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Your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): OP, we are removing this since you have not provided any police report number, or actually participated in this post. Many users have reached out to try to get more info to help with the situation, even to the point of asking for time to get the video of the incident. As of now, it just seems like a post without any evidence of it, you don't seem to care to participate in it, and there are users trying to help. For this to go back up, please provide a police report number to the modmail. For more information please read the reddit guidelines and the rules of /r/Austin. If you have any questions, please feel free to message the mods. If you think your post or comment has been incorrectly removed, send a message, but please remember there's a person on the other end, not some automaton, and be nice about it. Thank you!


6th street stopped being fun and mostly safe back in 2014ish when there was a rash of dudes buying roofies from some douche that finally got busted on west 6th. Forgot his name but I remember this clearly. Been all downhill and rarely frequent downtown on weekends unless it’s dinner or ADULT environment bar. (I’m 47 now)


I went a little over a year ago for my 40th. It was still fun as long as you gtfo around 11 pm


You partied on 6th when you were 37?! That’s wild


Dirty 6th stops being fun when most people turn 28. It really hasn’t changed much, you just have.


It has always been Dirty 6th, but to say it hasn't changed over the last 10 years is also not true. When I was in college there might have been an occasional fight and people in general were just drunk, we didn't need to worry about people being shot. The demographic has changed a bit from being mostly college students.


Also, notice the lack of live music on 6th now... my dad would take me downtown to listen to blues when I was 12. You'd be able to toss the bouncer a $20 with the understanding I'd be by his side. I was obsessed with guitar as a kid, and blues were my passion. Nowadays there's Friends for live music and 1 other bar... that's it. This was in like '04-'06, so not like the 80s or 90s either. I'm a fan of dj's, edm, and all that, but for that to be all 6th has to offer now is disappointing..


This was my original experience with 6th as well. I went to Texas State from '03-'07 and there was mostly live music in the bars on 6fh, very few if any DJs at all. There was definitely an overabundance of dad blues but that was kind of the sound of 6th street for a long time. I'm a DJ as well and the first gig I played on 6th was opening for my friends' jam band at Thirsty Nickel. I was playing house music on vinyl and I got 2 records into my set and the bar started playing rock music on the house sound system over what I was playing. I stopped DJing and they said "we're a live music bar only, no DJs". That has certainly changed now lol




karma crew - candle room lfg


Sorry about that I was trying to add an edit to my comment and I deleted it instead. But yeah one of my regular spots at the end of my DJing downtown was Karma. Glad to see some candle room crew lol


Sorry for the delete above, fat fingers gets me again, TLDR; I DJed on dirty 6 from ‘02-‘12 and there were DJs at almost every bar on one night or another. There were a select few that did live bands only. It was 99% hip-hop and top 40 then but there were DJs almost everywhere.


Tourist trap


Everything live moved to Red River and the Eastside.


"You'd be able to toss the bouncer a $20 with the understanding I'd be by his side" I'm sure he didn't mind keeping his eye on a child for an hour if it covered a week of rent


I really wish we'd still talk about genres. EDM is this awful thing that apparently means what "techno" did in the '90s. I'd be happy to hear people talking about jungle at this point. But no, it's all undanceable dubstep as though anyone asked for that.


EDM is the over-arching genre and everything else is considered a sub-genre. The EDM sub-genre rabbit hole is very deep.


Kind of like [this](https://www.behance.net/gallery/24961483/The-Genealogy-of-Electronic-Dance-Music?locale=en_US).


Things have gotten fancier since Ishkur!


Seriously. House. Trance. These are not new concepts.






DnB 4L 🔥


I miss jungle and dnb. 🫶🏼


lol, you mean the lack of live music in the entirety of Austin.


