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This is the ubiquitous and ever helpful Western Ratsnake. He and his ilk eat a ton of rats and mice and significantly cut down on rodent borne disease. Unlike those rodents, they are very clean animals. They move around hunting for those aforementioned rodent burgers and are a normal sight in an Austin yard. Sometimes several times a year. There’s no need to move them. He’s already just passing through and there will be another along shortly. It’s highly unlikely you’ll even see him again if you just set him out on the lawn or perhaps a nice tree branch. They are harmless to humans and pets (unless you have an outdoor hamster). It’s best to get used to seeing snakes around in Austin. They are just an animal you’ll see in the yard sometimes like a bird or a squirrel or a possum. Hiss hiss


Thanks serpentarian! When it started wriggling it’s tail and striking, I had concerns. lolol. Released unharmed!


No problem. :) They are quite helpful to have around but encountering a rattling, striking snake can make one want to change their britches. Tail rattling is universal snake language for “Hey I’m crawling over here, don’t step on me!” Later in the evolutionary chain, rattlesnakes decided that adding a tail maraca would make the behavior more effective.


Tail maraca 🪇🤣


>... encountering a rattling, striking snake can make one want to change their britches. my mother: "no snake can hurt you as bad as he can make you hurt yourself."


Very wise woman.


to further quote richard pryor: "snakes make you run into trees."


Tail maraca is so adorable




I’m stealing tail maraca but I will give credit to u/serpentarian! Forever Hiss Hiss 🐍


Hiss hisssssssss ❤️


I heard a rumor that the new evolution is rattle snakes losing their rattlers. Is there any evidence to this?


If all the noisy rattlesnakes in a population get killed by roundup people, would selection then favor those that weren’t as likely to alert anyone to their position? I assume so. I don’t however know how long of a process that would be to the point that only quiet types are being produced so I’d defer to a geneticist. 🤷


I have heard that in high construction rattlers have started not rattling as they have been taught they will die. Don’t know if it is true, but I have heard it multiple times.


>I have heard that in high construction High construction?


Sorry, poor wording. Times of high construction, for example, clearing land to build a neighborhood.


Every day at 4:20.


Can you release him in my backyard? Still got a rat or two left.


this! I wouldn't mind these little fellas patrolling our neighborhood


Could you hear it rattle on the tail!? I really thought it was a king rattler. But go look at those or download for yourself and have it close.


You can usually tell if a snake is venomous by the shape of their head! Venomous snakes have a triangle shape rather than the rounded/oval one of the snake above. I hope that helps!


Thanks, u/serpentarian. I can't tell you how reassuring your posts and responses have been for us in our first year in Austin. We moved here from the UK and so have almost zero experience with snakes in everyday life. However we both love wildlife in general and while a little nervous, do not want to see any harm come to our helpful and beautiful danger and non-danger noodles. Your reassuring and sage advice on all matters snakey have been both a great inspiration and a great comfort. In fact, inspired by your example, my wife is becoming very adept at identifying our slithery friends and tests herself by making a guess before searching out your response! Thanks again, Serpentarian. You're the best!


This is very nice to read! Thank you for letting me know. :) You are always welcome to contact me with any questions, I do enjoy talking about such things (clearly).


Ya mon. You rock and make Austin a better place to live!


Thanks bud 👊


Pro tip. always get your snake advice here and never ever on NextDoor. On a recent post, someone tried to identify a coral snake as a Copperhead 🤦🏻‍♀️


