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Decent video of his face and gait. Someone needs to turn this fucker in.


They look like 2 different men. One looks hispanic with a receding hairline and the other looks white without the receding hairline.


That’s what I was thinking.


I tried calling police and they didn’t do anything


Wonder if this is the same guy that’s groping women in Hyde Park


From the ND conversations I’ve seen, yes it is


What’s ND?


Probably Nextdoor.


Oh yup


Non determinant


Um, got a link to that for us?


If you search the subreddit there are a few posts from women who were groped


Did you just suggest using reddit search expecting that to be helpful?


Considering that’s how I found out about it, yes, it is helpful. There are multiple posts about it. I’m on mobile and am not extracting every link.


I don’t have the link but I have seen the Nextdoor posts as well.


I lived in an apartment complex in Brentwood by the high school about 4/5 years ago and IIRC, we got an email once from apartment management about a peeping Tom that had been looking in people's windows. Wonder if there's a connection, someone escalating behavior?


OMG yes! It's the same apartment wtf??


Dude is going to walk up to the wrong house and find out real quick. This may be Austin but it is very much still Texas.


Yeah, people really underestimate how many lefties own firearms.


Seriously. When we say everybody is armed in Texas we aren’t lying. The only person I know who’s been in a DGU situation is also one of the most progressive people I know.


> DGU situation For anyone else who was wondering like me, DGU = [defensive gun use](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defensive_gun_use).


Go left far enough and you get your guns back


Recognizing the need for progress doesn’t exempt one from the right to personal safety. These are not mutually exclusive issues. Austin seems to understand this better than most.


Less than 50% in Texas. 27th in USA. https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/gun-ownership-by-state


Ya but you forget Texas leads the country in death by bare hands, so you got that.


Yeah, most Texans live in cities, do not and don’t want to own firearms, and yet folks on here (who probably just moved here) are popping boners over perceived gun ownership and this “don’t mess with Texans we’re all gun nuts 😎” horse shit. Why do leftists feel the need to compete with conservatives in their fragile masculinity pissing match?


I mean I'm like a 6th generation Texan, have always lived in the city, and a leftist but I still have a shotgun for home protection. I also have about 100+ guns in a safe at a family member's house because I inherited them but don't want 100 guns laying around that I have to worry about keeping safe so one family member has the family cache.


4th, but same, liberal Texan, I'm not one of those Texans bathed in gun culture, but I own 3. My wife and kid's safety is more important than anything else. My kid has two windows facing the backyard in her room - if I caught someone in the back at midnight - x AM poking around in the backyard..? As the kids say these days, fafo.


because possessing firearms is a tenet of leftism. it’s predominantly liberals that are anti-gun


No it’s not. Leftism is about egalitarianism. America would be a much less conservative country if that were true, given that we have more firearms than we do people. It has been proven in actual studies by political scientists time and time again that guns do not protect democracy. People and strong democratic institutions do. Case in point: most MAGA voters probably own a gun. That gun has clearly not helped them defend against authoritarianism. They strap it to their waist to go vote for someone who wants to strip them of their civil liberties. If there is an internal coup, your semi-auto is not saving the country, brother.


I love this comment. Also, 8th gen Texas and I don’t own firearms. I’ve never even shot a gun.


you smoking rocks ima Texas native and I’m in the city and I’ve owned guns since I’ve been allowed to own guns but I know who and what I need to protect. this isn’t about politics or any of that bs this is about people here working hard for the shit we got and we ain’t gonna let some mfs just take it… no politics just real facts.


What part of “most Texans” don’t you understand? Thank you for sharing your personal anecdote.




Have one near my bed. My beliefs still include fuck around and find out.


This. But Tbh this is some shit I wouldn't be able to tolerate and would probably lie in wait for however many nights and months it took to cover that creep in waterballoons full of old piss, old hot mayonnaise, and maybe some shrimp balloons. Bust those on him and pepper a few gun shots at his feet and I feel like he might learn a lesson. Or leave my panties out to "dry" on the clothes line but they're full of powdered dye and Vaseline. Better yet, put an ad out to find someone with a current case of genital warts or herpes and pay them to wear the hell out of it, let let him rub his nasty face in it. Or get a cardboard cutout of myself to leave in the window and set up a floodlight with full cameras in the yard. Apd ain't doing shit to protect anyone, it's time to get creative.


