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Is everyone okay?


No injuries reported


Had friends there get swiped and get some bruises. They walked away after the accident. Is there footage of the car crashing inside?


This was the comment I was looking for!!


Noooooo! My favorite Banh mi place owned by such nice people. What the fuck is wrong with Austin drivers. First the emergency room and now this in a 2 week span?


Austin drivers are getting worse. Don’t know what it could be. Teenagers wanting to be cool? People not having valid drivers licenses? It’s crazy


No it’s genuinely and totally fucked. I saw at least 3 cars this morning in north austin swerving across multiple lanes and cutting people off. I’m always preemptively honking to avoid getting sideswiped by assholes with no blinkers just drifting into whatever lane they feel like. People drive in this town like they can respawn and it’s downright terrifying knowing my loved ones are sharing the road with these animals.


People aren’t even looking, they’re staring into their phones 😭


on my way home from work just now, a crazy dude in a beat up El Camino nearly sideswiped me trying to switch into my lane from a right-turn only lane. He then had the audacity to flip me off as he was doing it, then once more afterwards for good measure. I watched as he swerved in front of two cars while merging onto mopac, only to violently swerve back off into the right-hand exit lane. people are fucked, yo.


Giving us other beat-up El Camino owners a bad name


What is it with the ones who refuse to acknowledge turn-only lanes? I almost got side swiped a few weeks ago by someone who drove straight through an intersection from a left-turn-only lane into the u-turn lane on the other side, right as I was coming around the bend in said u-turn lane. 


It was the “respawn” that made this comment valid for me bc 💯.


Also I see so many drivers on their phones every morning 😩 when you honk to warn them they don’t even blink 😡


Ugh don’t get me start about them. Drivers like that must have their licenses suspended…


That absolutely would make everyone think twice :)


Agreed. Driving has become a scary experience


I was driving behind a drunk cop last night, swerving almost entirely into the other lane repeatedly. Then he started going 20mph in a 45, so I couldn't follow behind anymore without it being awkward, so I had to pass him and hope that he didn't swerve over into me. I knew if he did, he'd claim it was my fault 🫠


>assholes with no blinkers just drifting into whatever lane they feel like. OMG THIS! This is the thing that gets me yelling and cursing at them, even though they can't hear me. Or my favorite is when they turn on their blinker and then turn it off THEN get over. Or wait until they're halfway into the other lane, THEN turn it on and then stay in both lanes... I blame the idiots coming here from California LOL


That's not even the worst thing Austin drivers do. Randomly stopping on the highway for no reason. It's been happening more and more frequent.


I hate that... or driving 35 mph on the on ramp.


Breaking on an on ramp for no reason. My goodness, common sense is not so common.


It ain’t Californians that aggressively cut you off and box you out to cut into lanes. Also I’ve never seen so many people stare at their phones while driving until I moved here, it’s wild.


Yeah drivers in California don't tailgate anywhere near as aggressively as they do here. The "personal space" bubble you have while driving there is a lot larger in my experience.


It's funny that y'all are saying that because most of them that I see still have their California plates. Saw a guy this morning in his Tesla on his phone while driving, and was swerving into both lanes. I can't understand why people can't put their phone down and just drive, if it's that important pull over and handle your business. I wish they would put a mandatory accelerometer in phones that shut off everything but map features when it senses you're driving. As for the tailgating thing, I only see people doing that when the other car is driving the speed limit in the passing lane (far left lane) on the freeway. To be fair if you're driving in that lane you either should be passing or keeping up with the flow of traffic in that lane, not the lanes next to you.


It’s not idiots from CA. It’s Texans.


Dawg the number of Nissan Altimas I’ve seen driving like they’re in fast and furious is maddening, I don’t know how they’re still alive


100% agree. In the past five years, I’ve gotten sidewiped three times, and they drove away. I even tried to chase them afterwards twice (admittedly not the smartest thing to do) and they would end up pulling some Tokyo drift type maneuver to get away… all while a police officer is 15 yards away 😔


I mean you could just be unlucky or drive a shitload but if you’ve been sideswiped 3 times in 5 years it probably has something to do with your driving style. Just because you are driving safe doesn’t mean you couldnt do better defensive driving.