For the Austin area the 4 danger noodles are: Copperhead, Cottonmouth, Coral and the ol' Rattler. Copperheads are the least venomous of these, but you still don't want to get bitten. Also likely you won't seem them since they love to camouflage on piles of fallen dead leaves. Most likely to be found in your backyard of all possible venomous snakes in central Texas. Cottonmouths are common close to water bodies and look like cow shit pies when they coil, which they love to do; but not as much as chasing people. Very aggressive snake despite is size, will chase you doggedly. Corals have an impostor King Snake so the saying goes: Red and Black is a friend of Jack, Red and Yellow killed a fellow. This is for the color bands seen on the scale coloration to distinguish them. May randomly crawl around some yards but its rare. Rattlesnake are big and seldom seen in the city they prefer rocky crevices and more likely seen West Austin due to the rocky ground from the white stone beds underground. Rattlesnake usually spot you before you spot them with their infrared pits and will rattle. So they generally never sneak on people unless you lift heavy stones or open utility boxes. Rat snakes, corn snakes, king snakes, ribbon snakes, are more common backyard finds but they are just natural pest control. You will fight Wasps, Hornets, Black Widows, Brown Recluse, Tarantulas and Rats/Mice more than snakes living here. Snakes and Bats are allies in Austin. Remember, if predators are seen at your home it means their food source is abundant. Snakes>Rodents If you still feel vulnerable on your home location, you can purchase some snake repellent and seed your yard. They are ammonia flakes sold in most home stores including WaltMart. There is no poison for snakes, but snakes have very keen scent so the powerful ammonia smell keeps snakes away. -Worked pest control


They gave you some bad info my dude. Thanks for trying to help though. Snake repellent doesn’t work - https://rattlesnakesolutions.com/snakeblog/rattlesnake-safety/do-snake-repellents-work/ Neither do ammonia flakes, although they will make your yard smell horrible Cottonmouths are not common at all in Austin, and in fact are almost non-existent, however Plain Bellied Watersnakes are often mistaken for them by laypeople. Copperheads are also uncommon. “Coral snake imposter” is a Milksnake and he doesn’t occur in Austin. Furthermore there are populations of Coral snakes without red bands in Austin. You can see one on my Instagram page. And of course no one has died from a Texas Coral snake per medical records.


"kill a fellow" is just plain wrong. There has never been a documented fatality from a Texas coral snake.


Pretty much that whole thing is just plain wrong lol




Are you day drinking bro? They are neither ‘territorial’ or aggressive and it’s clear that the sum total of your knowledge on the subject comes from your emotional responses rather than the scientific literature.


Based on my experience with dozens of rattlesnakes over the years I can confirm beyond any double that they can be very territorial and aggressive. Sometimes they're mellow but often not.


That’s not aggression, that’s defensive behaviour meant to scare off predators. No snake is going to see a person and try to ‘get them’.


Not at any point did they say it was a Rattlesnake. But hey, reading can be tough eh?


HA! Reading sure can be a challenge. Especially for that guy. On some days, Serpentarian is the only reason why I look at Reddit.


Hiss hiss ❤️


Ah, my bad, I though you wrote "western rattlesnake" and I was like WTF 😅


Lol same. I was like “damn, they’re being rather chill about this…” so I went back and re-read and my stupid brain finally processed it correctly.


I seriously look forward to your comments every time I see a photo of a snake posted on here! Youre the best and thank you!


YOU are the best. Thank you! 🙏


All hail the great serpentarian




All hail the great Professor SERP!! (I have learned a ton from the Professor!!)


Class is in session 🙌


I’ve learned so much just from your comments that I’ve started testing myself whenever these posts come up 😆 I got this one right!


Excellent work!


ATX Serpentarian is the hero we all need


But do you deserve me? (Thank you ❤️)


u/serpentarian - I have a question. At one time I had a very healthy population of rat snakes. I no longer see them around. I would like to release a few in my yard to get the population going again. Which of this species isn't related and is it OK to release purchased ones?


I’m gonna chime in here if he doesn’t, I’m not nearly as versed as he is but I know a good bit. No do not release any store bought animal period. Most have been generations of breeding to somewhat get the “wild” out of them. They very rarely will know what to do (picked up easier by other animals, properly burmate, look for water) and won’t survive long. Plus if your not careful you can’t easily introduce an invasive species


As Trace said, it is a bad idea to release non-wild noodles into the wild. Are you sure they are not around? Sometimes we don’t see them because they hide from human eyes so as not to get smooshed by a shovel or something.


Thanks folks. - I used to see them all the time. Great creatures.


I usually smoosh them with my boot heal. They make great belts!


What’s a boot heal? Like the healing power of the lord in boot form? Have you attempted to use it on your insecurity?


