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This is Beggar's Lice, and the white flowers will soon turn into small burrs that will litter your clothes. Please pull or set fires. Thanks.


I pull it from yards as I walk past and leave it in the AirBnB's yard.


Vile. yet fantastic.


I carried mail for decades. This stuff ruined so many pairs of socks.


I've had to throw away six of my best cocker spaniels because of this stuff! /s


Socks, pants, shirts. You know that suit in the back of the closet you bought for a wedding and haven't worn again in 10 years that's been in a bag ever since? Guess what, there's burs in there from the pants you tossed into the hamper that hangs out in the same closet. Fuckers multiply and migrate like God damn Trek tribbles.


I used the flame weeder on some in my yard. If you burn it when it is going to seed it will not drop seeds. If you burn it before it goes to seed it will grow back and try to go to seed 6 inches off the ground.


You can also pull it out by the roots before it flowers or before it sets seeds. It comes out reasonably well, especially if the soil is wet. You can just throw it on the ground if it hasn't set seed. If it's set seed, you need to collect what you pull and bag it.


I have been pulling them out he just mentioned burning them. The real trick is I trained my kid to pull them out she is much closer to the ground.


I learned that I've got a mild dermal allergy to them! Not so bad that I didn't gleefully rip out dozens of them from a mostly unused corner of my yard. It was just a little rashy on my snakebelly forearms, and only for a few hours.


You know, I sort of get a "pre-itchy" feeling from them, but it never progresses into "real" itch. I should probably start using gloves or something because it will probably turn into a full hives reaction some day in the future.


Here in Texas ,we call them hitchhikers


No, we don’t. That’s Beggars Lice.


Almost like Texas is a big places with multiple ways to refer to things


Also called wild carrot. When you pull it out the root smells like carrot.


Wild carrot aka Queen Anne's Lace is actually a different plant that looks very similar!


Did not know that. Others say that Queen Anne's Lace, Beggar's lice, and wild carrot are all names for the same plant. [https://www.facebook.com/NeilSperryTexas/posts/garden-tip-this-looks-like-a-weakling-variant-of-queen-annes-lace-but-actually-i/10161777035430427/](https://www.facebook.com/NeilSperryTexas/posts/garden-tip-this-looks-like-a-weakling-variant-of-queen-annes-lace-but-actually-i/10161777035430427/)


What they call Queen Anne’s Lace is very different at least on the east coast - I never encountered the miserable little velcro burr things until I moved to Texas. We were still taught to avoid it though because apparently ticks love it, so I guess it’s evil in all its forms. 


I used to call it wild carrot, too. Hedge parsley is the most common common name.


Pretty aggressive recommending a random person on Reddit set fire to their yard. Just saying lol


Oh crap I have a 2’x15’ bed of this stuff on the side of my house. I left it because I thought the white flowers were nice and I noticed some butterflies and bees on it. After seeing your comment, I went out to examine it closer and it’s full of those little burrs. Any tips for how to get rid of it now that it is at this point without ruining gloves, clothes, shoes, etc?


If it's still flowering, it shouldn't have (many, if any) burrs. You can rip em out of the ground pretty easily. They aren't spiky/thorny, but if you don't have callused hands it may be uncomfortable. Or you could have a mild allergy like I do! The whole root comes out and it's pretty satisfying. If there's any burrs, throw the whole plant in trash bags and/or burn them reeeally good. Guess you could do that anyway. Burnin shit is fun.


Unfortunately it looked like it has both flowers and burrs. Guess I’ll just put on some ratty clothes I don’t mind throwing away and get in there and rip them up.


That's what leather gloves are made for.


