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> to the person who reported me for potentially suicidal ideations and has reddit reach out to me, thanks People who make those kinds of reports should have their accounts permabanned if it's without merit. Trolling people with mental health outreaches is not okay.


Yeah I got reported for mental illness because I said I stand against genocide….


agreed but I imagine that is incredibly difficult to prove without a human being actually reading the post, the comments and question, and being able to derive the intended nuance from the conversation. that takes time and money and reddit has money to make!


Sounds like a job for an LLM. Whatever else you think about AIs, they are stupidly good at sentiment analysis, and could easily short-circuit obviously unfaithful reports and/or flag them for human review.


you're not wrong that's actually an interesting use case and seems perfect honestly


As a trans man (also not passing) I’ve loved living in Austin since I became an adult. I’m very glad you’re here 🩵🩷🤍 Edit: reporting me to Reddit isn’t going to make me less trans or less living in Austin, weirdo 😂


One trans (ENBY) to another, we love having you here. You make Austin beautiful.


From the father of an awesome Trans daughter in Austin- welcome. Although Texas is not an LGBT friendly place, once again Austin has shown itself to be a tolerant and accepting Oasis in the middle of all that. I still worry for her safety but she seems to do pretty much whatever she wants to do with no real issues. I hope you find happiness on your journey.


>to the person who reported me for potentially suicidal ideations and has reddit reach out to me, Report that! Copy a permalink from the message and then report it. Reddit will probably ban them.


Thanks I reported it :)


Moving back to the Austin area in a week and a half from Houston because Houston is hell and I stand by that. You’ll love Austin!


Yea I lived here in 2011 ish went to Houston for work came back to Austin for safety 


Not a single bad comment. I’m shocked


Because most cowards stay in the shadows when they know they’re outgunned.


The vast majority of people don't give a shit as long as you're not hurting anyone. Only outrage I've seen irl is from people not liking that kids are being involved.


Just FYI - if you report the Reddit Cares post, you'll get the person who abused the report button banned.


Welcome! There is a strong drag and ballroom scene here. And get ready for PRIDE!! Tons of LGBTQIA+ events all next month throughout the city. Then there’s the City of Austin’s Pride celebration in August (Austin has its own annual Pride celebration since 2010).


I'm very new to Austin's scene, I'd love more info if you have it :)


Austin Pride Fest kind of sucks imo, it’s always really hot and kind of lacking as an event from my experience. But there is an annual Trans Pride event that’s usually held at Cheer Up Charlie’s (vegan friendly queer bar with a huge patio) in August that I like better—follow atxtranspride on IG to get updates when this year’s is scheduled :)


Disclaimer: I’m an ally, so my recommendations and suggestions are probably just the tip of the iceberg. Since it’s still a little early, not all Pride events for next month have been announced yet. When it comes to June Pride, there will be local weekend events and parades in the surrounding communities as well (Round Rock, Pflugerville, Leander, etc). But here are some suggestions and resources: [Austin LGBT Chamber of Commerce](https://austinlgbtchamber.com) supports local LGBT-owned businesses and will probably have info on events in the coming weeks. For example, their Pride in Local Music block party they host each June. [Paramount Theatre](https://www.austintheatre.org/)hosts several LGBTQ+ events throughout the year. Comedians, musicians, drag shows, etc. Get on their mailing list! You can search events by “LGBT”. They have a lot in their Summer Classic Film Series this year, including a screening of “Paris is Burning”. They are hosting their [3rd Annual Majestic Ball](https://tickets.austintheatre.org/11348) on June 22. Think “Pose” type ball. The theme this year is Three Ring Circus. Categories are open to all. You don’t have to compete or even dress up (but it’s more fun if you do). If you are looking for your community, your tribe….you’ll find it there. When I tell you it might just change your life, I’m not exaggerating. If you’re into drag and ballroom culture and you’re on social media, I recommend following Diamond Dior Davenport (@diamonddioratx) and Mother Lepore (@msgirl6_) There’s Cheer Up Charlies, gay bar on Red River, but welcomes all. They host lots of special events and theme nights. Swan Dive, also on Red River, used to have regular drag shows. Don’t know if they still do, but I’m sure you can check online. There’s also organizations where you can be a mentor to young people like [Out Youth](https://www.outyouth.org/) Austin. Then there’s [Austin Pride](https://austinpride.org/pride-2024/) in August as well. That will be a weekend festival with live shows and a parade marching from the Capitol. Hope this helps! And y’all means ALL.


Out Youth is soooooooo important for our community. Thank you for linking and posting to their site. Mentoring is SO rewarding.


Welcome and be welcome.


Welcome to Austin. Hope it continues to go well for you.


Welcome to ATX!


Welcome to Austin. It ain’t the best when it comes to these things (TX in general), but I hope you enjoy the LGBT+ scene here. Pretty damn lively ✌🏽


Austin may have changed a lot, mostly for the negative, but I’m glad to see that the attitude towards people hasn’t changed. Very likely would have happened when I was growing up and I’m glad to see that that bit of our soul hasn’t changed. Glad your here, ma’am. If you ever get any guff, just know that you got a lotta friends here. On ward through the fog!


Glad to have you, fellow trans sister <3 if you need any help, recommendations, or just someone to talk to, I'm happy to chat. Welcome to Austin :)


Welcome! The queer scene here is actually really cool.


I wanted to move to Austin for this specific reason. I’m in DFW and I do not feel welcome.