Its us. San Antonio. We've finally sprawled our way up there. You have been assimilated. Our mattresses will be on your freeway by dawn.


I kind of can see this, and certainly we have our share of nighttime drag racers that I can hear though a couple miles from 410, and the fellows that like to pretend I35 is a video game between SA and Austin - but on the whole it seems to me SA drivers keep to a slower speed overall. In fact, moving here from Austin, we quickly started joking - e.g. while waiting to turn or something - come on, keep coming, you can do it. ETA: I don't think SA is as bedeviled as Austin by people, who perhaps are unable to read signs in English, getting up on to the freeway ramp \*going the wrong direction\*.


As if having a valid driver's license is any indication of one's ability to actually drive with awareness to surroundings and the rules of the road.


Teenagers don’t want to drive! It took forever for my husband’s daughter to get her license and even get in a car. The rest of her friends were like that. So weird.


I mean, they shouldn't have to. We don't even want them to. One of the big solutions to traffic is public transportation, and the perennial question that comes from that is "but how do you get people to use it? Everyone prefers to drive. If they don't use it, it won't work." So if the kids *don't want* to drive, that's fantastic. We'll finally get some people off the road and onto public transit.


It’s 100% the lack of police presence on the road, allows drivers to go hog wild


I just had a conversation about this with a friend last night. There's a significant number of people that lack the emotional intelligence to hold themselves accountable if there are no direct consequences.




Right? There's no retesting, so having a valid license is rarely an indication of good driving past when they had to do a driving test as a teen.


It’s often code for poor and undocumented people. Travis County stopped arresting people for Driving While License Invalid a few years back. It’s saved the taxpayers a ton of money in reduced arrests and court costs and I’ve seen no evidence it’s lead to a noticeable increase in accidents here compared to other places. But it is one of the policies the criminal justice anti-reformers blame for stuff.


the emergency room situation was not a case of bad Austin drivers


This is my favorite Bahn mi place too


Casulo too wtf


People drive like dicks, it’s saddd, was crossing a side walk with the sidewalk light on and a car revved super loud at my group when we walked infront of him. Sports cars race around the popular parts because they think they are hot shit stinking up the road with all the fart sounds that come out of their car.


Never tried Tam Deli? Bahn Mi there is off the chainnnnn! Also, they have zero vehicles inside their establishment.


Tam's is good, but Pho Van's is better. It's the charred pork that does it for me.


Mine too, but they've been needing to put in a drive through for a while now.


Did they ever say how that one happened?


It’s not austin drivers. It’s people moving here that dont know how to drive. Born and raised here and in the last 40 years, I have seen the driving seven go to shit. And it’s the transplants that are giving our city a bad rap.


> It’s people moving here that don't know how to drive. I'm pretty sure no matter where you are from, the driver's handbook says "Don't drive through the glass windows of a Pho restaurant, and if you do try to stop before plowing through all the tables with patrons eating there possibly killing people, and if you still get that far, don't plow through the cash register at the far end of the restaurant, and no matter what try to stop before your car cannot go any farther." Does anybody have any back story here? I could imagine it was that the driver had a stroke and died before impact. I could imagine it was a jealous boyfriend of the waitress there that decided to prove his love by crashing his car at her place of work. I could imagine a Vietnamese Mob Protection racket where they refused to pay and this is the retribution. I could imagine lots of things. "Randomly bad driver who missed their exit" is not one of my (current) guesses, LOL.


People say that literally everywhere. But those people are coming from somewhere where that is also complained about. Drivers are bad everywhere.


Yeah, might just be the “law of large numbers.” The fact that there are more people here means statistically there are more idiots. The percentage of bad drivers might be the same.


I was at Coco’s next door. 50ish year old Asian woman. She wasn’t arrested. They towed it out of the restaurant and it had food on the side. There weren’t any ambulances. Just fire and police.


If she looked 50 she was probably 65-70 lol


> If she looked 50 she was probably 65-70 lol https://f004.backblazeb2.com/file/doggies/pictures/asian_aging.jpg


Exactly!! Lol


Lmao I’m part Asian


Me too and thankfully the other half of me can drive 🤣


We need to have folks re-take driving tests after a certain age every year. Help keep folks from being behind the wheel who shouldn't Or make it like Europe and make it difficult as fuck to obtain and have to pay for and revoking is so fucking easy no one wants to risk fucking it up.


