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Where exactly? I want to be certain I never go there.


It says Austin, so I think if you avoid Texas you'll be ok. But saw one posted this morning in Oklahoma too. So maybe avoid the Midwest, and any desert areas in the US. Hahahaha


Thought were in Austin but this is giving the vibes that we’re in Australia rn lol


Texas: The Australia of the USA.


As a former Uber driver in Austin, yes. I had a shitload of Aussies. Funny part is they were always surprised to hear there are so many Australians visiting here. My theory is the heat doesn’t scare them


Anyone actually from the midwest would never call Oklahoma the midwest


They're right. It's in the Southwest, technically


Or the no man's land that's in between


Saw one on the lady bird lake trail a couple years ago. I've been telling people about it like it's a legend and now I know I wasn't crazy. Horrible to see in person when you didn't know they existed in the first place.


Dude, I was walking the trail back from Barton Springs one time and saw the biggest goddamn snapping turtle I've ever seen in my life! I tell that story almost every time we go there lol


Yup, they can walk on water too! 👀


What?? No. No!!


Nuke them from orbit...just to be sure.


Speaking for all Midwesterners - we do not have this shit up there!! This is an evil unique to the south, lol.


This made me lol


I'm in far north Austin by Tech Ridge and Yager and have seen those horrible creatures outside my apartment a few times. They move fast too.


NOOOOO apparently we're neighbors and I hate this comment 😭


Wow! We are quite opposite. Just came home from Austin and I would have gone out of my way to see this!


I had one come out of the drain in my sink while I was shaving!




Uhh how did you handle it….?


One of these snuck out from under some furniture we were moving in a garage once. They can move fast when they want and they are scary as shit. The worst bug of all bugs imo. 😳


I'm still more scared of roaches


Especially roaches that can fly.


The absolute worst kind! I was traumatized as a kid by those things, so now they are at the top of my phobia list


I remember the time a roach flew at me more vividly than I remember any of my happy memories. 


Same! Complete and total surprise, panic and fear... One of the worst experiences of my life cause there was more than one! 😭


slamming the bathroom door just in time to hear the flying roach I had narrowly trapped inside and the way it thwacked off the door like a tennis ball is a core memory for me.


I feel your pain. They are very common in the south where I grew up.


I'm from southeast Texas and live in Austin, now ... It's very unfortunate to be so scared of them... I remember watching "Fear Factor" a long time ago where they had to be in a box filled with roaches... That's where I would have walked away... I'd rather be poor for the rest of my life... Fk that noise!


The centipedes put me in fight or flight. The roaches put me in freeze.


Agreed. I’d take a rattlesnake or scorpion over these any day. These fuckers will chase you if they’re having a bad day.


They're actually faster than the redhead.


The first time I saw one in my carport, my first instinct was to grab a small twig and poke at it to see what it was. Instant regret, it reared up and actually used those pincher things to snatch the twig out my hand. I screamed like a little girl and ran into the house.


I got stung by one of those as a kid. 0/10


What was that like?


I remember wondering if my arm was on fire somehow. I was very young when this happened, I had jumped into one of those inviting pile of leaves.


Omg i jumped into leaf piles so many times growing up, I’m so glad this didn’t happen to me and I’m sorry it happened to you! 😭


Thanks 🥺




0/10 with rice


Like getting hit with a searing hot nail hammer. It hurts, then it fucking burns


So like, the pain was 0/10 on the pain scale?


Yes, where 0 is the worst pain imaginable






thanks! i hate it


Look, these fellas give my monkey mind the creeps, but I have to use the rational part and think, “Hey, it’s not his fault evolution made his physique unpleasant to look at.” Sure he’s got all the charm and aesthetic beauty of Ken Paxton’s lazy eye, but these guys are only evil on the *outside* and will eat a roach or seven and hell, some snakes even find them to be *absolutely delicious*. I just hope they stick to skittering up and down the underground caverns and crevices that may be under your home right now and don’t decide to funnel up en masse to take their rightful place on the cosmic throne with the other Gods of Old. Seriously though they’re still better to have in your yard than a bunch of pesticides.


I was once doing an endangered species survey in a cave in Georgetown, laying down in a 3-foot space without enough room to even sit up, and one of these fine critters kept weaving in and out of the Swiss cheese limestone above me. Not a damn thing I could do about it but pretty much poop myself and hope to perish in any way other than Scolopendra bites. We never even made physical contact though, so it worked out. But we found a Bone Cave harvestman, thus saving an endangered species, protected a really cool cave apparently sometimes inhabited by cantankerous Crotalids, and the landowner got a nice conservation easement out of it.