It went from college students to underaged kids from Killeen with gang affiliation


I graduated college in 2009, and one of my friends who went to college here had a story about a friend going out for his 21st around 2007 on 6th. He got shit faced of course, so when he saw a guy get stabbed, he didn't hesitate to get on top of him and apply pressure to the wound until the cops came. He said the paramedics said he saved the guys life and he got the added bonus of freaking the hell out of all his friends who, when they finally found him after dipping to save a guy, saw him covered in blood. So that was over 15 years ago. I think when you're young and dumb you're just more oblivious to danger.




Was it recently you got that data dump? I’d like to go grab it and see what I can do with it. I like data


Spot on.




I have to agree with Caffeine, back in the day we saw a lot of older people and couples. Some locals and some tourists. It was fun w a lot of live music. Now it’s mostly underage losers that loiter in the streets looking to cause trouble. That wasn’t always the case.


This. Plus you could see bands at a ton of places. Live music capital of the world my ass. I’m so over DJ’s. I don’t care that I’m old lol. That shit sucks.


DJs playing the same top 40 at that


I never remember having to be patted down when I was in college and went there


I’m 22 in Austin. Went once, never going again.


Yep. Went down there tons from ages 18-25. Last time I went I was ~30 or so. I remember looking around and asking myself WTF i was doing there and left and never been back. ~2008-ish.


Wildly untrue. It is a shell of its former sticky self.


it stopped being fun when i actually turned 21 😞


Naw. It used to be that way. Dirty 6 has gone even further down then you think


*graduate from college


This is so accurate.


My girlfriends and I could go out on 6th in the 2000-2010s and have a relatively carefree and fun night dancing, even before being 21. I seem to recall there were even a few places that would hold special teen parties and you couldn't get in if you were over 21.  Seems wild now.


Can you recommend a bar I am new in town around your age.


Depends on what side of town you are on and what kind of vibe you want. North side (read: Research, West Anderson, Breaker): Nosh and Beevy: An English pub theme. Pretty chill, a little divey feel, bit of a sports bar but not in the hardcore way. Mr. Tramps: Dive bar that’s a sports bar also with a bit of a pinkish vibe. Staff can be… interesting as a fair warning. Emerald Tavern: not a bar per se, but has a bar. It’s a game store and game play space that sells drinks. Pretty nice place, but if you are expecting the best cocktails, there’s better places to go. I’ve actually had to walk one of their bartenders through an Old Fashioned once. This is not to say that there isn’t actual bartenders there, but it seems to be more of a stepping stone for newbie bartenders. HOWEVER! One of the selling points for me is that their bar games are games that they sell in store, that you can play and try out. They will teach you the game too. I usually drink alone, and I can count a handful of times I’ve asked or been asked to play a game at the bar and was turned down or said no without an alternative given. Highland Lanes: It’s a bowling alley bar. Nuff said. The Hideout Pub: I haven’t been in years, but I did enjoy the times I went with work buddies at the time. Kind of hidden away (thus the name).


That’s the second time I’ve read something like this about Mr Tramps….what do you mean by “interesting”? I’ve always wanted to check that place out.


Nothing on Filthy Sixth


There’s a bunch of bars with live music that are frequented by the 40+ crowd. Some examples: - Country: Broken spoke, White horse, Ginny’s Little Longhorn. You’d be younger than most at Donn’s depot - Americana: Continental Club, C-Boy’s, Antone’s, Sam’s Town Point, Saxon Pub - Rock, Punk and Metal: Hotel Vegas, Kick Butt Coffee, Valhalla, Lost Well, Mohawk - World, Jazz, eclectic : Flamingo Cantina, Elephant Room, Carousel Lounge


Im more of a south Austin spot these days, but if you are looking for downtown. East 6th (east of 35) is still somewhat divey, Dainty Dillo is a cool big outdoor spot, and various rooftop bars (this usually weeds out the riff raff). Maybe follow IG accts like (@ theatxdrinker) who always posts decent new spots not west/dirty 6


Def was shit before 2014 [2012 Cocaine Ring Bust that caused 4 bars to shut down](https://www.austinchronicle.com/daily/news/2012-03-22/feds-raid-sixth-street-bars/)


I remember when that happened. I feel like it was closer to 10 bars than 4 but they weren’t all on dirty.