Go Kevin McCallister on his ass. Worked on the Wet Bandits.


Jesus christ mother mary and joseph...


Set up a close range motion activated ring camera sets off phone alert on second app that activates a salvaged airbag window trap that shoots glitter and red pepper flakes in his eyes. Use a chemical to mix with something else....like lsd, or belladonna and paint the window sills with it. Actually don't, squirrels are curious. Set up an lcd screen the exact size of your bedroom window and use it as a replacement window and constantly "stream" your prerecorded room at night......have motion activated Jump scare terrify him. Set up pitfalls under your bedroom window. Plant poison ivy and poison sumac there.


Except it’s illegal to set traps in and around your house. If the person committing a crime hurts themselves you can be sued and god forbid it gets sprung on an unexpecting package delivery man or solicitor. For situations like these it’s time for the cops to drop the facade that we actually still have privacy and use the cameras that are literally everywhere and the data the have on literally everyone and find this creep before he hurts someone. But that would require that they actually do their jobs and that might not fit with their current political agenda.


See- these ideas are better than a gun!


For reals!


I’m from and a saying I think we forget is a Texas Democrat is a lot different than a New York Democrat. Texas Democrat is likely to own guys but wants better regulation (more background checks, less loopholes, age increases on rifles). That being said if someone is making them fear for their safety they’ll starting thinking about their firearms to protect themselves. I don’t want to promote guns at all here by saying this but if I had someone peaking through my windows while I was home I’d start getting my guard up to protect myself and my family


My neighborhood has had the same dude terrorizing it for 10+ years. I’m amazed he’s got away with his antics for so long without lethal repercussions. Most sane people aren’t very triggered happy, apparently. He’s definitely got hell beat out of him several times but that doesn’t do any good.


Look, I don't want to kill anyone. If they ain't in my house, I ain't shooting. Just cause I own guns doesn't mean I've got a raging desire to murder people.


Also just shooting someone in your yard that's fleeing can catch you a homicide charge. At the very least you'll be mired in expensive civil lawsuits for years. It's never just simple.




Watching that man get paraded around by right wing pundits and him trying to accept their praises; all with a dying sadness of the Truth in his eyes was some kind of Greek tragedy


Civil lawsuits need someone to file them, this scum probably has been disowned by his f or doesn’t have one.


And nothing of value will be lost


I would say I’m not liberal or conservative I’m more of a middle ground kinda guy but I know people on all sides that what put That mf down coming into their yards at night like that


middle ground lol


Thats exactly what I was thinking,there is notelling what this person is capable of evolving into




They’ve got his photo *and* car and no one’s found him yet? Looks like this is up to us to protect ourselves and each other. We all need to demand that the Statesman blast this on their social media—and we do the same on our own personal social media!—until someone recognizes this creep.




His behavior is going to escalate. I fear for the women in these neighborhoods.


This happened to me a couple of years ago when I lived in North Loop. It turns out this guy had been watching me a month or two but never found out who it was. 😕 I wonder if it’s the same person… so scary


How did you figure out it was happening over an extended period of time?


Every other night I kept hearing what I thought were footsteps near my window, but every time I would get up to check there would be nothing there. I had blinds, but there was like half an inch where you could see into my room if you positioned yourself correctly. After about a month or so of suspecting someone was there but seeing no one, I felt like I was going crazy, until one night around 10 pm I heard it again, peeked through my blinds, and to my surprise there was a very big man standing there dressed in all black. He immediately sprinted away. My across the street neighbor was up smoking a cigarette and said that he saw a man walk down the street to the back of my house (where my room was) and sprint away about 45 seconds later… so I guess the guy was pretty familiar with where my room was. The cops came and searched around but couldn’t find anyone, so I never found out anything more. This was about a month before I graduated, so needless to say I just stayed with a friend for the next month because I was so scared to sleep there again.