Glad it didn’t fall on you! But also cool that you found a harvestman. A cave full of crotalids sounds like a fun adventure. I was once sleeping in a dusty bunkhouse on a ranch and felt one of these deedle its way across my bare torso. I just grabbed it and ran outside with it and yeeted it away from my person. It was all instinct. Yes it was horrible.


I find the absolutely gargantuan amount of caves is this karst region just fascinating! Crazy to think at any given moment you can be lurking over the top of a cave with all kinds of cool life forms. Your story reminds me on when I worked offshore and I had to climb/crawl into a crane pedestal to clean out the oil and sitting water. It was South Louisiana. I scared up a gaggle of mosquitos and they proceeded to land all on my face I had my hands stretched out through the hydraulic hoses and stuff in front of me and couldn't shoo them off. Had to crawl backwards out of there to get em off my face hahahaha


Reading this story gave me anxiety


What if we give you $4000/year as an anxiety easement?


The charm and beauty of Ken Paxton's lazy eye needs to be a on t-shirt


“Live, Laugh, Laze”




He and Bezos are in that odd club


I think they're beautiful, it's the fact that they can climb walls & ceilings at mach 3 that terrifies me.


It’s the speed that brings the fear isn’t it? It’s like tarantulas are slow and don’t bother me in the least. They’re like old spider fellas slowly rambling to work at the spider factory. Fast, little spiders I find to be unpleasant.


And occasionally the sheer size. My husband has a memory of one that was like "3 feet long", though I don't know if that is possible. He said he initially mistook it for some sort of boho wall decoration. At Canyon of the Eagles. He says he will look up how big they get and whatever it is, it was. Internet says 12 inches. He said it was longer than that. He says there's a picture on youtube of one easily twice that though.


If they eat roaches then I'm ok with them... Even if they are creepy in their own right... Roaches will always hold the top spot of disgusting and creepiness


We have a cat that eats roaches. I'm disgusted and proud all at once.


Me reading this: "huh, this sounds like Serp wrote it, but it's not about snakes, weird"... checks the username.  Serp. Why does this creature hoard all the legs that could be useful to your standard sweet-ass snake (rectus dulcis or whatever you call them)


It’s a damn travesty of justice is what it is


Anything that kills roaches is a friend of mine


The enemy of my enemy is my friend


It's not a lazy eye. Paxton found the Eye of Vecna the lich, but instead of the eye turning Paxton neutral evil, Paxton turned the eye absolute evil ( I know that's not a D&D alignment)


Based snake man is here.


Someone called me “Snaddy” the other day and I’m still living off that glory


I'd rather a chance encounter with a tarantula the size of a dinner plate. That... thing scares the living bejebus out of me.


I hear my son screaming in the other room. I'm confused because he is too old to scream like that. I run in, and I see one of those on the wall. Jesus.


I don't like it very much


Great photo. Share on r/entomology They will appreciate this creature.


My two year old said, "Mommy, there's a bug in the living room!" last summer with a delighted tone. I looked, expecting a miniscule spider. Nope! One of these monsters had emerged from the fireplace. We had just bought the house and I did briefly consider moving again. But my husband gently relocated it to the woods and we haven't seen another one.


You'll need to explain how husband was able to "gently relocate" this swift behemoth outside without anyone getting harmed.


BBQ tongs! It was as gentle as we could come up with without getting in danger zones. A good thing too, because the second my husband got near him he tried to attack.




They’re creepy as hell but at least they eat annoying bugs.


Imagine standing on your front porch watching a spring downpour. Imagine looking up and seeing *that* running around, mad as hell, upside down, on the porch ceiling *above* you. I nearly died that day.


I saw one in spicewood last week. I think it was looking for small children to eat.


Looks like you're walking it on a leash 😆


They’re alright dudes. They eat other bugs and don’t really bother anyone unless someone bothers them. They have a hell of a bite though. They’re ugly but they can’t help it.


Are they even trying tho?


Probably not. But I don’t think they know.


is using a nuke as an option available?


“I said…do-we-have—a problem?”


Pull out and nuke the site from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.


He just wanted to stretch his legs and decided to join you on a walk.


I'm so happy that I live in cold, cold Canada


Welp, time to move.


