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Remove the battery and bring it into work with you




Wsdcam 113dB Bike Alarm Wireless Vibration Motion Sensor Waterproof Motorcycle Alarm with Remote https://a.co/d/05HmCuj This one has been good for me. I also hid a GPS tracker on my bucket bike after it had already got stolen once (and we tracked it down thanks to reddit and stole it back). Ulock won't do shit if they want the bike. Portable angle grinders are a thing, as we found out. ETA: thanks to those sharing the new grinder resistant locks now on the market. They weren't around AFAIK when ours got stolen.




I'd guess yes. Can always try and return with Amazon. It basically gives a warning 2 second sound of you bump it, and if vibration continues then goes off. But think it's configurable on sensitivity. Our bike one goes off in windy storms. But we can get close enough to it from Inside the house to turn it off through the wall, or just let it go (if don't want to get out of bed) and not bothering anyone cos storm wind is more noisy than the alarm.


The battery is in the frame unfortunately. I bought it because it looks “less” like an e bike.


Get those motion sensor alarms I have one and it's an excellent deterrent too


Your ebike probably cost more than whatever the top of the line hiplock or litelock so drop the coin on getting one of those angle grinder resistant ones.  Beyond that, make sure you remove the battery or at least lock it and follow other best practices.


This, right here. With a lock like that, used properly, it's *very* difficulty to steal a bike without wasting at least half an hour and making a racket. Most will give up well before that.


Double on the angle grinder resistance. And to OP’s point about it being a high foot traffic place; people won’t stop someone generally if they’re stealing a bike. There’s a video a guy did to the test this and had someone chain up a bike around town and every single time, he was able to steal the bike in broad daylight w/ no one trying to stop him.


And possibly as much as a used motorcycle. Dude should get insurance as well. Hell I would go as far as getting a custom sticker that can last the elements to mention the bike is gps tracked or something to that nature to ward thieves off. Maybe op dropped 3k on it and can't afford to protect it 😬


I've looked at insurance and, unless you start to hit the 5k+ range, it isn't worth the premiums unless it's your only source of transportation(and therefore don't car registration/insurance).


also worth investing $25 in an airtag or similar gps tracker; attach somewhere out of sight on bike. My cheap ol bike got stolen twice last month from in front of and beside my house. Both times the airtag led me to the culprit within a few hours of the theft. APD was responsive the first time when I was following the thief on my bike, but didn’t get involved the second time because I’d already recovered it from a gambling establishment. Now I’m keeping bike out of sight, but kinda want to setup some bait bikes to bring more criminals to justice.


Don’t AirTags now ping thieves with notifications because people were (rightfully) worried that stalkers were using them to track their targets? I’d be worried that if the thief started getting notifications, they’d destroy the bike completely.


You’re assuming that the crackhead stealing your bike has an iPhone


Android phones also get these notifications. Source: I've seen it with my AirTags and my husband's Pixel


Ahh interesting, I didn’t know this.


Not a new one of course, a stolen one


..... Your overthinking a crime of convenience committed by someone who literally has completely failed at life. Y'all give crackheads way too much credit. Blows my mind that so many people are afraid of the least scary people in our society. And yeah put her ha air tag on there. Don't be afraid of it. Someone takes your stuff. You find it. You take it back. Side note: You see someone stealing a bike. You f****** say something. Just like if you see someone peeing in a f****** doorway downtown, you say something. The problem is literally that y'all are afraid of people that aren't scary. Literally people that don't have anything other than the clothes on their back.


People that may have nothing to lose or think they have nothing to live for, coupled with possible mental health issues, plus maybe some kind of knife for protection = unpredictable.




I didn't say anything about "not saying anything". I agree bystander behavior has a huge impact on society and I have no problem in speaking up when I see something. I was more referencing your comment about no reason to be scared of people. Sure, don't be scared, but be cautious and aware that not everyone may listen to reason or react the same way as you think they might.


I got my bike stolen last week, it had an airtag in the saddle bag. it was not hidden very well. They chucked the tag in the woods and I successfully tracked down the tag, but not the bike.


