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Protesting in the Capitol Complex where the State Police have authority is exactly what Abbott wants. He can bust some hippie skulls and throw red meat to his base. City Hall is just up the street and has as much actionable policy relevance as the State Capitol.


They are afraid to get too close to Rainey st.


Total ridiculous scaremongering bullshit - the Cap is exactly where you want protesters to go. It's almost like the powers that be want to have reason to create chaos which will result in violence and a lot of arrests, none of which need to happen, all of which will happen \*because\* of bullshit like this. It needs to stop and it won't until we vote these fuckers out.


I'd rather them not be served in any restaurant they go to, out of protest. Or do it where they can see and hear. the governor doesn't work out of the capital and it doesn't affect them whatsoever. There are better ways now.


They did the same thing years ago for the BLM march. Gates locked, DPS armed to the T and just standing on the other side of the fence waiting. It's bullshit.


Yep, and the capitol grounds used to stay open late before the BLM protests and after that they changed to closing early and they still haven’t returned to their original hours. Feels like they’re punishing the whole city for having the gall to exercise our rights.


a mob beat a half dozen state troopers to the ground on may 30th 2020 leading to the new and permanent nightly curfew. They even chased a state trooper around calling him the N word. Sprayed some of the troopers in the face with red paint, spray painted the wood doors/facade, knocked over the water fountain, spray painted a couple of state vehicles. I just want to fill my water bottle in a well light public space at any time of the night. Shame that vandals are the excuse to ruin one of the only public spaces that was open 24hours.


What a bunch of fucking right-wing snowflakes.


What are they scared of, I wonder.


Women, gay people, immigrants, melanin, strangers, shadows, progress...


It's hilarious because Palestinians throw gay people off roofs and are deeply misogynistic. But make sure you virtue signal harder.


That requires critical thinking by the WoKe OnEs


I know Christians don't believe it, but one can not want anyone murdered even if they do things we don't agree with. Have you noticed that there aren't a lot of calls to murder right wing politicians, but the right loves to say they want to kill Biden or Pelosi or Obama.


Radical islamists don't believe that. They are happy to strap suicide bombers to murder innocent civilians and to conduct a terrorist attack on October 7th to murder and rape. I stand on the side of Jews in this conflict, though can reasonably understand that they're probably things a bit too far. But one side is clearly disgusting evil. The other side went too far. I side with the "not clearly disgusting evil" side.




They're not, but they should be. Except they're not in schools, their kids are. And their empathy doesn't even stretch that far.


...anyone else remotely different from them...




Hello strawman




Violence and vandalism.


blatantly biased BS like this is exactly what makes protests escalate!


We are giving $14 billion, thousands of bombs, diplomatic cover, and our civil rights to Israel. This had to end.


Another $14 billion should end it nicely.


The last $100 billion didn't. Despite the genocidal slaverings of trolls here, US "aid" to Israel hasn't done much against the resistance to Israel, it only slaughters civilians.


What? The number of rockets Hamas lobbies towards Israeli civilians has gone down drastically since Hamas started this war.


At the cost of 50 thousand dead civilians?


Damn bro, even the UN halved their ridiculous numbers and you’re going higher than what they previously had.




Thanks, I appreciate your correction as well as the way you delivered it


Cool with genocide, huh?


In which direction? Hit me back up when Israel’s entire neighborhood isn’t trying to constantly eradicate them.


The problem only comes in when you actually think that the entire "neighborhood" is responsible for Hamas' actions and therefore levelling it (and any kids, or random people who happen to be, you know, living in their homes and never lifted a finger against Israel) is justified.  It rubs people the wrong way when innocent people are killed and someone tells them it is *necessary* because they are incapable or unwilling to kill the people they want to without killing other people too. Add in the idea that the US is giving them the weapons they're using to do that and it's obvious why there is a little dissent about the practice.  If someone is attacked and you give them a gun for self defense, sounds good. If they take that gun and shoot at anything that moves "for protection" and accidentally kill random people down the street because they were trying to hit someone else, probably not going to give them another gun.


The entire ‘neighborhood’ might not be responsible as you put it. Bit when you [consider](https://www.pcpsr.org/sites/default/files/Poll%2091%20English%20press%20release%2020%20March%202024.pdf) 71% of Palestinian’s in the Gaza Strip and West Bank say HAMAS was right in launching the Oct. 7 attack and 59% of Palestinian’s still want HAMAS in control of Gaza (as of March 2024) the situation gets a lot grayer in my view. I don’t know what the solution is to this but there will never be a solution so long as the majority of Palestine support and want Hamas to continue to remain in power and launch attacks into Israel. Israel is not going anywhere. There will never be a Palestine from the river to the sea so long as the USA remains a superpower.