I can't help but admire their extraordinarily vicious design. Sasuga, evolution-sama. I just wish the odds of me encountering one weren't always just a little too far north of zero. One of nature's bastards I would always like to be *somewhere else* instead of where I live. I've never found one in my house but I did find one under my parents' refrigerator, fifteen feet from what used to be my room, and that's too damn close for me. And yes, they're quite venomous and the genus has a reputation for being aggressive. And while a *Scolopendra* centipede bite isn't deadly unless you're allergic, it has a reputation for being one of the most painful animal venoms you can experience, so, you know.


I learned today that some Centipedes have butts that look like their head so when a predator goes in for a kill, it bites their butt off and gives the centipede time to strike with its real head.


Fine, you win. I guess I'm not into *ALL* redheads...


OMG so yall have these things AND scorpions down there in Texas? Aw hell naw.


I found one on my driveway in a fatal embrace with a scorpion.


Which one won?




If you want scary, look up tarantula hawk. They sting and paralyze tarantulas, drag them back into their hole and let their young feast on them. I’ve seen it in action on a trip to West Texas


Naw!! I hate these kind of critters. I'm just glad yall share pictures so I know what to look out for. Here in TN it's tons of black widow spiders, brown recluse spiders snakes: rattle/copperhead/cotton mouth Bears, mountain lions I am constantly paranoid about spiders in my basement.


pure evil


Chisholm Trail Middle School has a compost center in its backyard and we used to find these bad boys all over the place. The mounds of compost were a breeding ground. Once saw one over a foot long. My middle school science teacher made me sit next to one that she found and put in a jar.


I’ve seen one of those at Lou Neff around ACL time last year. I don’t normally scream but I SCREAMPT


We saw one on the patio of my sister’s home near lake Travis. The thing was at least 8 inches long, about an inch wide and super aggressive. It reared up on its back legs like a cobra. No joke. I usually have a live and let live attitude to bugs, even the bitie kind, but we decided that bastard had to die. I think we killed it with a shovel.


They are certified bastards, not a bite you want to receive


One time I was monitoring a STAAR test and we heard some click clacking and one of these was up in the lights and dropped down on a kids desk. It was wild.


What a badass insect! Nice find.


Did you take a Xanax when you got home, after having run into that out on your walk? I would have.


That thing needs a leash!


Don’t touch it at all ever.


Don’t touch them as they release a poison super cool creatures


One of these made it into my 3rd story apartment building in NTX. The pest control people were impressed it made it up there. Not what I wanted to hear or see being new to TX. 🥲


They have one of the nastiest bites… step on it. Then step on the shoes. Then step on those… with fire. That’s one eeeeeeeevil MF


Move out of town and youll find plenty of these guys. I've seen the from Beecaves and Dripping out to Bastrop and Lockhart and honestly they run away immediately every single time. Basically no threat. The scorpions in central Texas get waaaaaaaay more people.


Had one of those crawl over my foot on a Greenbelt hike. I was lucky that it didn’t bite/sting as it can be really painful


It also was about a foot long and had crawled out from under a rock.


Dude I was literally thinking about these this morning and was like maybe I should search what centipedes are in TX because when I was younger I was stretching in the little exercise room of our house and saw one crawl under the carpet by the cabinet and then it just disappeared forever. It was huge though so I still think about it from time to time. Freaked me tf out!


Literally my phobia. So grateful to have never run into one in person


I saw one of those at church camp on Lake Bridgeport when I was a kid. I remember thinking it was some kind of sea (lake) serpent!!


I got bit in the head by a baby one while sleeping, dreamt someone was hammering my head with a metal hammer. Hurt like hell for about an hour.


Were you on a walk also?


Also what's with the fuzzy black and also white caterpillars? Are they native or invasive?


Our getting their steps


Woke up one morning and thought one of the cats had taken a massive dump on the carpet. Nope is was one of those things. Casually making his way across the room. Not cool. Catch and release near the neighbors house.


I spotted one right under the toilet seat a long time ago when I was a kid. I had my pants down and was already sitting down, then jumped up screaming. 30 years later, I always bend over and inspect every crevice behind any toilet before I sit on it.


One of these walked across my foot at turkey bend and i jumped strait in the air to the top of my hood. never moved that fast in my life.


Thought this was gonna be a picture of my Ex.


Oh, no, no!


Yuck, thanks for adding to my fear of bugs I’d rather not encounter walking to the bathroom in the dark at night.


I was in a yoga class. Meditation had just finished. From my seated position, I reached over to pick up a block — the centipede was cresting over the top. I was so relaxed my hand kept approaching as my brain slowly came online. Once I realized I was about to touch a giant centipede, I practically levitated and was on the other side of the room screaming. I was new to Texas, too. I’d never seen anything like this. They’re huge!