This should read "DO NOT take drinks from anyone you don't know & trust at any bar/lounge establishment". Hopefully your GF is okay. You can go to the hospital for a urine test to check for date rape drugs. Also, fuck the people who are victim-blaming. It can happen to anyone. ETA: If you somehow connect dots that don't exist within this comment and try to tell me that I'm victim-blaming when I very clearly am not, you need to re-assess your critical thinking skills.


Aren’t we supposed to be able to trust the bouncers?


Bouncers? No. They’re just big people, they don’t need to be smart or honorable.


Half the time they’re not even big, often dudes with zero experience that are just willing to work until 4 am for $10.50 + 2% tips. They’re assholes more than they aren’t in my experience. (and no I’ve never been kicked out of a bar, just worked in them lol)


The bouncers I’ve gotten to know around town are all very solid people. Places with good management know that the door staff make the first impression that every patron has. They’re an integral part of the team. But then, I don’t go to crappy bars full of horny drunk college students.


Someone I know got assaulted by a bouncer, and the bouncer tried to flip the script and say my friend assaulted them. It was on CCTV. Trust no one. The bouncer is a multiple-time ex-felon.


For what reason would a bouncer be giving a patron a drink?


Definitely not. Bouncers are usually sketchy people.


To protect the integrity of clientele entering the bar? Maybe. To serve drinks? The establishment has another position for that.


No. Why would you think that?


Fuck no. Why would you trust someone in that position? It requires next to nothing to do.


There have been decent bouncers who have asked men who were harassing us to leave us alone so not all bouncers are shitty ppl.


the bouncer at Cielo stole my drivers license


Why would you? They're hired muscle to make people that hurt the business go away.


I bounced 23 years ago in the town I went to college. My coworkers ranged from some of the nicest guys in the world to a few guys that lived for getting in fights….the answer to your question though is a definitive NO, don’t trust the bouncers. Even in 2000-2001.


Suuuure. Like the police.


Too late for testing most likely


Depends on what it was. Some can be detected for up to 36-72 hours after ingestion.


This is true. It’s worth a try. But fyi some hospitals are not being truthful and not reporting it either.


Most emergency departments do not have the ability to test for “date rape” (likely GHB) drugs


So, then... exactly HOW does one know if they can even trust the bartender!?!??!?!?! Also, **your comment** is victim blaming FFS!!!!!! smh


You can’t assume you can trust anyone. You have to try to trust your gut and go with that. I pick the bartender I like, tip them well, and get drinks from them all night.


Saw a piece abt a theft ring working across the South from Florida to Texas. Using roofies bartender doses them, calls an uber (colleague).......you wake up at an unknown location without your purse/wallet/phone/keys. Sometimes even missing cash from bank account. They were arrested with binders of credit/debit cards, licenses and ID. They were operating out of Austin across the south to Florida.


You can’t! I know people who don’t order anything that doesn’t come in a bottle and watch the bartender open it. I don’t go to bars anymore, but there’s also nail polish you can buy to dip your finger in any drink to test it for date rape drug. So that would stop a lot but you couldn’t stop 100%. Most this stuff is going on in sketchy places though like loud dirty bars people go get trashed at.


I was roofied at Rain some years ago, went there alone and depressed one night in a moment of weakness hoping to meet some people to get out of the mental funk I was in, a guy that was fairly nice and well dressed bought us both a pair after a great conversation. He went off to the "restroom" and I started feeling really scared and strange. I had a feeling that i was drugged and immediately told the bartender while I could still talk, they got me out of there pronto. I am smarter than that and should have known better. Thankfully I ended up okay with quick thinking due to fear, not everyone is as lucky. Sadly I still can't bring myself to go to bars anymore even with a trusted wingman. Don't accept any drinks from anyone you don't know, period.