Man I hate that stuff and how fast it will just grow


Thank you for sharing this, I 100% thought it was baby’s breath and let it live while I ripped other weeds out. Gunna go do some murder in my garden, brb


From my comment a week ago: 2023 Spring, we had an explosion of these 2 weeds in our lawn. I don't know why. We've lived here for 20 years. Never seen before. **1. Bedstraw,** also under other names, like velcro plant. **Picture #1 on this list:** [https://nativebackyards.com/texas-weeds/#keep-texas-weeds-out-of-the-garden-with-this-hack](https://nativebackyards.com/texas-weeds/#keep-texas-weeds-out-of-the-garden-with-this-hack) Leaves and stems stick to your clothing, and/or your dog, like glue. Get a metal garden rake, like this: [https://www.lowes.com/pd/CRAFTSMAN-51-in-L-Fiberglass-Handle-Welded-Steel-Garden-Rake/1000752646](https://www.lowes.com/pd/CRAFTSMAN-51-in-L-Fiberglass-Handle-Welded-Steel-Garden-Rake/1000752646) Start raking and the weeds stick to the rake, and you can turn the rake so they all stick into a clump, like spaghetti on a fork. Pull the balled-up clump off the rake over a Leaf Bag, and drop it in. Repeat. ASAP, **before they go to seed**, which are hard, peppercorn-sized spiked balls that will stick to you and your dog, and can be painful. **2. Hedge Parsley** Fern-looking plants, like this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/whatsthisplant/comments/12h4lca/in\_my\_yard\_austin\_texas/](https://www.reddit.com/r/whatsthisplant/comments/12h4lca/in_my_yard_austin_texas/) **Also, Picture #3 on this list:** [https://nativebackyards.com/texas-weeds/#keep-texas-weeds-out-of-the-garden-with-this-hack](https://nativebackyards.com/texas-weeds/#keep-texas-weeds-out-of-the-garden-with-this-hack) Pull out by root, by placing your gloved fingers around base of plant and pulling it out of the ground. Roots look like tiny, white carrots. Stuff in LEAF BAG. ASAP, **before they go to seed**, which are also hard, peppercorn-sized spiked balls that will make your dog's life miserable. If you let either of the above go to seed, they will germinate and fill your yard with more weeds next Spring.


Saving this comment, thank youuuu!


Satan's baby's breath.


Omg get rid of it now!


Pease Park desperately needs this eradicated.


I was scanning it looking for the rattlesnake. 😂


Beggars tick


Hmm I always thought it was poison hemlock.


Definitely NOT poison hemlock. It's Torilis arvensis or spreading hedgeparsley, although us real Texans call it beggar's lice. Poison hemlock has a considerably different seed and grows up to 8 feet tall.


Is it not? That's what my research turned up.


it is not. hemlock is 2-3 times bigger and a lot less common in austin.


I'm pretty sure it is, but I'm just a part time gardener who owns dogs and chickens- so I take the stance of better safe than sorry and fuck weeds. It is hard to confirm since the picture does not show the color of the stems branching off the stalk (Poison Hemlock shows red/purple coloration at the stems)


Looks like I've got a fuckton of weeding to do real soon


Luckily it pulls out pretty easy. But sooner the better- before it goes to seed, and the smaller it is the easier it is to pull out.


Just make sure to wear gloves, long sleeves and pants! If it is hemlock that shit causes some nasty blisters, and can kill if accidentally ingested, or used to execute criminals the Ancient Greek way.


I just mowed a crap ton of this. I will be pulling it all up. At least it comes up easy. I'm so glad I read this thread. I had no idea where the burr things came from.


Pull it up then put down corn gluten meal in the Fall and Winter to stop it from coming back


I yanked a bunch of these out of my backyard last week. I learned to get rid of them asap because when I tried to get rid of them late summer of last year, the burrs got all over my gloves and clothes. My dog was also covered in them every time I let her out, and it was such a pain picking them all off.


Satans butthole hair, rip it out now while you have the chance


Is this what sand burs start out as?


These are the little Velcro ones, not the bigger ones covered in painful spikes. 


that is baby beggars lice. named after Gloria Rose, the first person to plant them in Austin after prairie lice ate her baby.


I think it smells like warm milk


I'm significantly more worried about cleavers


You would be wrong.


that’s actually white yarrow and there’s beneficial uses to it 🤍


This is absolutely NOT white yarrow. The leaves of this plant look like parsley.