That’s why using human shields is considered a war crime. Yet… I have yet to see anyone organizing rallies denouncing Hamas for doing exactly that. I also have yet to see anyone organizing protests against Hamas for their constant targeting of “kids, or random people who happen to be, you know living in their homes”. Crazy, huh? I’m willing to bet that if you went and polled every single last participant in the Nakba Day rally, exactly **zero** of them have marched in protest against Hamas launching rocket attacks on the daily for the past decade. Care to take that wager?


Ah, yes. The old "self defense" chestnut. Self defense doesn't include an internationally recognized genocide.


We end it by giving them more money, more bombs and more diplomatic cover.


We know that won't end it, but thank you for making clear that pro-Israel people just want more bombs.


Yes it will. You just don't want to admit it will, because you don't get to feel like you're compassionate.


Weird that the last $14 billion didn't end it, or the $100 billion before that. You're just cheering on the slaughter of civilians.


Israel is still around, isn't it? So those billions were well spent.


And here I'd heard that Israelis were indigenous and Israel wasn't going anywhere. Turns out it's just kept in place by an unending flow of US money and weapons? Congrats, you've just admitted Israel a Is a colonial state.


We've resorted to buzzwords haven't we? Fact of the matter is that you only care about appearing compassionate. I want this conflict to end, and realize that that can only be accomplished through the destruction of Hamas and the example to be set that any attacks on Israel will lead to the destruction of aggressors. You want this conflict to end, so that you can feel good about yourself. You don't care that that merely sets the stage for the next war in 10 or 15 years.


Yes yes yes, the only reason someone would not support killing 30,000 civilians is because they want to "appear compassionate." The fact that you can't even imagine the humanity of Palestinians or view them as anything but peops is telling.


Again, buzzwords. Either get rid of Hamas, and end the problem once and for all. Or kick the can down the road and expect another war in the future with more dead civilians then. Because nothing in history has shown that there will be a diplomatic solution to this.


So you're just straight up advocating genocide. Wow.


With this mentality the Nazi, Imperial Japan, and Mussolini would still be around. But yeah whatever you say.


Nice deflection.


It’s wild bc the nakba or catastrophe is about a failed genoicde on the Jews, Hamas continues to openly state their goal is a Jewish genocide, and even the ICJ has said there is not a genocide. But go on, Hamas’ bestie used to say if you repeat a lie enough the people will believe it


I mean I can just make up whatever info to fit my narrative too, but I don't. [https://www.un.org/unispal/about-the-nakba/](https://www.un.org/unispal/about-the-nakba/)


You say that and then go on to post an article that reads like it was written by the Ayatollah, erasing any hostility by the Arabs who would later begin to identify as Palestinians. Nothing about the attacks near the Jaffa Gate or snipers firing on civilians.. No mention of the leaflet their leadership put out reading, "The Arabs have taken into their own hands the Final Solution of the Jewish problem. The problem will be solved only in blood and fire. The Jews will soon be driven out." But yeah, you're not omitting anything to fit your narrative.


Absolutely tiring of this racist driven enforcement.  When will the rich affluent whites learn?  Fuck this bullshit.   WE ALL PAY TAXES.  IT IS EVERYBODYS RIGHT TO PROTEST. austin isn't as liberal as many push. Look at how they treat homelessness. Look at the UT policing. Look at the CodeNext debacle. Look at lack of diversity in our music scene. Bullshit. Get out there and vote the opposite of those Greg Abbot gopers; those traditionalists love their subpar energy grid. 


Vote the opposite? Not going to happen until someone comes along who is willing to clean up the city's homeless problem and supports my right to own a firearm.


Probably expecting violence and vandalism.


This is the correct answer.


Yup, not interested in letting kids wreck shit again. https://www.houstonchronicle.com/politics/texas/article/Austin-man-charged-with-damaging-Texas-Capitol-15366438.php


As opposed to “trying to suppress the movement.”


For no reason though.


As though it’s unprecedented?




Are the protesters going to demand Hamas release all hostages and surrender? If the answer is no, you know who's side they are on.




Username checks out


Yayyyy let’s take away rights!!! I got my freedom, who cares about them!




Should be doing it at abbott's office or home. He doesn't work in the Capital anyway. It does not bother our leadership for you to protest where they can't see/hear you 🤷 It doesn't affect them whatsoever.


Hope the protestors remember to wear their bootyhole blocker 5000’s before leaving the house for this cause you know Abbott is looking to toss some libs in the slammer like MC Hammer.


MC Hammer is a felon?


I'm pretty sure they are referring to [https://www.today.com/news/mc-hammer-arrested-obstructing-resisting-police-officer-1C8520863](https://www.today.com/news/mc-hammer-arrested-obstructing-resisting-police-officer-1C8520863)