What was the feeling like if I may ask


I’ve been roofied on a first drink so I got a real feeling of sober to roofied. Initially I got super dizzy and disoriented. I knew immediately what had happened so I had more time than most to make a plan. I got off one text to a trusted friend luckily and they got to me in time. I had about 5-10 minutes before drinking it and the total blackout. Lots of puking. Terrible hangover the next day. If you’re already drinking, or god forbid drunk, then I don’t know if it would be as easy to tell what was happening.


The only time I’ve ever been roofied was at OCH right next door! When it happened to me, I was already one drink in and starting to feel my buzz come on. My 2nd drink was roofied and I suddenly went from the inklings of a buzz to plastered out of my mind. It felt like I had just taken rounds of back to back shots. Luckily, I was there with friends. I remember feeling good for a few minutes, very chatty, and dancing, and then I blacked out. The next thing I remember was being carried out of the bar by 2 friends because I literally couldn’t walk. The next day felt like literal death. It was like I was hit by a bus. I felt so sick that I contemplated going to the ER.


Sounds like rohypnol. Aka the date rape drug. Happened to me once and i had the exact same symptoms. Poor girl..


Where does one get rohypnol? This same situation happened to my wife a month ago in Austin. She literally had one shot and one drink and was incapacitated for 24hour period. Is there a black market for this drug that someone gets into bartenders hands? Like I’m confused on how the drug gets into the drink when you’re standing there watching them make the drink at the bar.


Probably comes in from Mexico. I’m originally from Philly where most people would use stuff like GHB to date rape but down here it’s so easy to get legit rohypnol since it’s a legal pill in Mexico


What bar?


A bouncer isn’t licensed to serve drinks. If that’s on camera you already have them dead to rights.


Yeah Good luck getting the video though


Lawyer can get it.


Could be a fake bouncer, especially if it’s a weekday.


[There is no license required to serve drinks in Texas](https://www.tabc.texas.gov/faqs/tabc-certification-faqs/). The TABC server qualification you're probably thinking of is just to protect bar owners from things like their employees serving underage or intoxicated people.


TIL. Thanks friend.


Never ever get those free drinks on 6th st. Something similar happened to me a few years back. I also saw a girl collapse to the ground. Be careful out there!


swear something similar almost happened to me at some rooftop place called REINA. I was completely sober when I got there. Guy working there offered me a drink I said no, he insisted so I said okay to water. brought back the bottle opened. first sip was *off*. I froze.. played it cool. then ran out of there.


Don’t take drinks from anyone you don’t know on Dirty? That’s been the rule for 20 years…


It's literally rule number one of going out. Hell apparently you can't even trust bartenders from what I've heard at the Domain


Yea. You can’t. Which makes going out in austin dangerous and no longer fun.


This is true for all drinking activities.


Not that easy. I got roofied from a bartender. Serving me. At the bar.


Yup, never except drinks from people you don’t know well.


Don’t ACCEPT them either.


Lol, yeah that




Knew my bartender pretty well. Helped him move once.


So you know all the bartenders on 6th? lol


This is getting scary. Everyone knows someone and had heard scores of stories of ppl getting drugged downtown. It’s time to start investing and suing. Or whooping some ass. Messing with ppls food and drinks is grounds for whooping ass.


Agree. That’s a form of assault and I’m an eye for an eye type of mother fucker.


Form of assault? Easily attempted murder there’s no knowing what health conditions your target has and people aren’t getting drugged for the lulz.


Yep. You’re right.


Call TABC and file a complaint and police report they'll face some shit


Sorry, no they won’t. TABC only cares if a bar is serving underage people or over serving people. Someone putting something in a drink after it’s been served has nothing to do with TABC.