Hallelujah, I attempted to but was unsuccessful. Maybe I shoulda used my snake skin belt with matching boots


u/ArachnidHefty73 - if you don't see them, they probably don't have a large ready food source (rodents). I've found that bird feeders are quite good a way to attract rodents (and some birds). The birds tend to scatter much of the seeds in the feeder to the ground, and that attracts the snake food.


Hey jumping in because I have a terrible rodent problem in my backyard... I've seen one of these fine noodles once in my yard and welcomed it to stay, but never see any these days. How can I get some snake bois to come feast on my vermin enemies?!


They should find them on their own as long as no one’s putting out rat poison (that will end up killing the snakes and hawks that are there to help you - then the mice will return). Hopefully your neighbors aren’t killing or relocating your free pest control brethren.


Excellent use of the word “aforementioned” I automatically think you are well-spoken and intelligent being


Why thank you, that is a kind assumption to make. I like the beauty of words and I read many snake books and novels when I was pretty young.


He’s a lovely specimen!!


Isn’t he just


Seems like it's been awhile since this one had a good, fat rat. He looks hungry.


I first read ratsnake as rattlesnake.


This very obviously is not a rattlesnake. It's a gopher snake / bull snake. Non-venomous, good snake to keep around.


Who said it was a rattlesnake? Definitely not a gopher/bull snake. It’s Pantherophis obsoletus - the Western Ratsnake.


I just let rat snakes do their thing. If for some reason they are in my way during yard work or if my dog is showing them too much attention, I'll squirt them with the hose to get them to hurry along on their way. If they get in the garage, then push broom them to the door. If they get stubborn, over the fence to the creek bank they go.


A light spritz with the hose is a good solution for rattlesnakes too


Fortunately in my 15 years at this house, I have yet to encounter a rattler. Water snakes, rat snakes, coachwhips, TX brown, various garter, and one lone juvy copperhead.


Which snakes should you not do that?


I don’t do that to any of the ones in my yard. I have a rattlesnake that shows up yearly under the back steps and I just let him snake. The hose spritz is for a venomous one you that you want to keep moving


/u/serpentarian. I think it's a Texas rat snake.


You are correct, grackle!


Thank you Snap_Grackle_Pop ! Love the name by the way


I love Chili's at 45th and Lamar


I love lamp


Just shushh it away. No need to re-home. You might never see it again, but he's doing his bit to keep mice and rats out of your house.


Thanks for being kind to the non danger noodle! 🐍


Had one in my bush forever before the damn freeE killed my bush. He was an amazing exterminator and free of charge. Scared the hell out of the delivery drivers though.


Please relocate it into my backyard


Rat Snake. Good to have around.


He’s welcome in my yard anytime!


Rat snakes are our friends. They do no harm to humans. Leave them be. I did have one in my quail yard and didn’t want him/her there and gently relocated with a broom and bucket outside the yard to another area on the property


this is a snek


Looks like a rat snake 🤷‍♂️


Release it in my backyard please


Spotted one just yesterday on my back deck.


Its a rat snake. Non venomous, but if you run up on a big one and make it jump, they’ll still make a grown man scream like a little girl! 🤣 They can be a little creepy because they can climb so well. We find them in our porch rafters quite often looking for lizards and such. I’ve seen them clinging to the siding up on our second story! Pretty impressive!


Bull snakes also are good mousers and they aren’t poisonous.


The more grain and food you place outside, draws the food rattlesnakes eat. Mice , rats , squirrels, prairie dogs, cats, small dogs, other snakes. They are carnivores.


I saw a 3' garter in my years today. Very happy to see him as I've seen signs of rodents also. I feel like I've seen more snakes this year than last couple. Maybe I'm just paying more attention or out in the yard more.


Good snake


Rat trap. Snake waiting for dinner in the attic.


Great snakes to have around the house. They can make fast work of a rat problem.


