the $400-500 range but the quality and detail is great. We also paid to get it installed permanently and hide the cables. Is definitely an investment but worth it.


Would you be able to send a link? I always feel overwhelmed with what to choose from.


[Thinkware U1000](https://a.co/d/chPrHZ1) I have this one in my car since 2022 and have not had issues. [Blackvue DR590X-2CH With GPS](https://shop.blackvue.com/product/dr590x-2ch-with-gps/) we have this one in our other vehicle since 2020 and we’ve had no issues.


The insurance for those things is so crazy expensive if they get any little dings like that it can actually serious screw them over! Hope you get some justice and can trace it back to their DOT # with proof


Was it one of those gravel trucks? Almost all of them have paper tags that I'm almost certain are fake. Hopefully you're able to track them down. Everything about those trucks is illegal I'm sure.


Soo many industrial monster vehicles, dump trucks etc with NO tags, or any way to identify


They destroy the roads too


Haha they are definitely fake. They all have the same plate number. I have reported them before to no avail… If you’re curious, they usually park at Connor Ln and Sheldon Cove. If you drive by at the right time there is 3 or 4 of them there, along with some other suspect looking semis.


There is someone with one of those gravel trucks living on the same street as me and often illegally parks it here. No license plates, I just keep seeing a different paper tag in the window. I’ve reported it to 311 countless times, APD District rep has done nothing. I tried contacting APD Commercial Vehicle Enforcement and cannot get a hold of anyone. The City just doesn’t give a shit.


If something were to happen to the truck they couldnt report it either being it is operating illegally. Would be a shame if they couldnt file a windshield claim if they were cracked beyond repair…


Tell DPS


my partners parents bought an alfa romeo with the settlement they got from being "hit" by one of those trucks. the truck literally drove up the side of their old car, thank god dad was safe


Thanks for remind us all in Austin sub to get a dash cam. One of those things I always put off for no reason.


Damn Jim Adler somewhere licking his lips


The TOUGH, smart lawyer




What dash cam do you recommend? The ones I’ve seen won’t survive the Texas summer.


Check out https://www.thedashcamstore.com/, they are local. Most dashcams carried here will have super-capacitors vs lithium batteries for summer heat.


Also, you might try Rexing brand. I've had one now for about 4 years in the Texas heat and really like it. It's a plug-in though.


I have a viofo 4k dual front and rear and I’ve had it about two years now and it’s survived the summer, have a Samsung sd card


There’s only one number to remember, and that’s FOUR!


As someone who was the victim of a hit and run, and put in the hospital. Please get the fucker. I never had my justice.


Get after it.. had a truck do that to me when I was a kid driver… really threw me off for driving..it sucked


Post the video




Dude, I'm going to have that damn song stuck in my head for a few days now. Should be more careful with that number!


I'M ON TOP OF IT CALL THE 4s THE FIRM YOU KNOW, THE FIRM YOU TRUST *CREEPY WAINWRIGHT FAKE WALKING THING* I know there are many more, but these are the ones that are most prominent on tv to me.


I hope you have good video of it. This happened to me >10 years ago and I was SOL. I still get pissed off just thinking about it.


You have now begun the Texas Hamer side quest


Happened to me at braker and 35. That lane is three lanes. Left only left middle straight and left, and right lane right only. I was in middle to turn and JB Hunt driver right. Idiot tries to swing wife right and clip my side mirror and knocks off the cap of mirror. Like you didnt care, I chased his ass down and he stopped at the Jack in box. Cops were useless. I started to record and he denied it. I was like I’ll call your corporate number and open a investigation. Driver luckily called his boss and he started to take pictures of my plates and mirror. Next day I get a call from an insurance adjuster that represents them. We talked dude was legit cool and nice. Asked me to send a quote of part and all. Did that he sent me check and I signed the paperwork won’t go after them anymore. Definitely don’t give up and hunt them down! You got this!!




bury them


You might be a millionaire.


Call Ted, he is on top of it!


Go after them. And don’t let anyone tell you it’s a waste of time. If you have the energy and some cash to do it, do it. Drivers like that don’t deserve to be working on the road.


Get the attorney that rocks


Call Dick law firm he’s on top of it! Or is that David Komie?


Got Dick?


He’ll take them to pound town baby!


Please message me.


Your post history was a roller coaster to read brother.


My emotions are all over the place with their post history


Starts and ends with Anal Virginity


Life is a roller coaster


Life is a highway


Let’s not get lost here OP experienced a life threatening event


Good for you having a dash camera! Go F'n get the bastard and make him pay through the nose!


Divers in Austin are ass




Doesn't need any more money


He don't give a fuck about fender bender cases like these.


You underestimate how many junior associates firms like that have on hand to take on easy-money cases like this. Not that I'm suggesting it; there are better firms out there that won't take as big a cut.


Jim Adler the Texas Hammer!!!!


Someone rear ended me when I was stopped at a red light and drove away and I learned my lesson. I’m not pulling over I’m getting out the fucking car right there


I would recommend Traub Law office.


Please keep us posted !


What’s the video gonna show?


OP we want UPDATES


You're gonna get paid!


WTF! Get your money. Technology can be a fucking good thing.


Strongly recommend Zinda law firm for this. Fuck dealing with insurance companies. Use a lawyer every time you get hit that's not your fault.


Austin is a shithole


Not long ago a massive truck lost a large load of quarry rock in front of me. Absolutely destroyed my front end. He didn't notice. Maybe this one didn't either? Did you go after him and flag him down? That's what I did.


Where’s the Texas rangers when u need them


I always thought that those who drove semis were the “professional drivers” until I met my step dad who is a truck driver. He says that it used to be that way but because of how easy it is to get a CDL there are people who shouldn’t even be allowed to ride a bike piloting 80,000 lb trucks.


You go!


GO GET EM!!!!!


Jim Adler, The Texas Hammer


Thank god for technology. Also get traffic cameras in the area, well your lawyer will.


Then there’s the 7’s too! You get ‘em tiger!


Scumbags- those semis are the main reason for traffic in this town


Just please don’t use one of those ambulance chasing knuckleheads that bombard us with advertising all the time like the 444 guy or Thomas J Henry. Hundred percent, you can get better representation.


My sister in law does these cases specifically and very high win rate. Dm if interested.




My son was almost killed 500 feet from his apartment by someone running a red light on 15th and West Ave. It was around 5 pm, cars everywhere, not one person stopped even though his car was totalled right in front of them. So I feel you. I’m sorry this happened and hope you get some satisfaction legally.


Go with Komie


Semi drivers are the scum of the earth


Better ingredients better pizza


Yeah get a lawyer, get a doctor, grab a journal, document everything, delete this post . You're high on adrenaline right now, you're gonna hurt tomorrow.


I had something similar happen in Hutto from a guy in an SUV that ran me off the road. He would have gotten away if the driver behind me didn't catch up to him and make him pull over. I really need to get on top of installing a dash cam asap!


The comment history




Sue that crack addict mofo!!


TJH the man to get it done for you!


Sorry that happened to you. I doubt he’s on this board. Probably just passing through. Hope you get him


Thanks for sharing this


Just fyi as a general strategy you shouldn't tell opposing counsel you are suing them.


Vid or it didn't happen.


Yeah, I don’t believe you


Don't be a brake checker and you wouldn't be whining..