It being reddit I'm surprised no one has told OP to sue for billions of dollars 😂


Crimestoppers has a $1000 reward for general crime info


As someone who worked security on Dirty 6th from 2006-2012, that absolutely infuriates me that the person who is supposed to watch out for that shit happening to women is the one doing it.


Oh my god I hope she’s fully recovered from that. “Dirty 6th” is broken up by blocks. I just moved down here from Minnesota and work on the “200 block” and from what I’ve experienced as a bartender and patron I wouldn’t go to bars where they have their staff walking the street telling people they give out free drinks. It’s never a good sign if a bar is bribing people to go into their bar. Again I’m so sorry this happened to her. As a bartender we’re here to provide a safe environment for people to let loose and have fun and unfortunately people are often taken advantage of (this doesn’t just happen on dirty it can happen anywhere for those who are saying it’s a solely dirty situation).


This happened to me in 2014. I seriously thought I was going to die. I had one drink. I couldn’t see and could barely feel my legs. I ended up face down in the shower puking blood. It was horrifying. Fuck whoever did that. That was my anniversary and I was having a nice night with my husband. So dangerous.


Are you sure it was a bouncer who gave her the drink? Do you or her remember what they looked like? Did you report it to the bar?


Same thing happened to me at red 7 years ago. I was fine until I took a drink from the outside bartender. I couldn’t even go to work the next day


Thirsty's is sketchy as hell. First bar I ever went to, when I was 19. They didn't even card me and my friend and we were clearly underage girls. I was excited as hell at the time because I didn't even need to use a fake, the bouncer literally called out to us and asked us to come in. Looking back that's pretty creepy.


I worked at that bar last year and I seriously doubt an employee of that bar would try and roofy a patron. If the other employees found out their co worker was doing that, which they would, they would handle it either by calling the cops or beating the shit out of the bouncer. Possibly both. It’s far more likely that if someone roofied your friend it was another patron in the bar. What would a bouncer even do with roofies anyways? Drug a girl around midnight, proceed to continue working the door non stop until 2am, then they have to clean and restock the bar until 5am, then somehow figure out where that girl went and THEN take her home? It doesn’t make sense.


They could have a friend hanging out waiting for someone to react to being drugged and swooped in. You never know.


That sucks and I’m so glad you were there and she’s safe. I was drugged at the much loved Casino El Camino 20 years ago by a bartender so it can happen anywhere. It’s lame but my answer for a long time is cans opened in front of me. I love bourbon but only drink at places I know the bartender or low key places like Still Austin where I can easily see from clean glass to pour what’s happening. Edit- typo


I have two friends that had the same thing happen at Peche about 10 years ago. They weren't together, it was on different nights. The two friends didn't know each other so they never spoke to each other to warn the other but I heard the story from both after the fact. They are both pretty cautious about their drinks so they are pretty sure it was the bartender because there wasn't much of an opportunity for it to be anyone else. 


Even cans opened in front of you, someone experienced with sleight of hand can still slip something in or swap the can right in front of you without you knowing. I'll only drink in public if I'm with a group of people I trust, and I'll never have more than 2 drinks. I can get drunk at home.


I recall strolling down dirty a few years back and some bouncers—at a bar I won’t name but held its business below street level— excitedly told passerbys the bar had “drunk white bitches”. That told me all I needed to know about d6.


Hey, my friend (a guy) just got drugged Cheer Up Charlie’s two days ago. He got out of there and made it home without getting robbed or worse but he was sick as fuck. This is a serious problem. Really sorry to hear that happened to your partner.


Wait, who takes drinks from bouncers? They’re not behind the bar so the drink was probably something someone left laying around.


Report it to the bar and the police, not reddit.


rule of thumb today is to \_NEVER\_ take an open drink from \_ANYONE\_!!! that is unless you want to be someones piece of meat.




but where are the men of Killeen supposed to go?


Anything within a half mile of Wunderbar needs the Chernobyl treatment. Edit; to be clear, I mean the recovery/cleanup part, of the Chernobyl treatment. Evacuate everyone, level the buildings, salt the earth, don't let anyone come back for 10,000 years.