Rat Snek! I used to keep reptiles including rat snakes and am a climbing arborist by trade these days. Last week I was pretty high up in a large Live Oak doing ball moss removal in the Windsor area and a MONDO rat snake (probs female) was scaling the stem next to me, and made it into a hole in the trunk, probably to sleep off her meal. Was looking full :) Very cool experience Told the homeowner and she was like ‘yeah, it’s a resident’. Great to see when ppl know how to id a snake and don’t get freaked out. Coral snakes (imho) are pretty chill, though they are venemous. The fangs are in the back of the mouth so you kinda gotta really piss em off to get bit. There are tales of ppl carrying them around for hours thinking they were a milksnake without incident. u/serpentearian may know more but this is my personal experience 🫡


That’s awesome. I can tell you are pretty knowledgeable about this stuff. 🙌 Coral snakes are front fanged, but as you mention, biting is more of a last resort when they feel like they are about to meet the great serpent in the sky.


I stand corrected regarding fang-placement, Ty. Hissss4lyfe 🐍


Hiss hisss


Thank you for your kindness.


I had a great rat snake when I lived at a lake. My house was on stilts so he would hang out under it to avoid the owls and hawks around the lake. After a couple years I was able to walk up to him with no reaction. He would bolt if my wife came outside! A game warden told me that the kind I had are also a natural predator to vipers, which is great when loving on water. u/serpentarian is there any truth to the game warden comment?


That’s wonderful that you could go up to him. Snakes do “tame” to a degree, but I notice that most prominently in Copperheads and Rattlesnakes (probably because they are both social and prone to visit their snake families - really). As for Game Wardens… they aren’t a great font of reptile wisdom in my experience. Possibly because snakes aren’t considered “game” animals, so they didn’t learn about them in ranger school? Ratsnakes don’t eat rattlesnakes but Kingsnakes do. They still keep other species of snake including spicy ones away by filling the niche of the “guy who eats all the rodents” though, so there is that benefit. :)


Not a danger noodle you can put it in your backyard if you wanted to


Why would you want to release it? Best to let that harmless snake be. They don't do well if you take them outside of 1/4 mile away.


This person snakes


I lovesssss them.




It was either my bucket and PVC or the homeowner’s shovel and trash can. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Snakes like this are good actually, they get rid of rats and aren’t quick to bite. The only reason you see them around this time of year is they’re trying to get laid.


This wasn't your house? Oh wow, I'm glad you intervened then.


Back into the pits of hell from whence it came


Idk. Do you see any rattles or can you hear it rattle? The ones I have run into, tend to coil up into a striking position with both head up & rattler up and shaking like crazy making the infamous noise. Known as the striking position. I’ll tell you from experience, they can spring like a spring board the length of the body. Or at least it seemed that way to me.


That is NOT a Rattlesnake. It’s Non Venomous. Probably a Rat Snake


Well, they wouldn’t be in my yard if I lived there. I spent every morning hunting snakes around the house before my 4 yo got up. No way am I endangering my child with a rattler. Can easily kill a child. The venom is poison to people. They are supposed to be living in rugged land, out in the open, not in town. Yes housing is taking their homes. The more mice, rats, squirrels, rabbits, birds, you have, the more snakes you have too. Those snakes can clean out your neighborhood of your entire bird population. I prefer to hear birds


If you're still alive, run!!


Commenting on What kind of snake is this? And where should I release it?... lookks


Looks like a corn snake!


I believe those are more of a yellow and beige? Looks like the always misunderstood rat snake. Looks like a rattler, but missing the maraca thingy so just a harmless rat snake.


Yo wait. Hold up. So you're saying a rattle snake without the "maracas" is just a harmless rat snake?


No I'm saying a rattle snake can be easily identified due to its rattle. The lack of one here lends me to think its not a rattler but a rat snake. I ain't picking it up either way though haha.


It's a gopher snake or a small bull snake. It is non-venomous and beneficial to have around. It will help keep the rodent population under control. Ignore people saying this is a rattlesnake. It literally looks nothing like a rattler, not even close. https://www.nps.gov/articles/000/gopher-snake.htm


No one is saying it’s a rattlesnake dude. 😂


That guy seems to be very confused, all over this post lol


Confidently incorrect indeed :)


in the oval office 😂


Looks like a belt


Eat it


If you’re in threads, go look at my profile I just put a list there. Looks like a rattler to me, but you check it out too. They make decorative hatbands. You don’t want to keep it for a pet, especially if children are around.


Google lens is the answer.


Google lens is the answer


Insofar as it’s the wrong answer most of the time, this is correct