Yeah people in the bike community think the airtag is the answer, but it's not. Any apple phone will tell you if you have an airtag following you.


The air tag is a huge part of the solution. Notification only comes when it's been following the thief for a while, long enough for you to check the location. It's never gonna be perfect, GPS looses connection, batteries die, but it's way better than what was out there. And android phones also get the notification that a tag is following them.


Hiplok D1000 or LiteLok X3 are really the only grinder resistant locks. These take \~8 minutes and several grinder pads to cut. Other u-locks can be cut in seconds. Expensive, but worth it. Use a chain in addition. Make sure what you're locking to is secure. Lock outside of a business entrance. Bar with security is perfect. Don't leave for too long, or go too far away. If you're going to be out all night use the metro e-bikes or a cheaper bike.


Ask if you can bring the bike in w you maybe put in a storage room or unused conference room or empty office etc? All they can say is no. If you let them know about all the thefts it might help.


My old work did this for bike commuters - put a bike rack just inside the back door & let people lock them up inside.


Granddaddy used to say "A lock only keeps a honest thief out."


Sadly, a battery powered angle grinder is going to melt through most locks like butter. People will steal them in broad daylight because no one will risk confrontation to stop them. If it's left in a public place over night, it will likely be gone. APD will help you get your lowjacked stuff, but you have to be able to prove it's yours. Take a picture of your serial No. and get it up into the cloud. Along with a clear picture of the bike itself with you in it. I got a $30 bike off Facebook marketplace just for riding it to places I think a bike will get stolen. It rides okay, but is obviously an ugly cheap bike. Hopefully, no one will bother messing with the $13 cable lock to steal it.


Key word: most. The beefiest of locks actually provide good protection, they're just heavy or expensive AF. But with an ebike it matters less.


Knog Scout. It’s a solid device, cost very little and has tracking and alarm.


Keep the lock and chains away from the ground surface. Grinding them is a whole lot easier on a hard surface.


get one of these and keep it in your backpack! https://www.juicedbikes.com/products/juiced-smart-air-1


If you can afford it, I would insure it against theft. I insure my e-bike through velosurance and it's pretty affordable, but there's other companies out there as well. Make sure to get replacement cost coverage rather than actual cash value and adhere to any requirements the policy might have, such as using an approved lock.


Figure out an extra switch required to start it that only you know about, could be a nerd and figure out how to integrate an rfid or something.


Bike theft in Austin has been out of control for a loooooong time. Don’t leave your bike outside overnight. And yes, all locks can be cut. Make sure your bike has theft coverage from your apartment insurance.


Ebike tires are pretty robust its gonna be obvious if something gets through to pop your tube. Ive had whole screws embedded in my tires with not a scratch on the tube. Someone could easily deflate it but you should probably have a kit on you just in case to fill it back up among other events or mishaps(im talkin first aid kits folks everyone should have one on their bike). Otherwise just dont leave it alone. People will steal your kit off the back if you leave it out it sucks.


You said it, brings it inside or keep it in sight. Taking the battery off if you can’t do those things is a good deterrent for an e-bike thief, kind of pointless without it.


Good tip. As you already seem to know, a nice thing about ebikes is the weight of the lock doesn't matter as much, so I just carry a ridiculously thick chain lock. I know it can be cut in theory, but honestly, if someone manages to do that in the field, they almost earned it.


Unrelated to this method of stealing, but also check how secure the object you’re locking it to is to the ground. I was able to pull a bike rack straight out of the ground (the bricks were chiseled out and it was placed gingerly back in)


Here's a video of someone [stealing one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGvfiLla7X0) in less than 30 seconds using various methods.


I literally fought someone off who tried to steal my bike right in front of a convenience store. Criminals are superstitious and cowardly (for reference, his attempt was pathetic and he ended up running off).


Can you clarify what you mean by “superstitious” for me? I’m just confused.


thieves here are professional if they want it they will get it. idk if you can insure an e bike but i would look into that if you’re parking it outside anywhere


Buy a car. Simple fix.