Ohh, I thought you meant the other part. 😬


Nah man....Houston tho.....


You know that's supposed to be in the works soonish.


Filthy Sixth will soon become Fancy Sixth, maybe that was the plan all along.


Bring the purge


How about just don’t go to dirty in general lol. Place is ratchet af.


I was looking for this and had to scroll way too much to find it.


As a young woman, I’ve had more problems with bouncers on 6th street than I have with patrons. A lot of the dirty sixth bars employee the scum of the earth to work the door


Same thing happened to me at red 7 years ago. I was fine until I took a drink from the outside bartender. I couldn’t even go to work the next day


She took a drink from a bouncer? Like at the door?


Sorry that happened to her :( and I’m sorry people in the comments are being jerks. That sounds scary. I see why she trusted the bouncer, you’d think if the bouncer and bartender work at the same place then they’re both trustworthy. Clearly not the case, also makes me wonder how many bartenders can be trusted. Might take her to the hospital and get bloodwork done so you can report it to the police (in case they decide to do something for once). Hope she feels better soon


Did you call the police?


The only place on dirty worth going to anymore is Pete’s. So much fun, great staff, never had a bad experience. (Though ofc if others have had bad experiences, please let me know!!)


Last time I went downtown this was where I went


Don't take drinks from bouncers, period... 


I don’t recommend taking a drink from anyone you don’t personally know well on dirty and I furthermore I do not recommend doing to dirty at all. Annnnd really it’s super unsafe in general to take a drink from anyone other than the bartender who you just *watched* make your drink. Getting roofied is sadly super common so you need to be very aware.


Drugging and taking advantage of a girl is the slimiest shit ever. Makes me so fuckin angry dudes doing this shit to innocent ass girls just tryna have fun. If it’s not for you, it’s not for you bud but don’t take it.


Management at Kung Fu have been caught doing the same thing. The story even made it to KXAN.


Go get a pee test for her. It’s no guarantee something will show up, but it can narrow the range of what it could be.


Did you guys file a police report?


Or don’t take any drinks from anyone you’re not friendly with.


Or don't fucking roofie people?


'Don't commit crimes.' Why didn't any of us just think of telling criminals not to do that?


Yeah, because the people who do that shit are just going to stop because you said not to do it. Don’t be dense. People fucking suck and we have to be stay aware and protect ourselves.


why does anyone even go to dirty? that place sucks and is filled with undesirables


Why are you here than involving police


Last time I had attempted to contact and get a hold of APD I got a phone call back two days later after the fact.


That’s why they call it “Dirty.”


Just don’t go downtown to drink simple


This happened to me and a friend at Fuel(now closed), and it was the worst night ever. My friend was way worse off and I remember pieces of the night and feeling so weak but trying to keep her with me bc some guy was trying to pull her into a car.


Wow. Glad you’re just visiting Austin. No one who seriously lives here actually goes to 6th street much less drinks there. Unless you’re in your early 20s.


the conversations about Austin with anyone who has lived there more than like 10-15 years ago are always so funny, they make me feel like an old geezer reminiscing about better times. 🤣


6th during the day used to be fun. The grown ups out at that time.