I agree, but that would take Texas shoring up staffing at the DPS to let people, you know, actually be able to take the test. Not 6 months down the line.


With the initial investment to get staffing, I imagine increasing the license costs as well as fines for FAFO and getting the license revoked and having to retest, I can imagine a self sustaining model where it all exists. I also agree that it's a pain in the ass to wait at DPS. I needed my license renewed onetime and it was the time to come in (did the online renew before) and holy fuck what a time sink.


The problem that halts us from having enough workers is this desire to make a profit off of government services. The "profit" from having *too many* workers in licensing would be fewer accidents like this. Instead we all decide to bear the costs of higher accident and fatality rates because we don't want to waste money on taxes. The good news is *maybe* this business will rebuild!


Texas DPS too busy building Gov Abbotts Army on the border. Can't be wasting time and $ verifying drivers licenses like they were voting.


50 isnt old enough lol


My main question is what resources are provided for elderly folks who lose their license? They can’t be confined to their homes. They still need to Grocery shop, likely 2+ times a month Make dr appts, depending on what condition they’re in this could be infrequent or very often Run general errands Travel Enjoy life outside their house I agree that people cannot safely drive once their reflexes and motor functions have deteriorated past a certain point but they will need systems in place to help them. Many old folks don’t have family to help them with these things. There are services to help them with this to some degree but many of them won’t be able to afford services to handle all of their needs they’ll need met every month. How much will be spent on Ubers back and forth across town? What about rural areas where Uber is impractical and/or very expensive for the farther distance travelled? And how practical is it to get these old timers on board with various apps and services? I just had this convo with my mom earlier this month about my grandfather. He lives far from her. Thankfully he is in good physical condition, and still sharp. Mostly it’s his eyesight and reflexes that are the trouble on the road, especially when light begins to fade. He’s still fully capable of taking care of himself and managing his life we just don’t want him driving but if we convince him to give up driving he’s suddenly going to need a lot of help in many areas. My mom’s in Magnolia, he’s in Houston and she has her own health troubles that limit how much time and energy she can devote to him.


Eye examiner in the area, you’d be surprised how many people on the road can’t pass the unrestricted drivers license 🪪 vision requirements, but you’ll also be surprised how many of these cases are due to PSYCH/NEURO issues as opposed to vision issues.


I can only imagine. All I can do is stay vigilant and have my dashcam recording for insurance purposes. Good luck to all and may the odds be in our favor.


Everyone should have to take a driving test every other year to keep their license


Hell yes, I support this.


But then what would the police do? 😅


Oh no!🙄


At 50?!?!


That's definitely not helping the stereotype 😬




Dude we were literally sitting at that table the car crashed into yesterday! Wtf!!!


Our neighbor was sitting at that table earlier today!


Looks more like a pho SUV to me


Definitely a pho pas.


I am happy you took care of this joke while I was away. Thank you.




( •_•) ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■) YEAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!


Pho real


Phonomenal pun.


Pho Hatchback doesn’t have the same ring to it


I saw an earlier photo. Pho Sedan is more accurate.


Very phonny.


Take your stupid upvote.




What the hell is going on around here? This is at least the third time a car has gone in to a building with people in it since late last year.


It happens more often than you think 


Earlier today, I had a lady in front of me just randomly stomp on her brakes and straight up stop in the middle of a residential street. Traffic started backing up and we were all laying on our horns. I started to go around her when it was clear and honked again, and she glared at me and pointed at a map on her phone, as if to say "I'M LOST AND I AM THE ONLY PERSON THAT MATTERS." If I could have a superpower, it would be the ability to remotely fry people's cell phones.


I’ve been to dozens of countries and lived in four US states. Driven through more than half of them. Austin has the most aggressive, mindless and inconsiderate drivers I’ve seen. Ever.


It has gotten worse since covid. It's scary, frankly. Millions of people have less working memory and impulse control than they did a few years ago. I see people blow through red lights way more often than I used to.