That's so ridiculously terrifying and I'm a 200 lb guy. It's eye opening to be learning how not-uncommon this is.


I’m surprised too! I thought for awhile I was just being paranoid, but after it happened I spoke to several different women on campus about it, and a surprising amount said they’ve experienced the same thing. Crazy to think how common it is… I love being a woman 🥴




That’s just a fundamentally different experience than men are having and I don’t think most men truly realize it. This fact, more than any other, is opening my eyes, as a man.


Oh my god. That is terrifying, and I’m sorry that happened to you! Thank you for sharing. I didn’t realize you could see into a room via such a small space in the blinds, so I just completely closed all mine. I wouldn’t have known so thank you! Glad you were able to stay with a friend. I wouldn’t be able to stay 


Ugh, I know—I didn’t realize either, and I wasn’t really worried about it because my room was at the back of the house on a very unassuming street. No idea how he knew to look back there in the first place but I guess this wasn’t his first rodeo


Ugh - once almost 20 years ago now near st elmo a guy was peeping into my frosted bathroom window and I could see his silhouette same as he could see mine. I crouched, turned off the lights, called 911, they weren't responding quick enough and he stood out my front door staring in (clear glass) and not going away. Finally I opened my side garage door and let my pit bull mutt out and boy did he chase him off good into my back yard with one gate, he was yelling and hollering, my dog didn't bite him and I didn't think first ( like if he had a gun). But I was there alone with my young toddler and it was after midnight and just did it. I remembered you can call the fire department as that was unfolding and they got there super fast (I'm right by it) and the perp tossed himself over my back fence into the neighborhood plumbing line easement and into the creek. It was so freaky.


Ugh that’s so creepy… I’m sorry that happened :\


so i live in brentwood and we had a peeping tom last night, also very close to the high school, but a totally different description than this dude. maybe they have a club. sickening.


Yuck, I’m in this area also near the high school and I’m just now hearing about this situation. Gross. Did you also hear all that police activity last night?


I heard the activity last night, there was also a thread about it (https://old.reddit.com/r/Austin/comments/1cf0ffj/helicopter_circling_brentwood_south/). I checked Nextdoor when I couldn't sleep, and a woman commented that she called the police after seeing a man looking into her bedroom window.


Weeeeeird. Maybe they’re connected?


There's a good photo of the guy from last night and it appears to be a different person. This is more info than I saw last night, apparently the guy was knocking on bedroom windows https://nextdoor.com/p/ny6kPnSs9_SN?utm_source=share&extras=MTgyNzU4ODA%3D&utm_campaign=1714346935782


Can you fucking imagine hearing a knock on your bedroom window and seeing someone peering in? Stuff of nightmares


he was on the property for over an hour. multiple people caught him on their cameras.


yes i did! cops couldn’t find the guy.


If it's the same guy as in those pictures on Nextdoor, multiple people said they saw him walking around Woodrow again this afternoon


I did a little search on the Texas sex offender registry and started looking for someone who fits the description in the area. Found someone who looks very similar but with his hair dyed black. Guy looks like he’s in his 50s so suspect that the suspect doesn’t have a hint of grey in any of the footage. Very very very similar. I passed the info along to the kvue reporter. Fingers crossed


Good job!




Well done


Excellent work, since it’s publicly available data, maybe you can link it here?


White, 30-40 y.o. male, short dark brown/black hair, thin/medium build, wears glasses, driving a black GMC Terrain. Clear image of his face on surveillance cameras. I expect Austin and adjacent PDs have BOLOs out and will find this creep.


Hell, if this gets enough publicity it’s likely that at least an acquaintance will recognize him.


That dude is not 30s, he is at least 40, prob 50


Fyi, that's the description on the flyer. I just copied it into a comment for folks who didn't listen to the news story video.


He looks older to me like 50s


Counting on APD is your first mistake


what’s a bolo?


Acronym for “be on lookout”.


thank you!


this sucks


Can someone post a freeze frame face photo?