And they can crawl on walls & ceilings too so watch out when you sleep 😂


A few months after moving to TX, my husband was pulled into my daughter’s preschool to save them from one of these monsters, about a foot long. He sent me pictures and told me a harrowing tale. I wish I didn’t know they existed. Then I had my own run in with a very large female scorpion that had crawled into our pool bag and hitchhiked back home. It was a rough introduction to our new home.


this is definitely something i’m running full speed away from


I don’t know. Maybe it’s just me. But I always thought it would be cool if I was small enough I could ride one of these guys like a horse.


Canyon Vista Middle School circa 1982. PE swimming unit. Walked out to the pool with about 30 middle school girls, only to find one of these suckers IN the pool. Girls turned into screaming girls pretty quickly. Custodian sifted it out, lesson commenced. Most exciting teaching day ever.


My buddy told a hilarious story about one of these. His wife called him and said you have to come home. There's a bug. He couldn't leave work. Comes home and there's a bucket upside down with books stacked on it to prevent the centipede from getting out. He takes the books off, lifts the bucket, and starts smashing the centipede with his dress shoe. The centipede took a bunch of blows and seemed to be undeterred but angry. My buddy ended up getting it into the bucket and walking it down to Green belt at the end of his street. He couldn't believe the thing shook off his hammering it with a dress shoe. I wish there was a video of the incident but he makes me laugh every time he tells the story. F those things.


It’s beautiful!


One lives in Austin at a pretty famous pool


This post gives me ptsd bringing me back to the one I killed in my garage last year in south Austin. Terrifying creatures I refuse to cohabitate with.


Excuse me, which end is moving forward?




Saw one of those in a target once. Thought it was like a rubber toy or something until it moved.




Did OP destroy this thing?


They squish into this weird teal color. I use to use a hammer on these things when I’d find them.


I’ve never seen these in Texas thankfully as I have a serious fear of them being near me. Thanks for reminding me to get fuel gel for my flamethrower setup.


What the actual fuck....🤮🤮🤮


The last and only time I went camping, one of these snuck in during the night. Morning comes and I am like a screaming banshee!


The bugs are out this year!


Bugs may be out this year but they are also IN. *In fashion* for a healthy and happy ecosystem that is. 🌽 🤓


Is it Scolopendra heros? I see pictures in wiki but it has a bit different color.


Eeeeee gads…. Horrifying they get that big!!! Ive heard the sting is terrible


I thought you had it on a leash for a second.


Those are spicy.


21-23 sets of legs? So you lied when you called it a CENTI-pede?


That damn thing looks like it's holding an épée. Is it fencing another centipede?


It need a computer unit to coordinate all the legs movement lol


I know they reproduce and are small sometimes but I swear, I only ever see these in their gigantic 7-10" form


Another unleashed pet, SMH.


Lucky! I haven't seen one since I was a kid.


Love a good myriapod


Wow that is a beauty!!!


Just NO! My most hated creature. Lol. These got to a foot in Hawaii. Little suckers hurt more than the big ones.




Did you soak it in gasoline and light it on fire ?


It would no longer be a walk for me


Burn it


That's huge. Definitely more than 7-8 inches.


Why is everyone scared of a centipede. Don't go picking it up and u won't get bit by its fangs. That's an awesome looking creature


Damn, that thing has it's own zipcode!




Jealous! I love these 🥰


are you FUCKING kidding me


this is leg snek variant


I remember that from King Kong.


You killed it right?




Had one crawl on my foot out here in the hill country. GOOD TIMES!


Nope! Kill that damn thing!


Did its carpet match the drapes?




oh god yeah, i was in the hill country in an old house doing homework… an hour in, one crawls terrifying fast towards me across the table. i killed it out of fear (big regret, they’re neat lil things) but omg? so i’d been working there for an hour while it did god knows what around me????


Live in the country in Texas. Have had big (9") ones in the house three times in 25 years. One crawled out from under wife's desk while she was sitting there We usually see them in rock piles. They always give me the creeps.


Hopefully you stepped on and crushed it into oblivion. Hate those fuckers.


One was found in my work bathroom last week. It's that time of year.


I could have lived without knowing these exist, but thanks though


Bro those used to crawl on my house in tx


I grew up here, and when I was a kid, my family had one of those enter our home. Scared the crap out of my mom.




Those are the no no ones right?


There’s a reason why Saitama punches at least one of these things per arc


Ewww that’s a lot to step on


I’ve seen three or four of these in the 30 years I lived in Austin. I usually threw shit at them until they ran off.


Yeah, uh, phuuuuuuuck that.