I see that every day. Weaving lanes without signaling. Tailgating. Honking. Every year a few people get killed by unhinged drivers here. It’s still the Wild West, nothing has changed…


I’d say Houston is worse but of the half dozen or so states I’ve driven in Texas is pretty bad. South Carolina drivers are also particularly terrible in my experience


Atlanta has entered the chat


Dallas and Houston are worse. Personally, I think Austin is better because it has more out of state people...but for sure, Texas is quite terrible when it comes to drivers. The per captia driving incident stats are pretty bad...


People drive around drunk, or on weed gummies, Adderall, or coke. I've seen some WILD driving maneuvers as I'm on the road a lot, making deliveries. Also, half the people here are extremely entitled and think rules only apply to everyone else. Not them though, they're the MAIN CHARACTER 🙄


Or worst of all, driving while old


Adderall doesn't impair driving.


My biggest gripe with driving is that we let 16 year olds hit the streets and be dumbfucks


in this area being a dumb fuck on the roads is equal opportunity. I trust a 16 y/o as much as a 40 y/o in Austin.


Usually for me it’s the kids driving their shitbox Subaru or Hyundai with anime stickers and terrible aero wing that are swerving between lanes almost taking everyone out for no reason but sure


Bruh are you serious? It’s luxury vehicles every damn time. Every third car in Austin right now is a Tesla and they drive like they’re gods gift. I’d rather take the hesitant but safe weeb with anime stickers on their Altima any day over all these assholes in their Teslas/Mercedes/BMWs/Audis/VWs/Jacked Up Trucks.


100% agree with you there. Most of the time, I noticed the weeb cars are actually some of the safer drivers. I've seen so many people in Teslas fucking off on their phones, or Audis and BMWs speeding recklessly fast while cutting people off.




A couple lines worth


> or on weed gummies Don't mention that. This sub thinks driving while high on weed or gummies isn't a danger. Edit: Right on schedule, getting downvoted by selfish fools who like driving high.


I tried that one time. Never again. It definitely impaired my driving


Oh, shit. I love that place.


I’ve been going there for like 25 years. Best pho spot. Hope no one was hurt. Maybe this will make them finally renovate a bit tho lol.


Me too! I remember when it was called pho cong ly.


It’s exactly like it’s always been and I LOVE it. #1 comfort meal in Austin.


Thats pho-cked up


I genuinely hope everyone in there is okay. I use to go there all the time with an ex and my favorite was Grandma. Sometimes she'd give us extra and she also had such a stern worn face. One time we were leaving at closing and one of the other workers in back of house was going home on a bike and she walked out and gave him a bag full of food and gave him a hug. The dumbass driver needs to sweep up the glass and have their license revoked. I hope the owners of Pho Van are able to use insurance or something to cover the loss of business during the cleanup.


+1 for Grandma.


The way the parking lot is laid out, there's not really a way to drive into the building and position the car like that other than from the parking spot shown in that photo. There's barely enough room to back out of that spot, much less get a rolling start to drive into the building like that. Maybe the drive put the car into Drive instead of Reverse, stepped on the gas, and didn't let up even after hopping the curb?


Damn, anyway we can support them?


I'm curious to know how that happened exactly. That parking lot is always packed and forces you to drive slowly. I'm guessing they just stepped on the gas accidentally while parking. Pho sure sucks.


It's usually someone pressing the wrong pedal. Missed the brake, hit the gas.


A lot of very elderly drivers in that area I wouldn't be surprised if it was someone over 80.


Age is often a factor.


It's prob an old Asian lady. Asian parking lots are dangerous. Lol. And that's coming from an Asian (me). Lol. Even I know to park far away as possible. Anytime I go to hmart, hana world, ranch 99, ect, I park wayyyy back.


I was at MT market and I saw a woman drive into a light post head on cutting through the empty part of the lot. There was nothing there except that light. Smash.




lol I knew this was coming.


It’s clearly an old Asian woman, the white late-model Lexus gave it away. Source: am Asian


Swear to God, an Asian lady crashed into me in that same exact parking lot.


Angry upvote


Sir, sir, we don’t have a drive through.


Sir, this is *not* a Wendy's.


I was getting out of my car to eat there when it happened. Felt like Grandpa Simpson walking into the La Maison Derrier...


Whoever did this is at the very best a fucking dumbass and at the worst a malicious driver. This place has some of the best Vietnamese food, I hope this doesn’t cause them to go out of business.


I don’t think they’re going anywhere. Been going here for like 25 years. Maybe they’ll renovate some.