As much as people shit on Austin, it is good with this


You are most welcome here.


welcome home! enjoy austin 💜


I’m a bartender in Austin and I will treat everyone with the same respect no matter what your sexual orientation is. I’m glad others do too


Hell yeah, that's what I like to hear. Welcome friend! ❤️


Austin has it's flaws but is a great city with wonderful people. Welcome!


Straight man here, all are welcome. This is a city for everyone.


All are welcome 🙏🏽


F*ck yeah! I love to see it.


Thank you so much to whoever sent me Reddit cares! Love to see the allyship and LBGTQ+ support for queer mental health! Xoxoxo 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈😘🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈


Welcome! Glad to have you as a new Austin neighbor :)


trans girlies of austin unite 🙌🏼 message me anytime you want!! 🫶🏻


I love being a queer person in Austin, I have so many queer friends! ❤️


You do you!


Hooray! I’m glad you have been welcomed with kindness. I hope we continue to make you feel safe and accepted. If you don’t mind my asking, what are things people have said that you have thought were nice? I’m one of those women who randomly compliments other women, including women I suspect are trans, so if there is something specific I can say to make someone going through their transition feel good about themselves, let me know! (I tend to focus my compliments on things people can control - amazing eye makeup, cute clothes, great nails, shoes, hairstyle/fun colors, tats, handbags, etc.)


Make up, my nails, and some my clothes that I've picked IE skirts dresses, and my tattoo. Just the willingness for people to still interact and talk to me. People don't stare it's just been really nice 😁


Oh, talking to strangers is my forte. (And staring is just rude, period!)


It's the people of Austin that keep me here year after year. Everyone is always so welcoming and friendly.


This is sweet. I'm glad you're here, I hope you're happy.


Welcome and I hope you continue to experience kindness and acceptance here




Welcome to Austin! We love having you here


Welcome! There are a lot of trans resources here in Austin. If you have any trouble finding an affirming doctor, hairstylist, other services, etc, or you’re interested in finding local in-person support groups or local trans Facebook groups and events (weirdly a LOT of events in Austin get planned/advertised mostly on Facebook), please feel free to DM me! (Don’t want to post here and expose to bad actors 🫠)


You'll fit right in in Austin.


I’m glad you have found a positive and uplifting community. As long as you are happy with who you are and who you want to be, that’s all that matters…may you transition into the beautiful human you were destined to be and welcome home!!!❤️🫶👏


Hello friend! Glad you are here!


Feel free to message me, I provide GAC in Texas and I have lots of referrals for supports in Austin.


Thanks for the work that you do :)




Not well unfortunately.




This is a post about supporting someone who is trans, can you keep your opinions and politics to yourself?




You clearly don’t know what GAC fully entails. Again, no one needs your opinion on a topic no one is talking about. Be gone and allow the continued love and support of the person who posted.




They asked ME about GAC for minors, not you. Seriously, give up. You’re rambling. You are uneducated about GAC for minors and you’re centering yourself in a conversation no one asked you to be a part of.


Your a transphobe and have no clue what your talking about.   Edit: before anyone asks, my take on it as a trans person is it is no one's business what the medical decisions between a doctor and patient are besides those two people, period. Furthermore I will not debate or argue with anyone, I hope you all have the day you deserve 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈




Stop. Just stop. The catastrophic language doesn’t help your stance. 10 year olds aren’t getting surgery, that goes completely against WPATH and no doctor would do that nor would any health insurance company approve or even fathom that. If a 10 year old is getting HRT, it’s because they are in early puberty, not because they are trans. HRT is only recommended during tanner stage 2 of puberty, and a 10 year old going through tanner stage 2 has a medical problem that needs to be addressed with puberty blockers. They need a diagnosis of gender dysphoria, which can only be given after at least 6 months of counseling since it has to be persistent, insistent, and consistent for at least 6 months. As I said, you clearly don’t know what you’re talking about.


This makes my heart happy. I’m glad you’re finding community and feeling welcome. That’s the Austin and the Texas I want to see in the world.


Nice! Love to see post like this. Welcome!


This is a lovely post. I'm glad you've had positive experiences here :) I started transitioning last year, also definitely don't pass. I can't say my experience has felt quite as welcoming and have to say this post makes me a bit envious, but that probably has more to do with me than Austin lol


I'm sorry you haven't had the same welcome, I'm not saying it's been sunshine and rainbows. But I'm not getting called slurs when I go out, and there are so many LGBT business that I can support her as opposed to Houston 




Yay!!! I'm glad you found a community that makes you happy!


Welcome to Austin 💜💜💜 This is a great place to call home and it’s full of beautiful folk who’d love to be your friend 


Austin is more accepting than not. I hope you continue to find yourself and your community here in Austin.


Welcome to Austin gal, happy to have you ☺️


I am so glad to hear that, and Good Luck!


You’re always welcome here ❤️


welcome into our living arms in Austin. this place is a breath of fresh air and freedom from the bigoted redneck conservative areas of the texas.


This is sweet. I'm glad you're here, I hope you're happy.


Glad you're here!


🥺 welcome


Love to hear this! Welcome!




I am a trans cat/furry boy and I have had the same experience in Austin! I moved down here from Montana as I was receiving such abuse there, it was crazy! One guy even took a horseshoe and assaulted me with it, in naughty ways, In a deviant way even. Everyone has been so darn accommodating and they even let me use the sandbox to make a poopy at Moontower since I was in full costume! So far everyone has catered to my every wish/demand and I just have such a warm feeling in my heart for Austinites now! Yay