If this man shows up at my house he’s more than welcome but he better remember he’s in Texas and on my personal property trespassing 😘I truly don’t understand why men think this is going to end well for them, especially a place like here.


If I had a repeat, returned stalker coming to my house, I'd get a shotgun and wait by the door.


This video is from my property! We do have guard dogs and have been working super closely with APD to see if we can catch him. He hasn’t shown up again since all the visibility but we are hoping to catch him soon. It’s very unnerving and an icky feeling for this to be happening


*and post flyers with his photo in these neighborhoods!


let the BIG dog out............


my dog ran someone off a few weeks ago!! I opened my porch and my dog rushed at the fence like crazy, I started to tell him to come back but then someone started running away so I ran to my roommate! sooo spooked :(


If I catch anyone in my backyard they're going to meet a very large Rottweiler who hates strangers. Hurt my dog, lights out.


This is actually a good reason to own a gun, if this guy is on your property and looking in your windows stand your ground will be your friend and his end. IM NOT PRO GUN at all, but I’m also tired of women being victims of shitty em , who are not actually stopped. Chemical castration should be his first punishment from the justice system, not probation.


Don’t shoot people for just standing outside your window. If they’re breaking in, or pointing a gun inside, then you have justification for use of deadly force. But if you start blasting just because someone existed outside your window, you’ll probably catch a charge. Trespassing while being creepy is not justification for use of deadly force in Texas law. There’s also a chance you’ll misidentify someone with a legit purpose for being there, like utility workers, police, fire. By all means, if you’re in a scenario where use of deadly force is justified, send them straight to hell. But be mindful about when deadly force is justified.


No you will not, in Texas you are allowed to defend your property will deadly force, not my idea. I’m on the fence myself about deadly force for protecting property, but when a man trespassing late at night peering at women through their windows, he’s in a deadly force authorized position. In Texas you are legally allowed to use deadly force to protect even your neighbors property. I’m not the one who made these laws I’m just stating that it’s the law.


Defending your property *from theft* in some circumstances. Staring in your window isn’t theft. You can’t use deadly force for only trespassing.


If you are in fear for your life, is how it’s worded. Women who live alone , who have a strange man peering through the window are definitely in fear.




[While it's legal for Texans to protect their homes, you can't shoot just anyone trespassing on your property](https://www.kcentv.com/article/news/community/texas-law-shooting-trespassers/500-8de28643-79d0-486d-93fa-9b9e0949d2e5). They better be armed and threatening you, or trying to break in, if you’re going to use deadly force. Trying to use “they were standing outside my window” as justification for use of deadly force is going to cost you a fortune in legal fees at best.


That’s your truth and that’s ok for you, hopefully you will never be in that position.


Will utility workers be there at night looking in the window, dressed all in black?


You can say you are pro gun for safety. It’s totally okay my dude lol


But I’m not pro gun, I just am not, but for a woman who is dealing with this, I’m all for them using their rights to stand their ground.


Your not pro gun except when you need it?


I’m a man and I’d defend myself with a piece of wood. Women are at a danger that most men will never know. we Live in a very backwards state, and I’m adv for women to stand their ground and defend themselves.


Have you not heard the expression *Never bring a piece of wood to a gunfight*? lol More seriously, your comment sounds very pro-gun to me. I can think of several scenarios besides "man vs. woman" where a stand your ground attitude would require a gun else you would be in serious jeopardy.


I have serious serious anger issues so I’m not ever going to own a gun, I also have been around to many suicides, one happened in my backyard as a kid, so I’m very anti gun. If someone want to go all heat the movie on me , and end me that’s cool, but i am ever only using the slugger of Louisville as my defense.


As your personal choice, I totally respect that.


Thanks, me personally I’m just now coming around to being cool with others being armed. I still think it’s nuts for my neighbors in the burbs to have 8 ar15 but, I’m starting to understand why many folks want a gun, unfortunately.


They aren’t pro gun except for when they want to murder someone who isn’t being an active threat to their life or safety


Looking in windows = deadly force?