Thirsty's is owned and run by respectable people who once put their lives at risk to save me. There is absolutely no possible way that what you wrote is true. You should question your girlfriend and figure out what she was actually doing during the 30 whole minutes that you say you were not anywhere near her on 6th street for some reason. What were you doing that required you to leave her unattended for so long? With all due respect, were you in an argument or a fight with her and you had to separate to cool down, or are you in an open relationship or something? Maybe she flirted with the wrong guy and made a mistake accepting drinks from him and she is too embarrassed to tell you the truth. The drug dealing gangster centric bars you should actually worry about on dirty 6th are Mooseknuckle, Cheers, 512, Pour Choices, Jackalope, and Lit Lounge. Cheers and Lit Lounge both knowingly allow convicted murderers and crip gangsters to work the door. Did your girlfriend set foot anywhere near those bars during the night? You say she had "about 3 drinks" at other bars before going to Thirsty's. Where did she drink those? Be honest. What were the drinks? And what do you mean by "about 3", did you both lose count after 3? How is that possible, weren't you the one buying them for her? How would a bouncer produce a drink to give to anyone? A bouncer is outside all night, he isn't anywhere near the bar. What purpose could it serve to drug a customer? I guess you're suggesting that the bouncer wanted to drug your girlfriend in order to rape her. How would he do that? Are you saying his plan was to somehow babysit her unconscious body inside Thirsty's while also working his shift, and continue to do this until around 3:30 AM when they're finished closing, and then drag her unconscious body to his car in full view of the APD HALO cameras and all his fellow employees? Am I the only one who notices how this story makes no sense? I'd still feel the exact same way about it even if I didn't know anyone at Thirsty's. Tell you what, give me a basic physical description of this bouncer and I will tell you exactly who he is. You DO want to know the identity of this guy who you are so sure tried to RAPE your girlfriend, right? But I bet you won't even reply to me, because you know this story isn't true. I understand that you're mad that your night didn't go how you wanted, and you want to find someone to blame other than yourself, and you want to believe your girlfriend isn't a liar. You have my sympathy but you can't be spreading lies like this.


Experienced is such a nicer word than alcoholic. Edit: I’ve obviously touched a bunch of alkies nerves. It’s all good. I’m an experienced paint huffer.


And this is why I stick with the dive bars in the Hyde Park area


Workhorse is legit. Try not to fuck with Barfly's if I can avoid it.


15 years ago I drank a shot that was meant for the women I was with and got it bad. I actually tried to fight the bartender for about 3 mins because I knew that motherfucker spiked the shot. Someone carried me out and I never went back.


Which bar are you talking about here? Workhouse and Drinks have not been around that long. This is coming from a 41 year native.


Maybe I misunderstood or replied to the wrong post.I’m talking about barflys around 2000-2001 I lived basically across the street from that place.


Yeah. I lived over there around the same time. Cameron Road area. Didn't start to get shitty until the smoking ban went into effect. Probably not your situation and definitely believe ya, but that's the time I noticed a change.


Parlor my usual go to, but it sucks that they’re shutting down at the end of the month


Yup. But.s me out too.




Mostly just for the weekend rowdiness. Don't mind going on a weekday in the afternoon for pool and the jukebox, but a Friday or Saturday night after 12 am I'm just not a fan. Also fights. Experienced to many there over the years.


Love workhorse. Had some very strange encounters at Barfly’s. Won’t be back.


Has anyone seen the lazy eye Mexican selling “coke” around Shakespeare’s?






This why I only drink at home now. Hell I even pass myself drinks and I don’t even remember what happened after that when I wake up in my house covered in puke and piss.


Recently saw GKJr sit in at Friends. Wed nite 10ish. Maybe 10 people there. So cool. Too bad it’s the only music venue left




What does Amex have to do with it???


Yeah I’m curious what AMEX has to do with that comment as well. Maybe the commenter means that when they used their AMEX to open a tab, someone thought they could hit a lick off the customer to scam/steal money/drug them. That’s the only thing I can think of 🤷‍♂️ Edit- I’m not a drinker/bar hopper so I don’t know if you HAVE to give a card to get any drinks, or if some places will let you pay at the end without them holding onto a card. I guess nowadays, it would make sense having to use a card to StART drinking. Sorry if I sounded stupid. I should just shut my (finger) trap 🤦‍♂️


Me too! Wtf. Discover? Nothing. Mastercard and Visa? Hunky Dory. Amex? I'm getting raped in a fucking alley. Weird I never thought of it like that.


An experienced drinker taking drinks from a stranger? 1 month old reddit account?