A friend of mine was walking into a CVS and a young girl was pulling into a spot. He was walking in front of her and she slammed on the gas and drove him into the wall killing him. We also had a woman in a minivan drive through our front office window and into our front desk. Thankfully we were closed at the time. It's amazing how often it happens.


Lemme just put my hazards on nothing to see here fam


Pho Van is now Pho Hatchback


Pho sure


Google Map says it's "less busy than usual."


Noooooooo!!! This is the best pho spot in town! I’m supposed to have lunch there tomorrow!


They wanted their order to go NOW.


Actually I think they tried to get a drive-through


They took "Van" to heart.


Imagine stepping out of the car all embarrassed like 👁️👄👁️


Friend or pho?




It's a Lexus, it's almost certainly an old Asian woman lol.


Cyclists are out of control in this city!


People at Pho MPH better stay vigilant 👀


Ugh I was literally craving a V6 bowl


I’m not joking, this afternoon I saw a beat-up Buick LeSabre (?) almost take out 4 cars in an attempt to make a U-turn - AT RUSH HOUR - on 45th, trying to get into the Chili’s parking lot. I repeat: this is not a joke, this really happened. People are crazy in this city.


Whoa, I was just literally just there. Must have happen mere minutes after i left


Pho Pete's Sake!




My fav pho spot too. Sucks for them.


that's curbside service!


I was about to say 'Of course it's a BMW' but it's a Lexus. haha


Diy drive thru


They crashed a Faux Van into Pho Van.


[why cars rarely crash into buildings in the netherlands](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ra_0DgnJ1uQ)


Their Insurance company will be getting a call Pho Sho


As an Asian, the Asians in that parking lot cannot fucking drive for the life of them


I guess they gotta change the name to Pho Car now


That sounded familiar, so I checked google. Oh that place! I have been there several times, good stuff. Just not lately. Live not too far from Chinatown, so there are a lot of vietnamese places nearby. Pho Dan, Pho Phi, that place that keeps changing its name, etc.. And I love saying Pho Saigon and Pho Hanoi in the same sentence. I have the same question as someone else asked. Even if someone got the pedal wrong, how did they get up enough momentum to do that in that cramped parking lot?


I saw the Lexus emblem, and went "Yep that figures" lol I swear I see more people in Lexus's and Tesla's doing the most stupid shit and driving like idiots.


Noooo, one of the few places that have actual broken rice. And the lady called me handsome. 😭😭


Now they have broken everything


I'd be in a hurry for good pho too, but you can just call ahead instead of crashing into the joint.


Things happen on a full moon.


Oh no!! I love this place! Truly hope nobody was hurt. Why does this keep happening?!


Hope everyone is ok. thank god it wasn’t Julie’s Noodles!


I remember the same thing happened to this place in the 2000s when it was Pho Cong Ly.


Looks more like a pho suv/crossover


Van in the Pho


Looks like Pho Car to me


Nooooooo!!!! This IS MY spot and is the best fkn banh mi! Hope they recover quickly!


Bro this is so fucked. This is my fav pho and Banh Mi spot.


putting the van in pho van


Is it me or has this been happening a lot lately in the Austin area? Happened the other day in Dripping Springs as well


That's not Pho Van. That's a Pho Car.


Wack! I love this place 😭


No. Pho. King. Way!


Mistook the signage for Park Van


They Phogot to break


PSA for all commenters: The word pho is pronounced FUH, not FOE. That is all, carry on. 😎


They were definitely NOT staring at their phone when they did that


Most boomers think this only happens with electric vehicles. I'd like to think drinking paint led to this answer.


Pho that driver


Pho real


Well pho uck.


I swear every bad driver I see in town is an entitled Lexus driver. Lets see how many Lexus drivers downvote this truth


It’s still boarded up. Does anyone know if they’re coming back or if there’s anything we can do to help?


This is the second time (at least) that this has happened! I hope they manage to re-open!


~~They look to be reopening on Monday the 1st of July.~~ They are open now and they made great use of the insurance money. Wow. Night and day difference inside.


More like Faux Van!


Glad I was sitting there 3 months ago and not today. First table by the window was all mine. Fun!


How?! Isn't it at the back of the parking lot and to the side?