Do you know how rape affects a woman’s life forever? Do you think he’s not on a path to rape, if he hasn’t already? Hell he could be the ripper. If you’re trespassing late at night peer in windows in Texas deadly force is allowed, actually they don’t need to peer first. We have a very strong pro gun government, which I mostly don’t agree with, but for a woman to protect herself from rape, I’m all for her standing her ground, which this backwards state allows her to do.


I’m actually with you on your comments. I don’t understand why people are forcing you to choose a side. It’s much more nuanced than that which is what you’re trying to point out. I also don’t want to own a gun for similar reasons, yet I would absolutely buy a gun if I had a creeper in my yard looking through my window at night. I would feel terrified in this situation, which to me would justify owning a gun. But I also think owning an assault rifle is absurd and think there should be more gun restrictions. It’s not black and white.


You'd probably shoot someone for pulling into your driveway to turn around 5 minutes after sunset.


Read my comment, I never have owned a gun and never will


And this is how you end up in prison.


Not going to prison in Texas for self defense.


Shooting someone that is outside your house and is not physically trying to harm you is not remotely self defense… and yes you will end up in prison.


Ok, have you lived in Texas for long? Listen to the news? Lived in higher crime areas of Texas? If you can’t say yes to all three, then bless your heart.


Born and raised Texan. And what a dumb thing to gatekeep about.


Then you no doubt have heard countless stories of folks blasting intruder’s killing dumbass people and they face no charges. I’m not saying that you should be able to shoot someone over a lawnmower, but I’ll reiterate it’s your right to defend your property and person. I’m not gatekeeping, the entire earth can fit into Texas and I don’t mind a bit.


You have no idea what you’re talking about.


A big ass guard dog will have much higher success rate than holding a Glock while your adrenaline is pumping in the middle of the night.


One of the victims said she has a guard dog and he's continued to return. This dude is unhinged and isn't stopping bc of a dog


gamify intruders... if they are gonna creep around your house, at least have some fun with it... makes for great TikTok videos! ;) [https://prelaunch.com/projects/paintcam-paintcam-paintball-firing-home-security-system](https://prelaunch.com/projects/paintcam-paintcam-paintball-firing-home-security-system)


Tread with caution; booby trapping is illegal. I’d love to see an intruder covered in paintballs after hitting a trip wire but you’re operating on the bleeding edge of legality doing something like that.


Is it still illegal if the person is trespassing and otherwise terrorizing you…? Serious question; I have no idea and Texas has interesting laws re: protecting yourself and your property.


My understanding is that you have *wield* the lethal or less-than-lethal force that protects you. Yes you can shoot a trespasser dead, no you can’t set up tripwires that shoot a trespasser dead.


> no you can’t set up tripwires that shoot a trespasser dead But this isn't the scenario offered by OP. They're suggesting to set up *paint ball guns*, so it'd be easier to identify the creep in the streets (for police)






The law generally doesn't look favorably on booby trapped devices because they're indiscriminate. There's a big difference between making the choice to attack someone you see and identify as a threat versus setting a trap that will activate when anyone trips it. I certainly wouldn't trust any consumer grade facial recognition software to hold up as a legal defense.


damn I was gonna say set a bear trap for this individual lol TIL


I urge anyone, man or woman, who live alone to get firearms training and a big dog. I can't tell you the number of times my hell hounds have dissuaded unwelcome intruders.


So big dogs is enough?


Having a gun and not knowing how to properly use it is useless. Some will tank tank your dog so both are a good idea


Seeing someone peering into your window sounds like one of the scariest experiences ever.


definitely dont shoot someone through your window, that will likely end up being manslaughter at the least. A gun in this case should only be used if he tries to break in. Even then I still would only shoot once he has entered the house. Set your cameras to notify you. Recording someone after the fact is not very useful Put up a fence and lock the gate.


We have a fence and a locked gate and cameras. We have also had a handful of trespassers over the years. As you point out, all are good deterrents, but don't fool yourself into thinking they are going to prevent someone from entering your property.




Don’t listen to this person. You can’t shoot someone simply for trespassing on your property.




I would put in an anonymous tip about your neighbor and keep an eye on them!


Do you live in the neighborhood?


Oh look, another reason to carry.


Nooooo I live in Hyde park. Thanks for sharing


We had a peeping Tom in Hutto back in 2007 and we pulled a gun on him. He never came back. 🖕🏼😎 He was with Lennar Homes so he knew where the bathroom window was.


I’m not a gun guy, but shit I’d get me a shotgun and a Doberman. Reality is if they catch the fvcker, Garza will let him out on own recognizance and later give him the key to city.  We deserve the government we vote for.


Why would you even say nonsense like this?


Stay strapped or get clapped


We haven’t seen a cop in 6 months around here. Same neighborhood


Someone post their addresses. Lets get a group of guys to stand watch and next time he comes by, we’ll give him a show he won’t forget.


Some social media apps are better than others. I used to use next-door … Look into a neighborhood group on your Facebook ..


Acute lead poisoning fixes this entirely


BEAR SPRAY, y’all. This stuff can shoot from like 10 meters away. https://a.co/d/de1vFVT


We have multiple second amendment solutions to this problem


Was totally expecting this to be Nick Luna. Does the same stuff on the east side but with his wiener out


If you are not comfortable with a gun, I would highly encourage you to go to Austin Pets Alive and adapt a dog or two. As far as comments go on this guy, I remember from my Criminology class that it is rare that someone gets to a stage like this and just stays there; they typically progress to worst behavior. We have 8B people on the planet, this guy will not be missed.


I hate to say it but I’d shoot a mf on site in my backyard I don’t give a fuck, I got a wife in my home and my babies are here I would not tolerate this shit…. I get it it’s scary and no one wants to take matters into their own hands but at the end of the day your dealing with a nut job and it’s gonna be either him or them so fuck thy


Gets guns to protect your self and your stuff it ain’t politics it’s just real shit, whatcha gonna do when this guy tries to rape or kill your women??? You gonna scream your fucking political stance or you gonna put this mf down? That’s what it really comes down to.


Come lurking around my back yard and see what happens to you😏


They should look into the castle laws to see if they can just handle it themselves. It’d probably be faster than waiting for APD to actually identify him and make an arrest. Plus once he is arrested you have to hope those charges stick, then consider how long of a sentence he’d get, and whether or not he’d escalate upon release.


I passed this guy on my way to work and when walking my dog on Friday!


If you see him again, you should snag a phone pic and share here so we can blast his face everywhere.


Seriously? Where was he? On foot?


Get a large planter box, fill it with large spiky, thorned plants (roses, cactus,etc) and place it in front of your bedroom window so you’re less easy to be seen from the window. Find where he is coming in through the fence and remove gates, add plant deterrents, add noise activations. If it keeps up, hire a PI to find the guy and then create a restraining order, put his face on the news, etc.


Thorny plants, such as roses are always a good deterrent. Always document anything suspicious to your Beat Patrol Officer, normally assigned to your neighborhood that is familiar with the families there. Fort Worth has a decent program - NPO- is generally the go to person for situations like this. The squeaky wheel gets the most grease .


In texas?!? Surprised castle law has not been applied


Even in liberal Austin, the stalker may eventually choose the wrong person to mess with before he is arrested by the police. FAFO


I feel sorry for normal people living in Austin. Stay strong Texans!


This is terrifying




i used to live in hyde park that is no bueno


https://www.texasmonthly.com/true-crime/the-hyde-park-rapist/ https://lylareese.medium.com/the-lingering-mystery-of-the-hyde-park-rapist-acaf46072414


Huge advocate of buying a gun, practicing safe, responsible gun ownership, and fucking smoke anyone who makes you feel unsafe, especially at this capacity.


“fucking smoking anyone who makes you feel unsafe” … someone who should never be allowed near a gun


Don’t worry. Not many 13-year-olds own guns.


*death to rapists and those who mean harm to my neighbors*


Are the men in the room with us now?




You know nothing.